Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Hi everybody

I finally found where Renee posts. In the warm weather, it is too hot to do anything in my condo on the top floor. However, I started to get antsy. Because I had not worked out in so long I had to start with 20 minutes. Today's workout was about 45 minutes, kickboxing and upper body.

I hope everybody is well.
Caitlin so glad to see you post on here! I did meso 3 disk 30 plyo legs tomorrow is rest day so I may do a walk..

Hope Katie and lady Lep are doing well!
hi girls! sorry I have been offline for a while-- rik, the kids and I went up to the north shore of lake superior (up in grand marais, mn) and were gone all week. it was hard coming home, I love it up there so much! anyway, I still kept workouts in my schedule. we left last sunday and I did CF and took bugsy for a walk. Monday I took as my rest day, Tuesday I ran the shore, Wednesday I did my own tabatas and yoga, Thursday ran the shore again. Friday I just walked the shore and did yoga. Saturday I came home and did 4DS bootcamp, and today I did 4DS kickboxing. it is super humid and hot here in the city-- I feel sluggish working out-- especially as temps up north were highs in the low to mid 60s:p.

renee--hope all is well with you! sounds like STS is going well! glad you saw some of the pics of the kids-- I still can't believe this will be alec's senior year and nygel's last year doing homeschool:eek::(. it all goes by too fast!

ladylep-- it sounds like you had a wonderful vacation! I have always wanted to go out west, and Portland is such a vegan friendly city, I would love to go there someday! sounds like you still got workouts in! congrats on the weight loss, too!

hello Caitlin! I hope your workout went well in all the heat!

talk soon,


Hi Katie, Renee and Caitlin!

Early workout today, none the last 2 days. 35 min fitness circuit, ploy tabata and core! Did I mention I hate lunges and tuck jumps!!

First day of school! Gotta get moving!
Hello to all you wonderful people

Lady Lep, tuck jumps are very hard. I am still building up my endurance, and today is step but I will have to lower the step. Better put the AC on. I am glad I found where Renee is posting.
Hi y'all! Lol
I did chest and back yesterday! Not sure what to do tonight .
Not home yet. I'm thinking a step workout and tomorrow will be plyo legs I think disk 32 . I am going to wv Friday hope to get in all DVDs to finish sts up!
Ladylep glad u had great vacation!
Katie glad your son made it home safe! Gosh kids all back at school already! Wow!
Caitlin I'm so glad you are on here. More the merrier ! Gives me motivation to post more often.
Hi all!

Quick check in! XTrain CBS rounds 1-4 32 min complete!

First day of school went well! All finished before lunch except the oldest he still had Latin and Logic to do. But all done early.

Gotta get in the shower! I tried to attach 1st day pics!
hi girls! meant to post yesterday but was a crazy day with work. I had two clients who had biked to the studio from far away and both were extremely sweaty:eek:, and the guy had dirt and mud on his feet and calves.:confused: it was kind of gross working on them! I have to work on feet lots in thai and also put people's feet into my chest to stretch their calves, and by the time I was finished with them, I wanted to jump in the shower! oh well-- at least that is over with!!

yesterday I did the kickbox 4DS, today was pyramid HiiT and yoga before taking alec off to the dentist. tomorrow I will get in my shoulder, back and chest since that is what's missing from my 4DS weight work.

ladylep-- glad to hear school is going well! Nygel should have started yesterday, but both he and imala are spending a few days over at my dad's, which I think is good for them and him, so we will be playing catch-up when he gets home on Thursday night! great job on the workouts!

renee-- hope you have a good time in wv! is it just for relaxation? hope your job is still going well! how are your fur babies?

Caitlin-- it is good to have you hear and I hope the heat lets up for you! it was super muggy when we got back here on Saturday and miserable on sunday, but today it feels like fall with highs in the low 70s.

better run! time to figure out dinner!

Lady Lep
Ya know I'm thinking after I do Sts I am going to do an Xtrain body blast rotation lol I can't make up my mind which one! But how do you still feel about the burn sets?

