We're In This Together **Sept**

Nat- I would love to do an addition however there are so many rules and regulations for adding onto a manufactured home (yes, I'm trailer trash ;)) that it makes it very hard.

I did HC yesterday and thought my core would be sore today but its not :(. Just my shoulders and arms are sore. Mind you I did not do the whole thing only what I could do.

Today I did a "NAT" and did 36 min. of Cyclemax, followed by hiit 30/30 with a chaser of hula hooping for 10 min.

Rebekah - whoa 3 flights of stairs. That would be a great challenge especially with my HUGE trips to the grocery store. I was kind of spoiled I never had to live in an apartment :eek:

Colleen - I'm impressed that you still managed to eek out a workout.

Jen - Where are you, I worry when we dont hear from you :(

Hello All!

I am my upper body is super fried right now :-0 I did Butt Bible Upper Body Level 2, TTM UBw/Core, TurboBarre core, and Butts and Buts Core. I suppose I did a "NAT" also ;) I have to say I love the idea of mixing and matching some of my favorite segments, much more fun than just doing one video the whole way through. I also have some news that I'm super excited about, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it will fall into place. We are hoping to enroll Addie in a preschool academy Tuesday and Thursday mornings, we are going to tour one tomorrow :) and if it all works out, I am going to join Crossfit Coastal :eek::eek::eek: I have wanted to try Crossfit for ages, and I am going to tour the "box" on Sunday. Please cross your fingers for me as well, as that would be a dream come true for me!

Natty- Great job on Shred & Shed and MIC!!! I have never tried Jillian, her personality is a little intimidating for me :eek:

Sarah- WTG on CycleMax, 30/30, and hula-hooping, that sounds killer! I would be pooped! If I do a Cathe HiiT, i'm usually done for! That's awesome that you have never had to live in an apartment! I am not a big fan of it at all :( We have some rowdy neighbors that party ALL weekend EVERY weekend :mad: Housing is pricey at the coast though, our rent is as much as my parents mortgage is for a 4 bedroom house, and they are about 200 miles west of here.

Hope to hear from you soon Colleen and Jen!

Afternoon ladies!

So today I did one of the Horizontal Conditioning club dvds. This one used the stability ball. Let's just say I get a wee bit frustrated with some of the ones that use the stability ball.:eek: I do enjoy the volume 4 workout, even though it's challenging. With these others, I seem to like about half the exercises and the other half are either hard on my knees (example: the infamous one legged hamstring roll ins...not happening! :mad: ) or the ball is wobbling all over the place. I don't know...I felt unsatisfied with my workout today. Like I struggled but I didn't feel totally "worked out". Darn it.

I love the HC's that use the gliders and step. Sandra is a demonic genius with gliders! :eek:
Tomorrow is To the Max! Yay! I can't wait! I so wanted to do that on Sunday but my body was not ready to go anaerobic then! :eek:

Man, my stomach was feeling great today until I ate lunch. I definitely don't tolerate dairy as well after enduring a stomach virus. It takes me several days to build up lactose tolerance again :(. I totally forgot about that. Ugh. These stomach viruses are so wicked. Yesterday, even though I felt better and good enough to work, my tummy felt so tender and sore. Not in the good DOMS'y way, either. More like a whole bunch of tiny fists had punched the inside of my stomach and it was all bruised. :( Then today I felt great and I just had to have yogurt for lunch! :rolleyes:

Okay, enough complaining! :eek:

Sarah- what did you think of HC this time? I totally feel these workouts in my chest and shoulders! I'm so suprised you didn't feel ab DOMS! The first time I did that one I felt it in my core for 2 days. :eek: Definitely working up to what you can do is the smart way to go though!

Natty- I totally hear you about Jillian. I always wonder what instructors really do to keep their bodies fit. I mean, it's probably not too likely that they do their own dvds. :p How weird would that be to work out to yourself? lol I read somewhere that Jillian was into kettlebells for awhile and runs a lot. Running...yuck. :confused: I'll just stick to my dvds! :D I don't know if I told you guys how much I want an elliptical though. Someday it will be mine!

Rebekah- you are so good about doing floor work for the glutes! :eek: I totally avoid floor work...which probably means I need to do it more! I tend to love standing work more. Give me a good 'ole lunge or squat over a fire hydrant or leg lift any day! :p That's so funny about Heins and the sportsmans channel. Mark is all about the cars. He'll literally watch these car shows and auctions for hours. Yep, throw up face inserted here! lol

Jen- I hope you are doing okay! Check in soon girlie!

