The Comeback Kid Update 4/21/06

Cathe that is SO exciting and as other has said - I can head your enthusiasm!!! I can imagine how great it feels to be on the mend!!!

Keep twisting and shouting!!! :)
Cathe, I am so happy for you. You never cease to amaze me in you attitude and willingness to share your life both personally and professionally with us. Take care and get better fast.
Wow, twist and shout at breakfast? That is impressive!

Oh, your knee sounds good too...Just kidding!!!

Your euphoria definitely leaps out from your post. Keep up the good work..

How about All Shook Up tomorrow???:+
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news Cathe! So happy for you. You continue to amaze and inspire! Keep up the great work and happy tude. You rock!
I am doing the happy dance for you!!!:) Your excitement is contageous!(spelling?) I am sooo happy for you. Take it easy, and have a great weekend!!


you constantly amaze me- time for the happy dance on a school day?? I have a 9 and 6 year old and we barely have time for breakfast before the bus!!:)
Great news, Cathe! It's so nice to have our "old Cathe" back! The lightness and relief in your post comes through loud and clear. I can practically see the smile on your face. That glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter!

Take care and have a good weekend,
Wow, Cathe, we have got a whole team of Happy Dancers here! :) What a wonderful post from you -- everything about it just makes me grin from ear to ear, and I'm so-o-o-o happy for you!!! Enjoy that exciting feeling of having those muscles start waking back up. I love it that your teardrops are already returning -- and hey, could you ask yours where mine are??? ;-)

Hugs to you, and hope you have a great weekend with all your boys!!! Kathy S.
Cathe - That is wonderful news :7 ! Thank you for sharing this with us - I can feel your excitement and am dancing right along with you :) !
Cathe...thanks so much for the Update!!! I know the fact that you were in such great shape before surgery helped you heal fast!!! I just love the happy dance...[/img]...definitely take it slow...:)
Cathe I'm glad your getting back to your old self. I have to say the cutest comments you made were about you and your boys doing the happy dance. I can just see your four year old looking up at you and asking that question? They are soo cute at that age :.) On the upnote with your ordeal, maybe it gave you a little extra time to spend with the kids? I hope you continue to have a happy recovery!!!
HOORAY! I can only imagine how great you must feel now that this huge burden has been lifted. I'm thrilled for you! I'm also thrilled for us, because we'll be reaping the benefits with your new and sure-to-be-fabulous workouts. :)
It's so refreshing to hear you're mending so well! I would assume that you're recovering so quickly because you keep yourself so fit. I'm especially glad that you finally found what was wrong. Take care, Robin:)
Yeah, our fearless leader it back!!! I can understand why you are healing so fast, as you are not your typical person over 40 (oh, those words!).
Best of more healing luck (and of course all your hard work through the years) to you, and we are looking forward to seeing you again soon!!!!!
Sharing My Heart With You


Thank you for sharing this excellent news with us. I can feel your joy, and your excitement is contagious. I am fired up and more determined than ever to blast off the rest of this fat so I will be ready for the new workouts! I am rejoicing in my heart right now and doing tuck jumps in your honor. :7 I hope you are not attempting any of those yet! ;-) Do the happy dance and shout all you want, but please be careful with those twisting and jumping moves! I have had something on my heart to share with you for a while, but it did not feel right while you were still hurting. I believe the timing is right now, so here it is for what it is worth.

I believe there are priceless treasures to be discovered in the midst of trials and hardships. I hope and pray that, if you take nothing else from this whole experience, you will from this day forward rest assured in the knowledge that you are loved and supported by a very loyal customer base through good times and bad times. I was not a member of your forums when you posted your bad news about postponing the filming, but I was compelled to mail a card to your office to encourage you. It broke my heart when I read how much dread you experienced the weekend before sharing that update. :-( I realize that you have taken a lot of heat and criticism in many places, but I hope you now trust that you can share anything here without fearing how it will be received. I believe that most people here just want some kind of update from time to time. I hope you will never again experience a pit in your stomach if you encounter another unforeseen obstacle or setback in the future. I am hoping and praying that will not be an issue, but I will still support you. Relax. Be patient. Allow your body to heal completely before attempting to film these workouts. Please!!!

Money is temporal. Human life is priceless. This is my first experience with a presale of any kind. I have no regrets. Good things come to those who wait, and I trust you to produce quality workouts when you are able. Even if you never provided another workout for me, you have already inspired me to press on and break free from this prison of fat for good. I am filled with hope and faith. I believe all things are possible. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to live through this in such a public way, but your positive attitude through it all has been a source of inspiration for me. Love and hugs to you and your family, and happy belated birthday to Kyle. :)

As always, you will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
"YEs - fabulous job Cathe, and I know you'll rehab and recoup the correct way. But more than that I think you are even MORE of an inspiration now. Because injuries and illness will plague us all from time to time, but you are evidence that a committment to fitness and good health will help the body mend and rebound better and more quickly. I'm glad you've allowed us all to share this journey with you. Congratulation Cathe.


Lorrie stated my thoughts exactly. Your experience has only redoubled my own opinion that one can never be TOO fit, and that the more fit one is the more quickly and completely she can recover from injury or illness.

Discovering your workouts back in 2000 was truly a turning point in my life. I now feel like you gave me "permission" to work to my absolute capacity, in a way that no others in your profession do. If I'm ever sidelined with an injury, I'll bet I bounce back in record time, in part because of the fitness levels I've achieved with your products.

Keep it up - CAREFULLY!


This is such wonderful wonderful news:7 I am so happy for you! I think you will come back stronger than ever before!! Keep us posted on your progress Cathe. Helen:7

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