We're In This Together **Sept**

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone :) Looking forward to getting to know you all.

I'm almost done with my shift today----YAY! It was a crazy one, but I do love being busy.

My workout was a 25 minute walk on my break. That and yoga are pretty much my standards right now. I'm pumped to get back to intense Cathe workouts after B makes his appearance :)

Nastaha- Happy Thanksgiving! I'm always so tempted to download...getting the workouts right then and there....very tempting :) Baby is good today. I'm hoping he comes any day now. We are sooo ready!

Colleen- Great pics! I LOVE the cake. DH knows you well :) Glad you had a nice celebration.

Sarah- Babies are the best aren't they?! The smell...those little toes...just LOVE them. Nice job on the workout! Butt DOMS are the BEST! I'm super stoked for XTrain too :)

Jen- Sorry about the rejection letters. That must be so frustrating!

Rebekah- Thanks for the congrats :)

Natty- Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!

Got home from the auto show a couple of hours ago. I ran into the number one director on campus, he told me to contact him to see what he can to help me find a job. Plus, the guy from CA wants to move on MI operations.

Will update tomorrow. Hyacinth is on.
Colleen-Love the pics. That cake looked SO good.

Marie-Being a nurse is hard work. My neighbor just worked weekends.

Rebekah-Hope the workouts are going well. Plus, Addie and Heins.

Sarah-Cathe is posting pics on FB about Xtrain. Al is the new guy.

Yesterday, I walked for about 3 hours in the woods. The Auto Show was huge with cars, displays and people but tricky due to the landscape. My app determined I burned about 700 calories. Met some cute colleged dudes, oh to be 20 again. Then, I ran into the VP of Strategic and Corporate Alliance above. He knows people. I sent him my experience in a nutshell with link to my Linkedin profile. We are supposed to talk this week. Open to relocate and another trip to Midland. This takes away my blues from rejection letters.
The crazy person from my program is coming back strong on LinkedIn. She was gone for a long time. She knows her boundaries I set. Plus, she's not touching my blog.
Class starts Monday night, I will attempt to finish but my gut is telling me no. Books will be a good reference materials.
Hoping to start working out in the AM or schedule permitting by Tuesday.
Morning ladies!

Yesterday I did HC Bootcamp. Ow. Still. So. Hard. It seems I can easily do an hour of plyometrics/cardio or an hour of horizontal work but alternate them and I'm toast. Yeesh! When will this sucker get easier???

For today: I put Trisets total body on my calendar since I'm really starting to crave weights. I woke up pretty sore from Bootcamp though, so I'm going to see how I feel this afternoon. Hopefully I feel less rusty and stiff! :eek: lol Depending on how I feel in a few hours I may just do cardio, but I am really missing weights lately. I can't wait for XTrain! BTW, wasn't that youtube clip Cathe put up for XTrain too cute? She looked so excited and giddy! :D

Jen- I'm so sorry about the rejection letters. Is Dallas, Texas still on the table? It may be in the cards for you to move from Michigan...sometimes you just have to go where the opportunities are. That is an amazing calorie burn from walking! I'm so tempted to get one of those gadgets. I've been coveting the fitbit for awhile, or at least some kind of pedometer. I'm really curious about how many steps I get in a day considering I spend so much time in my office at my desk. I've read that even if you work out, any time you spend sitting for extended periods can still mess with your health. It would be nice to have that kind of biofeedback to increase my non-workout activity during the day.

Marie- do you think you've "dropped" yet? You mentioned the other day that it felt like Breckin was sitting a little lower in your pelvis even though you weren't sure your tummy looked any different. Your due date is coming right up, isn't it? I'm crossing my fingers for you that you don't go over!! :eek:

Natty- Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Do you guys do it like us with the turkey or do Canadians have other special traditional dishes they serve for Thanksgiving? Have fun with your new downloads! It sounds like they will keep you busy for some time! :eek:
BTW, did you watch Dexter last week? I've been sucked back in! Just when I thought I was out...they pulled me back! LOL

Sarah- Happy anniversary! Isn't it crazy when you realize how long you've been with someone. I don't feel old at all, but then I think "Hmm, mark and I have been together for 16 years, my 20 year high school reunion was in 2011...these big numbers freak me out! :eek:

Rebekah- hope you had fun with your parents and the zoo!

