Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Those ceremonies can make you feel so proud yet sad! Lol I
Am sure it was bitter sweet. What an exciting time.

I did slow and heavy a few times before are you planning on doing a rotation with them for a few weeks? I got all sts done for week one early cause I planned one adding a full body weights like push pull yesterday and cardio today to hit muscle two times but I was not feeling well.

What do you think? If I only did five days instead of six is that why I stale the weight loss? It seems every time I set my mind to do six days I get a headache or something and I do get six days every other week but not consistent ! It's irritating ! I know this is TMI. But I had that time of month before we made trip to wv on Thursday two weeks ago before memorial weekend and I'm doing it again but that means I had three in two months. Each time of course I have headache three days that are awful.
I do take that preventative med and it works but not on period days. I have to take reply pill then it goes away! Yuk I hate pills. But I started yesterday again and my headache was a beast I woke up like that. Not the kind I can jog with to get rid of so I tried to go about my day best I could. I am scared I guess I have to make another appointment again. See my aunt had cervical cancer. So I get a little scared. All my aunts are gone cause of breast or cervical cancer.
Okay now what kind of raw smoothies are you drinking? I am juicing in the morning. Trying to. It gets expensive trying to buy enough veggies for everyday! I wish I can grow my own food! Can't grow In sand! I hate throwing away all the pulp I see lol I feel I am wasting. I wonder if I can use the pulp for something? A recipe? Ha ha I started putting it in my flower bed for compost! Maybe I can make it turn to rich soil not sand and one day I can do a veggie garden there not flowers. Humm
hi girls. super humid today so workout felt extra intense. I did the 37x10 premix-- cardio blast plus hi/lo and then the bonus abs from B&G with the ball. no time for yoga today.

renee-- yes, it was definitely bittersweet. I can't imagine how next year will feel when alec is actually graduating! and he wants to go off to Juilliard or Curtis, which are both out on the east coast. it will be hard, but I am so happy for him and very proud.

I would be nervous about cancer, too, and I actually am as that is what took two of my aunts. I am also worried about alzheimers, since that is what mom had and now my dad seems the same:(. me periods are also all over the place (tmi, I am sure!). I wonder if it is from being on the pill, though. cramps are the worst and the headaches and I can totally see not working out when you are dealing with them. I hope they get better soon! heck, I guess some years from now we hopefully won't have to deal with that time of month anymore:eek::rolleyes:. although, going through all of that is no fun-- I think that is where my insomnia comes from and my frequent sweating at night. I wonder why guys never have to deal with stuff like this!:p

I use a protein powder called "raw meal" by garden of life. I love it! it is packed with greens, fruits and veggies and is all raw. I add a scoop of that with some almond milk, a frozen banana and some blueberries, along with a big tablespoon of spirulina and/or "green mush" (another supplement I get from Sunfood) and that is a meal for me. my favorite flavor is the marley coffee. I also like the powders from sunwarrior-- they are all vegan, too, but missing the greens. I think you can find most of the powders on amazon. it is great that you are juicing! I am too lazy for that. I would think you could use all the pulp for something, though. maybe if you are doing carrots, something like muffins maybe?

better run. need to figure out dinner and do some laundry.

hello ladylep, too!

Hi! I'm away with my 10 yo CDawg at haycock. We just went horseback riding and about to I shoot some rifles and the. We have some more outside activities in the afternoon. That will e my workout today. More later I am home and rested!

Hi Renee and Katie!
Lady Lep sounds like you are having fun!! That's great!! I am glad to hear from you!

Katie those are good ideas. I guess I need to find recipes for using pulp for your baking. I did think of when I juice my spinach I can use the pulp of that in my egg white omelette I still eat eggs on occasion, not often but that's an idea.
I did chest shoulders and bis today disk 4 i was going to do disk 6 as well but to tired I may do it tomorrow with a HIIT not sure yet. As I said my goal is to get my legs two times a week! They are so weak! I was thinking since they are so weak and it's do to balance cause of feet it may do some good to do a barre on the second leg day or floor work with fire walkers and leg lifts butt bridges those kinds. I am thinking all the time I guess.

