Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Hi got in Tabatacise premix 2 tabatas 1-2 and core.

It was a nice relaxing day for me! In the morning I drove to Reading, PA, about 45 min away for a Dr Hauschka facial and came home to an empty house to workout in and get some things done. I was able to fold laundry, empty the dishwasher and plan school for next week more than 50%!
Lady lep
Great job on 1.5 loss!! That is the consistency of working out I bet!

Hi Katie your days sound busy as always and u to are still getting in wo that's great!
I did mm one day tap out on Sunday tues was jogging we'd rest day Thursday I did imax2 and was at 45 minutes the killer part for me and DH kept calling so I had to answer it was I thought something quick but it wasn't I had to look for our marriage certificate and send a pic of it to him for his job real fast he says huh.. So I do that by the time I try to get to IMAX 2 I don't want to! Lol got lazy on it so I put in timesaver body blast and did the bis and core and the step so that was 40 minutes so I think I made up for stoping IMAX 2!! I did better then before on it but IMAX 2 kicks butt to me and 3 ! Today I did Lower body blast! That one seems harder then cardio leg blast!! I think because I hate sliding disk things!! I can not do them well at all!
Tomorrow I may just walk for a few miles.
Have a question, how would u guys ask for donations to build a church? I mean I don't know anyone and the church I go to needs a building of there own they have land now they are asking donations and kind of saling "bricks" and there names wil be on a plaque in the church but most people don't have it to give and two they don't even know what my church is really. Kind of hard to ask when I don't know anyone! And I gave no family around and what I do have out of state they wouldn't even help me pay on moms bills they always say there broke so I know they won't. So any ideas on how to go about asking people I don't know line at the store? Lol I'm so lost in this . I'd like to get at least three donations lol
Okay so hope you all have a wonderful Sabbath day and and get night.
Rest day today.
I was getting ready for Sabbath service this morning and I put on a skirt I tried to wear last year but it was so tight last year! I could not get it zipped I had to leave it unzipped half way last year if I was to wear it and then it looked funny so I tried it today!! IT FIT. Holy cow !!! Really!! So I got happy tried about her one that I squeezed in last year that was longer and it would zip if I laid down and an inch of fat hung over it to had a roll and a bigger roll when I sat down but today I put it on and it zipped and I can get two finger in it! No fat roll around it! What?? Are you kidding me? It took me two years but dang it my cloths are starting to be loser !!! I have noticed the difference in the last year!! I think it took a year for my health to get better then the weight is taking care of itself if we keep going!
I guess? I'm lifting heavier is only thing different this year then last. So maybe the heavy lifting really does speed up r matabolism after a while? Humm whatever!! I'll take it ! I hope I continue to see progress
Have a great night all
Hi all! I got in 35 min of turbo barre. And I think I'm going to be really sore tomorrow! I've never had the time to do the whole thing. I hope to some day!

As for food today, I stuck with the container sizes for everything, except I had dessert again tonight, ice cream with homemade chocolate sauce! Hopefully tomorrow I will be better! I told my mom to get angel food cake with fresh strawberries for dessert, she was going to make brownies with icing,not good. I don't really like angel food cake but I love strawberries and she was happy to have an easy store bought dessert! So a win win!

Renee that's awesome about the skirt!!! And as for the raising money to build a church, I'm not sure. I will try to ask around.

Happy Easter everyone! He is risen!
Lady Lep I am gonna have to try the containers ! Sounds like a good idea. I wish BB would sale that by itself you know the how many containers and how big and what they usually put in it. I'm sure they have that with the workouts so they should sale those separate if we want it. And it shouldn't be expensive either!

Today I decided to try a fun workout I got it in the mail today, it was Patrick Gourdau presents kick box burn with Heather something I can't remember her name! But I saw this on a review from 2 lazy for the gym website and she is also here on Cathe .com and she gives really nice extensive reviews on workouts she try's. She reviewed this one and she was right it was fun and I did sweat! You guys may want to try it! Dare I say I love it as much as RK and HS and KPC!! It feels like all those in one to me! There is cardio and jumping and combos but my feet wasn't killing me yet I was getting a good cardio! You guys will love It, I promise!!

Okay hoping all is well
No DVD wo in yesterday, field trip so no time but I did some light hiking with the kids at the filed trip so that counts as something. I think it was Renee, I'm not quite a wake yet and my iPad doesn't allow me to go back and check w/o losing what I've already typed, who mentioned about the containers. I think I found what you were looking for last night. The containers are sold separately on BB but for almost $18 and probably shipping. The sizes are: green/veg:1C, purple/fruit:1C, red/protein:3/4C, yellow/carb:1/2C, blue/fat/nuts:1/3C and orange/seeds/dressing/and I've also seen nuts in here too:1/4C. And some people have posted screen shots of pages from the nutrition guide and I just found last night lists of what food items to put in each. Now if I could just find that in print form to keep in in my kitchen of be golden!