Have a great Sunday ladies!
Just a quickie post...

I am not going to the in-laws in Hamilton today. Bella woke with a fever and Mark's whole family is sick with a flu. Hopefully we can still visit my aunts tomorrow for lunch. Our Thanksgiving has the usual food like turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pie's, ect. It's not a big event like Xmas eve or Xmas day though. Cuz' we are Italian, there is sometimes pasta and other Italian eats.

Yesterday I did Circuit Max. It was fun fun! I love Cathe's oldie's. They are somewhat "magical" and a little easier than her more recent workouts.

Today's w/o was supposed to be Yoga, but I might opt for some cardio instead. I already had a slice of Pumpkin Pie that was supposed to be going to my in-law's today :eek:. To be fair, it expires in 3 days :D. Good pie gone to waste is just a sin ;).

BBL to write personals. Have a great Sunday!
Hey Ladies!!!!! We are on the way back, I am checking-in from my phone again. I wish I had news of a wonderful family zoo trip; however, Addie was Addie and I'll leave it at that :p Heins is happy though, he killed two deer with bow and arrow, so at least one of us had a good weekend! I am ready to be back home with Cathe and Pauline! No workouts, and wasn't able to eat like I usually do. I am definitely feeling that :-/ We did a lot of walking at the zoo though, I'm sure I was the only mother who enjoyed pushing the stroller up the hills :p Tuesday is the big day of Addie starting preschool and me starting Crossfit! Please wish me luck! I am so excited/nervous/anxious!

Colleen- I loved your cake!!! That was so sweet and thoughtful of Mark! Thank you for sharing the pics :) Oh my! HC Bootcamp! WTG!!!!! Yes, the clip of Xtrain was super cute! I'm glad Cathe is pumped! Makes me excited too :)

Jen- Sorry about that crazy lady bugging you! Hopefully she will take the hint and buzz off! Great job on the walking! That is awesome! I am so glad you ran into the VP! I hope some good news comes from that :)

Natty- Happy Thanksgiving!!! Please enjoy some Pumpkin pie for me as well, I LOVE pumpkin pie :) and yes it would totally be a sin to let any of that bad boy go to waste! WTG on Circuit Max! I know you love the "oldies"!

Marie- I am so excited for the arrival of Breckin! Can't wait to see pictures! :) :) Keep us posted! I am sure that you are ready to get back to Cathe!

Sarah- WTG on chest, back, shoulders and legs AND HiiT! Wow!!! That food you made sounds awesome! Congrats on your anniversary! I wish you many more happy years! It is so nice to hear about couples who have "made" it and are happy :) it gives me hope! I hope you two had a wonderful time together :)

I'm back :D.

I did 40/20 today with NO modifications. NONE. I wanted to die. It takes every last ounce of breath in my body to make it to the final seconds. Cardio brutality at it's best. Makes TTM, Crossfire, Imax, oh hell every damn cardio Cathe has ever produced seem like a cake walk in my eyes. I'm proud I can do it :D.

OMG my boy Greg is back in Xtrain :D:eek:. I do prefer a little *eye candy* to gaze at while I'm working out sometimes :eek:. The newbie Al looks super sweet too. Everyone looks so damn awesome! Cathe's leg's are smokin' hot!

You are such a trooper working til' you deliver! Walking & yoga while pregnant is the best thing to get the blood flowing. I remember getting back into working out 12 weeks post-partum (I had a C-section). My first ever exercise DVD was 30-Day Shred. I did Jillian & Bob exclusively for 1 1/2 yrs until I found Cathe. They help me shed some serious extra weight I was carrying around :eek:.

Happy Anniversary!!!!! I hope you had a wonderful dinner. I wish you many, many, more years of blissful marriage :).

Mark will be downloading Dexter today :eek:. Don't say anything!!! Did I mention I love Michael C Hall. I mean really love him :eek:.


I'm sorry the zoo trip was not smooth sailing :(. I understand about how difficult the toddler years are cuz' I went through (still going through) the same difficulties. Hang in there! Sanity is only 2 years away! Can I admit to having a shot of vodka sometimes when Bella goes to bed and I've had a rough day :eek:.

