My Pictures (Maybe)

Ok well I tried it and the first picture is not me at my heaviest. It's before I began Cathe. I'm sure you can tell which one is which. Yeah I got it to work. Go ME Go Me. Karen
Amazing! Totally different body! Wow, you have worked hard. Keep up the good job!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wow Karen ! You look fantastic. What an inspiration! If I keep doing Cathe, maybe someday I'll look half as good as you. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Coleen
WOW Karen you look GREAT!! Isn't it amazing what working out to Cathe can do??? Thanks for sharing!!:D

You look Fantastic, Karen! What a journey :) I am going to share this with my mom.... I hope it will inspire her :) Keep up the great work!!! _tina
Thank you all so much for the beautiful words. Being here on this forum and speaking to all of you has brought me so much knowledge and inspiration. Thank all of you. Karen

I don't recall who asked but I used slow and heavy for two months and then switched to gym style and pymarids for the past month. I will then go back to slow and heavy after this week is over for about one month and then see how I feel again.Karen
You look great, Karen! You have accomplished so much! You go girl!:)

Karen - You look gorgeous and so healthy and vibrant! Congratulations - your hard work has definitely paid off!!

Wow! Karen...

What an inspiration you are to all us Cathe newbies.:)
Congratulations on your fantastic accomplishments; you look great and I bet you feel wonderful!


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