Hello Lovely Ladies!!!
I hope you are all having a good weekend!
Other than going to the gym yesterday I have been indoors all weekend because of all the rain from the hurricane
It is so dreary and yucky outside! I am ready for some sunlight 
Yesterday we did 3 rep max for back squat, bench press, and deadlift.
I had a great time! I didn't know what my max anything was, so it took quite some time continuing to build up, I was there for an hour and a half! It was well worth it though, I ended up with 125 for back squat, 95 for bench press, and 130 for deadlift, they said my 1 rep max should be about 10 lbs more for each, so I hope I can work up to that! They put a picture of me deadlifting on the website, which I promptly "borrowed"
for my avatar on here 
Today I looked up WODs you can do at home and chose a 20 minute (AMRAP) as many rounds as possible of
30 sit ups, 25 air squats, 20 kettlebell swings, 15 burpees, and 10 push ups
my goal was 4, but I barely squeaked out 3, it looked a lot easier than it was!
It certainly got the job done! I wish I had the equipment to do a GHD sit up, which is what they do at the gym, the closest "movement" I could do was to lay flat with my feet anchored down under the couch and cross my arms over my chest so that I was only using my core.
Sorry I wrote a book there!
Natty- I am going to look up what a Vachon Flakie is as soon as I am done writing this post. It sounds intriguing! WTG on 4DS Bootcamp, 5 mile walk, STS bonus leg drills and Low Max! You are killing some awesome workouts as usual my friend! I totally agree with you on asian food not being the same without rice
otherwise I don't miss it, but I love my Jasmine rice 
And for the WOD on Thursday we did it outdoors, I love when we can get out and get some sun! I am PALE
some Vitamin D will do me a lot of good!
Jen- I hope you have a grea time with your mom! Sorry about the rejection letter but I hope you hear some great news about the Dallas job! I hope you have a positive end to your job search journey very soon!
Sarah- Great to hear from you! I hope you are making good progress with your daughters room! Hopefully the end is in sight
Colleen- Great job on Cardio Supersets!!! How is that shoulder feeling? How is Peak 10? I've watched the clips and it looks super tough! I am sure you killed it
Awesome about the Lower Body DOMS! I am missing those a bit, I have only been experiencing upper body soreness lately! Yes I am still sticking with Paleo, I thought I would have a hard time sticking with it, but the "reviews" from other CrossFitters seem to be true, the longer I go without stuff, the less I miss it, (minus the rice with asian food
) I used to be a big Wine-o and I have totally kicked the habit and not even desired it since
It took me a while to get used to having sausage and an apple, or eggs and an orange in the morning instead of me beloved cereal, but my stomach looks much flatter, I have noticeably more energy, and I am not getting headaches frequently like I used to. The switch certainly seems to have paid off.
Marie- Give Breckin a kiss for me! I hope you are all doing well!
Have a great evening every one!!!
I hope you are all having a good weekend!
Other than going to the gym yesterday I have been indoors all weekend because of all the rain from the hurricane
Yesterday we did 3 rep max for back squat, bench press, and deadlift.
I had a great time! I didn't know what my max anything was, so it took quite some time continuing to build up, I was there for an hour and a half! It was well worth it though, I ended up with 125 for back squat, 95 for bench press, and 130 for deadlift, they said my 1 rep max should be about 10 lbs more for each, so I hope I can work up to that! They put a picture of me deadlifting on the website, which I promptly "borrowed"
Today I looked up WODs you can do at home and chose a 20 minute (AMRAP) as many rounds as possible of
30 sit ups, 25 air squats, 20 kettlebell swings, 15 burpees, and 10 push ups
my goal was 4, but I barely squeaked out 3, it looked a lot easier than it was!
It certainly got the job done! I wish I had the equipment to do a GHD sit up, which is what they do at the gym, the closest "movement" I could do was to lay flat with my feet anchored down under the couch and cross my arms over my chest so that I was only using my core.
Sorry I wrote a book there!
Natty- I am going to look up what a Vachon Flakie is as soon as I am done writing this post. It sounds intriguing! WTG on 4DS Bootcamp, 5 mile walk, STS bonus leg drills and Low Max! You are killing some awesome workouts as usual my friend! I totally agree with you on asian food not being the same without rice
And for the WOD on Thursday we did it outdoors, I love when we can get out and get some sun! I am PALE
Jen- I hope you have a grea time with your mom! Sorry about the rejection letter but I hope you hear some great news about the Dallas job! I hope you have a positive end to your job search journey very soon!
Sarah- Great to hear from you! I hope you are making good progress with your daughters room! Hopefully the end is in sight
Colleen- Great job on Cardio Supersets!!! How is that shoulder feeling? How is Peak 10? I've watched the clips and it looks super tough! I am sure you killed it
Marie- Give Breckin a kiss for me! I hope you are all doing well!
Have a great evening every one!!!