Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Also forgot to say got a call from my brother n law. My husband his poor sisters hubby past away last night! He had a blood clot ! Sudden death he wasn't old. He was maybe 58? It's awful that sister of his is my favorite she is taking care of everyone and has to be strong for everyone. I can't go be there cause my new job and I'm the only assistant there now. I feel awful not being a support for her. Gosh such sad things happening all the time. Hope u all are doing well !!
hi girls! I am back!!;) the string program is all finished up at the U of M, so I have been recouping these past few days!:p seriously, though, major exhaustion hit me on sunday, and I have been feeling so tired every day since! I have been getting more sleep, too, then the 4-5 hours I was getting during bravo. anyway, I think since I don't have anywhere to run to, my exhaustion that I probably had all through this has finally caught up with me. I have still been getting workouts in, though. did flextrain on sunday before getting together with a family from the string program that was headed back to texas, and then on to a graduation party for rik's niece. Monday I did rockout knockout plus yoga, yesterday was burn sets CBS plus core 1. today I did lower body blast (that one really burns me good!). probably will do more upper body tomorrow plus yoga and then some cardio on Friday.

renee-- I am so sorry to hear about your dh's brother-in-law! that is so awful! do they have children? I guess we never do know how long we have. I try to remember that and be grateful for everyday, but sometimes that is hard. I am sure everyone understands that you are at a new job and super busy. love and hugs to your family! oh, and congrats on STS-- you are doing so great! as far as adding in cardio goes, I think a short burst of tabata or HiiT would do the trick, and then also not take up too much time. we have had ants, too! not fire ants, as it is too dang cold here for bugs like that, but we had sugar ants in the bathroom and kitchen, and carpenter ants that had a nest in the tree outside that were then showing up all in the house. I used peppermint oil mixed with cayenne and coarse sea salt and it seems as though they went away! now, though, I think the spiders are gearing up for a big population! they always come out in full force during mid to late summer and the fall. blech.

hello ladylep! hope you all are enjoying your summer!


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hi girls! hope you are well. today was burn sets bis and tris and then was going to do an ab hit, but couldn't find the dvd:mad:. I ended up using my Jackie warner no crunch abs dvd, and I got my butt kicked! I had forgotten how intense her workouts can be. does anyone else have her dvds? she does a series of exercises for 30 seconds each, and some of them even get your heart rate up (i.e. jumping burpees and jacks in plank). anyway, after that, I did a short, mellow yoga session and then took bugsy for a walk.

alec is coming home tonight from staying with my dad since sunday night. he was helping out as my dad's partner, Cheryl, needed to help her son-in-law out with the kids while her daughter was away at a business training. my dad has early onset alzhemiers, so was wondering how alec would do. I think it has gone well, though, but I am grateful he is coming home for a few days before he is off to Italy. I am still nervous about that!

hello renee and ladylep! renee, I hope you are doing okay and the family is finding some peace at this difficult time.


Hi all!

Busy week here with being a chauffeur! But I did XTrain CBS and today I did HiiT 40/20. That on is really hard! I had to modify things... I need to go to sleep but wanted to check in. I hope to do XTrain BT or butt and guts/some leg one. I forgot to mention that I met a fitness competitor while picking up my son from baseball camp and she lives down the hill from me and is a personal trainer and does customized meal plans. She will do the meal plan for $40, macros? Is that counting fat carbs and protein? And $30 per at home training. Would you all think that's worth it? I'm thinking no to the training but maybe for the nutrition? thoughts?

I also gained 2.6 last nights at my meeting. :( I'm committing to track and stay with in my points (27) but adding 2, so 29 until my next meeting. I will have trouble if I go to our reg. Friday pool and BBQ tomorrow night and Sunday we have a brunch down in Kensington, Philly. Where JTrain has been all week on his missions trip. I will try to bring my pre measured pre tracked food. Both are potlucks, so I have to bring something anyway.

Ok I really have to go to bed now, ps, I never mentioned this but I love the name Bugsy!

