How I eat Fish

I am not really a fish eater, but I know how good it is for us and what a great source of protein! So I grilled some salmon and I am sorry, but I still don't think it taste so great so this is what I am going to do for now on when I eat fish...

take a bite of my Atkins Advantage Chocolate protein bar, chew and swallow. Drink some water. Take a bite of the fish, chew and swallow. Keep doing this until it is all gone. There I ate fish!

I agree. The last time i had salmon, i swear it just had no taste, and an hour later, i was hungry.
I do like certain fish broiled, but it never tastes the same when i do it myself, so we just eat fish when we are out at nice restaurants:) (translate.... rarely)
I'm not a big fish eater either, but once we started marinating the salmon in any kind of ginger marinade (sesame ginger, etc), I started liking it. Maybe you would too.
I Love salmon!!! I have it about once a week and I savor every bite. By the way this is kinda off topic but guess what I bought at the store last night? Kashi Go Lean. I love it! I heard so much about it here I had to try it. Thanks to all for helping me find something new to eat that is healthy:)

I really wanted to like salmon but I don't. I bought some last summer and grilled it and I could not eat it. It had such a fishy taste to it (should it or was it bad)? I can't stomach tuna either.
I just don't like fish very much - it tastes too... fishy. LOL! Salmon is one of the strong-tasting ones too, at least for me. I can tolerate orange roughy (which unfortunately is no longer available), or cod, or anything really mild like that. Oh, and tuna, if it's from a can and made into tuna salad. Which I know is probably not the healthiest way to enjoy tuna (well, I use Light Mayo, and put good things in like walnuts, celery and apples - so it's not ALL bad). I try to make new fish recipes, thinking that eventually I'll find something I like, but it hasn't really happened yet. I made Hawaiian Broiled Cod last night and it was not bad at all; I ate my entire serving. But I didn't LOVE it, like I love some of my chicken dishes. Oh well, I'll keep trying...

Either that, or I'll just buy a big ol' bottle of fish oil capsules and call it a day. ;)
Oh man! I love Salmon! What kind of Salmon was it?

It makes a big difference whether it is Atlantic or Pacific. YOU WANT THE PACIFIC SALMON - Sockeye or King!

We have just recently quit selling the Alaskan Sockeye Salmon and Bison meat at a farmer's market and people just raved about the good Salmon we provided there.

You don't want to bake or grill it too long or it will be dry! Some people just don't like salmon and you just might be one of them! :)
Just had salmon with my dinner: very lightly coated with flour, fried (yes I know, bad bad bad) in a little olive oil, then sprinkled with a bit of salt. Yummy in my tummy.

Or try this one:

Get a large piece of foil. Put some thinly slice cucumber in hte middle, and some thinly sliced leek. Lay a piece of salmon with the bone in it (have no idea what you would call it) on top. Put thinly sliced cucember and leek on top. Sprinkle with salt and a bit of pressed garlic. Now fold the foil around the salmon to make a package but leave the top open a little. Poor a little (!) white wine in the package close the foil but don't wrap it around the salmon tightly, leave some space (am I making sense here?). Put in the oven at 200C for about 15-20minutes. It melts in your mouth. You wanna be really bad, add a dollup of creme fraiche on top of the salmon before closing the package. Enjoy.

Dutchie :)

I guess I am in that kind of a mood today. Sometimes you got to be gross to be gorgeous! Don't mean that in a conceited way, but you got to be stinky sweaty and eat some stinky fishy too and cough up...well, you know. Now tomorrow, I can feel beautiful and refreshed!

:+ :+ :+ :+

I'm with Maximus. Gross out!:) Chocolate and fish? No way! I like my fish cooked with very little olive oil, some garlic and lemon. Or I brush oyster sauce on it and bake it.

Charlotte, if you don't like fish, you don't have to eat it. There are many great sources of protein out there. Stick to the ones you like.

I just bought some Orange Roughy at Sam's Club last week. Is there something wrong with it?!? That is the only fish I like to eat.
Charlotte, if it smelled too fishy then it must have been a little old. If you can't get your hands on fresh then purchase frozen & you do the thawing at home. Once it has that fishy smell, there's no salvaging it now.

Salmon is delicious!!!!! I even have it for breakfast with some brown rice & tabasco sauce. MMMHHHMMM!:9 :9 :9

>I just bought some Orange Roughy at Sam's Club last week. Is
>there something wrong with it?!? That is the only fish I like
>to eat.

Consider yourself very lucky - and stock up on it. Last I heard, Orange Roughy has been overfished - there are simply no more of them left to catch - so it will be very scarce now. There is nothing wrong with it, other than the fact that it's darn near impossible to find anymore (at least in my neck of the woods).
Don't force yourself to eat it, that's no good either. Food should be enjoyed.:9

I don't like Salmon either, it definitely has a very fishy taste and that is a big turn off to many people. I do however like smoked Salmon but not the stuff you can buy...the smoky flavor is not as intense as Salmon your BIL smokes in his backyard smoker.

I would highly recommend you try Cod. Cod is good baked in the oven, sauteed in butter, or grilled. It is very versatile and not fishy tasting. Fresh trout is by far the best fish, I think. We do alot of trout fishing and I love to cook those fillets on the grill with just some butter and lemon juice. Oh geez, Walleye definitely deserve a mention. Walleye is great especially if you can get it fresh or at least freshly frozen from a fishing trip your BIL just got back from...those BIL's do come in handy for something sometimes!

My DH and I do not eat out very often but when we do I always order fish/shellfish because I don't cook it much at home. I live in the land locked Midwest so fresh fish/shellfish is never an option...except when we trout fish in the summer.
I'm with you, Charlotte. I, too, am not a fish eater (I'll only eat canned tuna). For anything else, if I absolutely have to eat it, I either put a ton of tartar sauce on it, ketchup, or salsa. Of course, salsa is the healthiest choice.

Charlotte, What I normally do is coat the pan with olive oil, and then in a baggie take about 1 tsp of dill and three tsp of parmesan cheese. Shake the salmon in it like shake and bake till it is coated.. Then fry it. It gives is a really good flavor. (You really only get about 1 tsp of the parm cheese on it). Karen
I used to hate salmon because of the "fishy" taste. When I tried the Pacific Sockeye salmon, I became hooked. It does not taste fishy or anything. Just fresh. You could order frozen salmon from I've been getting seafood from that company for almost a year now. Also, another good fish I just love is Grouper. I eat that 2-3x a month. It has ZERO fishy taste and it's nice, perfectly thick. You might want to try that, too.

I am not a fish "liker" either (other then lobster, crab & shrimp) but I found these vacuum-packed pouches at my store by Chicken of the Sea. How bad is this??? It is Smoked Pacific , Wild Alaskan Salmon. It IS marinated in brown sugar and natural wood smoke. I actually like it! I know the sugar is not a great ingredient but it is only 1g. for the total pkg. which is one serving. I am trying to decide how bad it is for me because at least I am getting my Omega-3. Any thoughts? I really like the taste of it and sometimes just use it as a snack and other times I put it on a salad. I know fresh is better but can't get past the fishy taste.

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