Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi girls. well, yesterday's surgery for rik took way longer than expected. it was supposed to be at 9:30 am, got pushed to 10:30, then they found he had a double hernia when they went in (on both sides) so repaired both. anyway, it was almost 5pm before he was out and it was supposed to be 12:45/1. he is doing okay. didn't realize-- or maybe want to think about-- the fact that they catheterize you when you are put under like that-- that was the first pain he woke up to:(. he will be sore for a while and no lifting over 15 lbs for 6 weeks. he probably will have to take off from work for quite some time, which will be a challenge for us. I am grateful it is over with, though, and now he can begin healing.

so, I did get in my workout yesterday, though. I did PRS2. it felt super intense yesterday from all the stress and crappy sleep. pushed through it, though, and then did bryan kest's abs yoga. today is the ashtanga primary series, which I will do in a couple of hours. we have a winter storm warning today and are supposed to get 10 inches of snow. blech. I am tired of winter...

ladylep-- CF low impact is still an intense workout-- I could never do that at night! way to go! sorry the ski-ing didn't happen:(. I wish we were getting rain instead of snow! your playdate sounds fun! oh, and you are not a failure! my goodness! you are a busy mom-- think of all the people who never even bother to workout-- I would say you are doing great!

renee-- I am so sorry you haven't been sleeping! I hope you got some rest last night! too funny about the reading! I was an English major in college and then did some grad school in journalism, so I love to read and write-- I just can't stay awake for much of it these days! right now I am in the middle of to the lighthouse by Virginia woolf. I do lots of heavy reading-- love 20th century british novels-- but I also like easier, fun reading, too. I just read a super creepy novel called the dinner, that I couldn't put down-- it was pretty awful the things that happen in it, though.

better get moving with nygel's schoolwork and then my yoga. if the snow comes like they say, we may skip chamber groups and cello choir tonight...


Katie- sorry Rik's surgery went longer than expected. But it sounds like it went ok? Great news! I love PRS2, I haven't don't that fully but once.

I'm having a terribly time getting to bed at a decent hour to get up early enough to workout and then my day gets away from me. :(

Well, I couldn't even go one day w/o sugar!!! I've been great wheat free, but then I made chocolate silk pie for my mil's bday on Saturday. I licked the bowl. :(

Renee- I only did the 17 min premix on CF! :( I wish I could have done more but...

Started PT again today on my other elbow, once a week for now.

OK, need to get to bed once I figure out this amazon order. Another school day tomorrow, but with a twist: normal Friday with school at home in the morning and volleyball for JTrain in the early afternoon and I'll do food shopping or finish up schoolwork during his practice.

The twist is JTrain is having a sleep over at his god parents with the other 11-14yo old boys in his Bible Study with some dads watching Cinderella Man (and "a discussion about the main character and how he lines up with the Biblical calling to Christian manhood") over ice cream with lights out at 10:30, breakfast in the morning and being kicked out by 9:30am. Hubby may or may not go, he's thinking about it because of the tight timing, but he doesn't sleep well other places and has to coach B's game at 11:30 Saturday morning and then we'll be at my inlays all afternoon for her bday (thus the pie!). So it will be a long day for him.

So I may be on my own tomorrow night with the younger 3, trying to figure out a dessert that they will like, but I won't!

Night all!
Hi lovely ladies, sorry to hear bad news but life is like thath it is not easy, for me every morning is very painfull my leg siatica nerve kill me every day, but I try to tink is only more pain in the morning I will be better later, I hope everithing get well with all of you. This week I'm doing LIS next week too. The exercices is therapy for me, I have to do it everyday,, push my self. We goin to summer vacation and I want to looks no tobad, I'm goin back home after 4 years. Take care ladies and God bless you.
hi girls! so, we are stuck in the house today-- have so much snow out there that a city bus got stuck on our street and took out the stop sign:eek:. I have to go shovel and scrape off the cars to move them before the plows come. it figures we get our biggest snowfall of the season when rik is completely out of commission!:p anyway, I plan on cancelling all our lessons and plans for the day-- school was cancelled for imala, though alec still has classes and orchestra at the university. he may have to miss that, though. I have x10 37 min premix on my planner, but will see how that goes with all the shoveling! and scraping-- we had major ice before the snow fell. blech.

ladylep-- at least you got up and did something! those short bursts will boost your metabolism and give you more energy. chocolate silk pie sounds yummy!! hope you have a fun night with the boys and jtrain enjoys his night!

