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  1. J

    Which is better jogging or cycle classes??

    Hi Trevor, on that note actually, I wonder if you runners have some words of wisdom for me - I'm 29 and take tae kwon do classes where I am often times the oldest person there (I know 29 is not OLD but it is when you're up against kids and teenagers). Anyway, occasionally we have to do sprint...
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    Interval Max Question

    Oh my gosh did I learn a lesson with IMAX - I do it once a week since I'm new to it (LOVE IT), but went to an instense Tae Kwon Do class the day after doing it that was all leg work - wind sprints and impact kicks, I felt like an old lady my legs were so fatigued, after the wind sprints first...
  3. J

    S&H with an endurance series?

    RE: What is an ecto/endo?? Hi Robin & Janice, What you said makes sense, ESPECIALLY about the cardio and women thing. I am going to try doing the same thing and see what happens. I'm happy with my weight for now, so what I'm going for is STRENGTH. Since adding step workouts my legs are...
  4. J

    S&H with an endurance series?

    RE: What is an ecto/endo?? Thank you ladies, this is very intersting - it also is helping me understand something my twin sister and I always wonder about: we are identical twins, yet she is always stronger than me, can lift heavier weights even if she is temporarily out of shape and I'm in...
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    S&H with an endurance series?

    RE: What is an ecto/endo?? This post interests me because I've been wondering why you need to cut down on cardio to get more muscle it in order to free up exercise time for more weight training, or does the cardio do something to muscle mass? I'm trying to get stronger and I do...
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    Decaffeinating is horrible

    Hi, One thing I've done to cut down on caffeine is to make my coffee with half caffinated and half decaf coffee beans (ie two scoops caf, two scoops decaf) i can still drink the same number of cups but only get half the caffeine. Jill
  7. J

    ? on TaeBo/Powerstrike

    HI there, also, depending on which PowerStrike video you are using, they have you do a 'push kick' which looks like a front kick but you strike with your heel more than the ball of the foot because you are 'pushing' your apponant (I think of it as how you would kick if you needed to kick a door...
  8. J

    really stupid question here....

    I've noticed that too, in a lot of her tapes and I think MAYBE it is to remind her which side is 'right' since she has to cue backwards? It always seems to be on her left wrist. Maybe that has nothing to do with it but that is what I was thinking...
  9. J

    How important is diet if you just want to "tone up"?

    Hi - I am by no means any kind of an expert but from personal experience (I'm just like you, good weight, clean eating with occasional indulgences, work out 5-6 days a week.) I started doing Power Hour and then Pure Strength back in February and I noticed toning improvements in the first month...
  10. J

    Working out after work?

    I am EXACTLY like that, and always have been - no way can I work out in the morning and good luck if I've sat down and relaxed once I get home at night. Something about lack of momentum. I have found though that if I am feeling like I can never get off the couch to workout I just put in a...
  11. J

    Pilates Ab Workouts?

    I'm Lauren's sister and will answer for her since I happen to be online right now, yes the tape is called Yoga Sculpt, and I second the recommendation! :)
  12. J

    How long does it take?

    My sister and I both have trouble with dizzyness and weakness sometimes during intense workouts usually due to low blood sugar in our case - but there are a few things we've found you can do to help - most important is to make sure you are hydrated enough. LOTS of water and cut down on coffee...
  13. J

    I’ve never thought of myself this way.

    Hi Keta, As a fellow martial artist who never thought of herself as an athelete - WAY TO GO! I was laughing as I read your post because I could see myself in your shoes 'am I an ATHLETE? Is he talking about ME?' I still don't agree with people when they tell me I work out all the time. I say...
  14. J

    DH ? what does it stand for?

    it is 'darling husband' or 'dear husband' or something like that...basically just means their husbands. Not sure if its intended as tongue in cheek or not...probably depends on the situation. ;o)
  15. J

    lose those hips

    i know that since I started tae kwon do and cardio kickboxing mine have gone WAY down...all that kicking. What is really good are these kicking drills we do where you put one hand on the wall for balance and pickup the opposite leg and do lots and lots of kicks without putting your leg down -...
  16. J

    What do you love about Cathe?

    Last night I got home from my cardio kickboxing class and my new Step and barbell had arrived. Even though I was exhausted from kickboxing I popped in Rhythmic Step (which I've only done once on a borrowed step) 'just to do the warmup' before doing PS BBA and had to force myself to stop stepping...
  17. J


    Hi Lorie, I wonder if you are using Hotmail? I'm asking because I have an account and had the exact same problem - I used to block all the porn ones that would be filtered into my junk mail folder. Then I ran out of room for blocked addresses so I started deleting them and you know what? I...
  18. J

    Martial Arts question: help decide

    I second Andrea's opinion, I do tae kwon do, not karate but the classes are structured the same, and she's right about the pride and respect. Sometimes its difficult saying yes sir, no sir etc. especially when you are way older than your instructors but you get over that quickly. Also, a good...