Interval Max Question


Cathe, I was just wondering, you say to put at least two days in between when doing Interval Max, I really like Interval Max and was wondering if it was ok to only put one day in between if you have been doing it for awhile. Thanks, Pam
HI Pam,
I am not Cathe but I do think that I have a good answer for you. I broke my orignal interval max tape and had to get a new one.So when I finally got the new tape I forgot how much I enjoyed doing it.So I was doing the tape about 4 times a week and it only took a couple of weeks for my ankles to feel the work out.I think the reason why she tells you to put 2 days in between is because of the impact of the video.Not the cardiovasculr part of it.I had to stop doing it for a while so that the pain in my ankles would go away.My ankles were so bad that I would try to do a different step tape or go for a jog but I use to have to stop cause the pain was to severe.
I think you better listen to Cathe on this one.You will still be getting a great work out week by only doing it every third day.At that is better then not being able to do it at all.
Hope I helped...just in case Cathe doesn't respond.
Hi Pam,

I 2nd what Lori just posted. I didn't do Imax 4x/week (what a soldier you must be Lori :)), but I was doing it 2x/week, plus Intense Moves (another interval video), plus other high impact like MIC, and the exact same thing happened with my ankles. They got so incredibly sore, and I know it was because of the "high impact overload" I was putting them through. So I immediately revamped my cardio routine and now I only do 2 interval videos/week (1 being Imax for sure), and I alternate between low impact and high impact cardio, and my ankles regained their original strength over the following few weeks.
We're all different, but one thing about Cathe, she always gives us the "safest" advice, and I've learned (the hard way) to listen and apply. :)

Oh my gosh did I learn a lesson with IMAX - I do it once a week since I'm new to it (LOVE IT), but went to an instense Tae Kwon Do class the day after doing it that was all leg work - wind sprints and impact kicks, I felt like an old lady my legs were so fatigued, after the wind sprints first thing I never recovered! I mentioned this to my sister who is a Cathe workout veteran and she said oh my GOD - you didn't go to tae kwon do after doing Interval Max! So the lesson I learned is not only space IMAX out but don't do an intense leg workout the next day! YIKES!
I agree with the posts above- I think your body will tell you when to say when, and in this case you may want to listen to those who have learned from their own bodies!

Interval Max is a tough one. I feel I'm quite fit, and when I am well rested I can do IM on 10" with no modifications. But I still find it hard to do IM back-to-back with a long run, or with the entire Body Max, or what have you. So I think it's wise to fill the in between days with other workouts.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-02 AT 03:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks everyone for their input, I know Cathe will probably say the same thing, there is a reason she says to put two days in between and I better be safe, than sorry. Thanks again.-Pam

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