Oh my Sarah- I burst out laughing too at the description of HC! lol Yes, she definitely needs to work on her production. Lighting, sound quality, etc could certainly be better. You are totally right, we are sooooo spoiled by Cathe's production quality! Cathe is the consumate professional. Of all the workout videos and instructors I have (and I have alot!) she is by FAR the most professional and polished with regards to filming, not to mention the best cueing, the best choreography and editing, seamless premixes, great backgrounders with few little annoying quirks...you name it!

Wait until you try Volume 3, though...Sandra will kick your booty good!
Jen- what kind of workouts are you doing these days besides walking? Are you getting any Cathe in? Good luck with the networking event on Thursday!
Rebekah- oh how I feel your pain with the naughty kiddo in public!

I hate to tell you this, but my kids got worse at 3 years old

. They seemed to peak at the tantrums around 3-31/2 yrs and then it got better. Of course, my 5 year old girl is already acting like a 14 year old

. I swear she argues with me just for the sake of disagreeing with me! The kids were always the worst at the doctor's office and restaurants. Especially the doctors office for some reason...they would never sit still, have to touch
everything and generally drive me batty.

Unfortunately, I must admit I just made the decision not to take them with me shopping very often and we only occasionally will take them out to restaurants. They are getting better as they get older, though. I just could never possibly get grocery shopping or clothes shopping done effectively when they were with, so I usually did that stuff while they were in daycare

. Shameful, I know...but hey I can only handle so much stress!
Natty- my Sundays are my "luxurious" time where I can just go and go with my workout until I'm totally pooped!

During the week I just can't manage as much time as I'd like. There are days when I'm rushing a 30 minute workout in because I slept in too late!

Mark has just recently...finally!...learned to just leave me alone while I do it though. It's me time! Leave me be, man! He would do that same thing that Rebekah's husband does which is come in the room, start talking to me, constantly ask "when are you gonna be done"...blah blah. He got enough animal growl sounds to finally just leave me alone! lol
Oh yeah, my workout today...

I did Crossfire! Lurve it!
ETA: Oh yeah, Sarah you asked how I manage to fit all those videos in that I buy...well I don't! lol I'm a variety junkie and I keep buying videos like some sort of maniac... but there are several ones I've only done once in my collection and even a few virgins.

VF is a dangerous, enabling place to visit! I just can't seem to stop going on that site though!