I am still taking my writing class. Man it is a lot more then you'd think that goes into getting a book written lol! It can be overwhelming and very hard! I knew it be hard but not this hard lol
hi girls! busy day today. did burn sets CBS this morning plus some jivamukti yoga very early, then brought the kids in for physicals, then to target to fill a prescription which took forever, then stopped at whole foods. came home to find the mail person left a package here for the wrong address:confused:. I ended up walking it to the right house, then took bugsy for a walk. have also been getting the laundry done. next week we will be down at the university every day, so need to get everything taken care of this week:). yesterday I did afterburn plus some yoga.

renee-- I am so glad you are in the writing class and working at something you love! imala's violin teacher just had a book of poetry published. it is very intense and raw-- all biographical-- but I am so proud of her. it is called "blond boy" by lucia may. you can buy it on amazon:). anyway, maybe that will be you someday! btw, you look great! saw your pic on fb. I actually had a dream last night that I think you were in! weird, huh? especially since we have never met! but I was telling you how great you are doing and in what great shape you are in. too funny. I am guessing if there is any weakness in your legs, it will quickly be taken care of by all the leg work and HiiTs/jogging you are doing.:)

ladylep-- sounds like you have been having a fun time! will look forward to hearing more about your trip when you get home again. safe travels!

have a good night,

Oh gosh Katie after burn !! That one again lol! That one still kills me! I think I really need to do it more often but that's one that would be better to do with a friend that loves it! Like you ! Cause that would make it more manageable or fun!
Thanks for the compliment about the picture! I am wondering if maybe it was just a lucky shot. I don't know I just know it all takes a long time and consistent. So as long as I enjoy the journey. I think that is fun about that dream! I dream about you and Cathe and Melissa lol that sounds funny but I have before! It was mostly we are exercising together or eating veggies ha ! How silly I am.
Okay today I did HIIT 30/30. Tomorrow I will do disk 5 back a tris.

I also bathed all three dogs today!! Omg talk about a job!! They are hard to do so I got in the shower with them. Gross it sounds but I had my cloths on and yes it was a mess but my shower is pretty big so it worked! There is a ledge that I say on made It better so every now and again I can pop a squat! But I bathed the little dog and the two big ones, The last one was the old dog duke he was hard to get into the shower! He was a crier again. I had water all over the floor! Finally I got the stinky bathroom cleaned then I got my shower.
Thanks Katie on the class I'm taking. I really hope I can actually do this book. Can you ask ur friend if she may have any advice? I have trouble getting started lol like once I get to the second paragraph I can get I to flowing but everyday it seems I struggle getting started. But so far my teacher is saying she likes my work so far. That's a good thing.
Well I'll stop rambling now.
Have a wonderful night .
Lady Lep
Can't wait to hear all the fun you all have had
Hi all! Quick update here as I need to get to bed. I did Legs standing on Sunday, nothing Mon or Tues. But today I did Hard Strikes all the way through! That is a first for me! I typically don't do the conditioning. I couldn't do the sit ups because my side/ribs still hurt from the fall I had Friday night playing street hockey with CDawg. So I did rotation ab work, seated leaning back a bunch and twisted from side to side and this didn't bother my ribs/side. Tomorrow I hope to get in CBS!

I lost another 1.6 tonight at WW!

On the over night we went horseback riding, did sling shots, shot rifles (my first time!!), archery, lots of street hockey, jogged around the camp from activity to activity! It was so much fun!! I didn't eat well, but that's ok. :)

Off to bed!
hi girls! sorry I didn't get on here for a couple of days! yesterday I was watching my niece's kids and her little one, Jamie (the one who had open heart surgery), just cried and cried for me:(. after over three hours, alec came downstairs from his violin practicing and I asked if he would hold Jamie. he did, and Jamie immediately was quiet, and then went to sleep:p. wish I had done that sooner! anyway, yesterday I did hard strikes cardio plus pilates abs, Tuesday I did lower body blast and I think with too heavy of a barbell for me-- it was super intense! I used 50 lbs, but think I should have done 40 or even 35!:eek: anyway, today I will do burn sets bis and tris and maybe throw in some cardio.

renee-- we are living parallel lives, I guess, as I gave both bugsy and henri a bath on Tuesday and then also gave henri a haircut! I hate doing it as henri will not sit still and I am always nervous trimming around his eyes. he really needed it, though! so good to have that taken care of! glad your dogs are clean, too!:) I will talk to lucia about the book, but I think you are off to a great start and it sounds like your teacher enjoys your writing. how funny that you have had dreams like that, too! :):D

ladylep-- glad you are home and congrats on the weight loss! sorry you fell and hurt yourself, though! sounds like you had a great time otherwise!