Maritza-- pain anywhere is tough to deal with-- you have a great attitude, though! how wonderful that you get to go back home after so many years! I cannot wait for spring and summer!

renee-- how are you doing? hoping sleep has been kind to you and no headaches to speak of.:)

alright, better bundle up and get busy. wish I were a bear and I could sleep til all of this gunk was over! we are supposed to get another "polar vortex" after all of this with highs around zero. :(:mad:


Katie thank you
I finally did get a good nights sleep on Thursday night! I had some really strange dreams however all night long! But that was fine because I have not had that many dreams in a night anyway for so long! But on Thursday day I was hurting again so we'd and Thursday the headaches was escalating to full blown migraine and the I matrix for migraine did not take it away even!! I am to take one then another one hour later if it isn't better but no more in 24 hours so I had to go get Lisa and when I did she was terrified knew by looking at me I was not in good condition. So I told he she had to drive back so I got home I tried the hypnosis for sleep and pain relief on you tube by Judy Whitley. I tried her on we'd when I came home during the day and got those three hours I told you about. Like I said I go to sleep but have some wacky dreams! But I sleep so whatever. I'm gonna try it again tonight.

Hello lady Lep and everyone !!
No headache today and I did a jog out side it was great weather out there. I usually do push my self even through my headaches but couples with no sleep this week it was best thing I think to take two days off! Rare for me to do. I usually hate to do it but this medicine also makes you feel drained as well I may should have taken today off as well. We shall see. I hope I get everything straight soon.

Oh got to met everyone on my new job today I don't start next week I start in march but i can go in and watch then work with the software and do the fillings on the children to see how they do the set ups since every doctor is different and different materials. They seemed really nice so far, we shall see.
hi girls. well, yesterday was a nightmare of sorts. I went out to move the cars and first spent who knows how long scraping off all the ice and brushing off the 10+inches of snow. I got my car moved okay, but then started in on rik's van.:eek: it was completely stuck in the snow. alec and imala were out with me too, and we shoveled away at that van for an hour and a half before it moved. it was super cold out and even still, I was sweating horribly with all the shoveling and pushing. what made it worse was that a man was across the street shoveling his sidewalk, and he never even offered to come help me and the kids. talk about your nice neighbors! anyway, by the time we got the van moved and I came inside, I was completely drenched, but I changed into my workout clothes and did x10 the 37 premix anyway. that felt pretty awful as I think I was spent from the work outside. now, to top it all of, I have my tennis elbow back in my right arm. it is so painful! to add to the day, I got the news that my aunt barb has turned even worse, so I need to get back over to see her before she passes-- I still can't believe it.:(. today, however, nygel has a big cello workshop that we have to drive out to, on roads that are supposed to be horrible still. the governor issued a state of emergency yesterday as they are so covered in ice still that there were major accidents all over yesterday. they say it is too cold for the sand and salt to work. I am so not looking forward to driving out in this...

renee-- I am happy you got some sleep! what a week you have had! I hope things keep getting better. congrats on the job! I hope you have some good coworkers there and you will love being there.

hello ladylep!

hello Maritza!

better get moving--

Hi Katie sorry about the neighbor and the tennis elbow! Lucky you had your kids helping with the snow! We had a ton of rain this week, but it was sunny and 40something today. We are due to get some more snow Tuesday and Wednesday which will be good since we are going to try to ski again this Wednesday.

Today I finally did Step Blast! I remember why it got me into Cathe in the place: so fun!!! I messed up on some of the routines though, it's hard when Little K is 6 inches from the step and other boys come and ask me something. :). But I'm thrilled to have finally done it. Tomorrow is kickbox 4Day.

Hi Renee and Maritza! (sp?)
Hi ladies!!
I went for 4 mile walk yesterday I'm so frustrated !! Tues was the last day I lifted the weights and yoga then fri I jogged and sun the walk but I think where I had little slept compromised my immune system! When I went to the dental clinic on Thursday to see what all they were like, there was a few kids that had a cold and I thought I'm taking super red and super greens and vitamin C I will be fine!! Ha now I am now trying to get rid of a cold and a sore body Geez.

