Vegetarian Question


While riding to an Easter Egg Hunt this weekend, my husband and I were debating over what is a vegetarian. We are very uninformed over this issue so I told him I would post it here so we are no longer ignorant of facts. Some of this may sound dumb (for lack of a better word) but neither of us truly knew. Is a vegetarian the same as a vegan. If not what is the difference. I have seen this on the board many times but really don't know. Also are you a vegetarian if you eat seafood or is it just meat. What are people who eat chicken and seafood but call themselves vegetarians ( Are They). I know that you (Kathryn) are a vegetarian so I was hoping you or others can tell me this. Thanks!! My husband just walked in and said he can't wait to know either because we have been talking about this all weekend. He wants to know if anyone would like to share there reasons for the choice and what brought you to that choice (lifestyle, heath reasons, animal reasons) We are currently disscussing these choices for our family and would like some input. Karen
Vegetarian = no meat (that includes fish, seafood of any sort, poultry of any sort). If it's in the animal kindom rather than the plant kingdom, it's not vegetarian. I am a vegetarian.

Vegan = no meat (same restrictions as above) plus no dairy, no dairy byproducts (non-dairy creamer isn't really non-dairy :) ), no eggs, no animal products whatsoever. A majority of vegans also eschew wool, lanolin, leather, bone products, regular camera film (has gelatin), etc. Kathryn is a vegan.

People who eat chicken and seafood are not vegetarians, they are meat restrictors.

I have been a vegetarian for eight years, and vegan off and on during that time. Initially it was for ethical reasons, now it's habit (plus to me you can't draw a line between companion animals and food animals. Who's to say which ones you eat and which you don't?)

If you'd like more input, email or PM me. I'm sure you'll get lots of great responses from us veggie folk on the boards!

Edited to add:
Here's a site to illustrate what some non-vegan ingredients are:

Lunacat :D
Hi Karen,

Your confusion isn't dumb at all! Lunacat's explanation is excellent and right on the money. To add some more, there are different types of vegetarians.

Ovo Vegetarians- eats eggs but not dairy

Lacto Vegetarians- eats dairy but not eggs

Lacto/Ovo Vegetarians- eats both eggs and dairy

Correct me if I am wrong anyone :)
Ooops! Forgot those! Thanks Gina.

One more:

Lacto/Cocoa- that's what I was when I initially went vegetarian. All I ate was cheese and chocolate! :p
Oh my gosh!!!! I just looked at that website you gave me and now I have the printer in overdrive. I have this health journal/ notebook of reference material and I think this is going to need it's own sub- section. I am such a Dork!! Karen
I've been a vegetarian for 17 plus years and prior to that, I was off and on. I don't eat any fish or chicken. I do eat cheese and dairy products. I was raised in a meat and potato family and my father was a hunter. As a child, I was forced to try deer meat and constantly smelled goose and pheasant being cooked in the house. I hated meat and my parents forced it on me. When I was old enough to make my own decisions, I quit eating meat. My father died from rectal cancer and the first doctor I worked for was the surgeon that did 3 surgeries on my father's colon. He was from India and did not believe in eating red meat because he said it can cause colon cancer. I was 18 at this time and became a vegetarian off and on for years and then for the past 17 years, I've eaten no meat at chicken, etc. I do it mainly because I hate meat and the secondary reason would be my strong love for animals. I also do it because of health reasons, obvisouly (since my father died from colo/rectal cancer).
Lunacat is right on! (though vegetarians can eat dairy products or eggs---even though technically, most cheese is made with animal rennet--the intestinal lining of a calf mosttimes--and wouldn't be "vegetarian" because it is involved in the death of the animal).

Karen, your confusion is understandable! Especially since there are some who eat fish or chicken and call themselves "vegetarians." This is a fairly recent phenomenon, and not true to the real spirit of vegetarianism. A "pesco-vegetarian" or "pollo-vegetarian" is as much a vegetarian as a "bovi-vegetarian" (who would eat beef), a "porci-vegetarian" (who would eat pork) or an "anthropo-vegetarian" (who would eat YOU!).

The terms "pesco-" and "pollo-" vegetarian were invented sometime in the 80's by some guy (whose book I read, but I can't remember his was about 20 years ago) to describe people who are "almost" vegetarian ( "semi-vegetarians"). Somewhere along the line, people forgot that this is "almost" or "semi" and started thinking it was vegetarian.

As for reasons: mine were 100% compassion for animals at the beginning. I found that this was a life choice that I could make that was a very powerful message of compassion. Later, I added health and environmental reasons.