Oh, gotta get going on my day!
Lady Lep
So only one cup of veggie for the whole day and one cup of fruit? Gosh I may not be able to do that lol !
Nice job on hiking! Man I wish we can find the places to go hiking here !
I am still wondering what to do for a workout today! It is already 9 so I have to do something soon!
Yesterday I did kick burn it was so fun! I loved it and sweated!! My feet did not hurt but I had a great time very nice. It was almost like KPC with RK mixed in to me. So I may do a total body weight workout tonight or I'm thinking something like flex train or maybe metabolic in nature like Supercuts
Hello Katie, and everyone
hi girls! sorry I never get on here much anymore! just busy with the kids and always away from the computer. I tried to get the app to post on my new phone, but it didn't work. anyway, I am still here. hope you all had a happy easter! we visited mom's gravesite and took a long walk, and then had lunch at Namaste café. it was a nice, quiet day for a change. this week has a performance for alec and imala on Friday, and then more performances next Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday with lots of rehearsals, too-- so I will be running around like crazy, as per usual!:p

today I was very tired as I barely got any sleep last night. my stomach was all bloated and achey I think from all the garlic I put in my guacamole, and so I slept only for a couple hours. I still did to the max extreme with no solid step. man, that is a killer. then did some yoga. yesterday I did the primary series, Monday was flextrain. have been getting in lots of walks with bugsy in the nicer weather (except today as it is raining). henri is still hanging in there, but has been refusing to take his meds, which has been rough. now I tried to hide it in his food, and he isn't eating the food:(

renee-- sounds like you have a new, fun workout! you are looking great, btw-- saw your pic on fb!

ladylep-- you are as busy as always, too! never mentioned your new haircut! glad you had some time for you!

I need to get dinner going. still have a lesson to do with nygel before the day is through.

love and peace to everyone,

Katie thanks for the compliment! I'm kind of embarrassed cause I didn't think my reg Fb friends can see the post on Cathes page! Lol! It was only for her and all of us who understands are love of working out and the struggles we go through. But I guess it's all good. I know I have a lot more to work on so I was afraid for anyone who isn't into it to see it yet.

I am having a hard time getting my dog to take his pill to. :(. It's so sad when they are in pain! Is yours doing the same as mine then probably! We have chopped it even smashed it then he smells it and won't eat the food then we tried peanut butter nope then tried sticking it in the meat and I am NOT joking that Duke will eat the meat and spit that pill out! I don't know how he does it but he does ! I have to force it down his mouth now. And his mouth is big! So I have to put my hand in the mouth and put pill all the way in the throat and hold his mouth shut. And he won't let me at time, it is frustrating cause he will shake lose and he is old I'm afraid to hurt him! So I feel ur pain!
To the max is hard anyway! What is repeated on the extreme ?
I did party rocking step 2 and I did extreme premix!! It was 73 minutes long but I only had the topper! I did that so I could do that long! Lol I had a ball I was laughing even. I felt like I was dancing and i was sweating. It was not breathless like I can't take it but it was a moderate intensity just what I needed. Tomorrow I will do a HIIT workout I think or maybe crossfire? I am not sure then I want to do boot camp so not sure when to do that one if I am to do another weight wo. See I get so confused in what I'm suppose to do. Ha oh well.

Ladylep hello!
Hi, I'm sick with a cold, no wo in 3 days :(. I don't have time to be sick, PT at 4 get older boys to baseball by 5:30, inlaws show up at 6 and hubby hopefully soon after

Katie- it was 3c veg, 2c fruit, sorry if I got that wrong.

Hi Renee!
I hit send too soon. Then Hubby and I toto a restaurant opening. If I can swing it, chills, runny nose and cough and headache. :(
hi girls! another dreary, rainy day here so probably won't get a walk in with bugsy. I am super sore from ashtanga on Tuesday and TTM yesterday, so I just did shiva rea yoga for an hour today. tomorrow will have to be a short workout because nygel has lesson and the kids have a show to play at in the evening-- I am thinking about circuit blast, but still undecided.

renee-- I see you know just what I am going through with henri! it is so awful, because if he doesn't take his medicine, he will end up in pain again and unable to walk:(. try telling him that, though. he hasn't taken anything this morning at all. I don't have meat in the house, but I have tried peanut butter and vegan butter. I also tried putting it down his throat, but his mouth is super small and his teeth and nails are sharp, and I just end up getting my hand scratched up:(. I tried grating it into a powder and adding it to his food with a little olive oil, but he just let that sit there. I am thinking maybe I will get some canned food and see if I could hide it there. I wish he could understand that it is for his own good. anyway, good luck with Bruno, too. the TTM extreme leaves out the solid step but adds in the slide and glide tabata plus the fitness blast thing.so, you end up with three rounds of tabatas, the long HiiT and then the compound leg work plus core at the end. I haven't tried the extreme step version:eek:. glad you had fun! I think I would just have to use the top, too! oh, and don't be embarrassed by your pic! you look beautiful and strong!!:D

ladylep-- so sorry you are sick!! that is no fun! hope you feel better and are able to go to the restaurant opening tonight!

better run! lots of things to do before I have to head out the door.


