We're In This Together **Sept**

Well guess what?! No changes...surprise surprise! I'll admit I'm frustrated but trying my hardest not to be. I know he will come when the time is right. It's just so hard because I know several people that were due before me and they have all had their babies already. One had hers this morning. This one was a bit scary because she was 6 weeks early. Baby is fine though. She is in the NICU and using a CPAP and will stay there for a couple weeks but like I said is doing well for the circumstances. Sending positive thoughts!

So no changes to my cervix- it is soft but still high up, not dilated and not effaced. We did a biophysical profile which includes a non-stress test and ultrasound. It tests for movement, heartrate and contractions. He passed with an 8 which is good. So we continue to wait. Thurs is my next appt and is when we will do the BPP again. Fingers crossed please :)

I'll be back to read posts. Tony and I are bound and determined to walk this baby out :)
Great news, I passed an assessment test for a major health provider! I took almost the same one for a position in DFW.
Plan to workout and blog in the am and study in the pm.
Plus, teenager who watched my cats came by to visit. She gave me my money I paid her back plus she'll work to payoff the debt. She told me her cousin dissappeared right after the event. She may have the camera.
Also, from leader of support group, married man told to leave group. I told leader enough info. Phone rang today, married man, so I didn't answer.
Grateful for redemption.
Hi everyone :)

Because of the death of 1 fish prematurely, we went out and got 3 more Danio's. The 2 left in the tank were getting super aggressive, and I read that Danio's need to be kept in a school of 4 or more to be happy and peaceful. I'm such an animal lover that I could not let the 2 little guys (which I believe are females, actually) "fight to the death". We have 5 now swimming nicely all around :). I will send you guys a pic, they are quite lovely :).

Yesterday I did the Less Impact Premix of TTM. It was 40min, and not that hard, but man I was dripping sweat onto my step. Love that :D.

For the tricep push-ups, do you keep your elbow's close to the side without flaring? Or perhaps you actually have themtoo close? Have you tried doing them on the step? Hmmm, perhaps Jennifer could help you. She has been having ongoing shoulder problems. I'll ask her :).

You know your EDD is just that, an estimate. Don't fixate on the exact "date". I think it would actually be more appropriate to give mom's a weekly range "from X day to Y day", because the truth of the matter is you cannot predict the PRECISE day of conception to an accuracy of 100%. Yes, I read too many pregnancy books :rolleyes:. Your test looks very good. Just relax (try to) and savor in the final moments of having your child inside of you.

Congrats on passing the assessment test!!
I'm glad the teen dropped by and gave you back the money. Hope the camera is recovered too.

BBL! Have a good one ladies!
Marie, your doing so well at hanging in there ;)

Jen - I'm glad things are getting resolved from the housitter from hell. Glad to see your doing some Cathe's again too.

Colleen - I'm sorry your shoulder is sore. Mine gets like that with too many pushups. After STS and P90X it was really sore. I just give it a rest from pushups for several weeks. I can still work my shoulders with weights though, this does not bother them.

Rebekah - I really like that your competing with crossfit. I super competitive and this would really push me to go to the next level with my fitness.

Nat - I love your mish mosh workouts. Congrats on the fish tank. I think after a year and a half I finally have the knack for it. We have had our last batch for about 6 months

I haven't worked out since Friday. But the girls room is well under construction. The closet is out and I have been patching drywall. My friend is coming on Sat. to help build the loft beds. Today I will do SH bi's and Tris. and a hiit.

Just wanted to drop in real quick, today is a busy day preschool/Crossfit WOD this morning and I have the "Introduction" class tonight at 7 to learn all the movements. I'm off to get Addie and I bathed/showered and put her down for a nap. I will try to be back for personals but will check in tomorrow morning for sure. Hope you all are having a great day!!! :)
Okay I'm back :D
Addie went down for a nap easily, thank goodness!
Here was this mornings "WOD"

For time…
20 Dips
20 Dead Hand Pull Ups
25 Dips
25 Dead Hang Pull Ups
25 Shoulder Press (95lbs/55lbs)
25 Upright Row (95lbs/55lbs)
25 Hand Release Push Ups
25 Bent Over Row (95lbs/55lbs)

I used a resistance band to help me with the Pull Ups so mine are considered "assisted" and I only used 40 lbs for all the barbell work
I am sore already :eek: Hopefully I will make it through the introduction tonight!
Also I'm not sure what my time was :confused: I got to chatting with the trainer about my form and wasn't paying attention to the clock, but I know I was last, as usual :p but I'm getting to be more okay with that now :) Hopefully I will have some improvement after the classes, I will have another intro Thursday night as well.
Heins also surprised me with a 26 lb kettlebell :D:D:D
I was so happy because not only is he not usually the type of guy to do thoughtful things like that, but it showed me that he really made an effort to "come around" and support my decision to do this :) I'm glad I will have something to practice at home now :)

Sarah- WTG on Bi's and Tri's and HiiT, you're gonna kill it :D And WTG on your daughters room as well! I am sure you were still definitely getting a "workout" in! I am really competitive as well, always played sports all through my childhood and in high school, softball, basketball, track & field, Tae Kwon Do, there was never a season where I wasn't active in some way, so I'm so glad to have that spirit back! You would love it! It's amazing how much more you realize you are capable of, when you see those big numbers on the board it's initmidating, but at the end of the workout, even if you used modifications, you are sill so proud of yourself because it's unlike anything you've ever done before, or thought you could do. It's totally worth the soreness :p I do believe I am addicted already! I hope a CrossFit pops up near you soon!!!