Later girls!
Rebekah- we were posting at the same time! Good luck with Addie's preschool academy and CrossFit! :eek: I'm way too intimated to try it. If you do it you'll totally have to report to us what it's like! :D
Colleen-OMG one leg hamstring roll-ins sounds super tough! I would be frustrated too! I don't know if I will ever be able to do a levitation hold, Cathe makes them look so effortless! :mad: Keep up the good work though! Before we know it you'll be able to go head-to-head with Sandra! ;) I'm sorry about your tummy! Sending Get Well wishes your way! It does seem to take ages to fully get over a stomach illness :-/ I will be sure to keep you guys updated on Crossfit, I hope I haven't set too high of expectations, I am thinking I will love it, but I'm sure I will be anxious/nervous once I get there! There are 3 crossfit's in town, but coastal is supposed to have the most supportive and uplifting environment which I will definitely need. I can't do the whole yelling, boot camp, break you down kind of crossfit like the others.
:mad: My post got erased this morning :mad:

Anyhoo, I found THE BEST short upper body workout Cathe has ever produced!! (well, from the ones I owe :D). The original Body Max upper body section! The workout clocks-in at about 25min (sans abs & cool down). I was a nut bag and decided to tack-on the upper body portion from BM2 :eek:. I was just too darn spent after Body Max, that I had nothing left in me to continue :eek:. I am DOMS'ing HARD today! Seriously guys, you HAVE TO try it out! Another hidden gem within Cathe's older masterpieces.

I hope you are doing ok :).

Love your new Avatar pic!
Those ball roll-in's get me every time! But OMG I love to hate em'! Have you tried holding out your arms a little farther apart while doing them so the ball does not wobble so much? OR you can go under your Turbo Tower and hold onto the sides for stability. I find I can focus on my hammies more if I secure my upper body somewhat.
OMG HC has a gliding workout???? Oh wait, it's in a plank position right? :(

Hula hooping looks super fun! I bet it does amazing things to your core. Thanks for naming the mix & match after me :). I'm flattered :eek:.
I love the small-town feel. Living in a big city just was not my thing anymore.

I loved your mix & match! It IS super fun to mix segments of your fav workouts. I find you get to focus more on a specific muscle group of choice. AND you know me, I love variety :).
Keeping finger's crossed for Addie's pre-school! How wonderful :).
I've always been interested in Crossfit since Bob Harper got involved. It seems like something I would def try if I had a reputable trainer. I think it's so great you are going for it! You only live once (YOLO, lol).
JM will always rank tops in my books. I have a soft spot for her because her video's were the ones who help me shed my post-pregnancy pounds. 30-Day Shred was the VERY FIRST workout video I bought. They have that video on youtube ;).

Have a great one folks!
Hello Friends.

Colleen-Love your new Avatar too. Glad you're feeling better. Yogurt is the best.

Rebekah-Good luck with Addie with preschool. Is she excited?

Sarah-Hula-Hoop, You Go, Girl!!

Natty-Cathe's older workouts are great like Step Blast and Step, Jump & Pump plus IMAX 2 and C &W. Don't own the one you mentioned though. Cathe and crew are divas in those workouts-in a good way.

Update: Taking the advice of my Mom and I will not report my missing camera to the police BUT I am not letting my neighbors know. I feel my old co-worker/neighbor is buying time cause she doesn't know what to do with her teenager. The teenager in question is grounded, I think, for more than one week. They know I want my camera back or money for a new one.

Work: Received a rejection letter and no response from another interview. From a support group meeting, an old guy was talking about his "activity" on Monster and Careerbuilder. Already, I have had one recruiter contact me plus one email recruiter. Previously, my Monster account was inactive and private but now open for social media with updated information. Likely, I will have to relocate to another city/state for a job.
Also, there is another person in my support group whom I don't trust. He being caught
on some lies recently affirmed it. He proclaims to be in social media but has no background on it. One reason not to trust LinkedIn on skills/expertise. We plan to meet for coffee but I plan to ask the questions and read his work.
My old internship/cohort whom I worked for two weeks. The one that went to the professional party drunk tried calling me yesterday and then requested connection on LinkedIn. I think what I spoke truth about has come to realization with others.
The fun never ends....
Saw a neighbor down the street whom I haven't seen in about a year. I told her what happened. She wasn't surprised but felt horrible about my loss. Agreed, pointless on reporting it.
Afternoon girls!

