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  1. J

    My eating observation

    Now if only I could find a vegan corn dog!! Kathryn, have you tried the Morningstar brand of veggie corndogs? I don't know if these are vegan or just vegetarian but they are as good as the real thing! :9 Sparrow - I went vegetarian (nearly vegan) about two years ago and I went cold turkey...
  2. J

    My eating observation

    I've read a lot of material by Drs. Neal Barnard, Dean Ornish, and John McDougall (as other readers on this post have) which discusses the very topic of calcium and vegetarian diets. You will definitely find this post intresting.
  3. J

    My eating observation

    Nancy, although I'm not Lorrie, if I may add my 2 cents... Within 2 days of switching to vegetarian and minimal dairy I felt better and had more energy. With regards to my workouts, I was able to do the Terminator IMAX Extreme workout (which I could NEVER get even past 45 mins. before)...
  4. J

    My eating observation

    Good for you Lorrie! After years on a high protein diet I changed to a vegetarian diet too and I love it! Immediately, I felt better, had more energy, my skin cleared up and I lost weight. I've been a vegetarian for two years now and I can easily maintain my weight. I am currently reading a...
  5. J

    Tall People -- Are You Good at Push-Ups?

    Thank goodness! I have long wondered why I have such a difficult time doing push-ups on my toes. I'm 5'9" and have very long arms and legs (my inseam is 36" and my arms and legs are taller than my 6' DH). I can match Cathe's weights in her workouts but I still can't do push-ups on my toes. I...
  6. J

    Dairy=bad skin....?

    I agree with a link between dairy and acne. I don't like milk and I don't eat a lot of dairy, but when I do eat ice cream my face breaks out within days. Quote from an article linking dairy and acne ... Acne occurs when steroids (androgens) stimulate the sebaceous glands within the...
  7. J

    Compilation DVD with "finished product" step routines

    RE: Compilation DVD with I agree too!! I love the Terminator all cardio workout with the mix of Cardio & Weights step and IMAX intervals. I think your step work is the best on the market and you have great combos from all of your step rountines to use in some compilation step workouts.
  8. J

    Lean Series

    I absolutely agree! I would love a series with only a couple of weight workouts (high rep, lower weights) and lots of heart pumping cardio!!
  9. J

    club step v bodyshaping step

    Absolutely agree about the Club step! I started out with Cathe on my BodyShaping step and it just wasn't working. It quickly gave me an excuse to buy the Club step and I don't regret it. The step is my favorite piece of workout equipment. Happy stepping!
  10. J

    What's for lunch today?

    Big baked potato with ff ranch and a tootsie pop. Followed by a Diet Coke for dessert. :9
  11. J

    Circuit Max 2!!

    Another vote for more circuit workouts like Circuit Max and Step, Jump & Pump!!
  12. J

    A 60-minute step workout

    Agree, agree!!! I love 60-minute step workouts and would love to see Cathe put out more cardio workouts (I have enough weight workouts). Another vote for Rhythmic Step 2 or Step Blast 2!
  13. J

    Quaker rice cakes

    Yummy! I love those mini Quaker rice cakes!! Especially the carmel flavored ones, they taste like carmel corn to me. The ranch and cheddar cheese flavors are really good too.
  14. J

    Vegetarian Question

    I'm a vegetarian too. Simply because I don't like the taste and texture of meat. I don't like the flavor of milk, yogurt, or eggs either but if I can't see it (i.e. baked in bread, etc.) then I will eat it. I became serious about cutting all meat out of my diet after I read "Eat to Live" by...
  15. J

    Nutrition and Vegetarianism

    I also suggest the website they have a nutrition section as well.
  16. J

    Vegean Diet?(Carole)

    I would also suggest the following two books - "Eat More, Weigh Less" by Dean Ornish and "The McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss" by John McDougall. Both give specifics on foods, quantities, sample menus and recipes.
  17. J

    How much diet soda is TOO much?

    Some more negatives for you ... The dark colas (Diet Coke, Coke, etc.) contain phosphates which deplete the calcium from your bones. And the clear sodas (Diet 7-Up, 7-Up, etc.) contains citric acid which is bad for your teeth. Unfortunately it still doesn't stop me, I have a 2 can a day...
  18. J

    High Step Challenge

    Elaine, I don't have the high step either (I wish I did, I just don't need any more equipment). I use my blue and purple Firm FL for all Cathe w/o's where she uses the high step. I've also used it for this w/o with the band and it worked just fine! :)
  19. J

    Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard Core series even after you did changes to your DV

    RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ... FitNut - Good luck with your testing, I hope it works for you. I agree the HC series is a great set of w/o's! :) Lisa - another poster had their DVD hooked up to their speakers and still had the same sound issues until they changed...
  20. J

    Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard Core series even after you did changes to your DV

    RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ... FitNut - bummer you can't set up your system to work, the Bose systems are so high quality! As an FYI (if it might help you), I hooked up my speakers directly as an output from my DVD and set my DVD on 5.1 channel output and DTS...