What do you love about Cathe?

I'm just bumping this up so hopefully Cathe will see it. Not only should it make her feel great, but I think it provides (positive) feedback for her videos.


p.s., Welcome back, Cathe!
I just have to say that Cathe has been a personal inspiration to me. I have always wanted to teach fitness but I didn't think I had the guts to do it. Well I went ahead and took the ACE group fitness instructor exam and just found out today that I passed :-wow! I aspire to be like her and teach safe and effective fitness classes.

She's a working Mom :)

Cathe is the only instructor who got me started and keeps me consistently lifting weights. I wouldn't be able to weight train any other way, it's boring when you do it alone.

I was lucky to meet Cathe at the October 2000 road trip and just was amazed at her friendliness and genuine interest she has in all of us crazy vidiots :) She even stood next to me so we could have our picture taken together!

Most of all, I appreciate that she started the pregnancy forum. I was pregnant with my third child and about 6 weeks behind Cathe in her pregnancy with Eric. I found out so much about exercise and pregnancy in those 9 months than I ever learned in my other two pregnancies. The pregnancy forum is great for those who want to stay active and fit while pregnant.

Thanks for keeping us fit Cathe!,
Joyce Iannarelli
How incredibly touching!

Oh my goodness everyone, I am sitting here with a HUGE lump in my throat. I had no idea that this thread existed since I unfortunately don't get the chance to visit the open discussion forum very often at all. I was simply running a search when I came across this thread.

I cannot begin to tell you how truly, truly, touched I am. The things that you all said and the ways in which you expressed them simply have me reaching for the tissues here. I can't express enough how your thoughts have moved me. I can only tell you that the genuine passion that you have expressed equally reciprocates the feelings that I have for all of you.

I'm so honored to be emmbraced by such quality cyber friends.

RE: How incredibly touching!

How true this is for me right now. We recently moved from Tucson to Phoenix. It's only two hours away and in the same state but boy, is it a completely different world!

I have been somewhat lonely since moving here and Cathe has literally become my BEST friend. I look forward to working out with her daily. I only hope to get to meet her in person one day. I'm sure she's as wonderful as everone says!
RE: How incredibly touching!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-02 AT 05:02PM (Est)[/font][p]Cathe:

Big lump here too. I'm new here, but I have to echo what all the others have said. Please also read my message in Open Discussion titled How I Discovered Cathe. You have touched more lives then you will ever know. You can find some good discussions going on in this forum.


For all the reasons that everyone as listed...count me in.
I have loved her since I made my first step in Body MAx.I have got pretty much all her tapes. No one else can compare to her.They are not nearly friendly enough or they are to friendly.She is energetic but not to energetic.She works you hard and then she will give you a breather. She makes me sweat, she makes me want to cry.(power hour)
Everyday I sit in front of all her videos and wonder which one will I do today.I see her everyday.Twice today.I love the music she picks.She is perfect and that sums it up pretty good.
Thank you cathe...for all your hard work and for keeping us in mind.I wish that you were just appreciated more and got more publicity for the work you do...
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-02 AT 07:21PM (Est)[/font][p]I am glad this thread was revived. I didn't get a chance to post when it started. I agree with everything people have said. She makes me work harder than I ever thought I could, love her sense of humor, love the fact that she has personally answered every question I have asked on the forums - I really can't list everything!

I have no problem resisting the new FIRMs but I guarantee I will pre-order any and all new videos she comes up with. She is an inspiration.

I also wish more people knew about her. She has helped take me to a whole new level - she could help sooo many others if they just knew about her.
EVERYTHING!!!!!! She works me soooo hard, and it feels great! Especially since SHE is working hard in her videos too! She's not using 5lb. dumbbells -- she's using REAL weights!!

I love the fact that I don't even have to look at my t.v. while doing step with Cathe....her cuing is THAT GOOD!!!!!! :-jumpy Yep, it is!!!!
In a nutshell:

Cathe CARES!

She cares about the safety. She cares about the SETS!!!
She cares about the chaptering of the DVDs, knowing that
a well-chaptered DVD is worth it's weight in gold.
she cares about the MUSIC! I could go on...

Cathe is an original, a true blue innovator. A leader.

I'm SO glad she chose this path!!
I'm getting all sentimental too. Other than saying that I agree with everything everyone else has said, I'd like to point out what a fabulous businesswoman we're talking about here. Her tapes are all extremely high quality, her Web site is absolutely professional and chock full of information, and her customer service can't be beat. She's turned something she loves into a phenomenon that touches thousands of people, and never compromises by straying from her niche -- advanced videos.

The only other thing I can add is her amazing quadricep muscles. Before I saw Cathe, I'd never seen anyone with that "cut" above her knee. By golly I'll be there one day. :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-02 AT 00:29AM (Est)[/font][p]No doubt about it Cathe is a wonderful human being and the BEST fitness instructor that I know of....doing her videos make me feel like I'm fit, strong, and I truly know what I'm talking about when everyother conversation that I start is about exercising and how great it is!!

:) Everyone here is a true inspiration!

Here's what I love about Cathe...
With all the talk about infertility and so many women having difficulties after 30, I often think of Cathe and how well she has handled two pregnancies while remaining fit but also being totally committed to her children. She has had two children in her thirties, looks great, has a career, a loyal fan base, enthusiasm, a kind heart, and dedication to her goals. She is proof to me that it can be done. I am approaching thirty and I don't have children and I am not pregnant. Many people tell me that it is so much harder to both get pregnant and carry a baby when you are older and your body won't bounce back the same. Listening to the media and many of my friends would convince me that I am already too old. I also enjoy having a career and staying fit. Cathe reminds me that it is all possible. I think it is special to have videos that are to be done in the privacy of your own home as well. So many people are intimidated by the gym. Since I started Cathe, I have confidence when I walk into the gym and pick up weights that I know what I am doing. The exercises I choose to do might not look exactly like everyone else either but that is okay. I've been trained by one of the best in the business and I know that when I do a squat with a forty pound dumbell, that I am doing it correctly. I love the fact that Cathe doesn't starve herself and believes in having a good meal and a little junk food from time to time. I could continue but it is getting long. I think of Cathe when I get down on myself and think, Cathe does it, I can do it.

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