Today I did To the Max! OMG, I swear that is fast becoming my favorite Cathe cardio workout! :eek: I love the way Cathe says (during the jump rope move in the step tabata) "come on guys, it's party time!" The music is so great in this one and I just love the moves! I swear I was half drunk on endorphins afterwards.:p Strengthening my core with HC has made such a tremendous difference in my ability to do high impact. I can tighten and brace my core so effectively during moves like the shuffle taps, box jumps and power squat turns. Totally takes the strain off my joints! I know I sound like a broken record but everytime I do a workout like this I'm blown away all over again!

Speaking of, guess what I did last night? I was feeling pretty good and thinking to myself..."I wonder how many push ups I can do on my toes after doing all this HC?" All during STS I could only ever do 10 toe push ups before sinking to my knees. It was like this wall I could never blast through. Well, everyone else was in bed already and I was sitting on the couch. Suddenly I just got up and tried to crank some out in my living room. I did 20 push ups in a row! On my toes!:eek: I was so stoked! :D

Jen- I'm so sorry about the rejection letter. I think it's a good idea not to report the teenager to the police, too. It wouldn't get your camera back and it could cause some major headaches for the parents as well. Best to let them handle it. Now you know never to trust that particular girl again, though. Bummer. :(

Natty- that is a fantastic idea about the hamstring roll ins. I can totally see bracing my upper body helping with that move. I'm definitely going to try that with my turbo tower next time! It may be awhile before I attempt another stability ball workout, though. After yesterday, I didn't even want to look at my ball today! :rolleyes: 30 Day Shred is such a great workout for people starting out! I gave my copy to my sister in the hopes it would encourage to get started on working out. She got so sore from doing it once, she hasn't attempted it again. :( I keep telling her to keep at it, the soreness won't be as bad the next time but there it sits on her shelf. I'm like come on...just 30 minutes, just do level 1 again...you can do it! Crossing my fingers she'll pick it up again. :)

Rebekah- I hear you on the yelling, break you down CF trainers being a total turn off. I couldn't do that either! It seems like CF has really grown and there are so many different ones out there now. Hopefully you'll find one that is supportive and teaches safe form! I believe they do a lot with kettlebells, right? You will love kettlebells once you get to swinging them! :eek:

Sarah- hope you're doing great today!

TTYL! :)
Good morning ladies :)

O-M-G, have I not been doing Cathe for almost 2 years now? I did Butt Bible L3 yesterday and it totally kicked my butt :eek:. So the trainer, Pauline, is actually quite funny and CRAZY! She totally killed that workout with reps -- I mean destroyed it! She uses a body-bar, and I'm not sure what lbs it is, but I think I was being a little too cocky using 25lbs :eek:. So I will admit, there is no fun factor to this workout IMO, but oh boy is it EFFECTIVE! I was shaking and burning throughout the entire time. Lets just say I can't sit properly on my couch today :D. YAY DOMS BABY!

I love TTM too! Anything that utilizes my step, and I'm all up in that sucker :p. Congrats on being able to do all the high impact moves without putting strain on your joints!!! Honestly, I'm a high impact junkie because of that "high" feeling I get when I'm air-born. Nothing quite like it :D. Oh and holy moly 20 push-ups!!!!! WOW, THAT'S AMAZING!!!

I'm sorry about your rejection letter :(.
I also think it was wise not to contact the police. OTOH sometimes teenagers need a good kick up the a** -- oh I mean scare ;). You did what you felt was right, and that's the most important thing.

Now I know why you're doing Butt Bible! Holy smokes Batman!

Have a good one ladies!
That's so funny you did Lowel Level 3 yesterday Natty! So did I! I was almost crying during that last set of bridges with the dumbbell! lol I am def sore as well! I was dripping with sweat even though theres like no cardio! Gotta love a workout like that :) So happy you checked it out, now you'll be hooked too! ;) That was the first time I had done a one-legged squat as well :eek: I was a bit wobbly! I will definitely have to work on that! WTG on giving Pauline a shot, we'll enjoy our DOMS together :D

Colleen- OMG 20 push-ups is awesome!!!!!!!!!! High-five to you! My max is 8 lol! That's amazing! WTG on TTM! As usual you're killing it! That's also awesome that your core has gotten so much better from HC, it must be so rewarding to know you are getting better at the Cathe moves from it! No wonder you love telling others about HC! It just looks so tough to me :-0 I did quite a few push-ups in Pauline's UB Level 2 and am still sore from that, I better step up my game for Crossfit though! Yikes! Yes, they do Kettlebell! I can't wait too as I have still never done that, I can't wait for the rope climbs, and toes-to-bar and other CRAZY stuff they do!

