OMGosh! Salmon story!!! So grossed out!

I would never eat anything that I saw a worm in. I know that many cheeses have mold, that meat has parasites, etc. But to actually see a live worm would gross me out!

On a side note, I had worms as a young child, having consumed some wild berries with larve that I did not notice at the time. Antibiotics cleared it up but that is not something someone wants to experience...........believe me !!
Good Gracious! Didn't you just complete a 12 mile run?!!! Surely you can't tell me you had NO additional source of protein while on that run. }( }( }(

Whenever I hear these stories, I think of the contestants on Fear Factor and that somehow makes it seem not so bad. Still, I am a huge fish eater. I am going to really inspect all the swordfish and salmon I buy.

We can now move on to those cute little dust mites in our beds that feed on our dead skin (that we don't see) ;)
Oh, Candi!! Did you have to remind me of that? TeeHee!

I've also heard that on average, everyone eats 10 spiders a year in their sleep!!! They crawl in your mouth or something. Ick!
Okay, Dani, thank you very much for THAT visual :D

P.S. How big of a spider are we talking here ?! ;(
Oh gosh I don't know Candi. (how big the spiders are) Maybe someone else can chime in? Actually, I don't think I want to know. :eek:
>We can now move on to those cute little dust mites in our
>beds that feed on our dead skin (that we don't see) ;)

Yes, indeed. As well as all the other little, microscopic critters that make our bodies--inside and out--their home. There are books (Time/Life, I think) that have pictures of these things, magnified thousands of times. Not a pretty site. And if you think too much about it, you'll get obsessive, like "Monk"!

I volunteer at my local animal shelter, and once got to see a magnified eat mite. Holy (@Q#&$! One of the creepiest things I've ever seen, with long tendrils for rear legs. If anyone's looking for a monster for a movie, just take any of these microscopic dudes, blow them up to human size, and you'll scare the ! out of anyone! (And add some strange creatures that only live in the very, very deep ocean, since they look very odd as well).
Do you think you are not eating bugs, among other things? Think again. There's a certain amount of parts and other types of matter insects and rodents produce which cannot be removed from the food supply and they make a worm seem downright delicious by comparison. Ignorace is bliss! }(
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Ok, I'm eating my salad for lunch while I'm reading this thread. I'm feeling pretty good that I have no meat of any kind in my salad. I then look down at my finger thinking I have a spinach leaf on the end of it. I almost had that baby in my mouth when I realized it was a little smashed gooey SPIDER in a little cocoon web!! It must have been under the computer desk or something. I almost ate it! Now I'm scanning the whole computer area for more hidden spider nests. I'm almost sick.:eek: Nothing is safe, we can't escape it.
Unfortunately I can relate to this. I bought some scrod (young Cod) with worms purchased from a very good grocery store. I have never eaten scrod again and this was 18 years ago. The people at the fish dept were not disgusted at all when i returned it. They say it happens form time to time. DISGUSTING! I always check over my fish very carefully now.

AKA Likes2bfit
OK I am never eating again! Or I need to at least stop reading this thread! I eat baby spinach everyday now I feel sick!

Think about pigs! Pork is parasite heaven whether you see them or not. Even if the meat is cooked the parasites are there!

That's one of the reasons pork is forbidden in this household. It will NEVER willingly go into this mouth.

God's point in creating them is to clean up the garbage. Same goes with shellfish.....I was told that shellfish can be placed in a body of water that is contaminated with cholera bacteria, and they will purify the water. Of course, then the garbage is concentrated in them and then we want to put that in our mouth. No Way!

Just something to think about!

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