We're In This Together **Sept**

Well no news here. Slept in today. Tony has the day off so our plan is to go for a long walk. B has been moving a ton lately. I feel like he's trying to move down or something but can't. I keep thinking my pelvis opening is too small which will lead to a CS like my sis had. So many thoughts running through my head. As long as he is healthy that's all I care about. Just anxious to meet my little :)

Natasha- I heard that pain is horrible. My friend at work had it too and had to stop working because of it. She was due in the 13th of this month but had her baby on the 10th :) He is quite a cutie.

Jen- Good luck on your test! I'm sure you'll do great! Too bad about that guy! He sounds like a piece of work.

Hi to everyone else!
Well you guys I'm totally freaking out right now...bouncing up and down in my chair with excitement! We just booked a trip to Cancun, Mexico for January 30-Feb 4 at an all inclusive resort! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D We are going with the couple from Indiana who just stayed with us last week. While they were here we talked about trying to plan a trip this year together and we were searching online constantly last week..checking out cruises, all inclusive resorts, etc. Well, after some research and talking to a travel agent we finally decided on the Barcelo Maya Colonial Beach resort in the Maya Riveria! It's about an hour from the Cancun airport and I am so freaking excited!

I was going to get up early and try to get an HC workout in, but my sleepy head just wouldn't leave the pillow this morning :eek:. I have new motivation now to not slack off though! :p

Marie- Long walk will be good...and don't forget about that sex idea for inducing labor ;). Especially now that the mucus plug may be dislodged, I bet there's a chance it could work now! :eek:

Natty- I was reading your posts about pears needing to do lower body at least twice a week and I totally agree! I loved STS but only doing legs once a week wasn't nearly enough for me! I love the Plyo legs workouts because you get the cardio factor and the lower body work all in one awesome workout. Two birds! Did you see that Cathe is basing the cardio leg blast workouts from XTrain on the same concept as Plyo legs??? Yipee!! :D

Jen- that sucks about the married guy...it amazes me how many married guys will flirt :confused:. They are dogs I tell ya :mad:! Good luck with the test on Tuesday! I always found open book tests to be super challenging. You always think it'll be easier because they allow you to look the answers up in the book but they tend to make it 10X harder and I always found the questions were worded somewhat tricky so you have to really understand what they are asking.

Rebekah- I knew you'd love kettlebell swings! They are the bomb! Perfect low impact cardio, imo! I love all kinds of versions on swings. I discovered a new on one of my newer workouts called a skier swing. You have two kettlebells, in one hand a heavier one (say a 20lb) and the other a slightly lighter one (say 15 lb) and you swing them both suitcase style. It was awesome! That's awesome that Addie is loving preschool! I always find Lydia is so well behaved with the teachers, and then it's a different story with mom :rolleyes:.

Sarah- turkey muffin meatloafs sound interesting! I always need ideas for getting more protein in my diet. I think it's that I'm just not imaginative enough with meat. :eek: I LOVE having recipes I can freeze. I always make a huge pot of chili and freeze the majority of it. It has been my lifesaver more than once on time crunched weekday nights ;).

Have a great one all!
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Quick update: I left the group he started on another site plus I quit responding to his email.
Colleen, I agree but alot of the homework is confusing or throwing a curve ball to get you to think. He is a dog but I know women like him too.

Did 30/30 today!!
WE ARE GETTING TROPICAL FISH TODAY!!!! Wish us luck!!! I hope the little guys don't die prematurely :(.

Yesterday was a rest day. Today I'm slotted to do TB, but my UB is still sore! We'll see, I might do Plyo Legs instead :eek:.

This chick did the happy dance when you announced your Mayan Rivera vacation :D. I AM SO PSYCHED FOR YOU!!! I've been to Barcelo Cayo Largo, Cuba, and it was the best vacation I've had so far. The Barcelo chain is known to be quite excellent. I know lots of people who have been to the Mayan, and they love it! It was on my list too (before Bella). Have you ever been to an all-inclusive? They are THE BOMB!!! Mojitos at 10am baby!

Glad to see I was not the only wacko with my vagina-needle-pain :D.
Don't think your pelvis is too small. Yours could be just perfect and you may have an easy-peasy delivery. Sending lots of positive vibes {{{}}}.

