Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Yesterday I did 19 min premix of LIS TBT upper body. I'm really sore today from Monday's afterburn, I may decide not make today a rest day. I spent 8 hours cleaning out my school room, moving furniture and books. So I'm really spent today.

Hi Renee and Katie!


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U did a great job cleaning! Nice organizing as well!!
Love the floor lady Lep!
Good job on afterburn!

I did legs today, tomorrow will be cardio after work or maybe before work if I can get my but out of bed early enough. Then on Friday will be disk 24 biceps and back. Then recovery week! Yeah then last month doing sts! I hope to eat really lean next four to five weeks and kick it up more and hope it helps lose fat!!
Thanks, Renee! Keep us posted on your progress. I still haven't gotten the new DVDs or cathe on demand....

Yesterday was a planned rest day since I was sore but I ended up going for a short 11 min bike ride with the kids. :)

Today I hope to do LIS TST Lower, but my days is getting away from me. Oil change on the car in the morning 2 hrs, I have to finalize my classes for the kids before the mail goes out and I would like to go to the pool this afternoon. So a slow day,it's nice!

Hi Katie!
hi girls! quick post from me (sorry!) as I can barely keep my eyes open! took alec to the airport early yesterday after not really sleeping Wednesday night. was so nervous for him! then was tracking his flight to rome on my phone's gps all day. I was finally falling asleep at about 12:30am after seeing that the plane had landed, when my phone rang. it was alec calling to tell me he was there safe, and was headed to sightsee rome. I couldn't really fall asleep after that-- was relieved he was safe but also so excited for him! he called me again this morning around 7:30 (2:30 their time) and had made it to pienza, where his string program is. now I can relax! I did get my workout in today, though! finished up the slow and heavy series with legs and shoulders and then did pilates abs. yesterday I dragged my way through chest and shoulders. weds and tues I had done cardio and yoga. Monday had been the slow heavy bis and tris.

way to go with sts, renee! that is so fantastic! I know you will get more cardio in when you need it, but with all the weight work, you probably could use a break from it:). I know you love your cardio, though, too! this week I only got three days in and the rest was heavy weights. hope all is well with the new job and you are doing well.

ladylep-- your space looks great! that must feel nice! I need to clean and organize around here, too! way to go on surviving afterburn! we both did that this week!:)

going to go pass out now for a bit. I work tomorrow and most days next week, so I need to store up some energy!:p


hi girls! me again! today I decided to get some tough cardio in and did all five tabatas. then I did 25 minutes of gentle yoga, plus a walk with bugsy. I worked all day yesterday, so feel like it wasn't even a rest day! giving thai bodywork all day will make you sweaty, too:p. I heard from alec last night and he hasn't had much of an appetite and has been very tired-- I think the time change and plane travel plus lack of sleep have him pretty worn out. hopefully he gets a good sleep tonight so he is ready for another day of intense practice and lessons. isn't it funny how, even when our kids are so far away from us, we still worry so much? guess that will never go away!

renee-- have you been doing more sts this weekend? hope you are having a good one! how has the weather been for you and the doggies? this summer hasn't been a super hot one, here, so I think bugsy has been happy!

hello ladylep! hope you are having a good weekend with the family!

I work again tomorrow, so will be running most of the day. thinking about doing flextrain or supercuts in the morning.


Good to hear from you! I know you are excited for your son! That is going to be something he will never forget! Hope he can take more pictures! Now did others go from the program? It seems like at least one other or two others would win that chance as well, that way he can have someone to talk to! You are right we never stop worrying about our kids no matter how far away or how old they are. Or even if they are still with us we still worry. Strange

Lady Lep hello hope you are doing well!!