Jen- I'm sorry about the rejection letter, and the ongoing struggle to get your camera back :( I hope your week gets much better! I hope your coffee meeting goes well!

Sarah- Hope you're doing well!!!

As for me, the preschool was great! Addie LOVED it, she did not want to leave! When we got there she just took off and played with the other kids, and never looked back to even see if I was still there! She is so not the typical 2 year old girl lol, it makes me feel better about her first day, I'm sure I will struggle much more than her! They focus on manners, independence, sharing, and cleaning up after oneself, which are all things she needs help with, so I think it is a perfect fit. I got to spy on the class she will be in, and I watched them clean up after themselves when going from one activity to the next, and throw their snack in the trash when they were finished, it was pretty awesome :) The Crossfit gym is about 10 minutes from her preschool so it should work out great! One of the trainers called me last night to see if I had any questions, she was incredibly friendly, and said they are actually doing a workout then cook-out/get together on Sunday so it would be a perfect opportunity for me to meet every one. I just don't know what to bring to a Paleo cookout! lol What's a cookout without beer? haha Any suggestions??? Maybe vegetable kebabs? I'll have to look up some ideas online today. As for workout, today will be a rest day, my arms, and lower body are both fried. I don't think I would be able to do much of anything at 100% :p

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!!

Today I did January Hardcore of HC. OMG, I thought Sandra was trying to kill me! LOL That was a toughie but a goodie! I must say, I definitely had to go my Happy Place during some of the workout:eek:. Sandra really overloads the muscles and takes you to complete failure! :eek: I was trying really hard not to modify the moves and do it the harder way. There are several moves she has you do with a dumbell between your knees (she has you wrap it in a small dish towel for padding). Every time she said "okay, now take out your bundle" I was wimpering "no please, not the bundle!" :eek: LOL

Thanks for the congrats on the 20 pushups guys! I felt so proud of myself! :p

Natty- way to go on Butt Bible! Way to shock your body! :eek: Okay, now I think I may have to check this out! :D So many great workouts, so little time!!

Rebekah- I totally had to laugh about the Paleo cookout! Our cook out's (we call 'em grill outs! :D) always involve beer...and usually not so good for you fare like brats, hamburgers, chips...:eek: I'm sure most of what we eat would not be Paleo approved! LOL Vegetable kabob's sound yummy! Of course, you can always bring a nice juicy steak...yum!
I'm so glad Addie like her preschool! I think it may be a girl thing...Lydia was always fine running off and barely looking to see if I was leaving when I would drop her off at daycare! She is quite the social butterfly, that one! Dylan on the other hand, is far more shy and would stick to my leg. ;) He's gotten much better, but we still have to give him that little shove sometimes to get him to be more adventurous. So far, he's totally digging karate so I'm excited about that! I'm a little nervous to see how he does when it comes time to try for his next belt, though. He gets REALLY nervous when people are watching him (just like mama :eek:). I guess we'll cross that bridge when it comes!

Jen and Sarah- hope to hear from you guys soon and that everything is going good today!

Nat - You are being an enabler, I don't own BodyMax :( I agreed with you totally about not weighing in for about 2 weeks. However, I had a health screening yesterday (for insurance purposes) I had to get on the scale :mad: 127, gulp :(

Jen - So glad to hear from you. I hope the parents step up and don't try to let is slide by.

Rebekah - I want to try Butt Bible but my internet connection suck-ith :mad: The fact that Addie loved the pre-school is great, it will make the transition easier for everyone, even if its only slightly ;) There are alot of links that have been on Cathe for Paleo eating, so you could do a search. There is also pinterest, there are a ton of Paleo eating pins.

Colleen - 20 push -ups are awesome. I do like HC and will do it once a week. The hamstring roll-ins use to be one of my worst exercises as far as getting the sharp cramps in my hammies. Gym Styles had a ton of hammie exercises and that made me get over the hurdle. :)

Yesterday I did TurboBarre and was supposed to walk also. But I ran out of time because we decided to play a game of Monopoly instead. Si I started my morning with a walk and will do something else today, just not sure what. Maybe, Zumba?
Good morning ladies!

