Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi girls-- still sick with the gunk here, which is the worst at night when I am trying to sleep. I also have DOMS today from yesterday's workout. yesterday I did the cardio premix from S&G plus slow and heavy chest, back and planks. that workout took forever! today I figured I needed stretching more than anything, so I did just over an hour of shiva rea. need to get back to the primary series again, but it is so intense and takes so long that I end up opting for my other yoga dvds:eek:. anyway, tomorrow I will finish out the slow and heavy with legs and shoulders.

ladylep-- where are you headed this weekend? you are still so busy! this weekend will be like that for me and am wondering how we will even swing all that is going on, but I am going to do my best and remember to breathe:p.

renee-- I wondered about the 3000 bis, but figured it out soon enough! that is so awful about the pits. I met one years ago when Denver first instituted that ban-- someone had actually moved to st. paul with their pittie so he wouldn't be taken away. that is so utterly insane to me. anyway, hope you got your lower body workout in! that rotation sounds like a real bear. sometimes I wonder about how hard we workout when and if the results aren't happening. didn't eva used to say that lighter workouts ended up in more fat loss? I could be completely wrong, but sometimes I wonder when I am really pushing it-- and being careful with diet, which I have been now for a couple weeks at least-- why nothing seems to change. maybe it is just my age and being on b/c. I dunno:eek:

need to go water the plants. have a good night all!

You may be right Katie!
I know sometimes I think that cause I really eat like a little oinker lol

Today I did kick box burn with Heather Corndolf! Yesterday I did turbo fire HIIT 25. I know I did doubles on Sunday and ever since yes I ate like a pig.
Hope to do a HIIT and gym style legs or legs and gluts I like legs and gluts! The music is awesome !!
I've been running most of the day so this will be quick.

I got only 19 min of the XTrain Bis and Tris premix rounds 1-5 (26 min) completed, in pieces, kid interruptions and what not then ran out of time. I was out all evening dropping of JTrain and next door neighbor half way to youth group, thankfully another mom is happy to drive all the way there. Then my WW meeting (I'm up 2.8 pounds!!!! so bummed) is 3 min from there, then I went shopping with my mom for an hour or so before I had to go back and pick up the boys. My eating wasn't good today at all. Hopefully tomorrow will be better even though I will be out all day for the Reading Phillies.

Katie- Sorry you are still sick! But that's great that you're still able to workout!

Renee-how would you compare turbo fire to Cathe? I'm so skeptical about beach body because of the whole coach thing. Sounds like such a pyramid/multilevel marketing thing... But I'm intrigued by T25, Turbo Fire and the new piyo but also Cathe's new on demand and live thing. To get STS and all the newer ones and new releases for $20 sounds great! We don't have cable, but we were paying $20/month for the DVR box and $10/mo for the std box on the other TV. But I don't know if it will work on the Xbox. I can get it all on my iMac just fine, but it's in the kitchen and all my wo stuff is in the basement!

Oh, i'm up 2.8 from my WW meeting tonight!!!!! I had cookie dough and ice cream over the weekend, made brownies last night and had ice cream tonight. DUH!

I'm going to North Carolina to visit my best friend from high school and also my maid of honor from Sat. night to Tues. night, by myself!!!
hi girls-- crazy busy day today, but wanted to hop on here quick to say hello. I don't know if I told you guys about the mom raccoon up in our attic crawl space? we had a raccoon up there two years ago and the wildlife specialist out to move her and it was a long, horrid ordeal as we would be kept up at night from all the noise overhead and it went on for most of the spring and summer. well, now one is back-- the specialist thinks it is one of the baby's from that other litter. well, anyway, we have heard her up there and she has done major damage to to roof, but there is an actual tent space set up to keep her entrance space safe from water, etc., waiting for her to move her babies out on her own. the wildlife specialist puts some gross concoction of male raccoon urine up at the entry point to scare her away (apparently the males will eat the babies:eek:). anyway, they did that on Saturday, but the commotion up there the night before last was insane and I was afraid the mom was going to fall into our house at one point, it sounded so awful. anyway, sleep has been hard to come by from my cold and now this:mad:. I am hoping he comes back and puts more up there so she takes the babies and leaves soon so we can seal up the space. craziness.

yesterday I did slow and heavy legs and shoulders plus an ab hit and boy do I have DOMS today! I used a 48 lb barbell and with that workout it felt super intense. not sure what I will do today, but it has to be short as I have to bring nygel to cello lesson, then go pick up imala and alec from school to bring them downtown Minneapolis to play in a master class, then back out their school for another concert which is outdoors and will probably last until around 9. tomorrow is more running to a dress rehearsal and then back downtown for another performance. then sunday, I work. not much of a weekend!

ladylep-- sorry about the weight gain:(. I would be scared to weigh myself in all the time-- I bet I am up and down and all over the place all the time. anyway, at least you are still getting good workouts in despite your crazy schedule:). the eating is always hard for me, though I have been very careful the past couple weeks.

hi renee! I have been bad with eating on so many occasions! you are working out like crazy, though! hope you have a nice weekend!