I haven't pre ordered the new DVDs yet, but so thinking about it! Anyone else?
hi girls! so tired today!! could barely get out of bed. then did x10 the first premix (cardio blast plus hi/lo)-- felt like I was dragging through the whole thing. did 30 minutes of yoga and now it is off to take Nygel to cello lessons. guess I stayed up too late last night. it was good to see how alec and my dad enjoyed their time together, though! my dad gave alec some of his old golf clubs and as we were leaving he told alec to come back soon:). I guess he was actually pretty clear during most of alec's stay with him, so that was really good to hear. my dad and I were never very close-- none of us kids were, really, so it is pretty amazing to have him spending time with his grandson now. I am grateful for that.

ladylep-- the 40/20 is a killer! that is the one I dread the most off that dvd. sorry about the weight gain, but I bet you will take it off soon. I had been so good about my eating all during the kids' string program, and now it has been more difficult since I am home more and not running around as much:eek:. hoping I can get back on track now, too. thanks for the compliment on bugsy's name! it really suits him:).

hello renee-- hope you are hanging in there. heard on fb that you are getting headaches again:(. so sorry about that! hope you are feeling better today!

talk soon,

Hi! Just a quick check in, I did CF low impact tabata, XTrain Bis and Tris yesterday and today I did AOLIH with core (modified because my side still hurts from June 7th's street hockey injury, I had to do full sit ups 3 times a slow...) and I did the 100 hip thrust challenge!

Hope you are having a great weekend!
Hi there
I have been not doing to good this past week! Really having headaches again! And I have been having really bad days of emotional set backs missing and not understanding the loss of Ryan. I have just really been crying so much this week for him. I used to think time heals the pain of losing someone but really losing a child it never gets easier.
So I have been trying to do my exercises and I have done sts but the cardio has been slow due to the headaches. They want to do a sphenoid cath on me where they go up your nose and put some kind of numbing thing there. I'm thinking of doing it to get off the medication. The only time I get the migraines now is during my period but that is a few days before them and during and the problem is I am having them irregularly now! So I'm not able to control the headaches like I was doing.
Katie I have never tried Jackie Warner's workouts! I am not sure I want to do any that is harder then Cathe! I tell ya I feel so warn down lately that what I am doing is good enough for now! Lol not really taking it to the max like I want to!
My hubby just got back from WV he came back from the services as support for his sister. And this man who is his brother n law has been DH BRother n law L since DH was about 13 years old and DH is 54 now so that tells you how long that man was a part of the family. He was a good man ! So sad.

Lady Lep
I'm sorry for the weight gain. I think the nutritionist would be worth it for maybe give it at least 6 weeks to see if you can learn anything New from her or get any results from her. If you don't see a difference in energy and some weight shifting or tape measurements then you can always stop. But I'd tell her you will do a 6 week or even 12 week increments and see how you stand on finances. That way you are not pushed into anything to much. That would be good idea.
Well falling asleep typing!!
I did disk 19 or 18 yesterday it was back and bus meso 2 I'm loving how my arms feel. Still have fat on the bottom but I hope it come off soon!!

Good night girl!!
Renee I'm sorry about your headaches and missing Ryan. I have no words for you except to do you best to let the Lord comfort you. That's how my mom has dealt with the loss of my sister.

Please tell me what you mean to have the nutritionist for 6 weeks. It sounds like she is going to give me a customized meal plan, not sure how many days/weeks. When I told her what I was eating, she said something about macros and that it looked like I could clean up my diet a bit and she'd like to see less sodium in there

