Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Today was lower body muscle max then I put in intensity and did the step portion only it was 30 minutes so all under an hour but got my cardio and weights in for lower and it was great! I love doing a leg workout then a step for cardio and it has plyo in the cardio to really fry my legs good and the step feels like I fried my butt nice! I'm gonna try that again! I love the music in mm and intensity DVDs!
I had a yummy fruit salad after! I ate today a zone bar with one tablespoon of peanut butter and then a big salad then after my workout I guess my dinner I had the fruit salad with chocolate sauce yummy!!
Well I must be doing okay with my dieting and workouts cause I feel like I'm eating a lot like last night I ate chips !! But anyway I have been getting compliments on how I have lost weight! Honestly I don't think I have last I knew my doctors office I was on scale backwards and if I lose weight he tells me if I stay same or gain he says nothing. He said nothing so I'm the same I assume but yes my pants fit different and I feel better stronger. I think it is the heavy lifting. Finally these two years are paying off ? I mean it has been two years sines getting back into exercise but I also had injuries that made me have to stop regroup and do something else or rest. So I'm glad I didn't give up because having the muscles really does let you eat as long as it is somewhat healthy and u don't stop!
I'm going to keep going to see if I can get even more leaner! I am hoping cause I know my arms still have some cottage cheese look to it. Lol I can see it hubby says u can't but I can and if I can then I can.
Okay well I think tomorrow will be Supercuts I have not done a metoblic one in a while.
Hi all sorry I haven't posted in a while. I feel like I've been playing sleep cath up and today was my first wo in a week. I found a 15 min yoga on Hulu plus from daily burn. Anyone heard of them?

Eating has been bad, exercise has been bad, sleep has been bad. Not a good week, but Hubby is back and tomorrow is Sunday and the start of a new week!

Renee- the job and workouts sound great!

Hi Katie and Maritza!
hi girls. sorry I have been off the boards again! has just been a stretch of crazy days, but now the kids are on spring break, so hopefully things will be calmer-- at least for a little while! I have been keeping up with my workouts-- lots of metabolic conditioning and yoga. I saw the april rotation and that looks like a real killer!:eek: all of x10, plus crossfire and what was it, tabatacise? in one week. maybe I am wrong, but it looks intense! not sure if I would have the energy to tackle that right now or how I would mold it to fit with my yoga. will look at it again, though, and see. so, the big competition finals were downtown st.paul on Saturday and all three of the kids placed! nygel got 1st place in the junior division for strings (and won $2000), imala had honorable mention in the same category, and alec won second place in the senior division strings (and $1500). I was so happy for all of them-- they work so hard. this was the biggest competition in the area-- it covers the 5 state region.

renee-- that is so awesome about your results! I wish I had that great of news to report, but at least I am still plugging along! how is work going these days?

ladylep-- I hear you on the catching up on sleep, though I have been as restless at night as ever:(. hope you and the family are having a nice spring!

hello Caitlin and Maritza!

hope to be back sooner, rather than later!:p

Hi! Got in only 15 min today: Tabata 1, that's all I had time for. I'm also down 1.4 at my WW meeting tonight. Mainly because I did some serious damage control the last 3 days and really watched what I ate.

Hi Renee, Katie and Maritza!
Lady Lep and Katie
Hope your day went well today!
I have not done an exercise today!!so irritated about that! I was doing so well! I had done two miles yesterday is all and planned to do an upper body weight wo that was why I had done only two miles but I had eye appointment then lunch with a friend and the jog was in between then looked at a truck for DH but not sure if its gonna be something we can do yet. He really has been on the look out for a white truck for years and he never has had a almost new one.i wish he could get it.
Anyway by the time I got home to do the weights I had dinner for him and rocky and ran through the house cleaning up fast lol and my head hurt again no way I can lift heavy like that. So, today I had to work with my sunshine co workers ha ha! I think my knew nicknames for them will be grumplestilsken and Donald grump !
I had woke up again with the head ache and I took an Imetrex at 100 for migraine then by 200 I felt better. Got home at 530 and wow headache back again !! So needless to say no lifting today! I hope I get it tomorrow but I have a mammogram tomorrow and my neurologist is Monday hope to get answers on my headache issues!
I hope I can get an all over body weights in I guess no upper now cause I have to get caught back up. Geez
Well I am not sure really if I am having great results or if it is just people being nice? Lol but maybe I am having results lol I don't get on scales like I said but yes my pants are loser so that's good.
hi girls! talk about crazy here-- we got another 8 inches of snow last night into this morning. just came in from clearing it off the car. it is all melting now, but still, I am so tired of snow! it had finally all melted away and the sidewalks were no longer big puddles as of yesterday afternoon-- now we get to go through all of that again:mad:. oh well. today I got in supercuts and yoga. yesterday was super short as I had to rush to get the kids lunch before alec headed to the University. anyway, I did the cardio blast from x10. the day before was yoga, and Tuesday was low impact circuit-- can't remember if I posted that already or not!

