Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Trying to get back in the saddle. I was in bed until Sunday aside from doc's visit and bathroom trips! Yesterday I did YogaRelax and today I did the Muscle Conditioning premix from Slide and Glide. But I couldn't do many pushups of any type. I will probably stay with these types of workouts for the next few days. I'm still very tired but thankful to be finally feeling better. Four out of our family of 6 got it. Thankfully Hubby and Little K stayed healthy!

Unfortunately, I did something to my right shoulder right before I did the wo. I have no idea what but it hurts and that's probably a reason that I couldn't do the push ups much, along with being sick.

I've been trying to keep track of my food the 21 day fix way counting my containers but I've been having tea with honey every day.

I did weigh in last night at WW, Hubby is out tomorrow night and that is my regular weigh in day. I was down 2.6! I hope it stays down! I know much is because of being sick, but here's to hoping.

Thanks for the all the get well wishes! Interesting how we were able to bring our lives to a stop pretty easily. So we've not done anything school, sports, etc since last Wednesday. I am bummed that we won't go tomorrow as it is the last Bible Study of the year, but not the last SALT (co op classes).
hi girls! another dreary, wet day here and I have already been out running the kids places twice, now headed out the door again to get alec, eat dinner somewhere, and then bring him back to the school for two plays that he is in:p. today I did 4DS bootcamp, did supercuts yesterday plus yoga. still not sleeping well, but at least last night I slept through most of the night before waking at 3:45. blech.

ladylep-- that sickness sounds just awful! I am glad you are finally feeling better, but what a bummer about your shoulder! glad to hear you guys were able to take time to get well again-- hope you continue on the upward swing:)

renee-- sounds like a fun workout! hope you are doing well today. any more gardening? someone must be having gardening weather! not happening here.

oh, and what a night last night! had to drive alec down to the u of m east campus, which I am not used to at all (most of the music stuff is on the west bank). anyway, I was so lost and it is just crazy busy over there, not to mention a complete maze. I finally did get him to Northrop auditorium for his rehearsal, and then had to navigate through dinkytown and downtown Minneapolis in rush hour traffic to get home again. I wonder if that counts as a second workout?!?:p:rolleyes:


Katie is that a made up name? Dinky town? Lol

Ladylep that is good about the weight loss! I'm hoping it isn't the sickness but I remember the weekend I was sick man I felt light after lol!

I did turbo fire 40 today, it was so fun I didn't think I'd like it because I did turbo jam along time ago and didn't didn't know y. But this one seems faster and exciting lol they played that song we got the funk lol. How come those songs sound like the original one? I guess is that y the DVDs are so expensive ? Cause they are really overpriced, I never but BB crap new I buy used so I can buy cheap!! I then did a 30 minute upper body workout of heavy weight. Wow my arms are burning!! Tomorrow I am going to do legs and gluts from body blast I think. Hope you all have a great night!!
renee-- it truly is! guess that was a nickname given to the u of m's east bank and somehow that is what stuck:p. I have known it as dinkytown since I was a little girl: Welcome to Dinkytown, Minneapolis

too funny, right? I tell you, it is not fun to drive around there at all! I am fine walking but in the car is way too confusing.:eek:

what is the turbo fire workout again? that isn't cathe, is it? sounds like you are getting some great workouts in!

today for me will probably just be yoga, as I have to go to pick up imala early this afternoon (early release day at the high school), and then nygel has a recital tonight. alec was great in the plays last night! it was strange seeing him on stage without a violin or viola! in one play he was a robot who actually kills someone at the end of the play, and in the other he was a liar and a cheat. he was convincing in the roles, though! didn't seem to have any stage fright, probably from all his years performing music. I was happy for him that it went so well! he just did it for fun and as a favor to two of his friends who had written the plays. anyway, more busy days ahead. hopefully I get in another long workout tomorrow!

hope you are doing better, ladylep! how is your shoulder?

talk soon,

hi girls! me again! quick post to say that I got in athletic training this morning-- that one is intense, too! then rushed alec off to school, and now I am back home again and will take bugsy for a walk as the sun is actually shining! this is the first time we have had sunshine since last Saturday morning! anyway, hope you all are doing well!

happy Friday!

Quick check in, wo yesterday was a stroll around the block with the boys. Today was XTrain legs premix barre, ball and floor. It was a toughie! But in a good way. It was what I could handle. I'm still not sure I'm up for any cardio yet, still have a runny nose and coughing a lot. Eating has been really good. I was really craving chocolate, it's been a week since I've had any! And I had some of Hubby's cheese and crackers tonight instead. It helps that I'm not well and should not be having sugar. I was going to bed early too, until tonight. :(

Night all!
Hi ladies
Good job on the legs lady Lep I think you are listening to your body and that's good! I hope u continue to get better! I hate in not getting in bed on time I'm not sure y I'm not just can't get there. As for the chocolate! Wow that's nice ! I had ice cream full fat every day last week! WHAT? Yep!! I was doing so good to now afraid to get on the scale. Or get pants on lol so I keep thinking I'm going to stop and I did better tonight lol
Katie athletic training isn't that the one that is a step for ten minutes only then the rest is weights? Maybe a MWT category ?

