Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Hi Katie and Renee!

Summer is in full swing! JTrain has been at church all week at Wayne Service Week helping out in the community. He will be back tomorrow night for a title over a week then he and B will stay at my mom's for a week for Construction camp at church, be home for the weekend and then JTrain will be in North Philly for a missions trip and B will be at Ambassador Soccer Camp at church. So I will be down 2 kids for 2 weeks!

I got back in the swing with my workouts this week. Today we all went for a 30 min bike ride on the hills of our neighborhood, I felt harder than Map My Bike told it was: 267kcal burned. What is kcal anyway?? Yesterday I walked with a longtime friend for an hour and a half or so while the kids played on the playground climbing ropes or down in the creek. Yesterday afternoon I got it PUB. Chest flies and full sit ups still hurt my side. I was able to do all the wts at her wt but couldn't do the ball sit ups at all but I could do the leaning back an twists with the ball without any pain. Monday I did PRS2 31 min. I may have mentioned that already...

I hope to get in turbo barre before my WW meeting tonight, hoping for a loss!
hi girls-- quick post from me. barely at home lately-- I feel so bad for the dogs!:( anyway, today I have felt like I am coming down with a cold-- I really hope not. did 50 minutes of yoga this morning and a long walk once I got home with bugsy and imala. I am soooo sore from the TBT lower body! I cannot believe how sore I am, actually. I did use all the same weights as cathe, but had no idea there would be this much DOMS. anyway, am hoping the yoga will make tomorrow feel less painful when sitting down (my butt is the worst-- super DOMS there).:eek::eek:

renee-- I don't do the TBT workouts very often, but pulled them out as they work timewise with my crazy schedule. I hate the music on them, too, but you can just do the instruction and play your own music if you like:). the lower body workout sure must be effective from all this soreness, and my abs are sore from the upper body, too! I hope your headaches leave you alone already!! hugs.

ladylep-- I hope the meeting goes well!! sounds like the kids all have great plans for the summer! way to go on the workouts! hope your side heals up soon!

have a good night all!
I have been biking with my kiddos the last few mornings, but not today. Yesterday I only got in 15 min of the LUB, the ball section only. Today I only got in the fitness tabatta from TTM. I miss that workout! I need to try to do the whole thing again sometime.

I lost 1.2 at my WW meeting!!

Tomorrow will be tough. I'm going to NJ for my nephew's bday. I will be bringing my own food for lunch: grilled chicken breast over a salad maybe with brown rice, some fruit, almonds and a rice cake probably. That way I can really count my points and just have the cake, not burgers for a million points. I will be gone from 10-6 at min.

Have either of you subscribed to Cathe OnDemand and Cathe Live? How are you connected and do you love it? Are there issues with not connecting?

I'm DYING to get it, but our TVs are older and all my wo stuff is in the basement. I did talk to someone at Apple and she told me I could by a $40 cable to connect my iPad 1 to the TV.

I'm also very tempted to get Beach Body's PiYo. Does anyone know about this? I wish they had samples of the videos like Cathe does. I'm so tempted. But I fear I will be bored or something. I've read on another Cathe forum that the 21 day fix workouts are too easy for seasoned Cathe exercisers. But I don't have any workouts like these PiYo ones, at least I don't think I do, because I only have LIS which has Turbo Barre and the 2 yoga workouts. I have to 2 Giam pilates workouts: Cardio Pilates and AM/PM pilates. All are seriously easy. I never use them anymore.

Anyone into BB workouts, particularly these?

Katie- I hope you feel better soon! Great that you were still able to do yoga and a long walk when not feeling good!

Renee- I thought that the music would bother me in LIS because I had read the reviews. But after a few min. into it I kinda forget. I do think that LIChallenge was kind of on the easy side. But after burn is not!! I have done both yogas, I almost did some of Athletic Training today but I ran out of time. Slide and Glide I think winded me more that the step one, but still not a super hard one. Turbo Barre I've only done in pieces and I like it. I can't remember if I have done Super trisets or total body trisets. I guess they weren't that memorable if I don't?? Is Super trisets heavy weight and TBT more like Supercuts? So could I swap out Flextrain for TBT?

What I'd really like to see is Cathe have a link in her shop section that would be for metabolic/Hiit/Tabatta (if they are indeed the same thing) link to send us there. And then have a heavy wt section and a light wt section (like high reps would go in there and maybe super cuts and TTM and CF.) I would also really like to be able to search that way on Cathe OnDemand, if I get it. And be able to search by workout type and length. Meaning let's say I wanted to do a workout that was 30 min long and HiiT, or I only had time for 40 min of upper body but light weights. Something like that.
Hello all!

