We're In This Together **Sept**

Well, I finally may have to join the dairy free club. :( Phooey. I've had bouts of what I suspected was lactose intolerance for about a year or so...it seemed like whenever I ate my yogurt and granola for lunch ever so often my tummy would bother me, but not every time. I started taking lactaid just to be safe and that seemed to help. Well, ever since my bout with a stomach virus last week I seem to have developed severe lactose intolerance! :confused: I had to leave work early today because my lunch did me in (yogurt). I mean, I am in serious pain and in need of a private bathroom at home..(sorry TMI). I was feeling so good too, before lunch. I looked up online and apparently it's fairly common to become lactose intolerant after a stomach virus, for up to two years in many cases and sometimes permanently. I am so bummed. You guys have no idea how much I love yogurt and cheese. :(

Today I did Circuit Blast. :) I was feeling so good after that! Until...you know. I have to say Natty, this workout is definitely cardio to me, not so much a circuit with weight training. I mean, she does use weights, but like CF, TTM, CSS and AB, they seem to be there to keep the heart rate elevated more than anything. I love pulling out that workout because I finally get to dust off my medicine ball! I hardly ever get a chance to use that sucker! :confused:

Jen- Great job on AT! Woot woot! :D How did you feel afterwards? I am always suprised for some reason how that first 20 minutes kicks my cardio booty! :eek:

Sarah- that's awesome you got your new Cathe's already! Also that you still have HC DOMS ;). I still can't believe how much better I am at push ups now from HC. I was doing the push ups in Circuit Blast and was like "eh, this is nothin'!" lol

Rebekah- that is such a bummer about the doctor's office. :confused: I struggled with my kids at the doc's every time when they were younger. They are a little better now, finally. They always wanted to mess with those blue nitrile gloves they have on the wall. I'm like "stop touching everything!"
Which reminds me, Natty- I can't believe that doc said that about Bella! WTH? 'Cause all 2 year olds are so easy and calm and just sit there? Has she ever treated a child before for pete's sake??? :mad:

Oh one last thing about me reposting the link that Rebekah posted on VF. Well, not to many responses :(. The ladies who did are pretty much the ones I knew already dig lifting, so I may have been preaching to the choir a little. I did see there were almost 500 views though, so hopefully even if people didn't post, they still read the article. You never know when you are going to have an effect and change a mind. :)

Have a great day ladies!
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Hello Lovely Ladies!!!! Just stopping by real quick to say that my parents are coming in for a visit today, but I will try my best to check in tonight to catch up with you guys! I hope you all have a great day :)
Not doing well. Down from the constant rejection letters plus pms. Only did 20 minutes from LIChallenge last night.
Taking a day off from the job hunt.
Jen - That is exactly why I worry about you when we dont hear from you. You do have every reason to get down about the situation. But you can't because you are a fighter, you have been fighting. Chin-up lady :) Keep fighting!

Thank you Natty and Jen for the facebook birthday wishes, too! :D OMG, I was doing a kettlebell workout today and felt my lat muscle spasm a bit. :eek: I'm fine but immediately I was like "I turned 40, I'm already falling apart!" LOL I know what I did wrong though...I've been working my lower body so much that I still have DOMS and my "hip-snap" with the swing wasn't strong enough so I was using my back muscles more than I should have. Whoops! I know better! :rolleyes: I put the bell down right away and I'm fine now...at least something a little ibuprofen can't fix! :eek:

Oh crap, gotta run...BBL
Hi everyone!

Yesterday I did 4DS UB premix. I AM SO SORE TODAY YAY!!!

Today's w/o was CSS. Can I admit something to you guys? You know I love Cathe, but she kinda irritates me in that one :eek:. While she is doing the puddle jumpers, she calls out to the girls in the back and says "Amanda? Jai? You in the house?". As if they are "cheating" the move or something :confused:. Ok, puddle jumpers are like the easiest move in the world! As if they are gonna half a$$ it? Why not ask them during the walking crab move? It's a fun workout and yet she seems more serious than normal. Perhaps she was PMS'ing ;)

I don't blame you for feeling the way you do. Ditto what Sarah said.

Have fun with your parents!

As for your lactose problem, what kind of yogurt do you eat? My grandmother has severe lactose intolerance and yet she is ok with FF Greek Yogurt and even certain cheeses. As for myself, I have not been drinking cow's milk for a long time now, and the adjustment was pretty easy. I like soy, almond, rice & coconut.
Have a wonderful b-day pretty lady! You don't look a year over 25 ;).

Bye bye for now!
Jen- I'm so sorry you're feeling down. I don't blame you. This has got to be so hard for you to deal with. I wish I could say more to help but all I know for sure is we are here for you. We are your outlet to express whatever you're feeling...good or bad. Keep on posting, kay?