Oh yes, the "married, but not happily married" man. I've met lots of those :confused:. Too bad though :(. Don't get discouraged! There are plenty of men out there who are not married and still have morals (we should hope, anyway).
Congrats on 30/30 lady!!! You are awesome! I gotta pull that one out next week :eek:.

Have a good one ladies!
Jen - Good Job on 30/30. I really like that one, it always seem such a minimal time effort.

Thursday evening I went to Zumba, it was fun to get back in there. There were alot of new dances that I was super lost on :confused:

Friday WO was suppose to be SH bi's and tri's but I ran out of time and only did triceps. I also taked on hiit 30/30. Today will be the bicep portion of SH and the very least. Boy I cerntainly didn't get doms this week like I had last week. Does my body acclimate that fast?

Marie - No such thing as TMI either for me. My family talks about EVERYTHING :eek: More positive labor thoughts coming your way. Where is your way :eek:

Colleen - Congrats of vacation, is this truly a vacay? without kiddos?

Nat- Tropical fish? Like saltwater? Are they more high maintence then reg fish?

Rebekah - I am gonna have to steal some of your corssfit WODs. Some of the stuff I don't know what it is though :eek:

So if I'm not getting DOMS from SH should I do another week or should I move on to another heavy program?

Tomorrow I start demolition on my daughters room. I have to tear out their closet and rip up their carpet. I am not a home improvement person. I'm not sure what I was thinking. I am building them built-in bunkbeds/rooms. They are more spacious for that person that gets stuck on the bottom.

The turkey muffins are just like a turkey meatloafs or tukey meatballs. If you like meatloaf (I love the stuff) I would just use your fav. recipe and add turkey instead of beef. They freeze super well too. You can use them on top of salads, slice them and use them on pizza, use them on a sammy, just eat them, make some marinara and top them with it. Endless possibilities.

Colleen- Yay! So stoked for your trip! You guys are going to have a blast! Good call on the sex now that the plug is dislodged. Fingers crossed!

Jen- Great job on HiiT 30/30! I love that one. It's been forever since I pulled that one out! Soon enough though :)

Natasha- Have fun getting your fish today. I'm sure Bella will love them! Thanks for the positive vibes :)

Sarah- WTG to Zumba! I have gone a few times. I'm not too good but it was a blast nonetheless! Thanks for the positive thoughts. Send them to Minneapolis :) Where are you from? Good luck on your project! I bet you'll do great! Your kids are going to love it!

Tony and I went for a 2h walk yesterday! I had some cramping going on too so maybe I'm dilating.....maybe lol! Wishful thinking is always good!

Just finished Yoga Relax! It felt so good after that long walk yesterday! I obviously haven't been working out like I used to so I got some DOMS from the walk :)

Tony is at work till 6 but today's his bday so I'm sure we will do something low key to celebrate tonight!

Have a good Sat everyone!
Hey Lovely Ladies!!!
Happy Saturday!!!
I got up bright and early and went to Crossfit this morning :)
This was today's WOD:

CrossFit In Teams of 2:
Complete the following for time:
10 Sandbag Lift to Shoulder (80/40)
Prowler Push 50m (90,50) ====> (Pushing weighted sled)
25m Tire Flips (325)
100 Sledge Hammer Swings (16/12)
25m Tire Flips
Prowler Push 50m (90,50)
10 Sandbag Lift to Shoulder (80/40)
+Optional Farmers Walk (160lbs)

Today was a little discouraging :( Thank goodness we were in teams, I felt so bad for the guy I got paired with, I was hardly any help at all with the tire flip and I was so slow with the sandbad lift :eek: We came in last because of me. Ugh! And I feel even worse now because I gave in and ate a bowl of raisin bran (one of my comfort foods) and I had been doing so well with Paleo. Not to mention I attempted the farmers walk, picked up the weight (80lbs in each hand) and was making very tiny steps lol but the trainer told me to put it down so I didn't hurt myself and had me use 30 lb kettlebells in each hand instead. I felt so weak, after watching every one else do it just fine. :(:(:(
I know I'll get there, it just sucks being the weakling.
But on the bright side I did well with the sled push and the sledge hammer swings. We finished in 7 minutes ( crazy huh?) When I read it I thought it would take some time!

