Who stays away from sugar?


I'm thinking I want to give myself a challenge to avoid sugar for about a month and see what difference it makes and how much better I feel, however,I'm not referring to fruit or sugar naturally found in foods.

How many here avoid sugar?
I do as a part of Atkins/South Beach diet. We are currently thinking about switching to South Beach once the 1st 2 weeks are over with yet again,sigh. You really do benefit from it, your mood swings go away (daily ups and downs), your face doesn't break out any more, you lose weight, belly fat, and cravings start to diminish. I do eat fruit so I am not doing a strict induction when it comes to South Beach or Atkins. I really need my fruit to keep me going.

Hope that helps you some
I went off of sugar last October. So now, occasionally I have a cookie or piece of pie, and when I do, I feel icky! The biggest thing I notice is I don't have any cravings for anything where I used to crave "something" whatever that might be (snickers, chocolate, etc). Also, I have no mood swings and I swear my PMS isn't as bad (this good be coincidence however!).

At the beginning of the year, I decided to give up something each month; mostly as an exercise of willpower. In January I gave up pop, in February I gave up red meat, in March I gave up ice cream, and in April I gave up candy and chocolate. What I found was that after the month was over, I no longer had cravings for any of the foods I had given up and I felt 10 times better. Now, I rarely drink pop, I've given up red meat, don't enjoy ice cream as much, and eat far less candy/chocolate. I rarely have stomach problems anymore and don't have as many headaches. I also noticed that the month that I gave up candy, things like fruit juice tasted sickeningly sweet!

This month I gave up pizza. This is definitely the hardest month so far!

I avoid it except for fruit. I need fruit in the a.m. after my 7 mile runs! No fruit after the first 2 meals of the day. I get some sugar from the plain yogurt in the evening.

It does get rid of the cravings. I think it is worth it. Once you get it out of you, you really don't miss it!

I did cash in on 1 free Frosty from Wendy's yesterday and I was rewarded with a buzz followed by a headache! Once off of it, you don't want it because the smallest amount makes you feel hung over!
I do! I have done that for months and i do cheat on occasion, but most of the sugar i get comes from booze 1 or 2 times per month. when i think i am craving it and i try something sweet, it tastes too sweet and i end up spitting it out. it wasn't that hard for me cause i'm not much of a sweet freak, but if you asked me to give up salt.....forget it!

jes :)
I avoid it on most days. I find I have more energy and no energy 'crashes' when I stay away from sugar. Warning - I'm sure I had withdrawal when I first went off. Keep in touch if it happens to you.

Good luck.
Eliminating sugar and most grains got me off of my asthma and allergy medications!! When I slip up, it's no longer worth it, because it makes me sick almost immediately! Good incentive not to cheat, LOL.
I try to avoid it too, but you will always find a gram of sugar here and there in alot of stuff. For instance, kashi cereals, propel, etc. I try to eat the kashi protein cereal with the 6 grams of sugar. I once tried Smart Start and looked at the protein amount and didn't look at the sugar amount. I got sick to my stomach from eating it and realized it had a whopping 14 grams of sugar in it! YIKES! Never again! Watch out for the GO Lean Bars too, I think they have 35 grams of sugar in them...should be called...GO FAT!
I love fresh fruit the best though!

I try hard to stay away from sugar but it always seems to find me. Personally, I'm certain that sugar has implanted a homing device somewhere on my body.

Actually, the only sugary thing I eat a lot of is cookies. As everyone here is aware. But I have made a pledge to Angie (Finsgirl) that for the month of June, I'm giving them up.

If you're looking for me in June, I'll be crumpled up in the corner, weeping pathetically.
I try to eat as healthy as possible and avoid a lot of processed sugars, but I do like my weight watchers desserts and such. Plus I love fruit. So, I guess not as much as some people, but I try.

I avoid sugar as much as possible. The thing I find difficult is that I drive my kid around about half the week, and when I get hungry on the road I reach for a power bar, which has sugar. Between a power bar or a drive thru someplace, I'd take the power bar, but still...

I've also noticed how my taste buds have changed. I can't stand cakes and pies anymore. I no longer have cravings for Snickers or Cinnabon (my favorites). If I want something sweet, I reach for fruit, usually apples.

I am very much like Shelley in the fact that sugar just seems to find me. I have the world's worst sweet tooth and baked goods are my weakness. I don't think I could ever give it up entirely, although I do make an effort to not go overboard.
I avoid processed foods, which automatically reduces a lot of sugar in my diet.
When I bake (rarely!) I use maple syrup, stevia, brown rice syrup, very rarely some raw sugar, never white sugar.

Though I avoid sugar as much as possible, I would choose sugar over splenda or nutrasweet or any artificial sweetener.

I don't know if this book is still available (I read it in the 70's), but "Sugar Blues" is a great book that will help motivate you to keep white sugar out of your life (except possibly as an exfoliant, LOL!). I don't remember the name of the author, but he was involved with Gloria Swanson (I'm dating myself--though she was actually before my time, I have watched a lot of old movies).
I am a sugar hound, but I am going to try to wean myself off it, starting today x( I do hope the cravings go away, as they have for some of you! Do you not eat anything sweet, or will you eat things with artificial sweetener? Somehow that seems worse to me, and will make me want more. What do you all think?

I am starting today too!

I always use only maple syrup, honey, organic evaporated cane juice, or Stevia. Good things (in moderation), but, I'd like to completely avoid it just to see how it makes me feel!

Please do stay away from the artificial sweetener(bad stuff) and use Stevia if you need something sweet. I am going to use some Stevia even though I'm staying away from the sugar.
Hey, feelin' good, after reading this thread I told my husband that I am going to go "off" of sugar, too. There is nothing about it that is good! We can do it together! We can start at Sugarholics Anonymous, well, I guess it can't be anonymous, but it can be a support group! I really need help with this one. I did this once a few years ago and felt absolutely marvelous! I need someone to do it with me, though. I am weak. x(

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