Hi girls!

I'm in my way to Baltimore to catch my plane to Charlotte North Carolina. But I did get a workout in this morning. I did hard-core extreme interval circuit. I think that's what it's called.

So crazy about those raccoons!
Today I did slide and glide and then went kayaking. I've been at the airport now since 4:30. My flight to Baltimore has been cancelled. I have a flight to Chicago at 6:40am with a 30 min lay over and should arrive in Philly by 11:40 if the storms stay away!
hi girls! sorry not much from me the past few days! have been doing all the spring cleaning and organizing. sunday I did CF plus core, Monday was burn sets CBS plus some yoga, yesterday was pyramid HiiT plus an ab hit and yoga. today I did burn sets bis and tris, yoga and took a long walk.

ladylep-- I hope you made it home! what a trooper for still getting in workouts!

hello renee! hope you are well!

the raccoons are still up there and I am still having insomnia on and off:(. will be grateful for the week off of school coming up before the kids' string program starts up at the university again on the 15th. that will be four weeks of crazy!


Hi Katie and Renee!

Katie- I'm finally home. But I've been up since 4am! So my only activity today was running around 3 airports to get home! I'm going to bed a soon as I finish my 5 min brownie with ice cream. My WW meeting was tonight and I'm up 3 pounds!!! :( I know the brownie doesn't help but...tomorrow is a new day!

What are you guys doing for June? I can't believe it's June and I've gained all the weight back that I've lost since Jan 1! :( I need to clean up my eating and find a way to not over indulge but still indulge!
Sorry I have been gone! We left for wv on fri and now today we are driving back.
Just now getting a good signal !! It was hit and miss! I'd catch a signal and saw there was a new series coming out! Wanted to post and tried several times not sure if it made it or not. I had one bar or none!! It kept saying failed! Grr in the mountains sprint in what I have so I guess it isn't great service there.
I jogged one day went on a hike another day. The rest of the days was filled with driving back and forth visiting more then anything. I'll catch up later on details. I feel cushy! Hate getting out of my routine ! Makes for a soft butt!! No where to do a DVD ! No weights so only thing I could do was sneak in that jog and hick !
hi girls! feeling sore from all the weights and HiiT, but did CLB today plus some yoga. not sure what I will do tomorrow or next month, ladylep:p. I may stick with rotating heavy weight work with HiiT, since that is what the new workouts will be-- I have been eating well (for the most part) and still feel like a bloated pig:rolleyes:. anyway, I usually lose during the summer and am hoping I do now. with all the running around I do plus workouts, I am wondering if it's the lack of sleep that must keep my cortisol levels up and interfere with any weight loss?

renee-- hope your time away was nice, at least! you will get right back on track with your workouts, I know, and I think we need to allow ourselves a vacation every once in a while:). glad you are back.

ladylep-- thank goodness you made it home! and yes, today is a new day. hey, at least we are all active and trying, right?

better run. have to pick the kids up from school and then need to get alec in for his passport.


me again! today for whatever reason my right hip flexor feels super sore:(. I did x10 low impact and ab circuits medicine ball section plus took a long, sweaty walk with bugsy. I ate well all day but now just had two vegan chocolate truffles-- but I think I need a bit of a cheat day as I have been living on smoothies for breakfast and dinner with a small lunch in between. I know somewhere on cathe's site I actually read that an occasional cheat day is good for weight loss? do you girls remember anything like that? it's back in the saddle again tomorrow, though!

hello renee!

hello ladylep!

hope you girls are off to good starts on your weekend! I did get alec in for his passport (thank goodness) and have been running the kids around in a car that I just discovered has no a/c:(:mad:. will have to bring it in. hoping it is nothing major. it is a bummer, though, as it went straight from half spring to full blown summer here. it is sticky today with highs around 90.