Wow on the walking! Great job! Ahhh, I love walking :).
College dudes eh? ;). I see you like *eye candy* too ;);).
I hope things go well with the VP! Finger's crossed!

Have a good evening ladies :)
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Worked today...hoping it's my last day :) My due date is in 3 days. I'm supposed to work that day (Wed) and Thu evening but I'm really not feeling it. I can start my leave whenever I want and I'm super tempted to call HR and start it asap. I was so tired at work today...and uncomfortable. I think I have dropped...lots more pressure in my pelvis. Next appt is my Tue....hoping for some dilation or effacement :)

Workout today- 25 minute walk on break. I walked with another nurse who is speedy. I was hoping it would stimulate labor but no such luck ;)

Jen- Fingers crossed on the job hunt! Sounds like things are looking up :) Nice job on your 3 hour walk.

Colleen- Nice job on HC! I am so tempted to buy those workouts. Sounds like they would be great post preg. I could only imagine how hard they are. I do my planks still but man they are way harder now...lost all my core strength.

Natasha- Sorry your family is sick :( And your poor dtr too....it's so hard to see sick kids...poor lil thing! You're Italian?! ME TOO! They are the best :) All this talk of Thanksgiving has this prego chic craving turkey and mashed potatoes. Guess what's for dinner tonight haha?!

Rebekah- Oh yes pushing a stroller up a hill! I'm stoked for that haha! Hello hamstring and butt DOMS :) Good luck on Tue :) Big day for you and Addie! Can't wait to hear what you think of Crossfit. I have a couple friends who LOVE it!

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Hello Friends,

Happy Monday. Not.

Colleen. Do you like Trisets? That's the only DVD I didn't get into from LIS. MM is my fave. Craving weights is always good. Balanced workouts.

Natty. Eye candy is always great in a workout. I have the original Step Reebok workout with Gin Miller from the first run of production filmed at Reebok University in San Diego. The men in that workout were hot... Some did show up later in Keli Roberts Fitness. Yes, I've experienced cardio where it takes everything to get to the end.

Yes, the college men were fine and so were the alum on campus too. Eye candy everywhere.
The VP told me he couldn't help me out cause everyone wants experience. Very reason why I can't get a job myself. I don't think he will give up though either.
Got a call from the guy from CA. MI operations are moving forward. I could be in Detroit by March or sooner. I volunteered to do alot of it around my stuff to make sure it happens.
Dallas has never been taken off the table. If I could get a job that pays me to relocate and to sign a letter of intent so I could rent a condo, it will happen. Happy that I missed their recent earthquake, their bad West Nile virus, their bad storms plus some other stuff which would've happened in the area I would be living or working.
Class begins tonight, yippee! No guarantee on the job that goes with it.

Sarah. Happy Anniversary!! HiIT is a great workout! 30/30 is my fave.

Rebekah. Great workout with the uphill push. Congrats to your DH on the deer. Venison is healthy meat with low fat content. Grass fed? In MI, we use Vernors Ginger Ale to get rid of the gamey taste.

Marie. Due date in 3 days. Yes, sounds like the baby has dropped. Breckin is ready for his arrival party. Take good care of yourself. Do you think you will make it to Thursday?
Yesterday I went gliding, it was awesome. Dinner with hubby was good. I was sitting reading all your posts wishing me a Happy Anniversary the ironic part was I wasn't on speaking terms with my husband yesterday :mad: He'll say I was moody because ttotm. I'll say he was just being a horses ass ;)

Yesterday I took a walk, today will be HC :)

Happy Thanksgiving Nat!

I have been looking for the thread that Cathe was suppose to have in the OD forum on Sat. Why am I not finding it?

Jen - You def. have lots of fuels in the fire, thats always good.

Rebekah - I am getting super excitied for you for crossfit, and Addie going to PS. I always find changes exciting. As I was driving through Portland yesterday I was noticing how places were advertising crossfit.

Marie - I hope your feeling good, and you find out good news at the Dr. today. I had c-sections, so I wasn't overdue. With my daughters I was at 34 weeks, and my son was 29 weeks. I will feel super bad if you have to wait longer I can just imagine everyday getting a little more uncomfortable :(

Nat- I am slotted to do 40/20 this week. This is one of the harder ones for me also. However I only use 2 risers on each side because thats all I have, Thank God!