Some good web sites: (great products, super fast shipping, books on vegetarianism and veganism)

I recommend the book "Becoming Vegetarian" and/or "Becoming Vegan," which are excellent resources.
I guess I'm a mixture - I do eat fish, but no other kind of meat - beef, chicken or pork. I don't eat cheese that is made with rennet - you can find it without it at most health food stores.

But here's what drives me crazy - I DO NOT purchase anything with leather including shoes, belts, purses, etc. That is the HARDEST part of trying to be a vegetarian and it amazes me how many people who are vegetarians don't have any problem wearing leather!!!!

The other problem is finding decent looking shoes - the "vegetarian" web sites have the UGLIEST shoes!!!!

Does anyone else try to not buy leather - if so, if you have found cute shoes anywhere please let me know where to get them!
I'm a vegetarian too. Simply because I don't like the taste and texture of meat. I don't like the flavor of milk, yogurt, or eggs either but if I can't see it (i.e. baked in bread, etc.) then I will eat it. I became serious about cutting all meat out of my diet after I read "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman and "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins. The long term health consequences of eating meat now keep me away completely.
According to information in this thread, I would be classified a pesco vegetarian. I eat fish on occassion. Since November 2004, I have probably had fish maybe 5 times. I just started Atkins again and will be on it for 2 weeks to lose some poundage gained on vacation, so I will briefly be eating fish in greater quantities.

I began eating vegetarian also as a result of the book Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman.
Karen, I have the book! E-mail me your address and it's yours. I tried vegan and lost too much weight. I am more of a plant-based eater with poultry, fish and eggs, mainly whites, in my diet and a tiny amount of butter, sour cream and cheese. I'm talking teaspoons on butter & sour cream, an ounce of cheeses ad not daily. An OLPV! That's succinct enough for me. (I know I am not succinct in many other ways! :)) Now, to go and spread the acronym. ;)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
Another question. Are you ever offended by people who say they are vegans and veretarians but really just say it to say it? Like a fashion statement. When you are dedicated to something like this and you really believe in this lifestlye and practice this way of living do you get irritated by people who know nothing on the subject but will tell you how it is. I am just learning about this but there is such a clear difference between the two and other facets of this that I think if I was so dedicated to this I may be offended by someone who said they were vegan but wore leather. Or said they were a vegetarin but ate seafood and chicken. Karen
>Does anyone else try to not buy leather - if so, if you have
>found cute shoes anywhere please let me know where to get

I look everywhere. Right now, I'm wearing a pair I got from Payless (though they are going more into leather now). Have you tried ? There is also (which I haven't tried, but which has some very stylish-looking shoes).

I just started wearing vegan Earth shoes (which some might not find attractive, but I do, and they are SOOOO comfy once you get used to the negative heel).
Are you ever offended by people who say
>they are vegans and veretarians but really just say it to say
>it? Like a fashion statement. When you are dedicated to
>something like this and you really believe in this lifestlye
>and practice this way of living do you get irritated by people
>who know nothing on the subject but will tell you how it is.
>I am just learning about this but there is such a clear
>difference between the two and other facets of this that I
>think if I was so dedicated to this I may be offended by
>someone who said they were vegan but wore leather. Or said
>they were a vegetarin but ate seafood and chicken. Karen

"Offended" really isn't the word. More like "frustrated," "annoyed". I am very annoyed and frustrated when I hear things like "I'm a vegetarian, I eat fish/chicken" or "Do you have any fish/chicken/shrimp? I'm a vegetarian". (NO, you are NOT!x( )(See how frustrated and annoyed it makes me?)
It have always felt there was a better way to describe plant-based eaters, who.....:) Whatever the diet, it is not A vegetarian diet. I guess the distinction can be made between strict vegetarisn and non-strict vegetarians. Flora/fauna feasters? Floraunas? FFF's? Kooky! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver
First off I am so happy for the people that read "Eat to Live"...(like me)...and it convinced them!!! WOW!!! I liked "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins, that helped me with the abused animal part of why I don't eat animal protein.

Karen...offended???...oh Kathryn said maybe annoyed. I never really considered myself a genius but I really hate when people that have no clue about what a Vegan/vegetarian is to try and tell me what is good for me to eat. They are completely ignorant. I am 46 and I have tried many diets and never came up against the negativity I have going Vegan. Actually now...I kinda smile...:)...I feel great and choose Vegan as a lifestyle, not a the heck with them...:)...Carole

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