The job was good as far as I can tell so far they all seemed really nice. But I don't officially start till march 2. So I will be working with kids mostly and I hope I can handle that. I am not really used to that anymore. I used to back a few years ago I had my own schedule of hygiene for kids and I would do fillings and sealants on children as wells but that was about 10 years ago ! But mostly my 13 years as dental assisting We did adults mostly cosmetic dentistry such as crowns bridges, veneers, and restorations, root canals. It may be okay now and thank goodness it is only for 6 weeks! So I like the temp jobs lol I can have the chance to make some money and see what office I fit best at. Well I am hoping tomorrow I'll not have a fever and I won't be aching and sore and hope to lift some weights and add a HIIT since I haven't done a cardio either
hi girls. sorry I have been off the boards for a while. yesterday was super tough: my aunt barb passed away last evening. in the end, she was so much like my mom and looked so much like her, too, that I am really feeling it right now. mom died last year on march 13, so this is super close to the anniversary. barb was mom's youngest sister and a real spitfire, but in the end, all the chemo and cancer treatments also took her brain from her and she seemed like mom with her Alzheimer's. I was able to tell her how much I love her yesterday, but the kids were not able to, and I know that hurts them. add on to the sadness our current weather situation-- there are blizzard warnings tonight and the temp is supposed to be -18 with 40 below windchills-- and things feel pretty down right now. I did get a workout in, though it felt pretty awful as, like renee, I have come down with a bad cold with body aches to boot and last night I couldn't sleep at all.:( anyway, I did AOLIH plus core 1 and then some yoga. yesterday I just did jivamukti yoga, Monday I did supercuts. sunday I ended up taking off, so two rest days in a row, but the schedule was crazy with the kids. still driving them everywhere and the roads are simply awful-- you take your life in your hands out there and I drive slow to be safe and always end up with someone wanting to go fast, right on my tail. anyway, sorry for the long, sad post, but I am pretty down today.

renee-- I hope you are feeling better! the job with kids sounds like you will be great at it, I think!

hello ladylep! hope you and the family are doing well.

so, I found an interview with a great yogi, ram dass, about death and suffering and it helped me put somet things in perspective today after so much loss this past year. anyway, I am copying and pasting it here, as I thought renee might find it helpful, too, and anyone else, for that matter, as we all get older and deal with loss and grief:

Question: I’ve had a lot of loss in my life and my husband has lung cancer and I’m facing more loss in my future. And I would like to know how I can use the grief that I feel to come to a deeper place of truth. And also when I notice myself in this kind of spiral of feeling my own pain and suffering and then other’s pain and the pain of the world, do I just stop and focus on my breath, or is that trying to escape feeling that?
Ram Dass: I know from our conversations, you have really indeed had loss after loss after loss. And now to be faced with your second husband having bone cancer, it’s like the life of Job. I mean you’re just faced with such a continuing barrage of suffering. And each time we form an attachment to another human being it is of course inevitable, sooner or later, that one of you is going to die. So that in a way in the nature of attachment to human beings there is loss built in. And that’s part of what makes it precious and frightening at the same moment. It’s what actually intensifies the attachment. The attachment has in it the recognition at some level of the changing nature of phenomena -that everything is changing all the time. And it’s uncertain.
So actually there is that thing that many of us have felt. The fear of loving too much. The fear and the pain of loving when you know there will be loss. And when there is loss, there is of course deep grief. And the way we deal with grief has a lot to do with whether or not the grief heals and strengthens us or ends up depriving and starving us. And we have learned a lot of things about grief over the years. We have learned that that strong ‘grin and bear it’ ‘stiff upper lip’ response to grief, which involves denial, is not an optimum strategy for dealing with the mourning period. And my own reaction to people that are grieving is to really give them a lot of support in grieving. And letting the process run its course. And that means just not the grief of the loss of a person, but the grief of the loss of any dream in life. Of any thing that you have invested in where it is lost. There is a reaction to a loss that is a grieving process. And if you don’t deal with the grieving in a way that is true to your being – it’s just as untrue to grieve when you’re not feeling it as to not grieve when you’re feeling it. And you can’t really demand any person be on schedule. You have to ask them to be true to their own heart. To say to somebody “You haven’t grieved enough” because they said I’m not feeling anything isn’t really necessarily tuning appropriately to another person. But when they don’t grieve in harmony with their deepest truth, they end up veiled from their hearts and they end up with increasing cynicism about life and increasing fear also. Fear of future involvement; fear of any risk.
So how you go through these processes as you’re asking is really very critical to your own evolution. And again from a spiritual perspective all of these things, including your husband’s bone cancer, from your spiritual – from your soul’s point of view – are offerings being made to you to give you the stuff through which you can grow clearer and stronger and emptier and more available. With your heart more open if you approach it with a certain strategy. And part of that is the way in which you deal with suffering in general. Just the way in which you, we talked some about this already, develop the ability to live two levels simultaneously. One of them where you look at the universe of suffering. You recall the story of the Buddha where a woman came to the Buddha with her dead baby and asked the Buddha to bring the baby back to life. And the Buddha said, “Well, in order for me to do that, if you will go to a nearby home and find a mustard seed that comes from a house where death has not visited, I will help you.” And she went and she couldn’t find a house, because they would say “My father died” “my mother” “my child died”… And finally she came back recognizing the reality of the nature of death. And she was released from that kind of predicament that ‘only my child has died.’ She became aware of context in which life and death exist.
So developing a contextual appreciation of suffering – that suffering is part of the fabric of a human incarnation, as is death. And not feeling that death is the enemy, but that death is part of a process. Just like Autumn and Winter aren’t enemies of Spring and Summer. They are just continuing parts of the process. Now part of that is aided a lot by understandings and deepening faith in the fact that there is soul or there is spiritual contact in which physical existence dwells. And as you develop that spiritual context and appreciate that suffering from within that context is the stuff of growth, then under those conditions you are much more capable of handling the physical conditions even though your heart is breaking as I said the other day. And it is breaking and it will break and you will feel depressions and you will feel like crying and you have to be honoring that psychological process that is going on. At the same moment you keep cultivating the other part of you. And instead of judging God, “Why have you done this?” says “Let me understand. Give me the wisdom to understand and to grow strong through this. And to appreciate the way in which all things are changing constantly and all of life is an inter-connected circle from birth to death.”

love and peace,

Katie thank you for sharing this.. I guess it sure is something we all need to come to teens with. But it is so hard to do. I am sorry for your loss it seems there has been so much loss and pain. Hugs

This is a good read. Is this out of a book? That is something, I can't seem to get to a place in my heart , to embrace it. I mean I know it is part of life and we all will do it but for some of the younger ones to go is just I feel is not normal. I don't ask God why really, I guess I have but as soon as it came out I know a lot of others have lost they child to so I ask for God to help me to understand it or to have peace or to have strength to tell me or to show me a way to look at it that maybe will give me comfort in knowing that it was a protection for him. But it is still hard to accept for me yet. I pray that God talks to me and shows me something that is for sure.
I got the KCM DVD shape up in the mail today so I tried it today. I wanted something not to intense as Cathe but had cardio and weights had some HIIT so I can get a sweat in fast and get it over with cause I feel like rap still. So this fit the bill nice! It was tabatas I think not as hard more like a HIIT with weights mixed in like cardio leg blast but upper body focus! Cool! I think when I feel better ill do the premix of both workouts together! That would be killer! But this was perfect for a day of getting back into things. I did sweat but it wasn't as crazy as let's say tabatasize!
What is cd wrapping? I contacted Cathe customer service they said send the DVD back in cd case they will replace the ones messed up.
Have a good night everyone!!
Hi Katie, I'm so sorry for you loss. I will be thinking about this today and hopefully respond better tonight. I need to get moving withy day but wanted to express my condolences.

Renee, it it seems you have def. kept up with the workouts! Way to go! and the job does sound good!

I unfortunately have not. I went skiing yesterday with the family, and spent the morning skiing bent over and backwards teaching Little K. But was able to ski with the rest in the afternoon. And 3 other families that we knew from church, but only one of them still goes there, the others go elsewhere were there unexpectantly. The last workout I did was Saturday! Gasp! Step Blast. So next waiting for me is 4 day kickbox. I can't seem to get to bed early enough to get up!

We have a day at home until the evening where Hubby and I are going out to dinner for Young Lives, pregnant and teen moms tonight and then I have to plan the next 2 weeks of meals when we get home after 9.