will try to check in later this weekend,

Loved your children's pic on Fb you posted Katie! It reminded me of some kind of family or friends hanging out laughing and they are modeling cloths or something for a magazine !
No workout today. I'm starting fresh tomorrow with something lol not sure yet maybe Sts. And the cardio as jogging to lean out. I am hoping to do that anyway I'm not sure what day I am suppose to start it. It's on my calendar.
I did the greatest hits bonus circuit it was good but mostly it was cardio and weights I was hoping it was sjp and cardio and weights weights segments I thought. Oh well it was still fun.
I can't wait for Cathes new DVDs !
Okay I finally started the week off with sts! I did disk 1 meso 1 chest shoulders and bus then I decided since it was light weights considering I did legs disk 3 meso 1 today as well! I know Sunday I have more time to focus. I am going to try the sts and sts shock cardio rotation and I added that to my workout calendar in my manager section but on cardio days I may opt out of DVD and do a jog depending on weather and how I feel. Because I am wanting to lean out while I do this rotation so I think this will help if I add the jogging.
I can't help it but I'm almost afraid to start STS cause the last time I tried I only got to week three when tragedy struck our family and it's as if I'm afraid it might happen again.
My husband has been so sweet and sentimental lately it makes me wonder if he thinks something is wrong with him. I know I sound like a worry wart but geez look at how much loss we have had every two to three years I have had major losses. 2007 my job of 12 years that was nothing really but it was a start of more stuff, my step dad got sick and died in 2008 my mom 2010 my son sudden 2013 it has been as if I'm afraid to think things are going to be okay for awhile.
Well anyway my husband put on his tailgate of his truck in letters " I love my wife"!!! I never in a million years would have imagined he would do that! He is always so, cocky when he was younger that he was the type to try and "act" like he never was serapes around a women's finger so to speak but he tells me every day now he is happy I am his wife and how I never give up on him and I put up with him he is lucky! He is correct lol. No I'm just saying I told him that I hope he isn't saying he thinks he is leaving the world soon ! I think to as men get older cocky fades and there love is easily shown.
But anyway I'm rambling again.
I have an interview Tuesday my husband does interviews all the time so I gave him my resume and did a mock interview! I was so rusty and wanted to laugh! Grr I am never good at it. He did realize I start to ramble and I offer to much info! Of course I do I'm honest to a fault! I have to learn to give a good answer and shut it up! Lol. We will practice tomorrow again.

Well I hope I am sore tomorrow ! I am gonna try to do legs DVD again in one week. My legs are so weak so maybe if I do that DVD two times it will make me stronger? What do u all think?
Today I did turbo fire HIIT 15. That's all I had time for I was suppose to do Cathe HIIT 30/30 but I'll do that tomorrow with tris and bis I suppose. I'm sore from STS legs and chest shoulders and bis. Man I hoping to try to get two leg workouts in to make them stronger. I know they need a lot of work. I may not get it done every week but, I'll see how I feel.

Well made a cake today for my sons birthday. And I went to the doctor to see my neurologist. So far the medication they have me on is working great now. I haven't had many headaches at all so I'm happy but hate I have to take meds everyday. I asked why I get them and they can't say why. Just that some people are prone to have them and test they did at least there are no tumors or anything. But I get afraid of meds hurting my kidney and liver so all I know to do is eat as good as I can and drink a ton of water!

Lady Lep and Katie I hope you both are doing good and enjoying the kids! I know school is out now right?
hi girls! still three more days of school and it has been crazy with recitals and the raccoon situation. Saturday night one of the babies was under the floorboards in the boys' room, and then later that night moved through the wall and into the downstairs bathroom under the tub:eek::(. it was just awful as it sounded like s/he was in total distress and unable to get out. the wildlife specialist came out again yesterday and was able to put the repellant on the entry way on the roof. well, now today I haven't heard anything, so am wondering if they are gone? the specialist said the baby would be able to find its way out, but I was feeling so horrible, thinking it was going to die in one of our walls:(. I hope the mom and babies left now, but will see what tonight brings. all that being said, I have not had much in the way of sleep.:( yesterday I did get in 30/30 HiiT (maybe you did too, Renee?) and did yoga ab circuit plus some more yoga. also took a walk with bugsy. sunday I did SC plus a half hour of yoga. today I am thinking slow and heavy again, though still somewhat undecided.

did you guys order the new workout dvds yet? I haven't yet, but plan to on my next pay period.

renee-- thanks for the sweet compliment on the picture! so glad your headaches are gone, but totally get what you are saying about the medicine. so, you are doing HiiTs back- to- back/ two days in a row? that sounds tough on the legs! hope you are having a good day and happy birthday to your son! bet your cake was yummy!

hello ladylep! hope all is well with you and the kids!

going to get busy and workout here soon before it's time to run a bunch of errands.

talk soon,

oh, and renee, I meant to say that I am glad your husband knows a good thing when he sees it! glad he is treating you well! sorry for all of your losses these past years. hugs.
Katie!! Poor raccoon ! I know what you mean about feeling bad yet wanting them out as well. Gosh it is sad if the baby can't get out. I hope that isn't the case.