I did yogamax last night and LIS Trisets, lower body. Wow that was way tougher than I thought it was going to be!! The sweat was pouring off of my and and I was huffing and puffing! That was a lot more cardio than I expected. So that said, what cardio am I going to do tomorrow? I was thinking about LIS Athletic Training or after burn for a tough one or slide and glide for a lighter one, or maybe a couple of x10s. Not sure yet. But I really have liked NOT following a rotation. I've just been alternating heavy wts and cardio (mainly diff. HiiTs) and throwing in a yoga when I feel like I need a break or rushed or tired. That way I don't feel behind!
hi girls! sorry I have missed the past couple days! Saturday is did an hour of jivamukti yoga on my rest day, sunday I did CF plus core, and today I did all of high reps and more yoga. I feel like I need to catch up on longer workouts as I was not able to do them during bravo. high reps really is a tough one, I think, though I am never sure what barbell weight to use. the shoulder section was especially brutal today!:eek: I have lots of errands and running around to do before alec takes off on his trip next week. exchanging cash for euros, need to go take the violin bow in for an appraisal as I guess all bows either have ivory or mammoth in them. we are hoping alec's is mammoth, otherwise it could mean trouble for us and the possibility of the airport security confiscating the bow:(. so many things I would have never even imagined.

ladylep-- yes, I think the TBT workouts are intense, too! definitely get cardio in the lower body! I liked them for the length during bravo, though, and figure it is good to mix things up now and then. sounds like you have been getting good workouts in! sorry you are still sore! I have friends who eat macrobiotic diets-- is that what you are meaning? I think it is all whole foods, I believe no meat, lots of grains (brown rice). they have a macro plate at a restaurant I love and it is brown rice, miso kale and tempeh.

renee-- I am so sorry you are hurting, and I am sure the pain will never go away-- it is one I would never even want to imagine. you are so strong. the fact that you do all you do while dealing with the grief says what a strong woman you are. hang in there. I hope the new treatment helps with your headaches! and yes, that jackie warner was definitely intense-- too intense, I think, to add on to a cathe workout! the workouts are short, though, so at least the torture is limited!:p

better get moving!


Lady Lep
I was meaning she can come up with a neutrino on plan for 6 weeks or 12 weeks and see how that does for you. See if it is something you can do long term. Cause I think once you do 6 or 12 weeks by then you probably would learn mostly how to eat that way. From my understanding of Marco I thought it was more understanding of fats, protein, salt, sugar, and kind of like how my fitness pals breaks up your food. Some times you can look at good on a micro neutrino level and that is minerals and vitamins and the macro levels is what I mentioned earlier. Now I may be completely off but that was my thought! Lol it gets SO confusing.

Katie I feel same way with feeling like I'm not getting enough longer workouts! I mean I am getting in sts but not cardio. Yet not having energy to do more either. So what to do?! Lol

Sorry to bring you both down like that I have so many days I feel down but I do pull myself up but some days I just can not and I let it build up and I then vent here and I should not. I don't want to be a sore puss and bring u all down. I try to smile when I don't want to. So I guess it just catches up and I apologize for bringing that energy here. I need to bring positive bubbly energy! Lol
I had a long post that was sending ever since 5 today! Said loading but it wouldn't go so I had to cancel it! Then lost it! It is now 11 every trine I opened the forum it said loading and it was on the same post I was sending! Now it's all gone! It's way to late to go through that spill again.
I will try again tomorrow to answer both if you individually .. But now I'll say I did sts meso 2 week 3 chest shoulders and tris! Ouch getting harder I must say! Not boring at all and time flys it was 69 minutes but it did NOT feel that long at all. I really like this type of training! I wish I had more time for cardio however! Tomorrow I must get it in!
hi girls! it's been nice having more free time for fun stuff with the kids the past few days. excited for alec and his trip next week, but super nervous, too:(. I will be glad when he is back home, safe and sound! anyway, today I got in PRS2. yesterday I did the double low impact x10 plus 30 mins of yoga. tomorrow I think I will do TBT UB as that has the whole upper body in it, that way I can do something different on Friday-- legs or more HiiT/tabata.

renee-- sorry a post got deleted! don't worry about bringing anybody down! whatever you are going through, you can let us know-- no need to be brave or bubbly on here, I say. life is tough and I figure we are here to support each other and hold each other up. hoping you are doing better today!

hello ladylep! how are the workouts going? kids probably have you busy, I am sure!

alright, going to make dinner now.


