The Comeback Kid Update 4/21/06

We're all very glad you got an answer to your problem - that was just awful what you went through not knowing what was wrong and how to fix it! You deserve a happy dance!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
RE: Your Comeback - My Heart's With You

Cathe, you've made my weekend. Yippee! I am SO happy & excited for you!
Thanks so much for letting us know,
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
RE: Your Comeback - My Heart's With You

Woooooo hooooo!!!! Happy dancing along with you too Cathe!!!

This is fantastic news that you're on the mend!

Look after yourself and good luck for a full and speedy recovery!

WOW!! what great news, and you can really tell how this is affecting you overall. you sound so positive and well, just plain good :)

so glad to see you back up and around and on this super road to recovery!!

take care,
So Happy for you!!! :) I'm doing the happy dance with you. Take it easy and slow. Here's hoping for a speedy, safe recovery!
First I want to offer my heartfelt congratulations on how awesome you are feeling. The joy of finally feeling "well" is almost too much for words!
Second, I would like to say that the professional and calm perspective that you have brought to this entire process (and everything you do) is inspirational.
Thank you!!!:) :)
This is the absolute best news!!! I am so happy that you are recovering so quickly! I can only imagine what a struggle this has been for you.
Take care, and take it slow!
Hi Cathe, I have not posted because I believe in you as a person and I didn't want to be involved in the negativity that was going on. I am really pleased that you are on the mend. We can all survive without new Cathe videos. That being said, I would never cancel my orders with you, because you are the best. I am pleased for you that you have found out what is wrong with you. Take your time, be kind to yourself and may God bless.

Hi Cathe!! I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well. you continue to inspire even during difficult times. I've been reading the "summer shape up" and "bikini body" articles and I still find myself wanting to say, "If they would only give Cathe a call and get some of her workouts!" No one has ever inspired me (or inflicted pain on me!!) the way you have..I'm selfishly wishing you a speedy recovery but I know you have all the inner strength you need.:) Happy spring and for those of you with hard to handle young ones (as I have) stick them in a Radio Flyer wagon or on a Barbie big wheel and speed walk for as long as they will allow...
Your enthusiasm is so wonderful- it just jumps out at us!! I'm so glad you are finally feeling better and I just know all will continue to progress for you (at a nice steady pace) and that you will continue to feel better each day!!

Dear Cathe,

This is indeed GREAT NEWS!!!! I am glad you and your doctors were able to pinpoint your injury and fix the problem.


I am so glad to hear that you are healing so well. It just shows you that these bodies you have created are strong and can take anything. It is so nice to hear you so happy and motivated. It must have been really hard not working the lower body especially cause we know how active you are. Thanks for all the latest news and I am so excited that pretty soon you will have a filming date. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful news! I'm excited also and rooting for your full recovery. All I have to say after that is a heartfelt YAY!

Oh I am so happy for you. Please don't get hurt again. I can't wait for your new workouts. I think your awsome. You keep me motivated!!

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