Wow, I don't think my butt has ever been this sore EVER! You know me and DOMS, the more the merrier :D.

Glad the preschool went well! Addie reminds me of Bella, she could not care less if I dropped her off somewhere and took off.
Paleo cookout eh? Sounds interesting. You could bring anything that includes meat & veggies. Are they wanting you to adapt to Paleo? I could not imagine my life without bread, noodles, beans.
Have fun at your Crossfit session!

Sandra sounds like a lunatic! Gotta love me some tough trainers!

Your weigh-in sounded perfectly normal to me. You are 5'3 right? But I understand, even a few lbs on a shorter frame makes you feel uncomfortable. Oh, you'll take it off, don't worry! Just keep walkin', eating well, and doing Cyclemax :eek:.

Hope you are doing ok.

Have a good day :)
Good Morning Lovely Ladies! Happy Friday!

Natty- I am still feeling it as well! With every step I took my hammies were talking to me :) It sounds like Bella and Addie are not too different! :p Little Independent Ladies!! I'm not sure how soon they will want me to start Paleo as well :-/ I don't want to live without that stuff either! I get the impression that if you're "serious" about Crossfit, you'll do Paleo. We'll see!

Sarah- I agree with Natty, your weigh-in sounds fine! But if you're worried, don't sweat it, you've been really good about getting back into the swing of things, I'm sure the numbers will be back to where you want them before you know it :) That sucks about your internet! :( You can order ButtBible off collagevideo, I'm not sure how much it is though. Thanks for the pinterest tip, I suppose I need to start browsing around on there! I keep hearing about all the wonderful recipes there are. WTG on TurboBarre!

Colleen- You cracked me up about the bundle! I would be the same way! I do that when Cathe says to get the blue band :p Keep up the good work on HC! I see that it's getting quite popular on the other threads! Looks like it may be the new fitness fad, get out of the way Zumba, Sandra's really going to give you a hard workout! :) I bet she didn't anticipate this much success, that is awesome for her! We need to come up with the next "it workout" :) I'm happy to hear Lydia is that way also, maybe it is more of a girl thing. You just hear the stories of the child clinging to the parents leg, and crying on their first day, and I kind of felt bad that Addie could care less lol Glad that Dylan is still loving Karate! That is a great choice for him :) It is one of the few childrens sports that emphasize respect, which is always a good trait for kids to have! I can totally relate to the nervous feeling when getting the new belt! I HATE to have all eyes on me as well :eek:

Jen- Hope all is well!

Have a great Friday every one!!!

Happy Friday, Friends!!

Colleen-Nope, not buying that workout. I would be worried that my weight would drop right near one of my cats with that plus I couldn't do it.

Sarah-Love TB but I love most off of Cathe's workouts except for IMAX3. Walking is good here cause its not too hot and snow coming. Do you live in WI?

Rebekah-How many calories on Paleo? I used to be vegitarian from 6th grade to my freshman year in college (most of it). It's great that Addie liked school.

Update. The networking has worn me out. Went to one where its for business startups but met a headhunter there. But, nothing so far. Also, my profile went public on Monster so I had a good recruiter contact me for a position in Madison WI. They would pay for my move, training, interviewing, etc. But, still looking though. Considering starting my own business but it would be impossible to move and very difficult to get contracts.

The coffee meeting? I asked him cause he's asked everyone else. I truly don't trust him so I will not give him any reason to take something away from my hard work on my blog.

About the camera: Ran into a neighbor at Qdoba. She told me about my neighbor's cousin who lives by her. Cousin is 13 years old with no discipline and no strong parent. Dad is incarcerated and Mom is working 2 jobs plus might be in school. Responsible party-cat-sitter is still grounded but no word from her Mom either.

Going to the largest outdoor auto show one week from Saturday, manufacturer show, at Northwood in Midland MI. Hope to network with some auto execs. I got my undergrad there. NADA (blue book on cars) has offices on campus. This event is a big deal for the auto industry and for the university.
Monday night, I start my HRB class for taxes.
Had a problem yesterday with a longtime friend treating me in a condescending manner because I'm not working. It does happen. Its a journey I hope to end soon.
Jen- I realized just now how exhausting all of that networking would be. I am very much the opposite especially when I going through a tough time. I remove myself from everybody almost. When my kids were little, I literally disconnected with any friends I ever had. Same when I tried to start my own business a year ago, I shut myself off from everybody when it wasnt going the way I wanted it too. So be proud that your pushing and fighting because, I know it's hard and I admire you for trying different things and learning about networking.