hi girls! today was TBT UB split. tomorrow I will either do the lower body split or lean legs and abs. my left foot has been feeling super tight/sore, so will hold off on any impact. my right hip is also a little funky-- when I lean over and reach for something it gets this weird pain. anyway, maybe too much impact lately, but not sure.

hope you girls are having a good evening! we went to the bank today and got alec's euros for his trip. then stopped by to visit my niece. also took bugsy for a walk today and did a short jivamukti yoga session.

good night,

me again! today was AB plus some jivamukti yoga. yesterday was a rest day but I did 65 mins of shiva rea yoga, and Friday I did TBT LB split. my legs have been sore! AB is so brutal! those spiderman crawls really kill me. I am getting nervous for alec leaving on Thursday morning! I am excited for him, too, but will be happy when he is back home again! today it is a bday party for my grand niece and grand nephew, so will be a busy day.

hi renee! hope you are doing well and headaches are leaving you alone!

hello ladylep!

talk soon,

Hi Katie and Renee! Sorry I've been MIA. Tuesday I was so sore that I took the day off. Wednesday I did intensity premix low impact HiiT and boot camp 30/40 min I forget, Thursday I did 14 min of STS Total body upper, Friday we went to Hershey park with all but Little K. It was B's bday so he brought a friend. I packed all our food so the only bad thing I was soft serve chocolate and vanilla twist with chocolate dip. But I did a ton of walking. Yesterday I was too tired and busy getting the older two ready for adventure camp which is overnight in the Poconos all week with our church. Today we didn't get home from church, food shopping, and dropping the older 2 off. And we did nothing today. I took a nap and played on my iPad. I woke up to that time off the month and major cramps to go with it. So you took 3 Advil before church and that helped a lot. I've been really emotional the last few days so I really hope my endometriosis isn't coming back!

I'm not sure what a workout will look like for me tomorrow and this week. I feel like I should do supper intense stuff like maybe starting out with AB tomorrow. But i'm feeling so unmotivated.

And I also have so much school prep to do. The school room is still a wreck, I haven't even put away last year schoolwork completely. And I have to double-check to make sure I have everything for next year, especially since I just found out for Little K's pre-K home school class I may need some stuff for that that I know I don't have. Feeling overwhelmed! School starts in four weeks!! Thankfully my cousin with seven home school kids are coming over on Tuesday to help teardown the school room. She may only be bringing the two girls to help watch Little K.
I have been so sore too!!!! STS is making me sore I love that lol!! I have stayed the same as far as scale size weight. So that's good that I haven't increased in weight !! So now I am going on my 4th week of STS meso 2 that means after next week is active recovery and then will be meso 3!! Can't wit to finish to see results. I haven't been doing much cardio at all so I am thinking if I had been able to get cardio in there more then I could really have seen more definition I bet! I am gonna wait till I'm finished before I me assure or try on a pair of my fav pants. We will see.
My wrist is really weak though. My hands and wrist! I know I can lift more in bis and chest and most all other if my hands and wrist and forearms were stronger! They're so sore that one day I thought I had sprinted them or something. And the tendons running the inside wrist was hard to stretch! That's why I have hard time with chin-ups to! My hand and wrist hurt first!

Katie I know you are worried for your son! Excited but worried. Normal feelings! I am sure he will be fine. I pray for him. How is your hip now?

Lady Lep kids go back to fast! I sore with you lol
Disk 22 today chest shoulders triceps last week of meso 2!! Tomorrow I hope to do 23 disk legs we will see.
My friend came in from Wv to visit this weekend so we went tubing down the river. Then we saw the movie Tammy. Very funny movie, kinda silly funny but it was cool.
Well I am still sore but I am not as bad but I'm sure after tonight I'll be sore again! Today was 80% of my 1 rep max so the chest press was getting somewhat to heavy to lift by myself without a tower or rack so had DH to hold it for me till I can grab it. It helped lol so he was my rack!
But I am not bored with the program at all! I really love it! Goes by fast.
Well have a wonderful day fit friends!!
Quick update: Afterburn completed by 9:30am!I'm thinking about doing LIS TBT upper body tomorrow or maybe lower.

Gotta get to bed!

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