I can't believe the big string program is starting on sunday!:eek: hope I am ready for another four weeks of craziness! my nerves always take a beating with all of the performances. anyway, hope you all are having a nice day!

me again! just a quick update-- got in burn sets bis and tris and added on the floor section of AOLIH. then did 25 minutes of yoga. feeling a bit achey/tired-- hope I am not catching another cold!

talk soon,

Katie it sounds like you killed it yesterday. That's long workout!!

You both and your dogs! Well I am joining the club for a few day! I'm dog sitting my moms dog until Monday. :)

I did XTrain CBS yesterday and today I was going to do HiiT 40/20 bit I didn't have time so I tried to do TTM premix slide and glide but I only got thru the warm up. I'm not sure if I'll get another time to do something. I'm out running errands with all the boys. And have for make a bday cake for my 13 yo ( bday may 16 but couldn't do hiking until tomorrow with his friends). And I still have barely started the portfolios and my evaluation is next Friday!! And we are at camp all mornings next week. So I'm going to be exhausted! But I love Camp Little Bear!!

I think I may have over done it with lifting my side is hurting a lot more from my hockey fall.
Lady Lep I'm glad u lost some pounds! I knew u got back on track! Sounds like u had fun, and that means wonderful memories! I love that.
Katie lol that is funny it does sound like we are thinking the same! For sure I had a time with my dogs but it was worth it. I saw your pic of your son with the baby ! That was wonderful! The baby whisperer, reminded me of my sons really both my boys was so good with kids and seemed to be magnets for kids. Kids go straight to them and will be happy and content. It's nice to see. So I really liked that.
Hope u get rested up before you have to get back into a crazy schedule again.
Okay I have stuck with Sts the way it was written this week and I did the cardio in between but one day because I ran out of time that was yesterday. I went to lunch with a friend. Or acquaintance and then ran errands then my last errand was to pick up study guides from a lady from church and she asked if I'd sit and have dinner with her., oh boy I had been sitting in car all day after I ate lunch so I was not ready to eat again but I didn't know how to say no cause I hadn't seen her in a long time so I got the lightest thing I could a very little pita cheese pizza and water.
When I got home got a call and the girl from lunch ask if I wanted to go eat speghetti! I told her no! I had to lol. The night before that I was at her house watching a movie so I'm trying to be more social while DH is at military training but I am not one to be with someone everyday. I like my space. And I remember this same girl a long time ago I tried to befriend her but she was to busy with her friends to have anything to do with me. Now she has no friends and it is sad but now she is asking for me to come over and stuff. I try and I want to be a good friend but I am not sure I know how to be after all these years as a loner. I have one friend who does not seem to zap my energy and that is Lisa. We been friends a long time though. But anyone else it feels like work. Maybe I'm afraid to get close? I don't know. But anyway I'm trying but we will go to movies tomorrow I am looking forward to that. Today I am trying to clean up house.. I have my closet to organize AGAIN !!
I did sts legs and I did rock out knockout the 38 minute premix. !! It was fun!!
Oo one thing that bothered me the other day was I don't want to eat some food and if it is offered I say no thanks, I think it is rude if I get eyes rolled at me cause I don't eat ice cream after I just ate pizza with you, u know I already compromised and ate something that day I don't normally eat so y get mad ? And we don't know each other week enough and I'm to old to be pressured into eating bad crap if I'm trying to eat better. Okay there.... Yes I know I am strange and probably why I don't have a lot of friends. But friends should not be so much trouble to maintain lol
hi girls! had a busy day yesterday-- got in lean legs and abs and a short walk with bugsy, but that was it. alec had a violin lesson and nygel had a cello lesson, and I had a few errands to run, then had dinner over at my dad's. I was kind of dreading that in a way, as I know he has been getting super foggy lately-- thinking it is alzhemier's just like my mom had:(. anyway, it was good seeing him and he knew who we all were and that, but I can tell he has a hard time remembering things and saying what he wants to see. ugh. it is hard to watch as I know how it all progresses. at least for now he was happy to see us, and especially the kids, so that was a good thing.