Nat and Colleen - You can't talk about Dex, or you have to atleast warn me. My friend records them and we don't get to watch them till seversl weeks later. I love Dexter, its my second fav. show right behind Master Chef.

Quickie check in! Not too exciting anyway since Monday is my rest day ;).

Yesterday I ended up doing Hiit 30/30 and Pyramid upper body (minus the warm up and chest section due to HC being the day before). I woke up with some bicep DOMS for the first time in awhile. :) I keep forgetting that I can't match Cathe on biceps...:confused: I really should have grabbed 8, 10 and 12 instead of 10,12 and 15 like she does. Those 15's were going anywhere! I quickly realized I just needed to repeat the top of the pyramid with 12 and then did 10, 8 on the way down :eek:.

I can't wait for XTrain! :eek: :eek: I think I'm going to try and keep one day of HC going and otherwise do the rotation as she spells it out. Is everyone else planning on doing the XTrain rotation when it's available?? We can do it together! :eek:

Rebekah- Good luck with Crossfit!!!! :D

Sarah- sorry hubby was being a horses a$$. I hate it when they blame it on ttotm! :mad: Like that excuses their douchey behavior! :rolleyes: lol

Marie- any day now....:eek: On the day I was due with Dylan I did all the things that supposedly would induce labor...I ate Chinese for lunch, then Mexican for dinner, went for a long walk, and made hubby have sex with me! lol I'm like, one of these things has to work! Sure enough, my water broke that night! ;)

Natty- sshhh, we have to keep our lips sealed about Dexter for Sarah's sake! :p I totally thought of you when I saw Greg on the teaser clip! lol ;)

Jen- I LOVE the lower body split of Trisets. I mean LOVE LOVE! :eek: I'm a little more lukewarm on the upper body portion, although it's still good. I ended up doing PUB instead for that reason yesterday. PUB is my favorite upper body workout! So simple and to the point. Love it! I wish Cathe would make another pyramid style weight dvd.

Just finished Yoga Max with modifications. I have done Cathe's yoga workouts more in the past few weeks than I ever have. Perfect for pregnancy!

Cleaning is up next. I did a deep cleaning last week but everything is dusty again....ugh! Just a light dusting and the floors will do today.

Tonight Tony and I are going to an estate sale. He is really into those and garage sales lately. Then out to dinner for date night :)

Colleen- That rules that your water broke on your due date! Sounds like you did all the right things. No such luck for me so far.....spicy food, sex, walking....we shall wait I guess! OMG yes I am so stoked to do the XTrain rotation and totally think we should all do it together if everyone if down!!! I watched the teaser clip like 5 times! Amanda looks so good for just having a baby! And Cathe's legs......AMAZING!!!

Jen- Do you happen to be the Jen T that submitted the pumpkin bite recipe in the newsletter this week or is the name just a coincidence? They look super tasty regardless. I actually think I will make it past Thurs....this little man seems to be pretty cozy!

Sarah- Sorry about your husband....ugh! Men! They have no clue at times! Glad I'm a female! Uncomfortable....yes...that explains it fully! It's hard to roll over, get up, put on shoes, socks. Any day now would be grand :)

Hi to everyone else!

Better get cleaning.......
Hi everyone!

Lots of good eats yesterday :D. Me, Mark, Bella and my aunt went for a walk after lunch while everyone else just sat around :confused:. It's funny, people really do hate to move their body.

Had a really bad sleep last night. Bella is sick with a cough and stuffy nose and so she woke up frequently. I spent my evening tossing and turning and even thinking about what stupid LB workout I was going to do today and if I should add in a shorter cardio along with it :rolleyes:. I felt like an idiot.

I never dropped :(. My cervic was effaced but not dilated. Reason being Bella was trying to come down, but it was discovered after my emerg c-section (I was 1 week late, amnio was very low, I got induced, in labor for 2 days, you know the usual thing ) that my pelvis was too small and her head was getting squished. Apparently she was too big of a baby for my tiny weenie pelvis. Did you make a labor kit and plan?
And yes, I'm Italian! Well my parents and relatives are. Whereabouts in Italy are you from?

