Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

How does cardio leg blast

How does cardio leg blast compare to lower body blast? Today I did MMA Boxing, wore two pound weighted gloves for the whole thing, and I did the chair leg workout from KickMax. For once my heart rate monitor worked.
I was tired today

So I did an old DVD of Christi Taylor hi lo, but, of course, I had to do most of it high impact. I did High Reps for my bi's and tri's.

When I get enough sleep, I have to do step.
hi girls! such a busy weekend! Friday night we went to alec and imala's musical-- it was great! the pit sounded fantastic and the show itself was very funny. yesterday we were in st. paul for the string competition, then to a solo performance for nygel, then back downtown to drop the kids off for the musical yet again. then, last night, when alec got home, he checked the Schubert club (the string competition organization's) twitter page. from what we saw, imala had made the finals, but not alec or nygel. well, this morning, alec had a congratulatory email from his teacher and so went back to the twitter page again-- turns out you had to click on each image to see all the finalists listed, and both nygel and alec also made it in! I am so happy for them! they now move to the finals which take place on the 29th. that is open to the public and takes place in front of just one judge. the grand prize in each age group is $2000, and the first runner up is $1500, so it is a pretty nice prize:)

so, as far as workouts go, today I did all 5 levels of tabatacise plus jivamukti yoga. yesterday I took a rest day (no time!:p). Friday I did lean legs and abs plus some yoga. anyway, worked hard today as I have been having way too much takeout food and treats:confused::eek:

ladylep--hope your cold didn't take hold. you are always so busy, too! congrats on the game! woo hoo! I have been reading the Tibetan book on living and dying and really like it:). hope you got some you time in this weekend!

hello Caitlin! sounds like you are getting good workouts in-- hope you got some sleep, too! I like CLB as I think it is more cardio than LBB, but LBB I like for the barbell work and the floorwork.

hello renee!! I hope you are having a good weekend, too!

hello Maritza!
Hi! I just did YogaMax express 2. I'm starting to really like that DVD!! Two days ago I did TurboBarre for the first time all the way thru except for the floor work, I had to leave. I like that one too! Perfect with my cold, which isn't that bad. I'm just not up to a heavy duty workout. My sister is a Barre instructor in MD, hopefully our other sister can go down to do a class in April. We tried last year but couldn't because of my broken toe! It's called Barre Baltimore and she's Robin, if anyone is interested in checking it out.

I'm going to print out the LIS rotation and maybe the Xtrain with TTM and CF. But I may only do one week at a time. Part of me wants to try XTrain 90 days again or 30 day XTrain strength and cardio. But I'm afraid of "committing" and then breaking that "commitment"!

Since it was my birthday last Wednesday, I haven't eaten well at all! But trying to track. I lost .8 when I went to my meeting on Wed. I'm going to start Simple Start again tomorrow with no wheat or sugar, except that CDawg's turning 10 on Friday and will be having cake and wants me to make sticky buns for breakfast Saturday morning, his first sleep over. Five boys are coming, one more is a maybe, but so far 4 are spending the night, with Hubby in the basement. :)

Katie-you were incredibly busy this weekend! I don't know how you got in 2 workouts! I've been looking at that type of yoga on youtube and their website. That guy who does it, looks crazy! I don't think I'd ever be able to do those poses!! I think I'm getting better at the Camel pose, but I have to do it on my toes and the boat pose, I can only do level 1.

Hi Renee, Catlin and Maritza!
Hi kathy
Wow I know you are so proud of those kids of yours!! That is so cool!! I'm proud of them!

Lady Lep it takes a few times to "get it " about the yoga that is for sure! I know I tried it I didn't like it as much but knew I needed to try it again because I knew it was suppose to be good for your body. Sure enough I did it once in a while then once a week then twice a week and then I loved it too! I want to do it even more yet I can't find the time to do it all. However, I also like the restorative yoga better then the more rigorous kind.

Catlin I'm glad u are hanging in there still!!

I have had to double up on the workouts to get caught up.
Today was suppose to be tabata but I did HIIT 30/30 because I had to send tabata DVD back to Cathe for replacement. I then did burn set chest and yesterday was CLB with burn sets bis. I am sore in my bis !! Ouch I love it!!

