How important is diet if you just want to "tone up"?


Hi there!

I'm just curious as to how important diet is if toning up is your main goal. If your weight is fine, you're eating within a good calorie range (not eating 100% clean, but in moderation), plus you're working out strong 5-6 days per week (let say 4-5 cardios and 2-3 strength workouts), is it possible to see some good results?

Please offer your expertise! :)

Hi - I am by no means any kind of an expert but from personal experience (I'm just like you, good weight, clean eating with occasional indulgences, work out 5-6 days a week.) I started doing Power Hour and then Pure Strength back in February and I noticed toning improvements in the first month. I didn't change my diet at all. This is just me, the other ladies may have more information on the importance of diet.
I think it depends on the person. Since you're working out so hard and don't need to lose much weight, you could probably be ok without dieting.

I'm probably like you in that I don't need to lose much weight, just want to get more definition- however, I don't workout as hard as you! So for me, if I want to see some real gains, I'll need to cut back on the junk or up the cardio. Just a small layer of fat can prevent your muscles from really looking defined. It depends what your goals are- if you want to look cut, and you've been keeping at your tough workout schedule for awhile, you'll probably have to cut back on some junk.

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