Who is/was your strangest crush?

<<<<Randy Mantooth from Emergency>
Oooh baby! I used to also adore (and still do) those two cutie cops from Adam12. Many moons I dreamed of being sandwiched between those two, out on patrol eating a few donuts. }( }( >>>

OMG!!! This brings back some memories! My Dad used to commandeer the TV every night from 5-6pm or 4-6pm for Adam 12 and Emergency. They used to run back to back.

Here's one for ya Beavs!
The guy that played The Greatest American Hero. And in college Michael Stipe of REM (yes, I know ladies, wrong team, but man I was SOOOO into him!) Strangely, my husband looks very much like the Greatest American Hero guy but with reddish/brown hair. Hmmm...Guess that crush stuck with me! :)
Sometimes, not always mind you, I find Jack Black oddly attractive. Weird huh? Other past weird crushes include Patrick Stewart (played Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation), and the doctor character from Northern Exposure. I think his name was Joel Fleishman but I don't know the actor's name.

My first crush was on Lee Majors(Bionic man)
I loved Donny Osmond and Shaun CAssidy.
I know am in love with JOHN MAYER!!!!! He is just do dreamy;-)

My first crush was on Dean Martin when I was really young. I used to just swoon watching Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies.
Macgyver, Richard Dean Anderson. I think he was in one of the ABC soap operas I watched too - way back when... But I think the attraction to the Macgyver character was so much due in part to his resourcefulness.

><and the doctor character from Northern Exposure. I think his name was Joel Fleishman but I don't know the actor's name>>

LOVE HIM!!! His name is Rob Morrow, and you can see him Friday nights at 10 p.m. EST on CBS in a show called Numbers. He plays an FBI agent.

What a cutie!
Does anyone remember Jon-Erik Hexum? He was my first non-animated crush. My sister had a poster of him and I was absolutely in love. I remember being totally crushed when he died. He was on the set of the tv show call "Cover Up" (theme song was "I need a Hero") and he was joking around with a prop gun and shot himself in the head. )The blank hit him in the head and killed him) So sad...

p.s. That wasn't really a weird crush I guess except I was only like 5... ;) Who says girls don't pay attention to boys that young? At least I had good taste. You have to admit he's a hottie.
>Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans.

I completely cracked up when I read Captain Kangaroo. :D :D :D

My sister and I would usually choose two different guys on a show. She liked Luke; I liked Bo (or vice versa, I don't remember which one is which). She liked Ponch; I liked John. She liked Apollo from Battlestar Gallactica; I went for Starbuck. Etc. But we did fight over Magnum PI. :)

Oh, and I totally dug Han Solo, too!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Okay....this thread is just too funny and I MUST join in with my crush from way back when. My brother used to watch The Rifleman (with Chuck Connor) and I thought his son was just way too cute. Can't even remember his name. He would call his dad,"Pa". At least my crush was close to my age!:7


ETA: I had to google The Rifleman to find out that his name was Mark McCain in the show. He is now in his 60's and "WHAT WAS I THINKING?":eek: My taste in men has changed!

Now....Hugh Grant!!:)
I'd have to say Davie Jones from the Monkees. They used to have a tv show and I thought he was sooooooooooooo cute. I recorded most of the episodes. I think also around that time I had a crush on a guy who worked the ticket counter at the movies. There is a Howard Jones song that STILL makes me think of him and that has been at least 20 years ago.

This is fun! Davy Jones from the Monkees!! I can't believe there was another poster who mentioned him. OK here's the true confession. I had this huge poster in my room and would *kiss* him before I went to bed. don't know if I should put a :p or a:9
Oh yeah, Davey Jones for sure. I was in his fan club and I'll never forget the day my fan club packet arrived with my autographed 8x10 glossy, a note pad, a pin, and all sorts of crap. I was on cloud nine -- LMAO!!
>My sister and I would usually choose two different guys on a
>show. She liked Luke; I liked Bo (or vice versa, I don't
>remember which one is which). She liked Ponch; I liked John.
>She liked Apollo from Battlestar Gallactica; I went for
>Starbuck. Etc. But we did fight over Magnum PI. :)
>Oh, and I totally dug Han Solo, too!

I remember doing this with a friend. I don't remember all the choices but I remember I chose A.J. (the blond one) from Simon and Simon and she liked Rick.

Also, as a kid I preferred Luke to Han. How dumb was that?

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal font size=+1]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]

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