Oh well any way tomorrow is AOLIH with shoulders.
Also forgot to mention the job Thursday was better this time. I mostly worked with 4 year old so I didn't have to do x rays. I tell ya each X-ray's beam is different I never thought so but I think it is. When I worked in one office for11 years my X-rays were perfect other assistance would come to me to take there's but then I go to a different office and the angle is not the same if I try to do it the same it will come out wrong! So it took awhile to get used to a different way then I went to Dr. Kim and hers was a different angle altogether had to get used to that. Once I got it I was good to go. Now I am having problems with the angle again! Grr so it is irritating and the young girls who has never been anywhere else doesn't know that so they think I am an idiot that doesn't know how to take x rays! They know I've been a dental assistant for nearly 15 years but I can't take an X-ray properly is what it seems lol geez !!!
Anyway also I think what I miss while working is the friendship. I noticed around here, co workers are not really friendly and if they are at least not mean and grumpy they are friendly or do there job but that's it, no talking to you, no smiling. Nothing. I am used to the dentist making jokes with me and the patients or not making jokes but laughing and finding humor in things. I mean geez I laugh with the patients and my co workers used to go walking at lunch sometimes or go out to eat or bring our lunch and eat in the park or go upstairs and eat together. But the jobs I had lately the people will go sit in there car at lunch, hardly talk to you during the day, not even try to get to know u. I don't know I guess I'm old fashioned I believe in humor and a close working environment. I don't need to know ur business but be kind at least. Idk
Hi all!

I finally did something so I can post! I did CF fire walker tabata. It was really tough! But "You can do anything for 13 seconds!!"

I was up 2.6 pounds at my WW meeting last night. Bday food and only yoga or barre for a week doesn't help. But I made a commitment to do 15+ min of a DVD 4 times this week. And today was 18 min!

Hi to all and hope you are doing well!

My CDawg will be 10 tomorrow! I just finished decorating his cake and ate too much of the icing but I did throw away a lot of the icing. That is a HUGE weakness for me.

OK, gotta go plan the next 2 weeks of meals!
Wow I have been absent!! I have been so down! I did AOLI and chest on Friday and got a big headache again grr did nothing on sat. And for first time in ages I took three days last week in a row! I feel like a cow! It's so strange how a few days in one week can make u gain fat! Anyway I was upset at my finances we are struggling and trying to pay for funeral still and bills it is draining. And I'm still so sad I think I'm out of shock now into full sadness.
Today I did make myself do rock out knockout scrambled num 2 it was perfect the kick box combo was where I needed it, between the cardios because my foot has been twinge again.
Last night I did butt bible level one on my phone while watching the blacklist! Love that show!
Today I'm not sure what I'll do yet. I want to do something but I'm so cold for some reason. It seems hard to get started! I'm at work now at lunch and trying to think of what to do when I get home. I am not doing a rotation yet I was thinking of trying sts but I tried in sept if u guys remember but I can not find my first set of workouts! The meso 1 disk 1-6? Is gone that was the time I lost my son and a lot of people was here. I don't know what to think.i looked everywhere.
Hi all!

I did XTrain CBS on Saturday and then Intensity premix step only on Sunday. I barely made it 15 min into it, wanting to stop, but I finished it! Yesterday I didn't get any wo in. Today I have XTrain Burn Sets + core 1 or 2 whatever is in the premix. I'm not sure if I'll get it in, kids are all over the place. Hubby is leaving for FL tomorrow until Monday night. Boo hoo. Thankfully I don't have any crazy days between now and then. But I do have 1-2 activities each day he is gone. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not...

Hi Renee! Nice to see someone on! I think that's so funny that you did one on your phone while watching a show!!! I have tried to do on on a laptop and I don't like the small screen! I hope you find your discs! That stinks.

I have stopped my rotation, which ever one that was, maybe Feb? But I've created my own generic rotation: 2 non consecutive days XTrain wts, 1-2 non consecutive days legs and 2-3 days cardio and 1 yoga. I need to get back to tracking, clean eating and maybe giving up sugar again, but I don't think I should try while Hubby is away. It would be like setting myself up to fail. But I'm going back to tracking everything.