Anyway it is active rest for me so I decided to do workouts I love doing but haven't really done enough of or done in a while! So today was KPC ! I was sweating so I know my cardio isn't up like it was! I did KPC about 5 times total and it was easy for me. Fun but easy well, not easy but moderate I'd say. But today was on my last combos and wanted to stop and I never did that! But I still had fun and pushed through! Not sure what I'll do tomorrow. I know it's gonna be fun and loud!!
Man I hope the music Cathe puts on the new workouts are gonna be loud and rocking cause I need that to really drive me to keep going ! You know I really like the body blast series music too! X train was great! I'd love to hear that song " carry on my wayward son, they'll be peace when u r done, lay your weary head to rest.. Don't ya cry no more!" What's the name of that song? I'd love to hear that on a weight lifting DVD !!
Well I feel so budgie and bulky now lol hoping after this week of rest and clean eats and water I will not feel this way. I even look budgie! Hope that is the " swelling" of the "hyper trophy" next phase is the strength so I shouldn't get bigger but stronger so think I will MAKE myself jog on days I am not lifting.
I haven't been jogging because more big dogs in on our streets! Last time I tried to go the big dogs were lose! So I didn't go far from home! I can't take Bruno yet cause I can not get him to stop dragging me grr! I need to figure out how to train him. I am trying but I hate pulling on his collar like that! I need Caesar the dog whisperer!
Forgot to add that I am frustrated with STS with one thing and I kept forgetting to say anything cause it wasn't an issue to much but might be later. You know I bought these in sept last year so only ones that had wrapping off was the meso 1 but meso2 would freeze here and there and I looked and tons of scratches on most if the DVD! I haven't opened the strength ones yet but DH was like let them know and u can send back cause later it will skip or freeze more. But I wanted to finish with the program first! I don't want to have to stop again and have to wait on new ones to finish. Y'all think they will still let me return it to replace them? When I'm done?

Katie yes so far my job is going good. I hope I am not driving the boss nuts lol
Hi Renee and Katie-

Quick update before I pick some cucumbers and have a workout before lunch!

Friday-LIS Cardio Supersets premix 1-4 26 min
Saturday-X10 Cardio Blast 25? min
Yesterday-Barre section of XTrain Legs 20min

I guess my workouts have been kind of light. I should pick it up since B had bday cake which means I did too. :( 3 days in a row! I'm only up 1 pound tho, thankfully. I'm not sure how to organize my workout week. I took a peek at the August Rotation, and I'm just not motivated by the old workouts anymore. I could keep with my alternating of HiiT and heavy wts. But I'm in the mood for Party Rockin' Step so I may just do one of those today. But I'm feeling tired and like procrastinating! Or I may do a 30 min HiiT daily followed by a burn set on a specific body part. I just don't know! I just need to do it!!

Three weeks until school starts, my Dining room is still a wreck. The middle week is our "Staycation" unless we can find something economical. This week only had a couple of kid dr's appts and 3 baseball practices. So I will be cleaning the house, organizing school stuff and planning for the stay cation. And find time to get basic school supplies. I'm starting to feel under the gun!
Procrastinated, but ended up doing Hiit Pyramid. I wonder why about 10-15 min into these HiiT workouts I feel like I can't go on. But then Cathe says something that motivates me to go on!!
Lady Lep u r funny!!
B had birthday cake so that means you had some to. Lol I would to ya know so don't feel bad ha! I really understand about procrastinating! And about the older workouts, and the HIIT and weights! I mean really wasn't motivated by the rotation I saw either, however I have to say I like HIIT and weights to a certain extent because some days I am not in the mood to do a HIIT ! I want like u said party rocking step. Or maybe then I can add an older DVD of a step that is steady state? I don't know I'm trying to figure out a good rotation that is fun and metabolic and fat burning and weights and a HIIT a couple times. HIIT does make me tired!!!
I did KPC yesterday and today I did turbo fire fire starter class 35 minutes long is all. Not to much so that was good . Now tomorrow I am working till 7 so that means no workout or I may do a HIIT that day to get it over with, or a tabata one. Trying to get cardio in before meso 3 next week.
I am so sad today just missing Ryan so much. I can not stand it really. I guess that's y I wanted to do kickboxing last couple days just punch my aggression a out. It's so unfair sometimes and I have no one to blame so I punch the universe. Get mad a God. Fuss at him then ask him to hold my son and keep him safe and may he rest in peace till I can see him again. I mean geez what more can I say. Sometimes I don't know what to pray or even if I want to. So I just weep and keep talking to him and say God I just don't know..
Okay anyway I'm hoping I can get through the next few months here so I may not post as much. I will try.
Renee- I'm so sorry. I have no words for you. Go ahead and get mad at God, He is the only one who can be there for you like no one else can. I know it's been said before but it's ok to vent here.
hi girls! somehow it seems like things just stay busy over here, no matter what! I have been working lots (and again tomorrow through Friday) with many clients. my hands get sore when I work on so many people in a week! anyway, I have been busy with that and continue to worry about alec over in Italy. I know he still isn't eating much-- no appetite still-- I am just hoping whatever it is gets out of his system soon! he was already too thin to start out with!:( anyway, he texted me today and had been practicing/playing/rehearsing all day from 8 am on. he had only eaten some chips! and had some tea. he was going to try and eat something for dinner, but said he was tired from all the work and still had one more rehearsal tonight. I am hoping I hear from him sometime this afternoon before he goes to bed (it's 7 hours later there).

