How much diet soda is TOO much?

Here's a response from someone in the dental field:

It's unrealistic to expect people to do everything right. However, the effects of any soda or carbonated beverage can be highly detrimental to the health of your teeth. The acids in these beverages continues to erode the enamel on your teeth for up to twenty minutes after you take the last drink. Sippers are asking for trouble. If you must indulge yourself, at least try to drink your entire soda in one sitting and then swish with plain water when done...if possible, brush your teeth.

I used to be a dental assistant and saw the devastation soda could cause in only my own patients. Now, I do administrative duties including presenting treatment plans & setting financial arrangements, so I get to see how bad habits affect the entire practices patients financially. It's an eye-opener.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying drinking soda is a bad habit. I occasionally drink it myself. I am saying that moderation and good habits will make a big difference. And I too, worry about the other long term health effects too much artificial sweetener might have on us. Just my 2 cents worth :)

Try to cut down slowly, I know it's hard, but your body will thank you. As most of time what's in the diet soda is worse on your body then if you drink the one with pure sugar in it. The chemicals they use to make it diet are really tough on your body, and you won't notice it right now but drinking 3 to 6 a day will catch up to you and when it does, it won't be all the pretty. But then again if you got extreamly good luck, you maybe able to drink that soda and never have a health problem. But that's one heck of a gamble, if I were you, I'd much rather put every single penny I'll ever make in a slot machine and see if it will triple my earnings.

Do you know that some diet sodas even have formaldehyde in them? That is really yucky, as it will actually preseve the fat cells just like it does in dead people. But also means it makes it a lot harder to lose weight. Not to meantion they use it on dead people and things to preseve them. And the fact it can tear up your kidneys, liver, and gallblader.

Now will something bad happen to you if you keep drinking your soda? Your guess is as good as mine. you may have the luck, and you may not have any luck.

I know for the fact living has it's own toxins and deadliness to the body, and you basically have to pick your poison, so I always tell people, if your going to do something bad, know excatly all the consequences, and be willing to accept every single one of them. If you are then go ahead, if your not, then find something else.

Yes snacking is bad, and you are probably doing it because you desire something sweet. So try to chew gum, or eat either something sweet or sour. As for some reason both will take care of the craving for something sweet.

Or simply just start cutting down a little at a time, like tomorrow cut out half a can and go with that for a few days, then cut out another half a can, so that should be a whole can gone and then continue on, until you don't need it any more. You'll also fine that once your body gets use to it, it won't need the cafine and you are actually more alert all the time.

Good luck and best wishes,

Yeah, life is too short but Catwoman and Kathryn wasn't talking about eating junk or anything. They were talking about diet crap. I'd rather eat something with full fat and tons of calories that tastes 100000000x better than the diet soda. Also, did you know that the crap they put in diet, low carb, sugarfree drinks/food is used to make bombs?? Why on earth would anyone want to eat/drink something scientists use to blow something up?! I'd rather be clean. Sure, you can still get cancer or whatever no matter what but ingesting these chemicals just upped your risks. Not my forte.

I say it is okay to have diet soda IN MODERATION. We can get excessive about anything and make it bad for us, but you know what? Life goes on. Sometimes I want chocolate cake, so I have it, and life still goes on.
Both of my parents passed away when I was young from cancer, and neither one smoked, drank, ate badly, etc....
I am not saying this is an excuse to abuse the bodies God gave us, but I think it helps me keep all this in perspective. If you think you ingest too much diet soda, then back off. If it doesn't faze you then so be it.
>Do you know that some diet sodas even have formaldehyde in them?

This is actually a misconception - (I wrote a paper on artificial sweetner for a nutrition course that I took) The amount of sweetner that is needed to cause it to turn to formaldehyde is enormous - much more than anyone could ingest. Still, its a chemical and it is under suspicion for certain cancers, etc. but it such a huge industry I don't think we'll ever know its true effects.

I grew up on diet soda and never drank water. About 3 years ago I decided to stop drinking soda and switched to Polar flavored seltzer (cans). It definitely took some getting used to but now I can't even touch soda - way too sweet tasting now. I'd recommend trying flavored seltzer since it's fizzy and has no chemicals but has flavor so it's not like drinking plain water.
Some more negatives for you ...
The dark colas (Diet Coke, Coke, etc.) contain phosphates which deplete the calcium from your bones. And the clear sodas (Diet 7-Up, 7-Up, etc.) contains citric acid which is bad for your teeth.

Unfortunately it still doesn't stop me, I have a 2 can a day habit. I wish I could stop but I just have to have the caffiene! :9
>but Catwoman and Kathryn wasn't
>talking about eating junk or anything. They were talking about
>diet crap.

Yes, they are referring to diet products specifically but generally speaking, lots of us have SOMETHING in our diet that is deemed "UNHEALTHY"...wether it be the diet colas, sweets, the point that I think a lot of us are trying to make is that for as healthy as we usually live our lives, indulging in ONE "bad" or unhealthy food or drink is not the end of the world...just my 2 cents. :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I personally think aspartame and splenda is bad for you. If you do A LOT of researches, I mean A LOT, you can see there's more negatives than positives to it. They know people are gullible enough to buy these crap because everyone wants an easy way of not putting on weight. It's all about the MONEY. I don't even drink regular soda. ONCE in a while if I go out to dinner, I get a glass of regular sprite. I even think anything with preservatives are bad for you but I eat it sometimes. If you want to drink diet soda, go ahead. Just don't come here asking if it's bad for you if you already know the answer and don't give a crap. What's the point??

I do eat junk but I make sure it's not 100% processed junk like Poptarts, etc. I dont see anything wrong with eating them in moderation. Hell, I used to eat them all of the time during my fat years when I was a teen. I can feel the difference now and back then. I feel better without all these junk. I did even drink diet crap, too and I stopped a few years ago. Can't stand the taste, aftertaste and the smell anymore.

Also, why on earth would anyone want chemicals in their bodies?? I'd rather have regular sugar any day
I personally think aspartame and splenda is bad for you. If you do A LOT of researches, I mean A LOT, you can see there's more negatives than positives to it. They know people are gullible enough to buy these crap because everyone wants an easy way of not putting on weight. It's all about the MONEY. I don't even drink regular soda. ONCE in a while if I go out to dinner, I get a glass of regular sprite. I even think anything with preservatives are bad for you but I eat it sometimes. If you want to drink diet soda, go ahead. Just don't come here asking if it's bad for you if you already know the answer and don't give a crap. What's the point??

I do eat junk but I make sure it's not 100% processed junk like Poptarts, etc. I dont see anything wrong with eating them in moderation. Hell, I used to eat them all of the time during my fat years when I was a teen. I can feel the difference now and back then. I feel better without all these junk. I did even drink diet crap, too and I stopped a few years ago. Can't stand the taste, aftertaste and the smell anymore.

Also, why on earth would anyone want chemicals in their bodies?? I'd rather have regular sugar any day
I'm pretty sure I never said I didn't give a crap. I'm not disputing anyones opinion and I think we all need to just relax. It's not this big of a deal.
I'm pretty sure I never said I didn't give a crap. I'm not disputing anyones opinion and I think we all need to just relax. It's not this big of a deal.

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