Rebekah - I watched a little of butt bible, the chick has very muscular legs. I down for trying it. How long have you been doing it? Which is the best Vol? Have you seen results?

My kids were the shy kind. They would lift up my shirt and hide under it :p

Nat - I was crushed about the weight, because ever since I lost all the baby weight I would not let myself get over 125. Oh well, I moving on. It will be off with a couple of months of hard work.

Colleen - Mys abs felt more sore on Wed from HC than on Tuesday, the day after. Weird??

Yesterday I didn't make it to Zumba, its at 6 and thats a tough time to get dinner ready before 6 (for me atleast :eek:) Howvever my husband took the kids to shoot some hoop and while they did that I took a 3 mile run :) To change it up (thats my montra right now), I really pushed the pace. Today I want to do a full body weight workout. Not sure what though? :confused:

Afternoon gals!

HC got me good yesterday! :eek: Even my calves are sore, along with everything else!
Today I managed to squeeze 25 minutes of Ellen's Grace and Gusto in. Such a nice dvd for a good side body stretch...which I needed! I had to stop early though 'cause I ran out of time. Mondays and Fridays are sooo tough for me to get anything in. I'm such a sleepy head in the morning, I'd have to get up at 5:00 am on those days to get a full workout in since I work earlier on those days. Um, yeah that has yet to happen :eek:. I'm actually happy I can manage to get up at 6-6:15 as it is! ;)

Sarah- I wouldn't worry about that weight, but if it's a little higher than your used to you'll get it off in no time! :cool: We're here to push, encourage and support you all the way! :D Did you get your Zumba in?

Natty- Awesome on the glute DOMS! :p I was like that the first time I did a Meso 2 leg work out. I think it was disc 14 or something? I was sore for almost 3 days! :eek: Getting in and out of the car was a challenge!

Rebekah- Ooohhh, But Bible is on Collage? Now I definitely have to check it out! :p I'm really glad Sandra has gotten some success and exposure with her workouts, too. :) I really hope she can get successful and make some more, quality dvds! I really hope she comes out with a couple more bootcamps...maybe a little shorter or slightly less intense:eek:. Hee.

Jen- that's so funny about IMAX3. That workout is insane with the choreography! I got it in a trade when I was attempting to collect step workouts and learn the choreo. I got through the warm up, all excited, and then she starts in on the first combo and I was immediately lost! I literally think my brain short circuited, there. :eek: I swear there was smoke coming out of my ears! If you got that position in Madison you would be really close to me! :eek: Madison is only about 3 hours from LaCrosse! :)

Have a great Friday ladies!
Hi everyone!

No workout for me yesterday. DH and I went to an all-day breakfast place (sans child yay!). It was nice to eat my food warm and in peace :D.

Today was supposed to be Turbo Barre, but I've decided to do Hardcore Extreme Circuit Intervals instead (Imax3 + High Step Challenge weight segments). I will also be missing my workout tomorrow since we have to help a friend move.

Can you believe my butt is still DOMS'ing from Butt Bible?! OMG that workout just slayed the heck out of me!

I'm sorry to hear that your friend was talking to you in a condescending manner. Does not seem like a good friend if she is doing this, no matter what your employment circumstances are.
I can see how all that networking would wipe you out! I am amazed by all the things you do from blogging to internships to interviews, and everything else in between. You are one amazing chick!

FYI, Bob Harper is a Crossfitter and he did not go Paleo. Just sayin' ;). I would not feel pressured to adhere to a specific lifestyle unless you truly wanted to do it for yourself. What if you were Vegan and wanted to Crossfit? Does that mean you had to scrap Crossfit if you were against eating a big chunk of steak? Makes no sense IMO.
How is your butt today?? lol ;)

Try to keep a positive attitude. I know it's difficult, but I think with the running, Cathe's workouts, and eating well, you'll lose the weight no prob ;). As for total body weight work, I think endurance burns the most calories. Why not do High Reps or Muscle Endurance, alternating each week?

Yay for DOMS! The girls at my other check-in who bought the HC's are extremely grateful you helped them out. Now I got some of them doing Butt Bible too :eek:;).

Have a great one ladies!

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