Rebekah- have fun with your parents! :)

Natty- what is FF Greek yogurt? I gotta say, I looked at the milk in my fridge today quivering with fear. :confused: I threw away the yogurt and cheese I had in my fridge at work. I ate yogurt and granola pretty much every day for at least 3 years! I guess it was time to change my work lunch :eek:. Today I went with a whole wheat tortilla with hummus as well as these fruit and nut bars I've gotten into recently. They are called Kind fruit and nut bars and they come in all kinds of flavors. They are sooo yummy! :)
I already miss my yogurt, though! :(

Happy b-day Colleen! I hope you have a great day and at the very least don't have to cook dinner. Thats my big thing, I just don't want to cook. I really like the KIND bars as well. And the whole wheat tort with beans is a staple of mine.

I have major doms in my bis and tris. If my arm is straight my bis are screaming and if I bend them then its my tris :eek: It makes me happy though. If one of my kids decide to slug bug me, I might cry or start fightin' back.

Today I did SH legs and shoulders. We will see if I am sore. It was hard, but not extremely so. Again the problem excists of not being able to lift enough to work the leg muscle at 80% of the max.

I also will try and fit in a hiit or running in intervals.

Good job Nat on the DOMS.


This is the yogurt my grandmother eats:

I was the first in my family to rave about Fat Free Greek Yogurt and now everyone's on the bandwagon! My grandmother eats that and she's ok (no tummy upset). She also is ok with Ricotta and some other kinds of cheese I'm not sure of. She drinks soy milk. Caution about soy milk, it's best to get the unsweetened kind and develop a taste for it. The vanilla has tons of calories and sugar! My grandmother uses it to gain weight (she's 100lbs).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLLEEN!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! :) :) :) :) I agree with Sarah, I hope you don't have to cook ;) sending a virtual adult beverage your way! :p

Hello!!!! I'm checking in via phone so please forgive spelling errors. I am riding back to Asheboro with my parents. We are going to take Addie to the zoo.... finally :)

Jen- Keep your chin up! I admire you so much for your hard work and not giving up. Soon your persistence will pay off, I am confident that there is something better just over the horizon, you are being kept available for a better opportunity :) We all are here to support you!

Colleen- I am sorry about your tummy troubles and dairy :( I hope you are able to find a balance that allows yogurt and cheese and still feel okay! WTG on Circuit Blast and Kettlebell! That's awesome how you are knocking out push-ups with ease! Keep up the great work! That's awesome that 500 or so people have read that article! The word definitely needs to be spread :) I am so thankful to have you guys to talk to about these things. I wish I had more "fit-wise" people around me here!

Natty- WTG on CSS!! Cathe is definitely more serious in some videos than others! I have to admit the "intimidating" Cathe's collect more dust. I need her little light-hearted comments here and there. Kick Max Cathe makes me nervous :p

Sarah- Hooray DOMS!!! :) Arm DOMS can be a pain at times though! After doing upper level 2 on BB I had a difficult time flat ironing my hair :p I hope the kids go easy on you :) Keep it up! You are doing great :)

Yesterday I did BB Lower Level 2 with added ankle weight for floor work, and floor and bonus barre work for LBB. My booty is sore! I wish I had travel fit for this weekend though! :-/ my mom has a stationary bike and my dad has barbells and dumbbells, I will make something work :)

Hope you all have a great evening!
Hi everyone-

Hope ya don't mind another Cathlete possibly joining in on this thread. Colleen invited me. I know Natasha from other threads too :)

My name is Marie and I'm 39w2d pregnant with my first baby...a boy :) My husband and I live in Mpls. I'm a 33 year old RN. I float between 2 units- Geriatric Mental Health and Chemical Dependency.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have to post after Breckin makes his arrival but I do love the motivation of these forums and discussing Cathe workouts :) She is the best as we all know ;)

Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Hello Marie!!!! Welcome! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I look forward to hearing about your little bundle of joy :)
Good morning ladies :)

Glad you came to join! Your little guy is almost here! And Breckin is such an adorable name :). This time is your life is full of so many intense emotions, but nothing will compare to the first time your child is placed in your arms. I still remember that feeling and get all teary eyed :).
I also wanted to say that it's so great you were able to stay active during the pregnancy. I was on strict rules (NO EXERCISE!) and modified bed rest from my 7th month onwards, so I gained a little too much weight :eek:. You look wonderful! BTW, I admire & respect all people in the Healthcare industry. My hat goes off to you.
A little about me, I live in an Igloo here in Canada -- just kiddin'! I live in small city near Toronto with my daughter Izabella (3 1/2), DH, and 2 kitties. Right now I'm a SAHM until this kid goes to school (yay!). I love Cathe, exercise, and food. That pretty much sums me up in a nutshell :p.


OMG your leg/glute work had me whimpering over here! I'm so impressed :). Even how you focus on your core is amazing. That's why your abs look so darn good ;).

How are you today?

BBL! Have a good one!
Hello Friends,

Happy Friday!