We have usual schoolday with volleyball tomorrow. And in the evening Hubby and I need to have out March budget meeting, I just finished it last night. My mom isn't going to pay for my WW anymore so I have to cut it or try to find a way to add it. I gained .4 and 6 the last two weeks but stayed the same this week. I need to go back to wheat free and sugar free today.

Basketball for B and baseball tryouts for the older 2 on Saturday but Hubby will be out at the Flyers game and then the Sixers game in the afternoon and evening with a client, so it will be only me trying to get everyone where they need to be. Plus a friend from skiing yesterday wants to take Jackson for a bday Lego movie time with her son. They live 30 min away right near our churchsdo, I'm not sure how we will work that out...

Your weather sounds so severe Katie, we had a coating on Tuesday and an inch or so yesterday but I've heard from our Financial Peace Univ. director that we may get another storm that could bring 8 inches!

Gotta get moving,
I did butt bible level 2 last night I was a little bit sore grime the KCM shape up DVD the say before. I guess that is from slowing down on my workouts? I still like the butt bible level 2 for getting the butt area good when u have not been exercising and u need something not to hard but you are wanting to trader the butt. U do feel it in that area and it isn't like a workout that the intensity is a killer either so I have had two days of what I can call easy to moderate intensity workout so I think today should be a longer one of moderate intensity with a HIIT added not sure yet or maybe an intense heavy weight workout? Not sure yet what I am in the mood for yet. I know I can't go all out like to the max or an intensity kind of DVD today still, I am still feeling weak and can't breath. I tell you what the past two weeks have been ruff lol. It was the no sleep and strange from Sunday to Thursday and headache mixed in there and full out migraine the next Monday thur Thursday added that with that time of month lol had a day on fri that was good sat was good sun got this cold up till now yep that was three weeks yuk. But I think I have pushed through. Or tried
Okay my job doesn't start till march I think I said that already ? Gawd I can not remember if I rambled that already. But thank goodness I had this week to rest right? What a blessing. I am still trying to go through my photos. Any of u ladies can give me idea on how to organize my pictures I'd be so grateful! I took all photos and laid them on our table and started seeing what I have and painted all frames black to keep them all same to put all the family pics in the room that is all gray and the room that has the tan color or apricot color those frames are brown but I have lots of pics out to put in albums and I think I may need to purchase more albums to eek some of them are so old the pages are sticking! And it seems I have to many pics and at times I think I have two of the same thing but not sure and afraid to throw any away. This has turned into a nightmare! And I was trying to put them in the album youngest to oldest like chronologically I have one completed the best I could but I know I have some pics I could have put in there but I have had to take them all out and put them back in again over and over so many times I finished that one started another one and just started stuffing them in there and that was not what i wanted. Whole reason I started this was to get more organized and it isn't working. And suggestions?

Katie anymore thought provoking books that can help ease my mind is love to hear more. I am hoping that you are finding peace as well. I really am not sure how we can go through life getting used to the process but I guess in time we do? I think sometimes maybe that's how old people like my grandma she used to scare to bee gees out of me as a little girl!! She'd sit in her chair and be like in an old lady voice " Gods coming soon, and one day he coming for me and I'll take my last breath and I can finally be with my Woodrow again, and then what a wonderful day that will be! And I can leave this terrible , miserable, cold world!" And she'd fall asleep I though well did Jesus take her to see pa pal Woodrow ? So I was scared ! But sit there waiting on my mom to come home from work. Then I'd forget being scared cause grandmas legs was fascinating to me how I can poke my finger Into Her leg and let go, and my finger indention would stay there for the longest time!! Lol poor grandma I know why now but back then I didn't I was. But I guess she lost everyone and so by the time that time in her life she was ready to go and maybe the heart aches makes it easier to let go of the world we live in I don't know.