Hi girls!Posting from my phone, so hope it works! Ladylep that is awful! I hope you feel better soon! Here i thought the flu season was over abd we didn't have to worry about it anymore!

So, this morning i did the cardio blast x10 and the muscle toning from S&G. I have been gone all day and now have to head to a show the kids are playing in. I am worn out as had insomnia big time last night:'(.

Hi Renee! Hope you are well!

Talk soon,

Awe Ladylep I'm so sorry about you being sick! Yuk! I hope u get better fast. Nothing fun about summer or spring time sickness.

It isn't Bruno my bit that is like this it is Duke. Duke is old he is already 15 now and it's so sad he can barely move now. Bruno is the bit he eats everything he eat all pills cause he can chew it ha .
I was thinking of doing circuit blast from sts cardio I think it's called cardio or circuit blast I. Don't know or BC from intensity series ! I have so many I can tell what I want to do! Grr I have ADHD on my DVD lol.
I don't think I want to do the extreme TTM !! I can only do the tabata that is originally in there. I wish there was a premix of no solid step but everything else the same! I can't believe I said that lol! I love step but that part I don't need some days.
Gosh I hope u get good weather soon it seems u have not had good weather enough and before u know it your winter seem long! But where I am from WV? They are like that now to!! I didn't like the winters being long but geez there winters have really lasted the last three years! I heard it was even snowing there about a week ago!! That is unheard of this time of year! But then again SC here has not been as warm as many days as it was either! Strange weather!

Well we are going to try to go see my dad and sister and my DH mom in Wv in May. So I guess we are suppose to go by my DS grave, gawd that sounds so not right to even say! But it is what it is. I have to say it don't I? Avoiding those words won't make it not real. But yes that's what we will do go see that and I'm not even sure if I want to. I don't do that even my moms grave. I went two times and I just feels there is no purpose like there not there or not aware of it or I hate seeing the names written in stone. And if I see my sons written in stone I'm not sure if I can take that or how I can. I'm sure I will I have to. But it's unreal and I keep thinking it's a nightmare.
Well I still need to get my butt up and exercise.. I am starting to not be motivated !! Help y'all!! What can y'all tell me to keep in into the mood to keep going ? I asked that on Cathe Fb but no one answered ! Lol I guess noon saw it? But I feel like I try to motivate people but now I need it ha
Have a blessed day girls!
Ladylep really do hope u get better fast
Renee- staying motivated is such a challenge! You are looking so good, though! I would look at all your progress and stay focused on that. I stay motivated by reminding myself the good i am doing for my body and brain and that keeps me going, even when i dont see results:p. I am so sorry for all the pain and loss you have to deal with. It is hard seeing mom's headstone. Love and hugs.
hi girls! just checking in quick to say that I got my workout in, despite another night of insomnia:(. I don't know what the deal is lately. anyway, I did drillmax and it felt plenty tough! it is raining and pouring here today, so not sure what we will venture out to do.

hi renee and ladylep! ladylep, I sure hope you are feeling better! renee, I hope your sweet old doggie is taking his medicine! it is the same old story here with henri.:(


Drill max is hard anyway!!
That one for some reason had always been a dread factor but I haven't done it in a while that was when I first started so maybe it will be hard but not dreadful? Lol
No he isn't taking his meds unless I stuff it in his throat and I have to do it a couple times to get it in there. It's awful cause I scraped my hand on his teeth last time yuk!!
Today I planted flowers in my flower bed yellow lantana and purple verbatim I think that us what it's called. Any way I got them to be yellow purple, yellow, purple all the way down and in the one by the road I put a yellow rose bush called a knockout rose bush. Love yellow!
After that I came in and did muscle max upper body premix! I like that one tomorrow I hope to do a lore body and some kind of cardio maybe a kickbox. Have a blessed nite!

Ladylep hope u r okay!
hi girls--

renee, henri does the same thing to me! I wondered at first why the top of my index finger was so sore-- I had cut and juiced a lemon and it was just on fire-- anyway, the next day when I tried to give him his pills, he ended up tearing the skin on my middle finger in the same fashion:(. not sure what to do with him-- I ground up his meds today and put it on his food, but he hasn't eaten much:(. your flowers sound lovely! I wish I could garden, but our yard is all shade from a big oak tree. the weather is not anything you would want to be out in here, either-- continued downpours and highs in the 40s:mad:. I don't have muscle max! maybe I should get that one!

hi ladylep! hope you are feeling better!

so, after another night of insomnia (what is the deal?!:mad:), I just did jivamukti yoga today. if it wasn't raining nonstop outside I would take bugsy for a walk, but the yoga will probably be it for me today.

hope everyone's week is off to a good start!

I ended up trying a premix of KPC and legs And gluts they was great! Fun it was 35 minutes of cardio drills and 25 minutes stand portion of legs and gluts it was fun. Well I'm off to sleep I hope! Have a great night

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