30/30 and PUB :eek::eek:. You are my hero :D.
I was thinking of doing a rotation with Xtrain, but to modify it to suit my schedule if need be. I will definitely be testing out those suckers asap :eek:.

Crossfit and preschool today!!! Good luck!!!!

I'm sorry about you and your hubby not being on speaking terms. I hope you both are doing better this week.
You went gliding? What's that? It sounds pretty awesome!

It's great that you are still open to relocating if need be. I've always wanted to live out West. There are so many jobs and everything is less expensive, including housing (except in Vancouver).

Have a good one ladies!
mini-natty said:
I never dropped :(. My cervic was effaced but not dilated. Reason being Bella was trying to come down, but it was discovered after my emerg c-section (I was 1 week late, amnio was very low, I got induced, in labor for 2 days, you know the usual thing ) that my pelvis was too small and her head was getting squished. Apparently she was too big of a baby for my tiny weenie pelvis. Did you make a labor kit and plan?
And yes, I'm Italian! Well my parents and relatives are. Whereabouts in Italy are you from?


My grandparents are from Sicily. One day I would love to take a trip there!

I did make a labor plan and kit. My suitcase is filled with things to distract me during labor :) I'm all set to go. Now if he would just get moving.

Thanks for sharing your labor story. I love hearing them. My sister's pelvis was too small too and she had to do an emerg c. I wonder if that will be the case with me too. The dr keeps telling me my cervix is way up there but she also mentioned today that he has probably dropped since I'm measuring at 37 now compared to 38 a couple weeks ago.

In other news, I had my appt today and nothing has changed. No dilation. No effacement. Next appt is Mon. I would love for things to happen naturally but we will discuss induction then if I haven't made progress. I'm trying not to be frustrated because I know things can happen quickly but I'm ready now. I just want to be holding my baby. It's really hard waiting.

If anyone has any labor stories they would feel comfortable sharing I would love to hear them. How late or early were you? Were you induced? Epidural or no epidural?

My appt didn't go as I was hoping but on a happy note......I got approved for medical leave so I don't have to go back to work :) Don't get me wrong, I love my job but it's been so uncomfortable to work lately. Truly I don't have a medical reason to be done but my dr said we would use swelling as a reason. She rules cuz really the only swelling I have is my belly haha! So anyways I'm on medical leave till he's born and then it changes to maternity leave so I won't be short of any time with him :)

I think my plan for the day is to relax! I feel like I should go for a walk or something but I'm feeling pretty lazy!

Have a good day everyone! I'm sure I'll be back later :)
Hello Ladies!!!! Wow this thread moves fast :)
I survived my first day of Crossfit and have lived to tell the tale :)
I am so freakin' stoked lol I haven't been this excited about something in a very long time, it was AWESOME!
So hard though! What a humbling experience, to go in there thinking I was in good shape, and to be pushed until I literally had nothing left, I will be sore tomorrow!
This was the presrcibed workout:
For time:
15 Muscle Ups (sub 4 pull-ups, 4 dips)

For time:
3 rounds of
8 Hand stand push-ups
8 Slamballs
50 Double Unders

We warmed up with a run, air squats, dead hang pull-ups, and push ups then for the "WOD" they had to tailor it to me, I did the set of 4-pull ups & 4 dips 8 times, you were supposed to do 15 but my arms gave our during my last set of dips :eek::(, boy those were tough! For the hand stand push-ups I did regular push-ups, and just did regular jump rope instead of the double unders. It took me 10 minutes and 15 seconds :eek: The girl beside me did it in 7:30, Oy! I have a lot of improving to do! It amazed me how quickly you can do such an effective workout. My heart rate was through the roof and I felt queazy! I had to sit down for a minute after my second jump rope set. I can't wait for Thursday though!!!

Natty- Awesome job on 40/20 with no modifications!!! High-five! :D I'm sorry you did not get a good nights rest, I feel your pain, I did not either, I was tossing and turning obessing over being nervous about todays shenanigans, glad me and Addie's first day is out of the way now! I hope Bella feels better very soon.