today for me was HS no conditioning plus yoga. yesterday I did flextrain. tomorrow I may do high reps...not sure, though. may take a break from heavy weights this week just to confuse my muscles some.:)

renee-- I can't imagine your pain, truly, I cannot. just know that I think of you often and am sending you love and light. you will make it through, I know. I am not sure about the dvds. some companies won't let you return once they are opened, but if they were already scratched/defective, they should definitely have to! expecially when they are so expensive! maybe call cathe.com and see what they say?

ladylep-- happy birthday to your little guy! I have had my share of treats lately, too! at least no real weight gain, though;). I haven't even looked at the august rotation-- it seems like I just keep taking it one day at a time lately.

talk soon,


Hi Renee and Katie-

Quick update as I'm planning and packing for Maine! Just decided yesterday, college roommate of Hubby's offered us his place on a lake for a week. Sooooo, I need to figure out what workout stuff I'm going to take! I have Travel Fit, but I find it to be low impact/low intensity/with some toning. I did AOLIH the premix for 22 min floor only and I think I could bring 5# wts and 3s if I take a wo that needs them. So ideas?
hi girls! today was high reps for me-- that one really is a burner! not sure what to do tomorrow, but may just do yoga with a short HiiT. ran a few errands with the kids and then it is back to work tomorrow.

ladylep-- when I go on vacation to the cabin, I like to bring the HiiT dvd, as you can do the pyramid hiiT with no equipment. do you own slide and glide? that is another good one as you just need the discs and a firewalker band. turbo barre would also be good. rockout knockout and hard strikes would be easy, too-- just the gloves and a small set of handweights. I always like to add yoga in, as you can do that anywhere with a mat. so glad you guys get to go away! that sounds fantastic!

hello renee! hope you are having a good day! sending you good energy and some hugs!

talk soon,

Hi Katie and Renee,

Stuck in traffic 95 trying to get to the bridge through New York City. Ugh.

Katie- I brought all that you recommended for workouts plays a couple more. :) I was able to sneak in 5# wts. I was going to add 3s and 8s but when Hubby made a comment about wishing we could go in vacation w/o taking a gym... I compromised on the 5s.

Yesterday I did TTM step and low impact. Today will be what ever stretches I get in on rest stops. When I suggested some jumping jacks or burpees, JTrain said, "No thanks! I'm on vacation!

Have a great weekend!
Oh how cute j train said that about no jacks ! Lol. I understand about the comments from DH! When we go to WV I try to take just a few things but geez I really want to take a few weights a step and my cloths lol he always says it looks like I'm leaving for a year! The he sees me bring my stepper and he has a worried look like oh gosh !! Lol so last few time I didn't take my step. Ugh I hate that cause it us great when u can't jog!

Well, there may be a lot of things that are different where I am working but I have gotten a lot if compliments from patients that are not afraid to say so in front of the Doctor. So I'm feeling good about that. He seems very nice still as well! Sometimes I kind if would not mind if the other girl decided not to come back so I can stay full time! Because he is so nice to work with. Well anyway the pt was complimenting me on a technique I do that us really different but works when people are getting a shot. I only do it if they are very nervous but every time they say it is wonderful and they tell the doctor. And several had made remarks that I was very comforting! I felt so nice to hear this after all the crap I had been going through lately.
Well this week has been a lot of nothing really I think I did maybe 3cardio yesterday was jogging in the open air I loved that today I'm sore! Ivan tell I hadn't done that in a while. I really want to try to add that in more often. Tomorrow it's back to STS meso 3!!!! I can't wait to say I completed it! But hope to get on a tight budget with eating starting tomorrow it's starting sts and clean eating for four more weeks and see what I can do this month!
hi girls! sorry I didn't get on here over the weekend. too much running around and work. anyway, yesterday I did TTM extreme no solid step premix. today I only had time for burn sets bis and tris and a walk with bugsy. I am short on time tomorrow and Wednesday morning, too, but will get something in!