renee-- sorry about your headaches! that is no fun! sounds like you have been running around lots, too! it is hard to squeeze everything in! love the names for your coworkers:D;). hope you are feeling good today! at least maybe your weather is nice?

ladylep-- way to go on the clean eating! I have been pretty awful with that lately-- always craving sweets and chocolate, or popcorn at night:(. hopefully I clean that up, soon, I guess at least I usually get my workouts in. hope you have a nice weekend planned!

hello Maritza and Caitlin!

we are headed to my sister's for dinner tonight. probably more bad eating, as I know she is making a vegan chocolate cake! and her husband makes amazing guacamole. anyway, then tomorrow the kids have a performance class early, I come home, change and then have to work, while rik has to take them to yet another performance, which I will miss:(, tomorrow night. hoping for no plans on sunday!


Quick update: workouts have been almost daily but short 15-30 min all cathe. Today was the first timesaver of afterburn. Tomorrow is crossfire but I've already planned on the timesaver which is 33 min. Eating has been ok but I'm up 3 pounds at WW!! So upset! Busy here with usual craziness but add I school planning for next year...

Hi Katie and Renee!
Lady Lep that is great on your wo !! Maybe if you keep that going the 3 pounds and more will go down with it in no time!
I have not posted here in a while because I haven't been able to exercise I had the stomach virus awful bad! My son had it so long they had to put him in the hospital! He was in there for three days for dehydration he is getting better now. But he was home before that throwing up and other end for a whole week! So he went to his doctor and they admitted him.
Anyway this week I went to work today was my last day for the temp job but was told today as I was clocking out! It was my understanding I was to stay till the girl who had the baby came back but as I was leaving the office manager just said oh Renee after today we will no longer be needing your help and we thank you for your help. I asked if I did something wrong? She said ooh no u did fine. It was a temp job u knew that right? I said yes but ok I thought I was to stay til may 2 when the other girl came back. She said who told u that I said it says on the schedule.. She said well next week we are on vacation and there's two weeks between when they come back and may and they decided they can handle it. Wow ok. So I left but what chaps my butt was couldn't they told me sooner? I even came in last week on a day I was not to come in at all to help cause she called to see if I could work for them one girl called in. I did to!! I don't know I promise I don't see what I did wrong I am a hard worker and not slow at all. I'm just sad hurt and angry but I'm trying not to be.
Now all I can do is pray and go look for other jobs and hope I can find something soon.
Hope to start exercising soon. I just been so tired and sick.
hi girls. sorry I haven't been on here much. just haven't spent a lot of time at the computer lately-- too much running around everyday. plus, the weather has been so nice here that any free chance I get has been to be outside. the rough part of the week has been that henri has not been doing well at all:(. I think his 15 years have been catching up with him. he seemed really out of sorts on sunday, and then no improvement Monday. called the vet and they gave him some pain meds for his arthritis, but he was still miserable. then we started him on 1/2 a baby aspirin and he seemed a little better. then I looked up about MSM and glucosamine online and that it is safe for dogs, so I started him on that yesterday and he actually seems way better right now. he is walking around and not whimpering. it has been awful, though, and at one point we were thinking we might have had to put him down.:(. I am hoping that this new treatment works and he can enjoy some more time here with us-- we have had too much loss lately.