Natty- Glad to hear you have a healthy happy little fish family :) Sorry about the one little guy :( I hope the new ones fare very well :) WTG on Low Impact TTM premix! Gotta love working up a good sweat! We all need our "fix" don't we? :p

Jen- I am so happy to hear the teen has paid your money back and will work to repay what is owed. It is nice to see that she has stepped up to the plate and is making an effort to make it right. I am sure she has learned a good lesson from this! WTG on passing the assesment test also! Keep up the good work!

Marie- Keep on walking girl! My fingers are definitely crossed for Thursday :) I hope to hear some big news next time you check-in ;)

Colleen- YES I definitely do have trouble with tricep push-ups, you are so not alone. TBH the first time I had ever done them was with Pauline's UB Level 2. Boy was I hurting the next day :eek: I know you're going to knock TTM out of the park, tell Cathe I said hello! I miss her :( I've been wanting to squeeze in some Cathe on the days I don't CrossFit but I'm just too darn sore! I hope your rest day was very restful :) I am looking forward to one tomorrow :D

I hope you all have a great afternoon and evening!
To the Max was awesome today! I'm so addicted to Cathe's metabolic workouts! Did you guys see the description of Supercuts in todays XTrain update? This part made me all giddy!
Though this workout is totally low impact, it has teeth! SuperCuts is a total body conditioning metabolic workout that rocks from start to finish. If you liked AfterBurn and Cardio Supersets from the Low Impact series, you will love Supercuts!

The only problem is my shoulder is still bothering me. :( I definitely need to back off push ups for a little while until it feels better. I was going to do an HC on Thursday but now I think I need to wait at least a week and see how I feel before doing HC, or even just push ups. Today as I was doing TTM, when it got to the core section I told myself I wouldn't do the push ups at the end...and of course I ended up doing them anyway :rolleyes:. Dumb move, I know! I hate it when I do stuff like that! :mad: Fortunately, I saw my chiropractor today (my neck was all messed up and contributing to the shoulder problem). After my adjustment I feel sooooo much better! I could just kiss that man sometimes! :D Despite that, I'm going to be a good girl this week...no more push ups until it's totally better! :eek:

They just handed me a file...I'll be back in a few for personals! :D
I'm back! :p

Rebekah- did I read that right, shoulder press with 95lbs/55lbs??? Yowza! :eek: Is that with a barbell? Is the 55 lbs for beginners? Man, I always feel so bada$$ when I'm doing a kettlebell shoulder press with my 20lb bell :eek:. lol Eh, not so much! :eek: I definitely hear you on missing Cathe, but being too sore from Crossfit to do any! You don't want overtrain! Could you do something lighter like maybe Kick, Punch Crunch? I always find doing some kickboxing helps loosen me up and work the DOMS out a little. Of course, I don't use weighted gloves in that circumstance! I've actually gotten away from weighted gloves anyway...I read somewhere they weren't so great for the joints unless you keep it to 1 lb or less, then I think what's the point? :confused:

Sarah- that's so ambitious of you to redo the girls bedroom! We have so many projects that are starting to pile up around the house. Every time we have some money we find something else to do with it though...like Cancun! :eek: lol We need to totally gut our kitchen (we look like hillbilly's with our mismatched, nasty looking cupboards!) and now our bathroom needs an overhaul. Plus Mark keeps talking about transforming the basement into a workout area but to do it right would require some beaucoup bucks. Oh well! :cool: Good luck with your project!

Jen- Congrats on the assessment test! That's great the girl is trying to make amends. Hopefully this will be a learned lesson. That guy getting kicked out...hopefully he doesn't bother you!

Marie- Just remember "this too shall pass!". The day will get here when Breckin decides to make his appearance, I promise! I know each day feels like an eternity when you're that pregnant, though! :( I remember that feeling well, and I wasn't overdue! Fingers crossed for Thursday!

Natty- I was on facebook and saw that picture of Greg and your comment ;) :p. I'm not usually into big muscles on guys but man, me likey! Hehehehe I think I may have had my elbows in too close for the tricep push ups, and additionally I could feel my neck scrunch up. My neck was totally jammed up today, hence the huge improvement in how I felt after my chiropractor appointment! My shoulder actually feels quite a bit better, but it's still tender. BTW, I googled stuff on shoulders and injury with exercise...did you guys know that tricep bench dips are supposedly a no-no for shoulders now? I've heard about upright rows being frowned upon for shoulders and potential injury but now it seems tricep dips are controversial, too. :( I guess I'm just going to have to stick to tricep kickbacks!