Katie oh my goodness! Gross ! That is so funny! And I would Not like that one bit! Don't they KNOW you may have to touch there feet? Geez! Lol I should send ya a box of mask and gloves from our dental office! Ha I can see it now. I would !
Is pyramid HITt getting easier for you yet? I could tell I was starting get it but I started slacking on my cardio after doing STS so I'm sure when I try it again it will be hard again. Ugh !!

I hope you got the heart rate monitor and got to try it out! That's always a good motivator to see what you are burning off! I hope you are cooling down to.
I. Did plyo legs week 3 yesterday and I was up late because we worked till 7 ! I don't like working so late but I guess Tuesdays he picks to work late for people who can't get off before 5.
Well the trip to wv is hoping that they finally have my dear sons monument finished, and see my dad but also my hubby's sister her husband past away and she is having a hard time getting up and moving and wants us to stay with her a couple days. She seems to think I may be able to help give her pointers on how to keep going after such a loss. But I'm not sure if I can be of any help really. I can only listen and say what I do to help me but a husband is different then a child. I'm sure the pain is awful for both but the thoughts are different because of all the new responsibilities she once never had is now hers and that to is just a different sensation I'm sure. So I am just gonna do the best I can and let her know to I'm not over it or 100 percent. Sometimes ya fake it till ya make it. Ya only have two choices get up or stay down. Really it's up to us what are we tired of? I can't go on living in my bed crying with a headache everyday I have to try to learn to live with this dark damn cloud that is over me. And I make lots of jokes to try to being a little sun in somehow. I pray God will lead me in what to say. Cause I know if it wasn't for him I have already told her that, god gives me hope that one day I'll see him again. So that helps to.
Y'all have a blessed night
I love my new Heart Rate Monitor

I am still building up endurance, and I just had to do the premix of the cardio of Low Impact Circuit on 6 inches, and it still was so hard.
hi girls! was so tired this morning when I got up-- haven't been sleeping well yet again the past several nights-- decided on MMA boxing, since it's a good sweat but not super intense. I do like the core work on that one. yesterday I did CBS from xtrain. was hoping to go on a hike this morning with alec (imala and Nygel are still at my dad's until tonight), but it looks like rain is headed our way:(

renee-- I know, right? it was gross! I totally could have used the gloves and mask!:p can you imagine what clients would think of that?! seriously, though, I wish there were a shower or at least a foot bath in the building for some of the people I work on-- these two were some of the worst. I did work on a man once who was quite overweight-- probably around 500 lbs, no lie-- and he came in on a hot day after mowing his lawn! the sheet on the futon (thai is done on the floor on a thai futon) was covered with sweat and when I had him turn to his side to work work on his back and arms, guess who got to sit in all the wetness?? I do love my work, but sometimes people need to take a personal hygiene class or something before getting bodywork! good luck with your trip to wv. I hope the headstone is just as you want it, and I know you will be helpful to your sister in law as you are such a caring, loving person. what is the xtrain body blast rotation? pyramid hiit is one of the easier ones for me on that disc-- it's the 40/20 that absolutely kills me and that I seem to avoid as much as possible!;):p

hello Caitlin-- it is good you are taking it slow and listening to your body! nice to see you on here regularly!

hello ladylep! hope all is well!

alright, going to figure out the day--


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I wrote a lot ! Thought I was plugged in to the wall while battery was low but was not! My phone died and along with my post! I plugged in long enough to say I ran 2.6 mile first mile was 10 minute mile second was an 11 minute mile the .6 said it was going to be an 11 minute mile as well.
Have way more to say. I'll post tomorrow !! Have good night!!
Hi all!

Busy with school starting last week. But I was up at 5 M-Th and got them in! Today I did X10 Step 27 min. A lot tougher than I thought!

Renee- sorry I didn't respond earlier, I haven't been on. I still love Burn Sets, but this week I did CBS and BT because I wanted to use the ball and didn't feel like doing the same exercise 3 times, same reason I didn't go for PUB.

