Okay I'm back

Addie went down for a nap easily, thank goodness!
Here was this mornings "WOD"
For time…
20 Dips
20 Dead Hand Pull Ups
25 Dips
25 Dead Hang Pull Ups
25 Shoulder Press (95lbs/55lbs)
25 Upright Row (95lbs/55lbs)
25 Hand Release Push Ups
25 Bent Over Row (95lbs/55lbs)
I used a resistance band to help me with the Pull Ups so mine are considered "assisted" and I only used 40 lbs for all the barbell work
I am sore already

Hopefully I will make it through the introduction tonight!
Also I'm not sure what my time was

I got to chatting with the trainer about my form and wasn't paying attention to the clock, but I know I was last, as usual

but I'm getting to be more okay with that now

Hopefully I will have some improvement after the classes, I will have another intro Thursday night as well.
Heins also surprised me with a 26 lb kettlebell

I was so happy because not only is he not usually the type of guy to do thoughtful things like that, but it showed me that he really made an effort to "come around" and support my decision to do this

I'm glad I will have something to practice at home now
Sarah- WTG on Bi's and Tri's and HiiT, you're gonna kill it

And WTG on your daughters room as well! I am sure you were still definitely getting a "workout" in! I am really competitive as well, always played sports all through my childhood and in high school, softball, basketball, track & field, Tae Kwon Do, there was never a season where I wasn't active in some way, so I'm so glad to have that spirit back! You would love it! It's amazing how much more you realize you are capable of, when you see those big numbers on the board it's initmidating, but at the end of the workout, even if you used modifications, you are sill so proud of yourself because it's unlike anything you've ever done before, or thought you could do. It's totally worth the soreness

I do believe I am addicted already! I hope a CrossFit pops up near you soon!!!
Natty- Glad to hear you have a healthy happy little fish family

Sorry about the one little guy

I hope the new ones fare very well

WTG on Low Impact TTM premix! Gotta love working up a good sweat! We all need our "fix" don't we?
Jen- I am so happy to hear the teen has paid your money back and will work to repay what is owed. It is nice to see that she has stepped up to the plate and is making an effort to make it right. I am sure she has learned a good lesson from this! WTG on passing the assesment test also! Keep up the good work!
Marie- Keep on walking girl! My fingers are definitely crossed for Thursday

I hope to hear some big news next time you check-in
Colleen- YES I definitely do have trouble with tricep push-ups, you are so not alone. TBH the first time I had ever done them was with Pauline's UB Level 2. Boy was I hurting the next day

I know you're going to knock TTM out of the park, tell Cathe I said hello! I miss her

I've been wanting to squeeze in some Cathe on the days I don't CrossFit but I'm just too darn sore! I hope your rest day was very restful

I am looking forward to one tomorrow
I hope you all have a great afternoon and evening!