So taking on Cathe's weight loss advice:
1- no same workout 2 days in a row
2-10 glasses of water a day
3- clean eating, no processed food

I will add in my own #4- 6-8 hrs sleep. I know it should be 7-8 but again I don't want to set myself up to fail!

Today's intake:

Breakfast: pineapple and banana
snack: applesauce, unsweetened
lunch: carrot sticks, 4 strawberries, 2 rice cakes, 1 oz cheddar cheese, 14g cashews (was made for yesterday but I didn't eat it)

I plan to eat:
snack: strawberry banana smoothie
dinner: green salad with olive oil based dressing, roasted chicken with potatoes, carrots and onions.

The easiest for me is no processed food on her list.

Hi Katie!
hi girls! so sorry I have been off the boards for such a long stretch! life has been crazy busy! nygel had his level 8 graduation at a local college last weekend; he performed faure's elegy. alec and imala closed out their musical last Saturday night, and then had the performance with their quartet last sunday. we have had lessons and family get togethers-- my sister's bday-- and it seems I have barely even been home to post online. anyway, I have been keeping up with workouts-- lots of HiiT/tabatas and ashtanga and jivamukti yoga. today I had to bring nygel to another lesson, and had very little time in the morning, so I did pyramid Hiit. I have also done crossfire and flextrain this week, plus bryan kest yoga, one short jivamukti practice, and then the primary series/ashtanga yesterday. I am regaining some of the flexibility in my sides for the tough binds-- I really lost that with my cathe workouts, not sure why? it is coming back on my right side-- I can now bind in marichyasana C on that side, still not on my left, though, and the more intense posture of marichyasana D is still not there anymore. it is bizarre to think how easily I could drop into them a few years ago:eek:. I am hoping to regain that, slowly but surely, but it is hard to get it all in plus my cathe workouts.

renee-- I hope the job is going well! we all hit slumps and you will get right back in it again, I am sure! you are not fat, either! anyway, hope those coworkers of yours have lightened up and gotten more friendly!

ladylep-- sounds like you have a great plan and are being so careful with your food! I wish I could say the same with food:eek:. tonight, we are headed out to a thai restaurant as we have a groupon to use up before it expires. hope the family is doing well!

hello Caitlin and Maritza!

Hi all,
I did an oldie last night step jam. Felt like a good steady state cardio on the high end but not to high like IMAX3 or x10 so it was like jogging that's what I wanted not to hard not to easy. I wanted to jog today but not sure what to do.
I guess Katie I'm going to just resign to the fact that the working world has changed so much that I have to get used to it. I will just have to say like everyone else here, go to work, and not even try to go through getting to know anyone and not even try to smile at my co workers. I'm there for a paycheck it's only temp anyway and get the job done, do the best I can for my patients and not care about anything else. I think me being behind a desk in a dental office that was just me and another girl and mostly just me doing front and back for five years, a lot has changed in that little time. I thought it was me but it isn't I don't think my friend has had three jobs here already and sees what I'm saying she ended up crying at all of them. She said there evil lol.
I'm not like that so I'll do what I can to survive but I refuse to let them make me feel less then again.

Well anyway have a blessed night all

I did get Burn Sets in on Tuesday but today was the next day I was able to get a wo in, I did LIS Super Trisets lower body and let me tell you that kicked my butt! in the second round I had to stop on a bunch of them and in the last set with the one leg squats with wts! I had trouble with those too. But round 2 was the toughest.

Hubby has been gone only 2 days and Murphy has moved in:

1-First day Little K pulled off his closet door
2-Yesteday I found out that I might have been scammed for almost 3 years by my electric company: do not use Respond Power!! From Dec to Jan my commodity rate tripled and when the switch finally went thru for last month, my usage was 700 KWH instead of 1200 KWH from Jan. Not fun, I may have to call the Public Utility Commission and/or my state rep.
3- Today I was in a fender bender while taking my mom's dog to the vet. I'm dog sitting again as they are in FL, but this time the dog is sick. I need to give him pills 2x/day until the meds are gone, but he's on the mend. I think it was my fault, I was coming out of side street to cross a bigger street (35 mph street) and didn't see the other car coming up the hill. We are all fine, just shaken up.
4- Little K poop in the car in 2 places (thankfully on a plastic baggie and one of his cloth diapers...) and 2 places in the garage.

