lose those hips


New Member
I have been working out forever 10 years, and feel very healthy and look healthy but I can't seem to lose those little balls on my hips. Please make a suggestion that will work!
i know that since I started tae kwon do and cardio kickboxing mine have gone WAY down...all that kicking. What is really good are these kicking drills we do where you put one hand on the wall for balance and pickup the opposite leg and do lots and lots of kicks without putting your leg down - side and roundhouse kicks. That area of your leg just burns when you do it so you know it is working... you can also do the drills on the ground, lie on your side and kick with the topside leg. Maybe this will help?
A little more info, please. Could you be specific as to what "those little balls on my hips" is? And is it actually on your hips or is it what we loving refer to as "saddle bags" which take up residence below your actual hips?
Hi Miya,
Sounds to me like you're describing saddle bags. I have trouble with that area too. Have you got Cathe's PS Strong Legs video. I have been doing the floor work in that video with ankle weights and have gotten pretty good results. The floorwork in this video really makes that area "burn". I do it about 2 times per week. Sometimes I also add the floorwork from the Wedding video immediately after and this really causes a burn. Seems to be helping my saddle bags anyway. Hope this helps.

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