I am planning on a HIIT today but what is really scheduled is sts back and Tri disk 2 meso 1 but I want to add cardio as well but I May NOT feel like it lol. My legs are really sore from Sundays legs and last nights HIIT so I may stick with what is on the calendar and no adding so tomorrow I can dig deep with the cardio I have on tap.
I am so frustrated!! My house is a mess to me! I mean dust us everywhere. I dust everyday it feels like and it's still dusty and it is starting to drive me nuts! I am not exaggerating either! I'm not sure why it gets so bad everyday! I need to whip down walls and baseboards as well but I'm waiting on DH to go to drill for two weeks then I'll do it. Hope that will help the dust! Any tips on dust and organizing stuff?
Oh and mirrors and windows! Hate doing them yes I tried vinegar and news paper coffee filters, even plan water which works better then most anything but I still get prints and stuff looks like crap film over it! Grr
Ok off to do back and bis!!
hi girls! I have good news! renee, maybe you saw on facebook, but last night I was going to listen for the little raccoon and as I turned to make my way down the basement, the crying seemed awfully loud, so I walked slowly and, sure enough, the little baby raccoon was on the basement floor crying! it made its way through the walls from the attic all the way to the basement! I called a wildlife specialist friend and she said to put it in a box outside in the yard to see if the mom would come take it. so, I picked him up, gave him a bowl of water and took him outside. then we all waited and watched. close to 10:30, the mom came into the yard and picked her baby up! now, bad news, they are back up in the attic:eek:, but at least he isn't stuck in a wall starving. I want the wildlife specialist to wait a while before he puts the repellant up again, as I think the babies are still way too small for them mom to take them out of here. hoping they stay in one spot until then!

today I did slow and heavy chest and back plus added in the fitness tabata and S&G tabata from TTM. tomorrow I think I will do legs and shoulders and add another HiiT in on Friday. it feels like maybe my stomach is finally shrinking a little? not sure, though! I have been eating really well for the most part and sticking to heavy weights and HiiT, so I guess I will keep at that for a while and see what happens.

renee-- I bet your legs are sore! and my house is always dusty, too! I think it's because I like to have the windows open and also because we have so many pets:p. anyway, I like a plain towel and water for windows and mirrors. I always hate dusting with the vacuum, but do it all the time especially since I have so many little things out on our piano and shelves. I wish the house could keep itself clean!

hello ladylep!

off to make dinner--

I did see that about the raccoon ! Love it the mom is with the babe! Not loving that there back in the walks! Lol
I am sore but not to bad, I feel heavy fat feeling for some reason! I did back and tris yesterday and jog today then took my Bruno for a walk trying to leash trim him. It is hard trying to train a hyper big dog to walk beside you!
Tomorrow I think since I did all the 1-3 disk for sts and I want to hit every muscle 2 times instead of sts disk again in the first week I'll do a DVD like flex train or push pull or muscle max. Then a cardio on Friday rest on sat and on so day start off with new week disk 4! I think this will work good and a leg workout! That is like I did this week.
hi renee-- yeah, it is a bummer that they are back in the attic, but I am hoping if he puts the repellant up there in a couple weeks when the babies are bigger, they will take off and then we can finally fix the roof:p. I am sore from the heavy weights I used yesterday in slow and heavy. today I did the legs and shoulders S&H, so got them all in this week. I also did an ab hit plus 25 minutes of yoga. just took busgy for a quick walk and now have to head out to the high school graduation ceremony, as imala is playing pomp and circumstance on her violin and alec is speaking as he is valedictorian of the junior class (they send the seniors off with some nice words:)). anyway, it is cloudy and looks like rain here, so good thing the ceremony is indoors. I am still feeling tired, even though I think I slept better last night:confused:. renee, I get you on the feeling heavy thing, I have felt like that a lot lately, so I really have altered my eating habits. have been eating lots of greens and all whole foods along with my raw smoothies. I hope it makes me feel lighter! I think maybe my stomach has shrunk a little...maybe I mentioned that before? it really needs to!

sounds like you have a great workout rotation planned for next week!

hello ladylep!

have a good night gals,


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