I'm wondering what's next!

Tomorrow I'm taking CDawg to a bday party that B is supposed to go to, but as of right now isn't because he of punching. But thankfully my in laws are coming out to help. On the way home from dropping one boy, I need to go get the damage appraised. But it is so light, that it really just blends in with the other nicks and dings on the car! I hope to have some fun time with my oldest and maybe go out for a "date" to eat some where, go baseball equipment shopping and a little food shopping. Sunday is COSMOS at our church "Church of the Saviour's Mission Outreach Strategy" and I'm helping in Little K's class for the first service and then will go to the reg. service and see Jackson Crum!!! He was my youth pastor growing up and one of my marrying pastors and my oldest's namesake. :) I can't what to see him, he moved to Chicago for another church (Park Community Church) 10 years ago and I'm still upset about it.

So...I hope to workout in the morning, my plan is to do X10 step and then yoga based abs from ab circuits. But who knows? Maybe I'll be inspired to do more than just step for X10. That is if JTrain makes breakfast early enough. Sunday I have LIS Cardio Supersets planned and then a leg workout for Monday either B&G or Gym Styles Legs.

Katie- Sounds like you've been crazy busy with so much music and family stuff. I can't believe you've been so faithful with your workouts!! That's great! I was good yesterday with food, today I've had some chocolate chips already and plan to make a cake or brownie for 1. It has been a doozy of a day for me.

Renee- Sorry to hear your job has been stressful, hopefully you can just concentrate on your patients and give them your all.

Gotta get some more things done before I go to bed! Night!
hi girls. so, I ended up getting super sick today:(. brought the kids out to their teacher's for chamber practice and imala's lesson and was feeling fine, but about 40 mins into being there started feeling light headed. then tried to eat something as I thought it might help. ending up getting completely nauseated and vomiting (blech!) at the teacher's house. then was sick to my stomach and wondering how I would ever drive home (it's about a half hour away from Minneapolis). anyway, I made it back here and have just been exhausted and wiped out. not sure if it is food poisoning or a bug or what. I did have a vega smoothie this morning, which I hadn't had in a few weeks as the other time I had one I felt woozy, but it passed without actually getting sick. anyway, will not have that smoothie mix again!

renee-- I am sorry about your coworkers. that is really a shame. I know you are great at what you do, though, and I am sure the kids appreciate you!

ladylep-- you have had some tough stuff to deal with! I am so sorry about your electrical company! I hope it all gets sorted out! I don't know how you do it all with all your little ones! hang in there. hope you have a restful/fun sunday tomorrow.

so, I work tomorrow on one of my big, bulky clients-- it's like working on a brick wall, truly-- so am hoping I feel way better in the morning.

hugs to all,

That's awful Lady Lep about the electric company! Seems strange but I was saying the same thing to DH! I wonder at times how many other company's done that. I was saying it seems every month ours gets higher and higher !! It's as if they say oh they paid without complaining let's add more!
You have been through a lot this week!
Katie I hope u feel better! Not good at all to be sick yuk .. You to have been a busy lady

I did a jog for 2.7 miles on sat and today was maximum intensity strength DVD I never did it before! I used Cathes weights except shoulders and my back delts are a lot weaker then the rest so I had to go a lot lighter. But it was a nice workout! I hope tomorrow I can jog not sure yet. As far as the job I just have to stop being so sensitive and get used to how people are. Lol snobs and just not concern myself with it much
Have a great night ladies
I hope you're feeling better Katie! No fun to be so sick when you have to be driving and so active!