Marie- Awesome job on Yoga Relax and the 2 hour walk! :) Walking is great those last few days! Happy Birthday to your hubby! I hope you both have a wonderful time tonight :) That was awesome about getting paid for the diaper class! And High-Five for passing your MP, Breckin should be making an appearance in a few days :D:eek::D:eek:

Sarah- WTG on Zumba and HiiT 30/30! I hope the demolition and rebuild of your daughters room goes well! That is a serious undertaking! Sending positive thoughts your way for that! I get easily overwhelmed with that sort of thing. Please feel free to ask about any WOD terms, I am still learning myself, I actually googled a list of CrossFit terms/jargon so I'm not so clueless. I am looking forward to figuring out how to do all this crazy stuff!

Colleen- Aruba, Jamaica OOOOH I wanna take ya to Bermuda, Bahama, Come on Pretty Mama, Key Largo, Montego Baby why don't we go..... to Maya Riviera :D:eek::D:eek:
I am so stoked for you about your trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic :)
Yes those swings certainly do get the heartrate up, don't they?!?!
I hope we do more of those!
Good Luck with HC, I know you'll knock it out of the park... as usual:D

Natty- I hope everything with the tropical fish goes well! I bet Bella is so excited!!! And thank you for calling me a beast :D I was that day, today.... not so much... lol... but I suppose that is just how it goes. I will be excited when running is on the board :) Addie was so tired Thursday! I caught a pic of her asleep in the car on the way home, which NEVER happens :p I hope you enjoy Plyo Legs or TB! I need to go some Lower Body! Hopefully I'll get a visit in with Pauline tomorrow, I have missed her!

Jen- Sorry about the guy! Ugh! Good Luck on your test! I am sure you will ace it :) And high-fives all around for HiiT 30/30!! That is awesome! Keep up the good work :)

Have a great Saturday every one!!!
I will try to check in again tomorrow, but if not I will be sure to Monday :cool:
Natty, Hope the fish thing goes well. They wouldn't last in my house because of me and my cats.
Did you rest today?
Sarah, thanks for the info on turkey muffins. Salsa will work.
How was your workout? I love 30/30.
You may acclimate fast cause you're not starting from zero.
Colleen. Your trip sounds awesome. You may need me along to be your tour guide. Seriously, its going to be fun!
My update: I removed the married man as a connection on the professional business site plus since the emails continued yesterday and one today, I contacted the leader of the support group to let him know why I won't be there. I told him about the married man plus my tax class. Apparently, he is breaking the rules of the group. Quiz is Tuesday.
Also, I sent my resume as an reply from a recruiter's email. She said she was working today to catch up on work. I sent her two separate resumes. She asked me to meet on Monday to have a meeting with her and her colleagues. She was impressed with my info and told me she had a position in mind for me.
My workout today was Circuit Blast. Did everything except for Round 4 squat thrusts.
Jen WTG on CircuitBlast!!! That looks like a good one, I've considered getting it several times! The tire flip and sand bag lift were part of the workout. You had to flip a 325 lb tire 50 meters with a partner, and bring a 40lb sandbag from ground to shoulder 10 times. Both very tough, as well as the rest of yesterday's WOD! Lots of fun though, I'm enjoying the surprise of never knowing what the days "activities" are and what in the heck we'll be lifting/working with :)
Just did Low Max. Feeling the firewalkers from yesterday. Updated resumes and profiles today.
Just a quick post guys 'cause my weekend has been crazy! :eek: I'll be sure to post more tomorrow with personals and everything!

I managed to get a kettlebell workout in on Saturday (Lauren Brooks Volume 1) and today I did Athletic Training leg/cardio premix minus the cool down (31 minutes) and then April Hardcore of Horizontal Conditioning which came in at about 50 minutes. I kind of slacked off on the HC's last week...I only managed to get one in on Wednesday. I was really struggling with it today! :eek:

Just quick personals....Jen- GREAT JOB on getting some Cathe workouts in!!! :D
Rebekah- I love hearing about your Crossfit experience! So cool! Great job on those, too!
Marie- one of my optometry school girlfriends just had her baby on Friday. :) Hopefully things will start to progress for you soon!