Marie- I hope you enjoyed for date night with the hubs! :) WTG on Yoga Max! That is awesome that you are keeping fit up until the very end, that will definitely pay off in the delivery room! I hope everything goes smoothly, you will be in my thoughts and prayers :) The day my water broke I had a prenatal massage, they worked on pressure points that were supposed to induce labor, I suppose it worked!

Colleen- WOW on HiiT and PUB, you are on fire! :) I bet your upper body is looking awesome! You hard-bodied hot momma you! ;) I have not ordered Xtrain. I will see how you guys like it first! :)

Sarah- Sorry about your hubby! Ugh! That is always a bummer. WTG on the walk and HC!

Jen- I have yet to cook the venison, last time he got one I made stew and used nearly every herb & spice in my pantry, it tasted really good! I am looking forward to making it though. Good luck with class! I hope it goes/went well :) Also glad you had some nice eye candy to look at ;)

Have a great day gorgeous gals!

Hi Marie! We must have been typing at the same time!
So glad you are done with work and can rest! I remember how much I struggled standing all day trying to hold up my ginormous belly! I gained a lot of weight :eek: I hope you can "enjoy" yourself as much as possible, but I know it's hard to get comfortable with that bullet in the way :p
My labor story is not so positive unfortunately, I made the decision to do it naturally without epidural, and it was horrendously painful. I only had contractions for 8 hours, but pushed for 3 and a half hours!! I too had a small pelvis and has an extrememly difficult time pushing Addie past my pelvic bone. I will be praying for you and thinking of you! Please don't let that worry you though, out of all the mothers I know around here, I was the only one who had a "bad" labor story. I was right on time though. As soon as my water broke, it got "real", the contractions became very painful very fast, we went straight to the hospital and I was already 6 cm dialted. I can't say whether or not I would do it natural again. Sorry if this is TMI but i was in so much pain I was vomiting. Please don't let that worry you though, I just wanted to be honest and not sugar-coat it, because I had no idea what to expect, and every one told me labor wasn't that bad, so I was not at all prepared for what I was in for. It is so different for every mother, and I wish you a labor that is as smooth as possible :) Just keep thinking about holding Breckin, and with every push, he'll be that much closer to being in your arms :) before you know it, he'll be there :D
Afternoon girls!

Today was Afterburn :D. I almost felt like I could have worked out more but I didn't have time, of course. It's weird, I'm feeling sort of anxious and out of sorts this week. Mark has been the same way since his friend left to go back to Indiana. We're not sure why...I think for Mark it's that he's worried about his friend. He works a lot as a truck driver and rarely sees his wife due to being out of town a lot and with her working opposite hours. It seems he's been drinking more than he used to. I think it's probably due to boredom and being alone a lot. Not being able to have kids was really tough on them for many years, too. She went through so many miscarriages as well as a couple of tries at in vitro and the trouble they had was so devastating and stressful for them. :( Anyway, Mark's been a little down and I seem to be soaking that feeling in as well :confused:.
I'm thinking this week is going to have to be cardio heavy. I really feel the need for some major endorphins to counteract this!

Marie- that's such a bummer that nothing has progressed yet! :( That's interesting what Rebekah mentioned about the massage and pressure points...hmmm...maybe worth a try??? Hey, if nothing else...it's still a massage! :eek: ;) I'm so glad you got medical leave, though! That was so incredibly good of your doctor to do that for you! Working when you are this pregnant is such a burden. Now you get to relax more, which is always good for baby as well as mama!!

Rebekah- WAY TO GO with Crossfitt!!! :eek: I am so impressed! You are so much braver than me! :eek: It sounds like a real community feeling, too! Are the workouts always that short? How did Addie like her first day of preschool?

Jen- that is very interesting about the ginger ale to get out the gamey wild taste in venison. I will definitely remember that the next time we have wild game! My dad always hunted and we'd have deer meat (if he hunted local) or elk meat (when he'd go out west). I always cringed when mom made the wild meat...the gamey taste always made me queasy! :confused: How is the H&R block classes going?