I've been really down this week with my wt and how my clothes fit. I'm not looking forward to long pants! I'm not sure they will fit!! I'm up to 170! I'm going back to tracking on WW and using Lose It! for calorie counting. And I really need to stop having dessert every night! A piece of chocolate or a few measured chocolate chips I think are OK. But I've been having that AND a dessert (bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce, etc) I've had so much ice cream this month! Ugh! And I'm going to try the 21Day containers again.

Today's intake:
Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled in less than 1/2t olive oil, 1 small chicken sausage patty on whole wheat english muffin and a banana
Lunch: strawberry banana smoothie with flax seeds, left over homemade chicken sausage onion pizza, homemade tomato soup (diced toms, basil, broth)
Snack: 1 egg worth with low fat mayo
Dinner will be steak, sweet potatoes and green salad with an olive oil based dressing.
Dessert: peach, raspberry cobbler homemade with maple syrup, oats, whole wheat pastry flour and butter.

OK, gotta get dinner going!
hi girls! popping on quick to say hello, as it is alec's bday party today and all the family is coming over. I have been running-- cleaning and cooking-- all day! I did get up and do AT, though, plus some yoga. I worked yesterday plus had the kids out at their lesson/chamber music, and had horrid insomnia on Friday night. anyway, hoping tomorrow will be a quiet day with a little rest before school for everyone on Tuesday!

hello renee! sorry your post got eaten! you are running so well!! hope you are having a good weekend!

ladylep-- way to go on charting your food! glad school is off to a good start!

hello Caitlin!

better run! will post more soon!

I didn't get to go to WV!! I came home Thursday and DH said the memorial place called to let us know they won't have Ryan's monument aced this weekend! I mean we could go on in to see family but really can't afford to go now and turn around and go again in a few more weeks when they have it ready. I'm so hoping my dad can hang on till I can get in. He is headed down hill fast. He mentioned in a joking way a few months ago he wasn't sure he was gonna make it till sept when I plan on coming in. But I can tell there is a touch of truth to that is how he is feeling. I have to call him but have been putting it off. It hurts to see him cause he has gone down fast and I hate seeing it but if I don't see him I'll not forgive myself.

Well today I did biceps, shoulders, and triceps. Tomorrow I can start on chest and back that will be my last week of STS! I'm excited to say I'm finished but glad I had something that told me what to do! The rotation I was talking about was body blast and x train they separate but I was thinking of what it would look like if you could mix them up in a rotation.. I loved x train and body blast so maybe add some body blast cardio to the x train rotation and the legs and gluts to x train for extra leg day! I'm just thinking of what to do next. I'm not good at putting together a rotation.

Katie tell Alec I wish him Avery happy birthday!! I'm glad you got in AT even though you were doing all that! Wtg

Lady Lep I was thinking of doing that DVD but not on the ball and go a little heavier then I usually did to see how it goes!i bet it makes it feel like a different workout!

What's on your agenda for today? I hope you are staying cool. Is Jaba the hut still live by you? Lol
hi girls! been off here again for a few days as it has been so busy with school starting and alec's bday. I did get workouts in, though! monday I did S&G plus yoga, Tuesday I did great glutes extreme plus yoga, and today I did ReBoot by Tracy Long fitness-- that was a seriously sweaty workout! it is HiiT plus weights and uses a medicine ball for lots of it. I just needed to change things up a bit, and didn't want any high impact hiiTs of cathe's since my right foot has been bothering me again (plantar fasciitis...blech). anyway, I might throw that one into my rotations more often-- it is intense and not so long, 50 minutes, so was really nice and went by relatively quickly. then I did 25 minutes of shiva rea yoga. I have to run in 5 minutes to pick up imala, and then it is alec's actual bday today-- thanks for the bday wishes, renee!-- so we have rik's parents coming over. alec had his orchestra auditions today, so hoping that went well for him!

renee-- I am so sorry to hear about your dad:(. I sure hope you get out to see him! I think he will hang on for you. that is what my mom did with all of her kids, I think. anyway, sending love and prayers to you and the family. that rotation sounds great, however, I don't have the body blast series:eek:. shoot! have you seen Septembers yet?

okay, I better run! hello ladylep and Caitlin! hope you girls are well!