renee-- that is so sweet about your sons and babies! guess the boys have the magic touch! I think it is that they are so calm-- they have a good energy about them that must relax the babies and make them happy. I am with you and the friends-- especially if this woman didn't want much to do with you before. lots of people roll their eyes at me, too, and my food choices and I guess I just have to let it go. there are the few friends that get it and what my beliefs are, and those are the ones I hang out with. glad you are looking forward to the movie, though! what are you guys seeing?

ladylep-- happy birthday to your 13 year old! nygel will be 13 on july 1st:). right smack in the middle of their string program, but we will still probably have a party on a sunday evening. glad you had fun at the camp! I am sure you will get all the portfolios done, no problem, as you always get all your work done:). good luck! oh, and have fun with the dog! :D

today is my rest day and I am going to take the boys to get their hair cut this afternoon and buy some groceries for the upcoming week. cannot believe all the craziness starts on Monday! we go down to the University tomorrow for orientation and their schedules. hoping no one has an 8am coaching! my fingers are crossed, as that is such an early time to have to be down there every morning. it would mean getting my workouts in at 4:30/5:eek:.

talk soon,

hey girls! quick check in from me as we are headed down to the U of MN for orientation and to get the kids' schedules. today I did flextrain and then some intense fire yoga with shiva rea. then drove my car up to get oil changed and walked home, then back again to pick it up. I have another loose axel rod!:mad::( I had the axel rods replaced plus new tires and alignment after hitting that tree a year and a half ago. he said it would be another $300.:( I have to wait til my next pay period. guess that is what you get for living in mn during the spring with all the potholes from the roadsalt. blech. anyway, he made it sound like it wasn't too bad and that I should be okay if I wait for a week or two. not the news I wanted today heading into the big string program.

hello renee and ladylep! hope you guys are having a nice sunday!


I got oil change a week and a half ago!
Almost time for dogs to go back to vet for yearly shots already gosh money money
Okay, well i am so frustrated with myself!! I know I have gained weight again!! It seems if I do good I sabotage all my efforts I still exercise but I don't know I feel like some days to jump I feel I'm trying to jump with cement strapped to my waist!! For the Love of The Lord !!! What do I do wrong! Ha I don't really know, I am eating right but I guess even it it is clean at my age to much of anything is gonna make you fat! But It almost as if u have to starve to lose anything.
I'm only on week 3 of STS tomorrow will be disk 9 legs today I'm going to do a cardio. I'm thinking of maybe turbo fire because I am so dragging and unmotivated ready to give up! That I need some thing fun that has some great music so it's gonna be that or party rocking step 2 or hard strikes! I love the music in those to so what I might do is wait for the dark and turn all lights out get my disco ball out and turn one of this DVDs on maybe once I hear that it will get me moving? We will see. DH isn't home still so I can turn it up and be loud as I want without sounding funny lol

DH comes home tomorrow I hope
renee-- you crack me up! I feel the same way, though! I think I may actually be losing a little and I am not able to work out as much because of this string program and my crazy schedule-- go figure! I haven't been eating much, though. I do a garden of life marley coffees moothie for breakfast, a packed lunch with the kids down at the U of M, and then a garden of life smoothie for dinner. I normally am hungry in the late morning/early afternoon down at the university, but there is little time to eat. all this running around might make me lose a little, I guess! anyway, I am feeling frazzled and haven't been sleeping nearly enough-- up at 5am to work out every morning. today I did xtrain bis and tris. yesterday was cardio supersets. Tuesday was chest back and shoulders. Monday I did pyramid hiit plus some yoga. everything has to be short or I don't have time:(

renee, I hope the disco ball helped! I hear you, though! my legs and whole body has felt like a big chunk of cement lately!:p

hello ladylep!

have a good night!

Renee- How do you like STS? Is the the first time you've done it? What cardio do you do with it? I've been thinking about getting CatheOnDemand to get that and the new Ripped with HiiT looks sooooooo cool!! But $20/mo forever seems like a lot...

