Hey Lovely Ladies!!!
Happy Saturday!!!
I got up bright and early and went to Crossfit this morning

This was today's WOD:
CrossFit In Teams of 2:
Complete the following for time:
10 Sandbag Lift to Shoulder (80/40)
Prowler Push 50m (90,50) ====> (Pushing weighted sled)
25m Tire Flips (325)
100 Sledge Hammer Swings (16/12)
25m Tire Flips
Prowler Push 50m (90,50)
10 Sandbag Lift to Shoulder (80/40)
+Optional Farmers Walk (160lbs)
Today was a little discouraging

Thank goodness we were in teams, I felt so bad for the guy I got paired with, I was hardly any help at all with the tire flip and I was so slow with the sandbad lift

We came in last because of me. Ugh! And I feel even worse now because I gave in and ate a bowl of raisin bran (one of my comfort foods) and I had been doing so well with Paleo. Not to mention I attempted the farmers walk, picked up the weight (80lbs in each hand) and was making very tiny steps lol but the trainer told me to put it down so I didn't hurt myself and had me use 30 lb kettlebells in each hand instead. I felt so weak, after watching every one else do it just fine.

I know I'll get there, it just sucks being the weakling.
But on the bright side I did well with the sled push and the sledge hammer swings. We finished in 7 minutes ( crazy huh?) When I read it I thought it would take some time!
Marie- Awesome job on Yoga Relax and the 2 hour walk!

Walking is great those last few days! Happy Birthday to your hubby! I hope you both have a wonderful time tonight

That was awesome about getting paid for the diaper class! And High-Five for passing your MP, Breckin should be making an appearance in a few days

Sarah- WTG on Zumba and HiiT 30/30! I hope the demolition and rebuild of your daughters room goes well! That is a serious undertaking! Sending positive thoughts your way for that! I get easily overwhelmed with that sort of thing. Please feel free to ask about any WOD terms, I am still learning myself, I actually googled a list of CrossFit terms/jargon so I'm not so clueless. I am looking forward to figuring out how to do all this crazy stuff!
Colleen- Aruba, Jamaica OOOOH I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahama, Come on Pretty Mama, Key Largo, Montego Baby why don't we go..... to Maya Riviera

I am so stoked for you about your trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic

Yes those swings certainly do get the heartrate up, don't they?!?!
I hope we do more of those!
Good Luck with HC, I know you'll knock it out of the park... as usual
Natty- I hope everything with the tropical fish goes well! I bet Bella is so excited!!! And thank you for calling me a beast

I was that day, today.... not so much... lol... but I suppose that is just how it goes. I will be excited when running is on the board

Addie was so tired Thursday! I caught a pic of her asleep in the car on the way home, which NEVER happens

I hope you enjoy Plyo Legs or TB! I need to go some Lower Body! Hopefully I'll get a visit in with Pauline tomorrow, I have missed her!
Jen- Sorry about the guy! Ugh! Good Luck on your test! I am sure you will ace it

And high-fives all around for HiiT 30/30!! That is awesome! Keep up the good work
Have a great Saturday every one!!!
I will try to check in again tomorrow, but if not I will be sure to Monday