The Comeback Kid Update 4/21/06

Cathe, this is such great news. I know I and many others consider you a "friend" even though we don't know you, because you're with us every day on the TV screen! And just like we would with a real friend, we worry about you and think about you. It's so wonderful to hear that you're making a speedy recovery, and so wonderful to hear the relief in your online voice!

Take care.:)
So happy to hear your news Cathe!

100% range of motion, no swelling, feeling good, and tear drop
muscles in sight!

I feel your releif, and excitement.

Thank you for helping me "overcome the physical ability to react
to spontaneous situations". :7

I can now fall, trip, and roll, with grace,
and make it look easy ;-)

Take care of you, and be nice to your re-hab instructor,

Brigitte :) , oh yeah I'm happy dancing too!:7 :7
How wonderful to hear your great news.. Its been a long time and now you can heal up and feel better .. i am as thrilled as you are if not more... welcome back and speedy recovery to you Cathe :D I discovered you 5 yrs ago and soo glad i did!!!!! Thanks again Cathe for your support and inspiration you give just by posting and interacting with us.. its kept me going and pushing and i'm still going strong.. so .. speedy recovery Cathe !! :D
Cathe this is wonderful news. I did the happy dance too. Congratulations and best of luck with your continued recovery. We all look forward to "seeing" you again!
:) Hello Cathe.
As you can see by my entries, I am quite new to this site. And, also I have just started working out with your DVD's in the past few months. What impresses me about your workouts is that they are challenging (even for advanced like me) and fun plus the layering you have done on your DVD's are really cool. My favourites are Step, Crunch & Punch and Low Max, and my most challenging are Boot Camp and Step Blast. Muscle Max is another great one too.
Please take good care of yourself with a safe recovery period. Don't overdo it. (If I sound like a doctor, my Dad is one). Thank GOD, your knee is coming along well.
Thanks for everything.
Ok how many of us just about feel we have realized the value of the pre sale money by what we learned about how to take care of an injury with brains and great attitude? Cathe even when you are laid up, you inspire me! Getting your knee back is of course about being able to film again, but more importantly it is about being able to do the happy dance with your kids!

Oh o.k., I'll still take my Drill Max when it is ready.

All the best,

P.S. ever consider a kids workout video? Happy Dancing With Cathe! My girls would definitely be in on that!

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