Marie- Hello! So good to hear from you

Glad Breckin is doing well! I remember the days of doing everything with one hand lol hope you are able to get some rest!
Natty- Wow! Awesome job on the walk, yoga, push pull, HiiT DWP and STS TB add-ons! You were definitely doing some "work, work!"

Yes I am ravishing afterwards! Muscles worked until complete fatigue and starving! That is a recipe for a grumpy mom lol
I feel like it has also made me hungrier in general, I have been eating lots of apples here and there throughout the day! Maybe my body is still adjusting to the new "diet".
I am seeing results already, my shoulders, biceps, and back look more defined, I doubt it is different enough for some one else to notice but I am pleased so far
I used to bail on stretch as well, but I like Colleen, would notice the next day. I feel like it takes me days longer to get over the DOMS if I don't stretch those puppies out afterwards!
I am looking forward to hearing about spinning! I have never done it either. You will LOVE having a new challenge!
Colleen- WTG on Crossfire premix and Trisets LB!!! That sounds like a good one, I bet you were feeling good nananananana!

That is too funny! I think we all have our little inner mantras! I often think of the Fresh Beat Band (NickJr.) song "You can do anything you put your mind to" lol that is so super embarassing for me to admit haha but it makes me laugh and gives me a little boost! Like Natty I often am mumbling some not so nice words as well! Especially when I see double unders are on the board

I'm very happy to hear your shoulder is feeling better! Please do continue to rest it, I know it's hard, especially when your itching to return to HC. And I am sure your mind is just playing games with you, your middle is as tight and toned as usual! Remember you are a hard bodied hot momma

You will be back at it before you know it! Yes I was also surprised about the snatch weight Tuesday, they prescribe such heavy weight for everything!

It makes me feel like a total pansy because I used half as much

The coach I had that day is one of only two women to EVER complete the snatch ladder at the games, she can snatch 185 lbs!!! That is insane! It was super embarassing for her to watch me grimace and struggle with my measly 55 lbs
Hope all is well Sarah and Jen!!!
As for me this was todays WOD:
Overhead Squat 3 reps, 8 sets ====> I used 55 lbs
Super tough! My shoulders were and still are spent!
Then we had a "smoker"
3 rounds for time…
20 KB Swings (24kg)
20 Sledgehammer Strikes (10lbs)
^ Finished in 5:51!!

I finally had a good time for once

I beat two college-age guys, and it felt awesome lol
I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon and evening!