No workouts in this week. Camp Little Bear took a lot out of me, but I think it was good to let my rib heal and it feels a lot better today! I think I may do a fun step wo like PRS#2. :)

And portfolios are finished!! Attached is a pic from camp. :)


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Lady Lep What a cute picture! Now is that the youngest?
Yes this is the first time I have done STS I did attempt it back last aug of mid month when I started but I only made it to the third week that was in Sept when my son had his accident and I couldn't concentrate on it so I just stopped. So I'm attempting to try it and I'm on my forth week tomorrow and I like it but I think , Well like I told DH,
This sounds stupid but I feel like it is a major program and you prepare for it and something tragic happened the last time so I think maybe in afraid in the back of my mind something is gonna happen again? Maybe that's what's wrong? I don't know. But since About two weeks before starting the Sts program I was trying to get excited like I did the first time I got it last August! I haven't got to do them and I am trying to lose weight transform myself, I had lost some pounds lately so I thought I am ready .. But I just felt depressed, and sad and kept thinking "get past meso 1 and hope nothing happens to DH or the other Son and my minds like oh my stop thinking like that." "That's silly. "
So I keep plugging on! But my energy is low. I'm eating like an oinker, my mind is off the radar with no focus.
And as I said I feel like I have a cement waist lol. My legs feel like well I can do leg lifts and I wouldn't need ankle weights cause my legs are heavy enough!!
But I'm doing shock cardio like HIIT, and mma boxing but I will do RK or HS instead or turbo fire. Or go jogging for cardio. I do eat healthy food just to much of it.
Oh I am even tired of hearing myself complain already too!! I'm sure you all are lol!! Wa wa wa. Cry them a river already Renee y don't ya ! Lol
You know, when I do that, or if others do that I don't mind it until let's say one person overly complains?, then I just can visualize myself sticking a baby bottle in there mouths ha ha!
Mean isn't it? I do that only when the same person complains and never try's to change or woo is me attitude all the time, life stinks attitude. You know the type. I am always tempted to do that carry a baby bottle in my purse just for those people !! That would be funny to do, just once! I know I sound mean now, don't i?

Anyway enough of that tonight I did my last disk for the week 9 tomorrow will be disk 10 c,b,s!! Gotta get ready!! Almost finished with the first month!! Whoop whoop maybe if I push past the first month here I will take the recovery week to do circuits and cardio more outdoors and that will make me excited I past the psychological part I had to get past about my son. I'm sure that has to be what it is.
Katie hope u are well!!
But I did finally get some exercise in today! I pushed Little K around the neighborhood for about an hour!! Some hill so I did raise my heart rate for a little. It wasn't much but I really am tired and couldn't bring myself to go wo in the basement by myself so our whole family went! Well, not JTrain, he's at church for Wayne Service week, community service today to Thursday.


if interested. :)

I'm going to try to eat better (again) no eating after 8 (I tend to load up on chocolate then...) and tracking again.

Renee- yes that is my youngest. :) I think that it's great that you keep plugging away. I've been so out of the workout mode because of camp and my side and tiredness. Hopefully I can "HiiT" it hard this week!
hi girls! sorry I have not been on here much! just busy running with the kids-- constant performances, too! anyway, I am super tired and feeling kind of fried, but it it always like this. we are now in week 2 of 4. I am trying to enjoy it, but am getting little sleep each night and still am always nervous for the kids:p. yesterday I got in CF. today I did total body trisets UB, think I will do lower body tomorrow. my workouts all have to be under an hour or I can't get out the door on time. anyway, all is well here.

renee-- I am sure that is what it is, too, and I know you all will stay healthy and have no more loss this time around! that would have me feeling superstitious, too, though, I am sure. I haven't been eating as much since I am never home! guess that is the trick for me:rolleyes:. at least you eat healthy stuff, though!

ladylep-- cute pic and glad you are feeling better! hopefully your summer will settle down a bit so you have more time for you!:) sounds like the camps have gone great, though!

better run! have been trying to get to bed by 10:30 so I am able to drag my butt up at 5am. blech. I so dislike the mornings!


Katie does do you find you do Tri sets a lot? I don't really find myself reaching for that one often at all. Actually I think I have done that one maybe three times I'm not sure why I have not it just doesn't speak to me. Actually I don't do the low impact ones much at all but I want to do the cardio ones and love them but really wish it was not instrumental ! I think that's my problem maybe.
U are always so busy!!

Ladylep hope all is well

Today was party rocking step 2 no finish product it was fun and fast only 33 minutes. I got a sweat going but not to hard it was kind of easy. Yesterday was disk 10 tomorrow will be disk 11.

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