Okay today is an unwanted rest day I was trying to wait till Saturday but I had to rest today! Grr my left foot on wed I could tell all the cardio and jumping or whatever I am doing in turbo fire was starting to hurt me foot my PF again! That is like an evil thing always laying dormant waiting to come back! It is so strange I can do Cathe rotation and I'm fine but if I do anything else it kills me. Or if I do step to many days in a row! I can feel the tendon from my heel to the ball of my arch running up to my big toe even ! I can push in little touch even with my thumb and it shoots pain there it's like that tendon is hard and tight I stretch it all the time. Geez.
So anyway it wasn't to bad on Thursday so I thought okay make myself finish at least a freaking week so I did Thursday and I was going to do today but I'm afraid it is at that point if I try to do anything i will not be able to finish the rotation at all. So I will rest today and tomorrow do legs and gluts and if my foot feels okay a nice walk to end the week out. Then on Sunday began again with my rotation of turbo fire so give it a brake for two days, it does seem to matter anymore if I step more then four days in a row or kick box in a row or jog I end up with my PF acting up but I can step one day then jog one day and HIIT the next and weight train and I'm fine like that! Strange !!
Frustrating as well! I Cant let it get the way it was before I couldn't even walk with out limping.
Have a good night all
I took a "rest" day today. After taking the boys to B's baseball game, we did 4 errands and then went home to unload groceries and make lunch. After practically pinning my boys down to practice their piano for the audition judging on Monday, they all, except Little K, went down in the woods to a creek to catch frogs. K actually napped for 2 hours! And I got to lie down for a (broken) up hour but slept for 20 min.

Tomorrow we are going to lay low again from church and any activities. We are all still coughing a lot and runny noses and tired. And since Little K slept for so long, we think he may be sick.

I did well for eating today until dinner, I didn't measure my sweet potatoes and I'm having chocolate chips and brownies!

I have joined a 7 day clean eating challenge on FB that is sponsored by a Beach Body coach. So I mentioned Cathe as my fave trainer and was gently told not to mention her anymore. It's ok though. If anyone is interested in joining, let me know. It's free.
hi girls! today was afterburn for me, plus yoga and then a walk with bugsy. at least I get them in when I can;). alec had his big Mahler concert last night, and so we were out late and I wasn't to bed until 12:30 (which is way too late for me), so I have been dragging a bit today, but oh well! the concert was truly amazing, so it was worth it.

renee-- athletic training is the one with the HiiT step section and then metabolic work. felt super intense to me. do you know my feet are the same way? I have to watch how often I do impact and step, otherwise I know I will be paying for it come the next day. my right foot has been sore lately, too, but not so bad that it has slowed me down much. I hope you are feeling better today!

ladylep-- I hope K isn't getting sick! maybe he will sleep it off! the clean eating challenge sounds good. why don't they like cathe? is it a different workout guru running that page?

better run-- alec needs to write a paper on this computer/

good night all,

I was able to do Low Impact Challenge all the way thru today! A good sweat but not overly intense. I was not able to do all the combos, just because I am not familiar enough with them.

Katie- I don't know if she likes Cathe or not, honestly I have a feeling she has never heard of her. She is a Beach Body Coach who doesn't want any trainer suggested except those by BB. But the week is technically about eating not exercising. Go figure. K Seemed OK today, but we stayed home today.

I got a fair amount accomplished today aside from exercise, I made it to Kimberton Whole Foods and our local Seafood place, planned the meals for the week and got all the read library books into a spreadsheet. Now I just need to finish planning school for the week and work on the budget.

This will will be tough to get school in. Tomorrow we have K's speech therapy, then home for an hour to practice piano, then off to piano auditions. Hopefully we can get some school work done in the afternoon. Tuesday is full with a doctor's appt in the morning an hour away and dentist in the afternoon. Wednesday they have music sharing at SALT and another dentist appt in the afternoon. Thankfully Thursday is stay at home day. Friday I'm hoping to get to the Homeschool Convention if I can find childcare. And then back again on Saturday. So it will be a light school week!

As for workouts, I have less than half of the workouts in the May rotation so I will have to come up with my own. I've lost a bit of weight using the 21 day container portion control diet program. But I had chocolate this weekend. So I may have gained some back. I will start back up again tomorrow. So workout plan? I think I'm going to do upper wts tomorrow unless I decide to do cardio to combat the chocolate :). I'm going to try to have 3 days of cardio this week, 1-2 upper body wts, 1-2 lower bodes wts/legs/barre and try 1-2 pilates and yoga. All will be Cathe except for the pilates. I may use the boring slow DVD I have or pick a few of Autumn Cabrese (21 day fix girl) on youtube. We'll see. It all depends on my energy and time!