I got in a great workout today! I was super tired and didn't want to but made myself go to the basement and just do it! I thought, I'll go for something in LIS (but not AB) thinking it wouldn't be so rough. I chose Athletic Training and wow! That really kicked my rear! literally! I think I'm going to be really sore tomorrow!

I feel like my shoulders look great and my arms in general are very good, I even had some guy told me in the library last week say, "look at those guns!" and asked me what I did, I told him about Cathe and her heavy wts and how I lift my 3yo a lot too! But unfortunately that's where it ends on how happy I am. My back bunches around my bra, tummy is terrible (4 kids, can we talk??) and butt and legs are not great at all! So I think I've been neglecting them. I love to work out my arms because I think I see results faster and I enjoy it. So I put the effort in to doing a whole upper body workout. But when it comes to legs, I'll do a premix here and there of a good leg workout. I do cardio, but I wonder if I did more leg work with wts, like in CLB or LUB (which I've never done) or even all of MM (which I'm really not a fan of anymore) or STS Total Body. I'm going to see if there is a leg rotation, but I find that I think I do better following a generic rotation for 1 week and then putting in my own workouts that interested me at the moment I'm going to workout. Know what I mean? I may put in a week's worth of workouts, but many days will have 2-4 options depending on my mood...

I know eating is a big part of it. And I do well in the beginning of the week, until my weigh in and then I splurge that night, do OK on Thurs, but the weekend is typically bad...I did bring my own food to the bday party yesterday so I didn't eat any pizza or chips or soda and when I had finished my salad with chicken, I took my 3yo for a walk down to the pond. AWAY FROM THE FOOD! But then the cake came out and I had 3 med. pieces!! And the pizza came home with us so I ended up eating 2 pieces anyway and it wasn't even that good! And then I did make a good choice not to dig into the peanut M&M bag with Hubby but then went and made hot fudge sauce for ice cream....tomorrow will be a better day!
I have been biking with my kiddos the last few mornings, but not today. Yesterday I only got in 15 min of the LUB, the ball section only. Today I only got in the fitness tabatta from TTM. I miss that workout! I need to try to do the whole thing again sometime. I lost 1.2 at my WW meeting!! Tomorrow will be tough. I'm going to NJ for my nephew's bday. I will be bringing my own food for lunch: grilled chicken breast over a salad maybe with brown rice, some fruit, almonds and a rice cake probably. That way I can really count my points and just have the cake, not burgers for a million points. I will be gone from 10-6 at min. Have either of you subscribed to Cathe OnDemand and Cathe Live? How are you connected and do you love it? Are there issues with not connecting? I'm DYING to get it, but our TVs are older and all my wo stuff is in the basement. I did talk to someone at Apple and she told me I could by a $40 cable to connect my iPad 1 to the TV. I'm also very tempted to get Beach Body's PiYo. Does anyone know about this? I wish they had samples of the videos like Cathe does. I'm so tempted. But I fear I will be bored or something. I've read on another Cathe forum that the 21 day fix workouts are too easy for seasoned Cathe exercisers. But I don't have any workouts like these PiYo ones, at least I don't think I do, because I only have LIS which has Turbo Barre and the 2 yoga workouts. I have to 2 Giam pilates workouts: Cardio Pilates and AM/PM pilates. All are seriously easy. I never use them anymore. Anyone into BB workouts, particularly these? Katie- I hope you feel better soon! Great that you were still able to do yoga and a long walk when not feeling good! Renee- I thought that the music would bother me in LIS because I had read the reviews. But after a few min. into it I kinda forget. I do think that LIChallenge was kind of on the easy side. But after burn is not!! I have done both yogas, I almost did some of Athletic Training today but I ran out of time. Slide and Glide I think winded me more that the step one, but still not a super hard one. Turbo Barre I've only done in pieces and I like it. I can't remember if I have done Super trisets or total body trisets. I guess they weren't that memorable if I don't?? Is Super trisets heavy weight and TBT more like Supercuts? So could I swap out Flextrain for TBT? What I'd really like to see is Cathe have a link in her shop section that would be for metabolic/Hiit/Tabatta (if they are indeed the same thing) link to send us there. And then have a heavy wt section and a light wt section (like high reps would go in there and maybe super cuts and TTM and CF.) I would also really like to be able to search that way on Cathe OnDemand, if I get it. And be able to search by workout type and length. Meaning let's say I wanted to do a workout that was 30 min long and HiiT, or I only had time for 40 min of upper body but light weights. Something like that.