ladylep-- I hope you are having a wonderful vacation! we are headed out of town on sunday up to the north shore-- I can't wait!

renee-- congrats on sts! outside jogging sounds nice! I will be doing that up north, as the cabin isn't big enough to get a good workout in, and we are always cramped for packing space as well. you are doing so well at your new job! that is fantastic! I am glad they appreciate you!

so, I can't believe I made it through, but alec comes home tomorrow night! I will be so relieved when I see him at the airport! his flight leaves at 2am our time tonight (early morning), so I hope I can sleep and don't have the urge to keep checking on the plane's stats!

hope you all have a good night!


hi girls! me again! today was x10 hi/lo plus 20 mins of jivamukti yoga and a 30 min walk with bugsy. I get to leave for the airport in 45 minutes to get alec! I am so excited and will be so relieved when he is home! he is in Atlanta right now after the early flight from rome. it was so strange last night, I finally fell asleep and was dreaming that I was checking his flight on my phone, and in my dream, it showed that his plane was just taking off and I had the feeling like I was on a plane taking off. it was so real that it woke me up. I got up, went to the bathroom, came back to bed and after a couple of minutes decided to check my phone and see his flight status. it was 2:45 in the morning and his flight had taken off 10 mins before! guess we are super connected to our kids or something, even when they are far away. I was thinking you are still that with ryan, too, renee-- even though he is gone, I bet you still feel things that he does, wherever he may be.

alright, going to eat something and head out. I have only had two raw smoothies today and I am HUNGRY!

love and peace,

So glad your son is home I saw there pics on Fb! What a fine bunch you have!! Yes me and my boys was very connected. I thought about when I hear moms say they miss or worry about there kids, cause I think man I never knew the surreal feeling I have now!!! Cause even though he isn't here on this earth I still worry for him. So no matter how old or how far away they are you are right we never stop worrying even when there body and soul are no longer here with us. I still have him in my prayers every night that God has him RIP. It is so scary and there are so many other moms out there going through the same thing. Rocky my other son he and I are in some ways closer yet in other ways there is something that he is keeping his distance from me too. I'm not sure what yet. I think it is still he is grieving to. We are it seems like have been in shock all this time.

I have been exercising still I am going into week 2 sts meso 3!! Tomorrow today I did x10 premix x49 I think it was step low impact and cardio blast! Next I'm gonna try the one that has four added together !! Eek !
This weekend was nice Saturday was rest day I read bible and study guides and slept a lot church, then Sunday I started cleaning house getting ready for work on Monday cloths washing and got the pool fixed finally! At least we will get a couple swims ! Ha ha I laid in the sun some and swam after in cleaned the pool out. I got a nice brown tan in a small amount of time! Not bad! So came in did x10 got shower and that's when I got house ready and cloths ready for tomorrow. Now I am drained and ready for sleep!
Ladylep how are you!!
Hi Katie and Renee!

I just got back late Saturday night and was sore from waterskiing on Friday then the 10 hr drive in Saturday. So yesterday I did yoga max which was perfect for me.today I didn't do anything! But believe it or not, I actually lost 2 pounds on vacation!! After all the stuff I brought, I only did turbo bare premix 2 and travel fit!! But I did outside activities all the other day except for my travel days: rope swing and swimming on Sunday, tubing on Monday, Tuesday was maybe travel fit, Wednesday it rained all day so we played games all day, I think that was my turbo are day and we did kayaking and paddle boats. Thursday we went to cape Elizabeth near Portland and climbed the rock cliffs around a lighthouse and then walked around Portland. Friday tubing and waterskiing and boy I'm still sore! I was hoping to do a HiiT today and then my heavy wts tomorrow, but I just didn't get to it today. I need to get back to going to bed earlier so I can get up earlier!

Here are a couple of pics from the trip! Ok never mind every picture I tried to post was too big. :(

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