Okay lol I have a lighter question what do you guys think is a good ulster native to creamer in coffee? I love cream in my coffee well I use the powder coffee mate. I read the ingredients it says gluten free and dairy free so what's wrong with it? Is there a healthier ulster native ? I am using almond milk in it this morning and it just isn't doing it for me. I have used can milk at my aunts in my 20 that was before I was trying to stop drinking milk. So now what? I am not sure what to do. I was listening to a YouTube video a girl talking about bulletproof coffee it's for brain power she puts coconut oil in her coffee and grass fed butter and uses an Emerson thing an mixes it and it makes it frothy!? Mohave u all heard of thus? I can not wrap my mind around putting fat of any kind in your coffee !? Why? I mean she said good fats is a brain boaster and it helps keep her full till. 11 but I am full till 2 with out added fats. Good or bad and hearing people say sugar is bad but fat is good just blows my mind when I remember losing weight off of eating sugar as long as I didn't eat it with lard and flour like in a cookie or a pie or something processed like that. I think to me it is perhaps when you combine the two your body does not digest it right and stores them as fat? But to say eat fat not sugar and u lose fat gives me a head ache. I understand amino acids to an extent but isn't there fats I. Everything like an onion there are fat in onion and if u cook with coconut oil arnt u getting enough fat in your food u wouldn't need to add the oil to ur coffee? I'm confused. Lol. I get it in some areas like almond milk verses skim milk but only in moderation like I used to chug me some skim milk it taste good low in fat but I didn't know it was linked to cancer so I'll trade it in for almond milk but I'm not drinking almond milk a lot do to the fat content in it. I use it in my smoothies and in my cereal but mostly I don't drink milk know but when I do I reach for almond milk. But the percentage of fat in it is high compared to calories in it I am wanting to Lise wright now when I reach my goal wright and I can drink more almond milk but until then I don't NEED that extra fat, some of the good fat almonds offer yes I get it in the smoothies from it but no need in over doing it. Do y'all get what I'm saying? So back to my question have you guys heard of the bullet prof coffee hue does it taste? Y the fat? And I am just trying to understand so I can lose weight!!
Okay also the original question what can I used that is as creamy in my coffee as coffee mate? Or is coffee mate what could be causing me to gang on to my belly ??
hi girls. thank you again for the condolences. we are hanging in there, but part of me still cannot even believe that barb is gone:(. I feel like I should be able to call her up and say hello still. it is strange. with mom and the Alzheimer's, we weren't really able to talk for months before she passed; with barb, we just talked during our last big cold snap and she called me up to say school was cancelled and she was so happy as she was worried about the kids being out in the weather. it just is still unreal to me. anyway, the funeral is Monday, so that will be a very tough day. I have been keeping up with my workouts. yesterday didn't feel quite as awful working out, but the grieving and the cold I have sure have my energy levels low. yesterday I did all of hardstrikes, the day before was ashtanga, today was supposed to be a rest day but I did jivamukti as I am not sure what will happen on Monday with everything going on. the weather is still miserable here-- subzero at night and single digits during the day-- which also keeps the roads in bad condition (salt and sand can't work when it is this cold). lots of family is in town this weekend, so we will probably be busy all weekend long.

renee-- I have actually heard of that coffee and have a client who eats things that really are gross to me and says it is helping her lose weight. she fries food in bacon fat (ew!!) and eats butter and lots of meat. she has lost weight, but I would be interested to know her cholesterol levels and what her risk for cancer and other diseases has increased to. I always mix a little soymilk with my almond milk in smoothies, as it is creamier. I don't worry about the fats in it so much (but maybe I should!). I also use coconut oil for cooking at high heat and olive for cool, and I have heard that a tablespoon of coconut oil a day actually helps you lose weight, too-- and at least with that it is actually good for you (i.e. healthy fat and no cholesterol). I don't know, though. I hope you are feeling better! I have been wiped out, too and the no sleep thing is just awful. I will look for more articles for you.:)

ladylep-- you are so busy!! I don't know how you do it all of the time! I hope you get some time for yourself this weekend.

better run. busy day ahead.


Renee told me about this checkin

I hope you don't mind me being here. I did not work out for weeks as I was in a funk but I started again. Today I did a premix of LoMax on an 8 inch step and I found it hard. I know I am a bit out of shape. I am going to do my upper body now. I am not ready for High Reps so I guess I will use Muscle Max.
Hi ladies, I been busy and some depress, but life continues.I hope everyone doin good with healthy foods and exercises, well how about weigth or inches loss.Take care ladies.
Mariposa hi there! Glad you touched base with us! We was asking about you! I'm sorry you are depressed I think the weather can do that to us as well as life situations. It can be so overwhelming and even heart braking. I guess I keep doing like my son told me he did he said he laughs and smiles a lot cause eventually he puts himself in a better mood if he does it long enough. He said he feels like crying at times but he wears a smile he said fake it till ya make it! I try to do that now. It can be SO hard!
Catlin! U know it is fine to post here i missed you! Besides the more the marrier ! I love reading everyone's post not always great with posting everyday but I love reading for the motivation !

