What do you love about Cathe?

I was able to quit the gym 7 years ago and this adds up to about $2200! I always remind DH about this huge savings so I never have to feel guilty about ordering any new Cathe's. He-He. I know this sounds silly, but Cathe gives a MUCH better workout than I ever got at the gym. I don't have to wait around after work for the advanced step class to start, and personally they weren't near as advanced as Cathe. I go straight home to my kids and hear about their day, and then later head to the basement for my workout. If my family needs me, they know where I am - doing a Cathe tape. My family is so important and I feel Cathe allows me more time with them and yet not compromising on my workouts because she is one tough cookie!! I know with Cathe I will truly get an advanced workout and am so grateful for this.

I'm also grateful Cathe has allowed us to see her as a person and not as just a face in a video. For some reason it just makes the workouts that much more enjoyable. (Did I say enjoyable?) She is one super lady! We're also about the same age, so she inspires me to keep on hoppin', because if she can do it then so can I.

Thanks so much for letting us know you as a person, especially your two wonderful boys and DH. You're the best and you have one lucky family!!
Not an exhaustive list I'm sure, but here's what comes immediately to mind:

Humor--I love the way you keep me grinning through all that hard work.

Seeing you work so hard right along with us.

I love that you manage to make step videos with interesting choreography so I don't get bored, but at the same time they're really fairly easy to learn.

A variety of body types in your fun and charming crew. And no (or at least no obvious) implants!!!

A great variety of workouts to ward off boredom.

Safety emphasis, modifications, and encouragement that makes me feel like I'm doing well when I'm working at my own level. I love it when you decide you have to decrease the amount of weight you're lifting to keep your form just right--what a fabulous example!

And just an indefinable something that I'll call realness and personality sparkle that makes me want to spend time with you and that can get me going on those "I don't feel like working out today days".

Your workouts have done incredible things for my body and my confidence and I'm just so so grateful. Thank You! --Karen
OOOOH, I'm glad I started this!

I am just loving reading all your posts, folks, and I couldn't agree with you more. I am struck, again, by what a nice group e are. Let's just give ourselves a big ol' hug, shall we? ;-)

Kathy S.
RE: OOOOH, I'm glad I started this!


I love her humor. I love that fact that, as someone else said, she lets me know she's hurting right along with me (LOVE THAT!). I love that her workouts are tough and fun at the same time. I love that she is willing to take the time to answer our questions on this forum and shares her wealth of knowledge with us. I love that she respects her fans and isn't afraid to
"hang around" with us.

Cathe, I'm so grateful that you listen and are willing to give us what we want. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!


P.S. And, I'm so glad to have met the wonderful gals (guys?) on this forum. YOU GUYS ROCK!! (I swear, I never say that).
What a wonderful thread!! You girls have summed up all my thoughts and feelings about Cathe's tapes. I discovered Cathe last year in March. While I have worked out, regularly for 15 years, only Cathe has succeeded in getting me in shape. I have a huge tape collection that is just gathering dust because I feel I'm not really working out if I'm not with Cathe..:D

I love Cathe for her great instruction....I can trust her for not only great moves that work and are effective, but moves that are safe. Haven't you all seen videos that have 'new moves' but they seem like an afterthought?

I love Cathe for her personality. As you all have previously said, I too, feel like I'm working out with my girlfriend who lives next door.

If Cathe would say: "I have an idea for another video(s)and you can order in advance" Even if it is only the idea stage, I would reply "here is my credit card" I trust that when Cathe has an idea....it will be a good one...one that I want to be part of.

I love Cathe's forum. I lurk alot and I learn so many things from all you 'the educated crowd.' I love how Cathe will take the time to answer questions and give insight on her life. This makes you feel part of 'the group' when doing the videos at home.

Sorry for rattling on and on. It's just that after I did my first Cathe video, I've never looked back. What an inspiration our Cathe is...right? :-jumpy

I would like to say two things to Cathe under this topic.

Dear Cathe,

You are a class act.