I didn't get a wo in today, but I'm not sure it would have been a good idea unless it was yoga. I have DOMS something fierce. Yesterday I did X10 step and ab circuits yoga abs. So I'm hurting today! Hopefully tomorrow I can get 20 min of something in. But if I don't do it at 5:30 it most likely won't get done, and being that it's after midnight, I'm not sure I can get up in 5 hours! I have LIS Cardio Super sets on tap for tomorrow, there is a 26 min express rounds 1-4 maybe I can squeeze that in. But I have be out of the house by 8 for Little K's speech therapy then back home for school work, then out for piano from 1:30-4 and then back out again to church for COSMOS at 5:30-9ish But Hubby comes home tomorrow night!! It won't be until after midnight, which I'll probably be still awake knowing me!

Hi Renee!
thanks for the well wishes, girls! I am much better and I truly think it was from the vega smoothie. I googled it online and found many others who had the same reaction as me. talk about a way to ruin a Saturday! anyway, the wooziness was still around a bit yesterday morning-- so I ended up doing jivamukti yoga and no cardio. today I did athletic training, which actually felt easier to me than the last time I did it-- which was a while ago. I also did some yoga today-- just a short session-- and brought bugsy for a walk (even though it is anything but spring like around here:mad:). I got more bad news last night about another one of my aunts:(. she is in the hospital with pneumonia in one lung and an irregular heartbeat. she is 93 years old and it was actually her birthday on the day of barb's funeral. anyway, I am praying she gets better as I really hate the thought of saying goodbye to more family. it is so bizarre-- out of a family of 11, all my mom's brothers are gone and now only three of the sisters remain.

ladylep--I hope you got your workout in, though sleep might be a better option when you are running around so much! glad your dh gets home tonight!

renee--hope you got your jog in! you have a great attitude about work! I don't know, I think that would really bother me, too, as I always try to be friendly and get along with coworkers. at least your clients are hopefully friendly!

going to get dinner on. today's lunch was Brussels sprouts and cauliflower with brown rice-- I am feeling super hungry now!

have a good night all,

hello Maritza and Caitlin!

Hi ladies, How are you. I been doing my STS meso2 with doble leg day + 10min Zuka cardio on weights days and cardio 2 days, so far good my arms looks diferent my legs too and my abs I like it, food I try to do the best. Health I been in pain everyday I think the cold weather don't help me, my medicne no help me, I reduce my dose intake because I start to forget everithing and it is the medicine reaccion, so I prefer to be in pain :( and no with out memory. I hope the best for everyone. Take care.

Hi everyone !! Sorry I have not posted a couple days!
I thought I did!
Katie yes the patients are wonderful I never have had a problem with patients. As a matter of fact even when I worked the front desk at the other office I was surprised I kept a lot of misunderstanding between the doctors prices and insurance payments disputes the patients had in question cleared up. If anything did arise I seemed to have an ability to calm them down enough to explain it in a way they understood in lay men's terms and at the same time I stayed on a level that I was not talking down to them. I hate when I seen the front desk treat people like that and I made sure to never treat them any way other then with respect. I also had a great relationship with the insurance companies because I never acted as if I knew more then they did and some front desk dental assistance around here have a tendency to act that way. Any way I think it is sick because if it wasn't for the patients none of us would have a job. And my first love is in the back so of course I love making the patients comfortable I always joke and make them laugh feel at ease explain what the doctor is going to do. So it's never the patients and most the time it is not the doctors I have a problem with it is or will be one or maybe two co workers that will make my life hell while I'm there. And it will be small at first and rude then it builds and builds. It's happened so far at two places so far and one place was just the doctor was irritating lol. Before that he job I had was 11 years and I think I was spoiled? I was an expanded duties assistant I'd chair side some and work for three dentist on other days and that kept me really busy poring models making bleaching trays and temp crowns. All of my co workers I loved there was 13 of us there and I lived my doctors we worked for. I miss it! But oh well ill never find another job like that again!! Lol

Okay I did only a 15 minute fast butt workout today ate like bad!! Chips!!
Yesterday I did MM upper body and jogged two miles day before. That I jogged three miles I have kept up with workouts really good so I'm proud of that but mad cause I mess it all up by eating like an oinker

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