Katie hi there! Hope u r feeling okay today considering

Lady Lep hope you had a chance to get you a workout in to workout the rump lol

I finally got in a AOLIH workout I want to do the Xtrain 30 day cardio and strength rotation! I think it may workout good. It is cardio for about 35 minutes and weight are around 20 and the stretch came to be 53 minutes! So it's one body part everyday but I can do a full body workout one evening and that will hit every body part two times! Humm not sure yet.

Hi! Quick post here! I did AOLIH yesterday and about to go down to do BS CBS, on the rotation is premix upper body but that's over an hour, I just can't get up that early!

Katie-I haven't forgotten about you! I've been thinking about your post and know that I owe you a post!

Hi Renee, Mariposa and Catlin!

Off to workout and then to the West Chester Univ. Planetarium field trip and then have 4 boys over for a playdate, possibly 6!
hi girls sorry I have been off the boards. it was barb's funeral on Monday so that was a tough day. it was good to see family, though and my brother from nyc was in town. we had a really long day, though. I did get up and do bryan kest yoga that day as I thought it would help me get through the service. anyway, yesterday was a total wash. the water main was still broken out in the street and city crew's came to fix-- hopefully for the last time!!-- so we had no water all day yesterday. I had to get up at 5 to bring the kids to school, came home and did schoolwork with nygel and wasn't able to work out then, as I had to run him right at noon to a cello lesson, and then to a cello rehearsal for a big solo concert he has coming up this Saturday and next Saturday. then, also, had to bring imala and alec to their musical rehearsal which was downtown (musical starts on Thursday night and runs all weekend this weekend and next). I was falling asleep before it was time to pick them up again at 9:30, and luckily, rik went and picked them up. it has just been crazy, though, and this weekend and next will be the worst of it with a string competition for all three kids, solo recitals, the musical and then a rehearsal for alec and imala's quartet which has a big concert (a paid gig-- part of a concert series) coming up on the 16th. anyway, I am feeling wiped out, but I did x10 41 min premix today plus kest's power yoga abs. who knows what tomorrow will bring though! I am thinking the primary series.

renee-- I am glad you found a good rotation for you! how is the job going? have been thinking of you!

ladylep-- the fieldtrip sounds fun! so many boys! hope you guys had fun!

hello Maritza-- sorry you have been down! I have been, too, and am so ready for spring!

hello caitilin-- happy to see you are still around, too!!

alright, have to go pick up imala so we can do an early dinner before it's time to bring her and alec downtown for their last rehearsal before opening night. I so cannot wait until the next two weeks are over!!


Hi all-

I'm getting a cold, so I did YogaMax express #1. I'm really starting to enjoy yoga! I believe it has it's place now for me! It was just what I needed today. I wish I could find the time to do it after an intense workout. I don't believe that it will help me lose like step/Hiit/etc, but I can see how it can strengthen you. But I'm having a hard enough time getting any workout in some days. :( I may quit the Feb rotation (I'm only in week 2) or at least pause temporarily and try the LIS rotation on her blog (somewhere, I've seen it tho) or try the LIS/XTrain rotation. Or maybe just try a week of it and go week by week.

We've been pretty busy between school, sports and field trips. Hubby is taking CDawg skiing tomorrow. So hopefully that will allow me more time with B (age 7) who is having focus issues! And maybe have some Little K time in there. But basketball season is almost over and then we a have a couple of weeks max. But JTrain won his first play off game tonight! He will have another one on Sunday and if he wins he will be in the Championship game on Wed, which will conflict with CDawg's final game.

Katie-I know in hard times of my life I've leaned on Jesus and reading the Bible and listening to Christian music. Might I suggest reading the book of John, if you have the time? I'd be happy to suggest some contemporary Christian music that has helped me in the past, if you're interested. There's a radio station out there called KLOVE, I don't know if it's out by you or not. And I also like The Word FM.

Hi Renee, Mariposa and Caitlin!

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