I know that if I ran in to you somewhere, I would feel comfortable introducing myself and you would greet me like a friend.

I love this forum, and I love the way Cathe motivates me to do her tapes and EVERY workout I attempt!

I always finish feeling like I can accomplish anything.

Cathe has always personally chimed in on my life when I Really have needed her cheer-leading--and, I credit my "Cathe" fitness with saving my life this year. Murph
Kathy S,

What a kind thread! I really don't think I could add to what you have said - I agree with it all. I sometimes find this whole video thing a bit strange - you bond with someone you are seeing on a video, not really knowing them, but with the personal 'cyberrelationships' we develop there can be some knowledge of these video stars as human beings.

That said, I heartily agree that Cathe has to be among the best, if not the best, fitness video instructor. While she has matured in her style over the years, she is always incredibly talented in whatever type of workout she produces - choreography, music, cast and setting, cueing, form pointers, and her spontaneous style, which for me, allows me to do these workouts over and over again without getting tired of them. I'm guessing this is far trickier than we could ever imagine.

On her website Cathe has without fail, demonstrated a professionalism that is exemplary. She will not criticize nor even comment on her peers, and maintains a consistently positive and encouraging attitude - I'm sure this isn't easy all the time (think YogaMax!) and for the few times I have written to her on the Ask Cathe forum, she has kindly answered my questions, and encouraged me personally. I am grateful that she would give her time in that way.

She is a wonderful role model I think, and I am glad she has chosen a career in which she can share her talents with so many people. I agree that in doing so, she has improved the qualities of many peoples' lives - mine included, because in improving our fitness, our lives will improve!

So thanks Miss Cathe, if you read this, for sharing with us, and I do hope you find this thread an encouragement for all your hard work and efforts!


p.s. Another thing about Cathe - despite her cute and perky attitude, you know that she means business all the way to the bitter end - sometimes I just have to laugh as she breezes along while I'm collapsing into a puddle of mush! How many times have I asked myself - is this woman really for real - can a human possibly do what she's doing? I'll never forget doing MIS for the first time - got through the first round of chest, thinking to myself, man that was painful, and then she says - we're gonna do this all over again - I almost started crying..... :D
You go girl! Keep it comin!
Kathy S,

What a kind thread! I really don't think I could add to what you have said - I agree with it all. I sometimes find this whole video thing a bit strange - you bond with someone you are seeing on a video, not really knowing them, but with the personal 'cyberrelationships' we develop there can be some knowledge of these video stars as human beings.

That said, I heartily agree that Cathe has to be among the best, if not the best, fitness video instructor. While she has matured in her style over the years, she is always incredibly talented in whatever type of workout she produces - choreography, music, cast and setting, cueing, form pointers, and her spontaneous style, which for me, allows me to do these workouts over and over again without getting tired of them. I'm guessing this is far trickier than we could ever imagine.

On her website Cathe has without fail, demonstrated a professionalism that is exemplary. She will not criticize nor even comment on her peers, and maintains a consistently positive and encouraging attitude - I'm sure this isn't easy all the time (think YogaMax!) and for the few times I have written to her on the Ask Cathe forum, she has kindly answered my questions, and encouraged me personally. I am grateful that she would give her time in that way.

She is a wonderful role model I think, and I am glad she has chosen a career in which she can share her talents with so many people. I agree that in doing so, she has improved the qualities of many peoples' lives - mine included, because in improving our fitness, our lives will improve!

So thanks Miss Cathe, if you read this, for sharing with us, and I do hope you find this thread an encouragement for all your hard work and efforts!


p.s. Another thing about Cathe - despite her cute and perky attitude, you know that she means business all the way to the bitter end - sometimes I just have to laugh as she breezes along while I'm collapsing into a puddle of mush! How many times have I asked myself - is this woman really for real - can a human possibly do what she's doing? I'll never forget doing MIS for the first time - got through the first round of chest, thinking to myself, man that was painful, and then she says - we're gonna do this all over again - I almost started crying..... :D
You go girl! Keep it comin!
Hey Colia!