I have still been keeping up with my workouts-- the tabatas on sunday, then yoga Monday, flextrain Tuesday, yoga Wednesday, lean legs and abs yesterday, then weight loss yoga today. I still feel like I need to do more, though, as my eating has been on again off again and the off agains have been pretty bad:eek:.

great job on the workouts, ladylep! even if they are short, they are intense and I think they will boost your metabolism. hope the next meeting/weigh in goes well!

renee-- that sounds awful about your work! how rude! even if it was a temp job, you deserved more notice than that, especially when it sounds like you should still have had a few more weeks there.:mad: I hope you find something else quickly and that the people there are as friendly as you! maybe look at it as something better is just around the corner? :)

alright, I am tired and need to sign off. I had insomnia super bad two nights this week in a row, too. I think I slept around 2 hours each night. anyway, I did sleep last night but am still worn out from henri and all the running around on little rest.

sleep well girls,

Hi Renee and Katie- I got in CF but not the one I wanted. :( My breakfast casserole took longer to make so I only did the premix of 23 min with the fitness tabata and pylo tabata. Then it was go go go: right after a shower and breakfast I took the younger 3 to a dr's annual check up (CDawg) then home to pack the car for the rest of the day so I could get my hair done!! It's been over 4 months and I really needed a highlight and cut! So I took the kids to my parents with school work, laptop (for Jackson's online writing class in Phoenix) and golf clubs as my stepfather took them out to the driving range! I went to Whole Foods after my hair cut, then quickly picked up the kids and then off to the volleyball social where I messed up my eating!! Good thing I only had a spinach salad (with fatty caesar dressing!) for lunch because I had lasagna, bread, caesar salad, M&Ms and too much chocolate cake! 1 large piece for me, ate B's because he didn't like it and went back for 2 small pieces!!! So bad!

I've decided I'm going to try Tracy Anderson's meal plan for 8 weeks as I have my 25th high school reunion in 8 weeks!! I started to buy the stuff today. I don't know if I'm going to be able to, but I've already given myself the option to eat what Easter dinner brings and I have a mother son retreat at haycock.org the night before my reunion. Oh, yeah, I'm going to NC to visit my best friend over Memorial Day weekend in 6 weeks. So I'll let my self have some treats, but if I completely go off plan for 2.5 days that I'll be there it could undo everything!!

Katie- great that you've been able to keep up with your workouts, but sorry to hear about Henri. I hope he feels better soon!

Renee- yuck about your stomach bug!! I hope you are feeling recovered soon! And that really stinks about your job! Hopefully you will find something soon!
Lady Lep how do you like the hair cut? What kind of cut did u get?
Where can you find Tracy Anderson's eating plan? Is it really hard to stick with?

Katie I'm sorry to hear about your dog. I understand seeing the pain of arthritis with a dog! My duke has it! He is kind of over weight to! That makes it worse on him. We try to cut back to two cups of food a day but still he is kind of fat and makes it hard for him to get up and down off the floor. He wines and lays there in the kitchen and heavy breathing at times. It can be so sad. There are times he gets up but his paws slide on the floor cause he isn't strong enough to hold himself up either. I really need to get him soon pill for that. I know the heartache of that.
Well still no exercise !! My washer just broke today! So we decided to get a washer from sears and i got a top load one last one we had front loader but it just don't. Anyway still catching upon stuff . Hope to start exercising on Sunday. Have a great night
Happy Saturday! I'm sitting in the warm sun at opening day for baseball! Not my favorite thing but Hubby and I have seen some parents that we haven't seen since last season. And I'm with Little K at the playground down a ways.

Renee- I found out about TA from the damage control thread here in the forums. But after further reading I don't think I will be doing it as I haven't found anyone to be successful on it!! Only about the calories being too low. And web md talked about the "Baby Food" diet and it isn't called that but on alternate weeks you are blending or pureeing most of your food. Even on review talked about blacking out in it!! She had it reviewed by a dietitian and said it was only 700 calories a day!

So I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm starting to freak out about my weight! I'm down a little to 166.4 but that still awful! I'm going to look back at the clean eating books I have out from the library by tosco and may try to do cooler plan 2 or the family plan or some combo. I really feel I do better with a plan and then modify on the fly rather than do the whole thing in the fly.

On a good note, I got up and did the "first part" timesaver of about 28 min. Those sit outs and mountain climber burpees are killer! I've had mild DOMS (that means soreness right??) all week which is no because I'm not dying but I know something is working! :) tomorrow is technically a rest day or yoga but I did t Dow 6 days in a row and all the workouts were less than 30 min I think. So maybe I'll do something. But we have another busy day tomorrow with church, whole foods, then to my dads to help him with furniture outside, pool stuff maybe and lunch then to my moms briefly. And I will still need to plan school when I get home but we have a shortened week so that helps!

Have a great day!
I forgot to mention that I got bangs!! And I'm back to my happy blonde self!! :). It looks really different!!