Hi girls!!
Hope you all are well! Sounds like you are getting back to normal Ladylep! I just read if u are eating chocolate you may need magnesium ? So eat foods with that in it? Not sure if it works.

Katie that's a lot of stuff afrerburn and a walk even while tired?! You are super lady lol. My foot is okay I took two days rest cause it was stil hurting then today it was a low impact day.

I did low HIIT 20 of turbo fire and push pull of Cathe DVD on body blast series. I really like that for a. Whole body 45 minutes! It hits all muscles but only once but you go heavy enough you can get a really good burn! So it was good to start my week off.
I also signed up for a class at local collage for a writing it's called write story of my life .. I have been told many times I needed to so I have been trying but I know I need some help lol so I am taking a course to teach me how and the teacher actually has published books so maybe this might help. We will see.
hi girls! living on another night of crummy sleep:(. just could not fall asleep last night until after 3:30. blech. I did lower intensity step today from the 4DS series. it was about all I could handle, and I think my shoulders will be sore tomorrow from the weights.

renee-- I am so happy for you and the class you are taking! way to go! I would like to go back to school, but haven't taken that final step. I have my BA in English and almost an MA in education, but am thinking I would really like to either do animal medicine or social work. someday I will go back. your workout sounds great!

ladylep-- glad little K seems okay and that you are doing well enough to get a good sweat in! can you paste a link to the fb page by chance? trying to eat cleaner and get some weight off before summer! your week sounds busy!!

have to run get imala from school and then take the boys to the violin/cello shop!

happy Monday,

No wo in for me, to busy today and too tired. Tomorrow is another busy one so I don't know if I'll get it in. But I miss it when I don't do it.

I'm not sure how to link the page just a regular copy and paste. I'll try.
I love it!! Yes turbo fire I got it I had turbo jam but was not into it but turbo fire is more me! The music is so loud and cool I love it !! Pink raise your glass even some old songs like la freak is on there! So far I have done fire 40 and low HIIT 20 and start up the fire 40 is a cal burner and the 20 HIIT is good but not as hard as Cathe but I think that one is perfect add on for days I want to do weights! Like yesterday I did low 20 and push pull of Cathe! It was great I felt very energetic. Today was fire 40 again tomorrow not sure what it calls for but if it is a HIIT that isn't to long I'll do some weights. But I'm doing Cathe and turbo fire so far I love it. There is a low impact lady to in case you need it the only time I do that is when my foot starts hurting and she comes in handy but I try to keep up with the original workout the way it is to be done. I am sure if I can stop eating so much I can lose some weight?!! lol food geez
Thanks Katie
I don't want to actually go back to school lol I went back for a year fitting In two years in 2009 for MA that's after I already had two years collage when I. Was younger and dental assisting for two years at 24 I'm tired of school now. But I keep thinking of trying to do hygiene but I find it crazy going to school and taking the math and English yet again and all the other classes I already had in DA school and they won't transfer cause it was over 10 years ago for the DA! So that's when I saw the one class for writing a book. I had been writing anyway I hear people say I need to write about what I went through and all. But then I was thinking of writing one about my son and his struggles and mine with issues that teens face and what happened up till his accident and now how and all my journaling after he past. It is raw feelings. I haven't even read them after I wrote them yet. But I'm hoping the class will help me sort through the emotions and raw things it is hard to organize it. I don't know how far I'll get but I hope I can write two books really one is an autobio the other will be a sort of addressing women about losing a kid but young adults on dealing with pressures of life and kid of hope it is motivational for them to live life realizing that we are not promise tomorrow and are choices do effect everyone not just them. I do not know how to speak to dif weren't audiences like that so I am hollowing the teacher can help me figure out how to do this. If I can keep headaches at bay I can get something done I hope
hi girls--

I am feeling pretty rough today:(. combination of major DOMS, insomnia, and the bad cold that nygel has had, I think. anyway, feeling super achey today. I did 4DS kickbox and legs and it felt brutal in the weights section. yesterday I did the floor and disc AOLIH plus core 1, burn set chest, and the bis and back section from 4DS plus brought bugsy on a walk. think I ovedid it! Tuesday was a yoga day (weight loss yoga with bryan kest). not sure what I will do tomorrow, but depends on my achiness!:p have to head out tonight to bring nygel to cello choir and we have all sorts of severe weather around.

renee, I think that is great that you are doing something you have always wanted to do! I bet you will do great! maybe we will be buying your book someday!:D

ladylep-- hope all is well with you!

better get a move on,

Hi Ladies!

No wo today. I've been getting ready for the big Homeschool Convention in Harrisburg that starts tomorrow. I think I'm ready, I just wish I had more sleep!! Eating has been pretty good with the challenge. Although I did have some "clean" cookie dough last night: white whole wheat flour, maple syrup, applesauce, vanilla and bittersweet chocolate chips. And just the chocolate chips tonight.

Here's the link to the convention if anyone is interested. CHAP for short.

28th Annual CHAP Homeschool Convention: | CHAP - Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

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