Olive or Enova Oil? What's the best for health?


I'm trying to get some healthy fats into my diet .. but I don't want anything that would cause heart, cholesterol or weight gain problems .. what's the deal on oils and what's the best one to use??

Olive oil is wonderful for cooking.

I would also consider using flax seed oil (don't use it for cooking). Just sprinkle it on top of your salads, veggies, etc. Also good in smoothies!
Don't be afraid of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It's goooood for you (in moderation of course)! Cook with it or use it on your salads!

I don't know what Enova Oil is.... can't help you there. Sorry!

Also, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is excellent for you too! However, be sure it's called Extra Virgin and not just simply coconut oil.

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