Natty- so sorry about Bella being sick :(. Lydia has been stuffy and snotty the past few days. She almost never gets sick...it's always Dylan, especially with the upper respiratory viruses. Dylan had pneumonia 3 times and I swear he's got asthma and/or allergies now. We have an appointment later this month to check that out. I hope he doesn't require an inhaler :confused:.
As for the insomnia...I totally feel ya there! I was tossing and turning Sunday night. Sundays always get me for some reason! Partly it's 'cause all the good tv shows are on Sunday and I stay up too late watching them :eek:. If I get to bed too late it seems I have a hard time drifting off. I get so worried about the lack of sleep I'm getting that it ironically keeps me awake! :rolleyes:

Sarah- How did HC go? I'm still loving the workouts but I may scale it back to twice a week again. Doing it 3 times a week is sort of starting to burn me out on them!

TTYL girls!
Rebekah- Nice job with crossfit! You are a rockstar! Sounds so intense! Thanks for sharing your labor story. I love hearing how everyone's is so different. Don't worry nothing really freaks me out. Loved what you said at the end...I will be keeping those words in mind :)

Colleen- Sorry about your and Mark's friend! Poor guy! I couldn't imagine the frustration of not being able to have children :( Hope he and you both feel better soon.
When X-train comes out I am doing a rotation. I would still like to keep up with hiits and HC.

Yesterday after HC I did hitt 40/20 with only 2 risers per side. It was hard. Then when it was over I was like thats it?? I was glad but suprised at the same time.

Marie - Are you currently searching for someone to do a massage with pressure points ;)

My water broke when I was at the hosp. with the girls for a leaky water bag. I got up to use the bathroom and gush. I braced myself in anticipation of feeling a contraction and nothing. Then they started to come on by early evening, by 10 PM I was asking everybody what the hell was I thinking? By 11:00 they knew that the 1st baby was breech and sent me in for a epidural. Yippee!! I was scared when I had my son about labor but they didn't reccommend a vbac and I wanted to get fixed anyway so I didn't feel a thing with him.

So excited for you. Such a special time.

Colleen- I am doing better with HC and I predict in 2 more weeks I will be able to do it w/o modifications.

I sorry about the downer mood. Thats tough. My friend couldn't get pregs either, then she adopted and BAM. Funny I've heard that story happen alot.

Nat - I hope Bella is on the road to recovery

I did Cyclemax today then went to Ikea. My plan is for my daughter b-day on the 22nd to redo their room. What the hell was I thinking :eek:

What - up Jen?

So excited to hear about crossfit, Rebekah. So how many days will you being doing it a week. Did Addie love pre-school?


PS Hubby and I made up ;):eek::eek:
Good morning ladies :)

Yesterday's w/o was BM2 circuit portion w/legs + Butt Bible (L1) total time 50min. Here is the rotation I made which will start this upcoming Monday:

D1 - Jari Love's Ripped & Chiseled
D2 - Cardio
D3 - 4DS Lower Body Circuit
D4 - Yoga/abs
D5 - Cardio
D6 - Maximum Intensity Strength
D7 - off

Breakdown: 2X TB strength training, 2X Cardio, 1X circuit w/emphasis on legs, 1X Yoga/abs.

I will spare you any more details of my pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I really don't want to scare you or leave a negative impression. This is supposed to be a wonderful, beautiful time in your life. The most important thing to keep in mind is that labor, like anything else in life, is totally unpredictable. Don't beat yourself up if everything does not go accordingly. In the end, the safe arrival of your baby boy is all that matters :). I'm SO excited for you!
WTG on doing Yoga and walking. That's great :).
I've never been to Italy but it's on my bucket list for sure! My family hails from a small town near Rome and also northern Italy.

OMG your Crossfit sounded BRUTAL. I love it :D. You are a rock star pushing out all those pull-ups, dips and push-ups :eek::eek:.
How was preschool?

I hope you and Mark's spirits are uplifted soon. I can sympathize with your friends because that type of situation puts a great amount of pressure and stress on a relationship. Mark and I were this.close to getting a divorce. It's an ordeal so traumatic that I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. The grieving process can last a very long time, if not forever. I still mourn for my losses :(.
Everyone love's the HC's over at my other check-in :).

Glad you and the hubby made up ;);).
Ohhh, Ikea is dangerous! I can spend hours upon hours just looking at everything and wanting to buy everything too :eek:. Re-doing the girls bedroom sound like a fun, great idea :).

Hope you have a better week pretty lady :).

Bye bye for now gals!

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