Marie- Welcome to the group. Never been to Minneapolis but to Rochester. Love Mayo!! Also, excited to see pics of your new arrival.

Rebekah-Hope you had fun at the zoo. Typing on the phone is difficult.

Colleen-Feel your pain, I'm lactose intolerant too but it doesn't stop me. Hope you had a great birthday, I posted on FB to you.

Sarah-Hope life is treating you well.

Life. Tax course starts next week. Creepy woman from program who got mad at me for helping others with parking is back in touch with me and everyone else. She was aiming to assist me with my blog, not happening. Got a rejection letter from WI and Chrysler at the same time. Going to my alma mater on Satuday, students run and organize the largest outdoor international manufacturer auto show in the world. I did it once. Great time to be back and to network. They are playing the big university here for homecoming. Guy from potential job from past told me that MI operations will start now since he closed a deal with Wal-mart. I offered to help to make sure it happens.
Workouts have been walking. Hope to get up REAL early next week to do Cathe. Hope is the key word.

Have a great weekend and peace out.
Rebekah - I hope you have fun at the zoo. We have a really awesome elephant exhibit at ours. But I don't get down there too often, it's just so darn expensive with all these kids I have :p

Colleen - Got big plans for your b-day weekend?

Marie - I love your picture with your belly. I also glad to have a new memeber. Can't wait to see pics of a new baby. I LOVE babies, it'sa really good thing that I'm fixed ;), I have a wandering eye when it comes to babies ;)

Jen - I can't believe that lady called you and wanted to help with your blog. I am a total grudge holder, so I would have said "ha, fat chance" :eek:

Nat - As for my first time holding the girls, I was out and don't remember :( But after TJ, I stayed awake after the whole day and night holding him. I wouldn't let him out of my arms.

Still have DOMS in my bis and tris from Wednesday. I managed to fit in Hiit Pyramid yesterday after SH legs and shoulders. I woke up this morning feeling slight DOMS in my butt however, they are getting worse by the minute. Today I did SH chest and back and this will do a interval run, if I'm still moving ;)

Getting all excited for X-train too. :D:D:D:D

Hi girls!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. It's been tough to get on the computer with company and all. I actually don't have a lot of time to post but I just had to upload these pictures from last night. :D Mark suprised me with a birthday dinner with all my family at one of the nice restaurants in town. Everyone was there in a back room and Mark had made this special cake for me. About a week ago, I had noticed one of my Cathe dvds were missing from my shelf. I was like, "aaack, where's my dvd???" Mark's all "uh, I dunno". Well, here's the cake he got me...


and here's a pic of me and Mark with 2 of the big glasses my sisters had on when we walked into the room.


LOL :eek: :D It was a nice suprise! :p

Gotta run but I'll be back later to post more!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving weekend!!

Our Thanksgiving is on Monday, but tomorrow were are going to Mark's parents and then Mondays is lunch at my aunts. That means lots of tasty eats :p:p. With that being said, I am set to do Turbo Barre today BUT I wanted some more calorie crushing damage control :D. So I was bad...and download Circuit Max :eek:. That's on the agenda for today :eek::eek::eek:. Oh and I downloaded MIS just to add it to my new rotation next week :D. I previewed both and they look right up my alley ;). Viva the Cathe oldie's baby!

Ok, Mark get's hubby of the year for that awesome cake!!!! The pics are great and of course you look stunning as usual ;).

YAY for DOMS!!! How do you like S&H? I'm jealous. So jealous.

I'm sorry about the rejection letters :(:(:(.
Ya, I'm like Sarah and the grudges. Tell that lady to stick it where the sun don't shine...I mean have a good day ;).

How was the zoo? I love the zoo :cool:.

How is baby today? Probably getting cramped and waiting to come out!

Have a good one ladies!
Didn't make it on a interval run last night :( I was busy making homemade pizza, and the last blackberry milkshakes for the year for my daughters. This morning I got up and realized I even have doms in my back and I'm not sure I ever remember having DOMs in my back :) I still have them in every other part of my body too. So I might end up just taking today as my rest day and starting my week tomorrow. Since every single muscle group is still sore. She says at the beginning of SH (seems preety adament about it) that you only do a rotation of SH for 3 weeks. I am so sore, in the middle of the night when I have to get up and pee, I can hardly move :p

Marie - I remember the last parts of my pregnancies being so uncomfortable that I would go out in the middle of the night and sit in the hot tub :eek: I hope you aren't that uncomfotable :)

Colleen- that was so sweet and especially thoughtful of your husband. He gets major kudos :)

Nat - My daughters were looking at the calendar yesterday and called it to my attention that Canada has Thanksgiving in Oct. I hope you have fun and enjoy your family and good food.

Tonight my husband and I will be going out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary thats on the 11th. We will have been married for 14 years and been together for 21 :eek: Geez thats a long time


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