Well, I finally may have to join the dairy free club.
Phooey. I've had bouts of what I suspected was lactose intolerance for about a year or so...it seemed like whenever I ate my yogurt and granola for lunch ever so often my tummy would bother me, but not every time. I started taking lactaid just to be safe and that seemed to help. Well, ever since my bout with a stomach virus last week I seem to have developed severe lactose intolerance!
I had to leave work early today because my lunch did me in (yogurt). I mean, I am in serious pain and in need of a private bathroom at home..(sorry TMI). I was feeling so good too, before lunch. I looked up online and apparently it's fairly common to become lactose intolerant after a stomach virus, for up to two years in many cases and sometimes permanently. I am so bummed. You guys have no idea how much I love yogurt and cheese. 
Today I did Circuit Blast.
I was feeling so good after that! Until...you know. I have to say Natty, this workout is definitely cardio to me, not so much a circuit with weight training. I mean, she does use weights, but like CF, TTM, CSS and AB, they seem to be there to keep the heart rate elevated more than anything. I love pulling out that workout because I finally get to dust off my medicine ball! I hardly ever get a chance to use that sucker! 
Jen- Great job on AT! Woot woot!
How did you feel afterwards? I am always suprised for some reason how that first 20 minutes kicks my cardio booty!
Sarah- that's awesome you got your new Cathe's already! Also that you still have HC DOMS
. I still can't believe how much better I am at push ups now from HC. I was doing the push ups in Circuit Blast and was like "eh, this is nothin'!" lol
Rebekah- that is such a bummer about the doctor's office.
I struggled with my kids at the doc's every time when they were younger. They are a little better now, finally. They always wanted to mess with those blue nitrile gloves they have on the wall. I'm like "stop touching everything!"
Which reminds me, Natty- I can't believe that doc said that about Bella! WTH? 'Cause all 2 year olds are so easy and calm and just sit there? Has she ever treated a child before for pete's sake???
Oh one last thing about me reposting the link that Rebekah posted on VF. Well, not to many responses
. The ladies who did are pretty much the ones I knew already dig lifting, so I may have been preaching to the choir a little. I did see there were almost 500 views though, so hopefully even if people didn't post, they still read the article. You never know when you are going to have an effect and change a mind. 
Have a great day ladies!
Today I did Circuit Blast.
Jen- Great job on AT! Woot woot!
Sarah- that's awesome you got your new Cathe's already! Also that you still have HC DOMS
Rebekah- that is such a bummer about the doctor's office.
Which reminds me, Natty- I can't believe that doc said that about Bella! WTH? 'Cause all 2 year olds are so easy and calm and just sit there? Has she ever treated a child before for pete's sake???
Oh one last thing about me reposting the link that Rebekah posted on VF. Well, not to many responses
Have a great day ladies!
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