Thank YOU so much for the kind words about my post. I agree with every word you wrote, too. It is so easy to be eloquent and complimentary about what Cathe has brought into our lives by example -- she really does practice what she preaches in every way.

I am struck particularly by one comment that you made -- about how you occasionally think this whole video-cyber thing is a little weird. It's funny that you voiced that thought. I've frequently thought the same thing myself. And my husband and children support my Cathe habit completely, but they think it's downright peculiar that I would be ready in a heartbeat to jump on a plane and go to South Jersey for the weekend to workout like a maniac and have a big lovefest bonding experience with a whole bunch of people I've never laid eyes on. :) I'm sure, too, that it must be kind of odd for Cathe and Jon for her life and their family's life to be of such intense interest (albeit sincere) to all these faceless people.

But odd as it may legitimately seem sometimes, the video/cyber-relationships/Cathe Forums world is a real and nourishing presence in my busy life, and I don't think that makes me even a little bit wacko. ;-) I'm glad to have found Cathe and all of you folks, and when I finally make it on a road trip (I've been wait-listed twice now :-() I know I'll feel like I am meeting friends, not strangers at all.

Kathy S.
RE: Hey Colia!

What I like most about Cathe - Her sincerity about what she does. It comes shining thru. She motivates without being intimidating. She reminds you to keep the proper form in the exercises right when you need to hear it. She is real and she uses real people in her workouts. I really like her strength tapes, now I am working on getting her aerobic tapes down. Which is kinda hard for me considering step is not my favorite cardio, but I am working on it.
What I love about Cathe......

I trust her totally! I feel that all my fitness needs are sorted when I put myself in her capable hands. I read a thread about somone saying that she needs to talk less in her videos with complete disbelief. I hang on to every sentence she says and I even think about them in the shower after my workout. These are just some of the very many things she has said that have stood me in such good stead:

"Feel the work"..... I am a trifle lazy so that motivates me to really start working those muscles.

"Don't be afraid to lift heavy..weights do good things for you"...boy, am I glad I listened to that piece of advice.

"Quarter deadlifts are hard....but work on them, they are great for your posture and lower back"......I did and I don't have so many back aches anymore. Yay!

"Many women can handle heavy weight on their backs but cannot lift it on to their backs safely without a spotter ..so I add in a few more endurance exercises"............Thank you Cathe! You are so thoughtful. I never need to worry if I am getting a complete workout or not.

"You should give yourself a pat on the back, you are doing so well"....And immediately I do stand taller and feel proud.

So thank you Cathe for the wonders you have worked on my physical and mental well being.
Kathy S!

Maybe one day we will be able to meet on one of those roadtrips, and meet our other 'cyberfriends' - I actually 'got in' on the last Cathe one, but my knees were so bad that I didn't think I'd be able to handle it, so gave up my spot. I'm kind of selfishly bummed that I just didn't go up there and just have fun now!

I love that Cathe chose to follow her dream. Because she made her dream come to fruition, I'm positively influenced by her daily. She didn't allow anyone to stop her from becoming a fitness icon, as nervous as it may have made her parents, or as crazy as it may have sounded to the rest of the world...no, she did what she wanted to do with her life and now the rest of us benefit. Follow your dreams. Easier said than done. I admire Cathe for her diligence and perserverance. I wish I had listened to my heart when making my career decisions.
Hi Colia!

I sure hope we can meet on a road trip -- it would just be a blast to meet all of you in our community. And you and I can hang back when we need to pamper our crummy knees -- mine are temperamental too. If it gets to be too much for our knees we'll sip a glass of wine on the sidelines and help Cathe count reps. :)

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
Last night I got home from my cardio kickboxing class and my new Step and barbell had arrived. Even though I was exhausted from kickboxing I popped in Rhythmic Step (which I've only done once on a borrowed step) 'just to do the warmup' before doing PS BBA and had to force myself to stop stepping when I realized I was halfway through the first step combo after the warmup! STOP!! I can't think of any other workout I've had to force myself to stop! I love her workouts!

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