TTYL ladies!
Whew, busy weekend for me. Saturday we went to this cool aquarium called Big Al's (it was suggested on OD). The dude there suggested we get small, hardy tropical fish called Danio's just to start the cycle of the tank and bring good bacteria to it. I call them "sacrificial" fish :D. BTW, the fish we are getting are community tropical freshwater, not saltwater (too much $$ and too much work!) so no Finding Nemo's for Bella :(. Anyway, we got 3 and one of them died yesterday :(:(. I knew something was "off" as soon as we put the little guy in the tank; he was not really swimming or interacting well with the others. There is a warranty for 7 days, but no big deal since the fish were 3/$1.99. This Saturday we go back and get a few more, and so on, until we can safely have up to 15, including an algae eater. I can see why people get addicted to aquariums! It's fun! Although it was sad to see the little guy go down the toilet :(. Cats are curious, but the tank is sturdy and fully closed on top. They sit beside the tank and pat on the glass. Very cute and entertaining :D.

Sunday we went to Hamilton to visit Mark's parents. Bella was a maniac trying to get everyone to chase her around. The whole family wonder how I do it, keeping up with her and such. It is VERY TOUGH! I have no clue where the energy for my Cathe's come from.

My workouts this weekend were: Saturday Turbo Barre premix (50min) + Intensity Bootcamp segment (oh how I love thee) total time 65min. Sunday was all the cardio segments from Circuit Max (no weights). OMG FUN FUN!

How are you doing today? Labor vibes {{{{}}}}

I'm officially naming you "Beast Rebekah". You are insane AND awesome! Don't feel bad about your stamina lacking. You'll get there in due time. Regardless, do you have any idea how hard you actually worked???? The fact that you can even do one damn tire flip impresses the heck out of me! I love reading about your Crossfit WOD stuff so keep em' coming! BTW, are you extremely sore?

Wowza lady! Congrats on getting back into Cathe with Circuit Blast and Low Max! Great stuff! BTW, Low Max is HARD! My legs just tremble and ask for mercy!

It's great you got back into Zumba. Working out should be fun too, not all torturous.
How did the demolition go??

BBL! Have a rockin' day!
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Natty, Bummer on losing a fish already and good the tank is far from the felines.
Working out actually gives you MORE energy because your body is warding off tension and other issues.
A former classmate of mine lives in Hamilton, he owns a Ford dealership. Handsome.
Were workouts sound great although I rarely do premixes.

Marie, Where are you? Hope everything is fine. If you're close, has your sleeping changed? And, rather uncomfortable?

My workout yesterday was with a 4" step. Thanks, Natty. I consider LM a steady state workout. Tomorrow, I hope to do STS-TB or MM.

Married man endorsed me on Linkedin after I removed him. Plus, a friend of mine joined his group AFTER I told her about his pursuing. She decided to give him, "the benefit of the doubt." Seriously, she may regret it.
Class tonight, quiz tomorrow night.
Today is my usual rest day. :)
I noticed this morning that the front of my shoulder was bothering me (right more than left). I think the close grip push ups from the HC yesterday were to blame. I always had trouble with close grip (aka tricep) push ups in STS, too. Do any of you guys have trouble with those? I just don't feel it at all in my triceps and instead I feel the strain on my shoulders. :( I think I'm going to rest the shoulders a few days and wait until Thursday to do another HC. Tomorrow I have a date with Cathe and To the Max! :D

Natty- I have wanted to get an aquarium for ages but I know it'll just be one more thing for me to clean and take care of! :rolleyes: Just like my "birthday present" last year, our kitty! ;)
ITA, that our workouts give us more energy over all! It's like a positive feedback chain! I always notice I feel more sluggish and lazy when I don't workout. The only exception to that is when I'm starting to feel a little overtrained, and then I bust out the Ellen Barret's for a week or so. :)

Jen- way to go on Low Max! I just love STS TB, too. I'm thinking I may brave a few step aerobics videos this month using the 4 inch step like you did. I've been eyeing up Intensity and I remember when I did that with a 4 inch my knees felt okay and I got plenty sweaty! Now, after seeing Natty did and loved the bootcamp section of that disc I really want to it!

Okay, gotta run! Later gals!

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