That sounds like a workout I need once in a while! One that is fun not to long not high impact yet gets u sweaty. I did see sept rotation! I added it to the calandra and decided to do it! I started last night! It starts off with great gluts and at first was thinking dang I was hoping for a cardio or MWT to burn fat after STS. But once I started I realized there is a cardio effect so I was very happy with my workout! It was to me what I think is somewhat a MWT we used a weight to up the cardio and used body weight to fry the legs I was sweating and winded. And it was low impact. So, I say it was a great little workout love it! Hope I get sore :)
Today it calls for cycle max or a cardio of choice so I hope I get out of work in time for a jog. If not I'll do cycle max or an old step DVD.

Sts really did make my arms more defined and I am stronger for sure. I was so weak and still compared to some of these ladies on here! I see some weights they can curl and I'm shocked! But before I'm embarrassed to say I only could curl 8 lbs maybe 10 if lucky now I can curl 15 pounds for 10 reps!! Whoo hoo I'm hoping to keep it there when I do let's say Muscle Max I'm gonna go as heavy as I can and get as many reps as I can I think in those she goes 12 reps so let's say if she does biceps curls I may only lift 12 pounds if there are more then one set for 16 reps but if it's two sets with 12 reps I'll try 15 if that makes since?
I just want to maintain the muscle and strength but I want to also lose fat around there so adding the Light weights with MTw on other days it hope will do that. Gosh such thinking lol
hi girls! sorry I haven't been around much! too busy with the new school year, work, and running the kids to all their musical events. anyway, I have been mixing up my workouts some, throwing in Jackie warner and tracie long along with some cathe. sunday is did reboot plus yoga, Monday i did x10 low impact plus Jackie's pyramid workout and yoga, yesterday I did Jessica something or other abs workout plus cardio, plus another cardio plus ab circuit workout by Jackie warner and some yoga. today I did x10 power blast and then a 30 minute crunch free abs workout by Jackie (pretty intense and lots of cardio in that, too), and then some yoga. I am hoping all this mixing it up will change my body a little, though I have not been good with my eating-- too many snacks and treats. also, I haven't been sleeping well:(. have been waking up at around 3-3:30 and not able to go back to sleep.

renee-- I hope you had a wonderful birthday! how are your workouts going?

Caitlin-- has it finally cooled off there?

hello ladylep! how is school going?

better get moving!


My birthday was okay I mean during work it was very busy but the co workers really helped. I didn't need help I would have been able to get caught up but that is the way they are I guess. It's the front desk and the hygiene. I have never been to an office that the hygiene helped it was always me helping the hygiene because most hygienist think they are doctors lol. But I could be with a doctor and a hygienist will ask me to take X-rays for her or clean her room or take impressions for her but not here! This little girl does all her own and she comes helps me and I help her! It's wonderful and I tell her to. Lol. The only time a front desk helped was when I was front desk at my last office and I did front and back and here the front helps me and I help her I told them this is team work! What I been saying for freaking years in every office! But it's really nice. And when they found out it was my bd they didn't know all they knew was it was the day after my sons year of that anniversary day of his passing. So I think that's y they kept me extra busy. But they found out my bd then the front desk gave me a big hug. I also will be taken to lunch today by the doctor and his wife and the girls so that will be good.
Funny cause I prayed for a job like this and first day on jib was Ryan's birthday. I don't know seems like a fit to me.
I have finished STS now doing the sept rotation. It's going good so far
renee-- I am so happy for you that you have found such a great place to work! you deserve it! hope you had a nice lunch out!

so, I am feeling super achey/tired today. not sure if I am getting sick, or if it's from all my different workouts, but wishing I didn't have to head out the door to bring Nygel to his cello choir. it runs until 9pm, and that is about when I feel like curling up in bed with a book! anyway, leaving here in a few. I did still get a workout in. I did Jackie warner's pyramid workout again and some jivamukti yoga.

hello ladylep and Caitlin!

hope to check in again soon (if I am not sick!:()


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