I also forgot to mention that after about 5 min after my workout I was cutting up fruit and started to feel like I was going to throw up! I barely made it to get into the shower. I'm a lit better now. I'm not sure what the deal was. I had a banana before I worked out which is what I normally have. Sometimes I had nothing.
Hope u r not catching the virus that is going around!! That is awful! It is like once it hits you throw up u go from both ends! Then you go lay down dizzy and get comfy and just start to think your getting to get to relax and your stomach feels like it is cramping then to have to jump up again to the bath room and the was all night! The next night it is further apart but still doing it but only clear liquid cause you have nothing there in your stomach to get out! I thought I was dying! I hope u r okay!
I had church today and it is such a nice day outside!! 78 degrees! I may go for a walk later but I'm not starting my workouts till tomorrow ..

My new washer is doing great so far!! Makes drying the cloths faster!
Well finally did a workout!! I did tap out xt cross trainer whatever that is called lol it was a nice little workout. Nice functional moves. Had a lot of core in it and superman and planks.
It was not bad on my feet at all but I did not sweat a lot!! I was hoping I would but I don't think this is the hard one either. This is the first one on for the rotation so I think it was a little moderate in intensity. Not sure if I'll do muscle max tomorrow with a jog outside or go on with more tap out or ruthless. I may do muscle max and a jog and then tap out the next day the ruthless day after with a weight wo added not sure yet. I have to keep mixing it up. And since I was off a whole week and sick I wanted to ease into it yet I have so many I want to do!! Humm
I did update my cover letter and resume today as well so I am going to print those tomorrow and start giving them out and hope someone calls.
I made sure the cover letter sounded just like me!! That way if they like it they will call and they will like me if not they they won't call and that will save me trouble and heartache lol.
It was bubbly yet professional, down to earth yet pointed out my passion that is I care for patient and my coworkers. I really do to. I really am wanting to work to help the other works day go by smoother and easier and the patents have a fun relaxing yet informative. and professional quality time there. I am not concerned with competing with anyone I just want to do a good job helping the office run smooth and be happy while I do it. And basically that's what I said. Lol

Hope u girls had a great day today!!
Quick check in as I need to go to sleep. I was up until 1:20 last night!

I just finished CLB premix timesaver #1 rounds 1-6. I thought I was going to die in the first couple of rounds but when it jumped into the cool down, I felt like I could have done more if it wasn't 10:30 at night!

Night all! It's been a rough afternoon: out for piano lessons and errands from 1:45-6 which included a not planned for trip to the mechanic as my car hasn't been starting well lately.
hi girls! hope everyone is doing well. nygel has had state testing this week, so I have been out the door early every morning:mad:. I did get in some workouts, though. sunday was crossfire plus core (I worked hard that day as I knew it would be crazy come the weekdays), Monday I did rockout knockout, Tuesday was just a short heart opening yoga dvd with shiva rea, and today I did supercuts. got in a walk with bugsy on sun, mon and tues, but probably won't today as it is sleeting/raining/snowing out there. anyway, tomorrow will be a time crunch again. will probably aim for doing some yoga.

renee- your cover letter sounds great and so sorry about your being sick and I didn't even mention that in my last post! guess it's cause I saw you on fb and posted something, but still! I hate when I space on things like that. hope you are all recovered and your son, too!

ladylep-- I could not work out at 10:30! I can barely keep my eyes open at that time! hope your car troubles aren't too expensive-- I hate those!

I need to run as I have some errands to do before I need to pick up imala.

talk soon!

Hi! Just finished 48 min of PUB, no time for abs and stretch as JTrain(12) and B (7) did it with me. I did the same wts as Cathe, JTrain did about 1/4th and B did less than that. It was fun to have them workout with me! JTrain is interested in doing it again. Tomorrow is BootCamp which I don't have. I may do BootCamp from 4Day as it is only 30 min. Or maybe some 30 min premix from TTM or CF. When I searched under BootCamp on Cathe!s website or drill max or BM2 but the prefixes are too long.

Oh! I went to my WW meeting last night and I'm down 1.2! Hopefully I can keep that up!

Katie-the car was around $600 for the new battery, oil change, inspection and a bunch of other stuff. And we just put over $3k on both cars in January/February! Not fun. Need to get back to the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps!!

Hi Renee!

Night all!
Hi I'm hear freezing at a baseball game! This morning I got in CF premix with the fitness blast/pylo tabata plus core.

Hi Katie and Renee!

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