Oh, and I forgot to mention...remember how I had to quit dairy due to stomach issues? Well, lo and behold, I suddenly lost 2 lbs without trying! I was totally suprised, not that I wanted to lose weight or was worrying about it. I was content at my weight and had stayed there for almost 2 years after initially losing about 8 lbs when I first started working out. The only thing that I changed was the dairy, so I figure that had to be it. Weird, huh?

okay, gotta run! TTYL!
Hey Colleen! J/w to let you know that 95 is for dudes and 55 is for the ladies, I just did 40 though! 55 was not happening :p and you're telling me! This heavy weight is a whole new ball game for me! The shoulder presses were REALLY difficult for me even with less weight. I had to set the barbell down twice to make it through the set. Oh how I wish I had you guys there with me!
Hmmm, I'm feeling sort of beat up and achy so I decided to check my calendar and realized it's been almost 8 weeks since I took a recovery/yoga/Ellen Barret week! :eek: I'm clearing out the rest of my calendar this week and busting out my Ellen's! Time for some stretchy workouts! :D

ETA: Natty, I forgot to ask...did you ever decide between Drill Max and Intensity Bootcamp? Drill Max is the bomb! :eek: I was going to do it Saturday but I moved my date with DM to next Friday now with my Ellen's taking over the rest of my week ;).
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Sorry for the delay....lots of things going on today.

I'm in labor!!! So excited!

Here's the story....

Contractions started around 9 last night. Nothing too serious though since I was able to sleep through them. Woke up around 2 to a bit of bloody show. Then woke up at 220 to my water breaking. Got to the hospital at 4am. Cervix was not dilated....surprise surprise! Walked a bit, ate some breakfast. Got Cytotec at 11..this is to ripen the cervix. Dilated to a 1 and 80 percent effaced at 3pm. Pitocin was started. Had contractions increasing in intensity and frequency. At 7pm I got another check and was dilated to a 2 to 3. Progress was just not happening as I liked and the pain was pretty intense. Not to mention I was restricted to only laying on my side because Breckin's heart rate was decreasing with contractions meaning his cord could be wrapped around his neck. So at 7pm I got an epidural and am now pain free. I feel good. Not liking the numb legs but it's better than feeling contractions. 4 hours of contractions was enough for mama especially considering I was progressing so slowly. So here we wait.......

Hope everyone is having a good day :)

I know I am :)
Colleen. Congrats on the Too the Max workout. Not easy. Lost 2 lbs by not having dairy. I'm lactose intolerant.
Sarah, I understand in the middle of the project and how hard it's to workout. Construction is work to burn calories.
Sorry my posts are separate again from using my phone.
The guy from my old job who I couldn't date due to conflict of interest. We are chatting more again. I accepted him for who he is and I think he's accepted me too. Plus, his daughter is curious about me.
Married man is finally getting the clue.
Passed my first test tonight.
Lots of recruiters contacting me.
Marie - I am soooo excited for you. I got chills up to my scalp :D. Yes it sounds like your progress was going slow. I just don't understand how that works as far as being in labor all day and then your suppose to mustar up the energy to push :confused:. I hope everything is going and you get to hold your little bundle.

I'm super duper excited for you! :eek::eek::D:D Hang tight mamma, he's almost here :).

Yesterday w/o was MIS :eek::eek::D:D. It was my first time, so of course there was a lot of stopping and scrambling for weights. Hurricane Room :confused:. I wrote down all my weight selections, so hopefully next week things will go a lot smoother. Anyway, the workout itself is pretty awesome. No fluff endurance + strength work (8-16 reps). She breaks down each muscle in section: legs, chest, back, shoulder's, bi's, tri's, which I actually prefer because I feel my muscles worked thoroughly and to fatigue. The exercises surprisingly includes my tried and true favorites like barbell chest presses, barbell upright rows and overhead press, 1 arm triceps kickbacks, ect. One move that I have not seen Cathe do in any other workout was triceps dips on the step with a barbell across her lap! Man, it was TOUGH! Downside: the music was blah, and Cathe is not as witty as I've seen her in some workouts. Overall, I give it 2 thumbs up :cool:.

Should I congratulate you for the loss of 2lbs even though you didn't really want to lose them??
Yes, I will get Drill Max :eek:. I might opt for the DVD instead of the download since I will rarely do the workout in it's entirety and I want all those fabulous premixes.
I have not had a recovery week in a very long time. Perhaps I should take one soon :eek:.

:eek::eek::eek::eek: = your Crossfit WOD. AGAIN. Man, you are one strong chick! I look at the workout you post with my mouth open. I love and admire that you are doing this! I meant to ask you, how are the people? Nice? I'd be more inclined to hang out with males of the group ;).
Congrats on the new 26lbs kettle bell! How sweet of Heins to get you one :).
Glad Addie is adjusting well to preschool.

You talk about the married man, and yet I'm not even phased by it (sadly). I've known several men who were married and have openly asked me to have an affair. Good for you that you have morals and stood up for what you believe. It's very easy to get sucked into that, especially if the man is charming and attractive.
Congrats on all the recruiters calling you!

I forgot you had fish! Did you ever mention it? What kind?
How is S&H going? Are you seeing results yet? I SO want that series, I have an itchy finger dying to press submit in my Cathe basket!

Have a good one fit ones!
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