Great job on the loss!!
I agree on this! Great idea about the organizing of weather it's a HIIT or 30 or metabolic that would be faster cause man I find I will sit for an hour finding a premix lol. I'm not complaining of wonderful choices I love it we have so much options but I know I'm missing out on great premixes!
hi girls! wish I had more time to write, but just getting home and it's almost bedtime! I did want to come on and say that I did all 5 tabatas yesterday plus a walk with bugsy and some yoga, and today was cardio supersets. tomorrow I will have to a short premix of weights-- actually thinking of doing the upper body section of high reps as I have not done it in a super long time.

ladylep-- great job on the workouts and congrats on the upper body definition! that is great! I think if you are doing a lot of HiiT/tabatas, your lower body will shape up quickly, too:). that seems to do it for me even more than the focused leg work, sometimes. eating is so tough! I have been doing really well with the program at the U and the warmer weather, but then yesterday had cake for nygel's bday party-- felt bloated and stomach achey afterward:(:confused:. I am so much better off when I eat light-- need to remind myself that the cake/sweets/whatever is not worth the gunky way I feel after eating it, but it is so hard.

hello renee! what are you up to lately?

good night girls!

Lady Lep
I feel the same way!! I still have a long way to go but I can see something happening in my arms. My middle and legs is weak and I used to love doing them but now hate it but u r right we neglect the harder parts to work lol.
I read a post that some one worked a rotation where they took say a weak part a focused on that for a month so it was so overwhelming like just added one extra body part extra a week in addition to there rotation they are doing like say your rotation Cathe has is planning is working on arms and but on one of the arm days you do legs instead. That was my udder standing or just add squats at the end of the regular DVD that was planned. I was thinking of that myself.

I did my last sts disk Saturday and Sunday we put up a swimming pool. Man I am sore! The disk 12 was legs and I was sore but when we put up above. Ground pool we had to teal up the ground and shovel dirt to get ground level! Oh geez I used a hatchet and shovel and I tried to make it into a workout and it took forever! Lol we started around noon and we finished at 6! Longer then I thought! Only thing we had left was fill it and it was filling up but turned hose off after hour till this evening so we staring back filling it up again.
My legs felt it in my hamstrings butt and back! I sucked my belly in to brace the back and pulling sticks idid it as a dead lift lol! Ouch ! Shoveling is good for the back and upper back ouch !
Today I went to the place I did the working interview just to watch how the assistant works with the doctor, each assistant and doctor works different and he and her gas been together for 11 years so it is good to see how they work to see what he expects and what she does. I saw she puts instruments in an area I was moving them away from because I was taught to never put there but he kept putting there lol I moved them thought oh I must be to slow but I wasn't I just kept moving them and he kept putting them back ha she put them there and left them and that's where she picks them up from, well now I know. Glad I went today, she asked me to come tomorrow as well so I think I got the jib even though he hasn't told me I have. Even if I don't I like going up there to watch I really get a nice vibe from him and the girls. Seem down to earth and a lot like me! I hope I am right.
DH grand kids and son is coming in for the 4th that's nice and I'm happy about that! Hope I can keep my mind off of Ryan enough to enjoy them. DH says they are ARE grand kids but it isn't the same really. His grands call me Renee and they are three states away. They have known if me since they were born but it's not the same. I just wist Ryan could have been able to have had kids and a wife and I wish Rocky my oldest would find a good girl to love him. He wants a family to. So sad. Oh well .. Got to enjoy what life has given us don't we? Okay enough rambling !!
Katie I love the pictures of your kids and I saw your sons Chloe playing!! Beautiful
Renee, that's so cool that you finished STS!! That alone might make me get cathe on demand!! Please share you thoughts and results!!

Thanks to you both, Renee and Katie for the encouragement on working on my lower body. It just seems to be so frustrating sometimes.

Ok here's what I ate today:
Late breakfast: few cherries and a slice of WW bread with 2 t peanut butter and sliced banana
Noon lunch: strawberry banana ground flax seed smoothie and warmed up burger with american cheese, that Little K ate some of
Snack: watermelon
Dinner: 7 oz taco meat (homemade seasoning) with salsa and 1 oz cheddar
Snack: 4 squares of dark chocolate

Looking at my food today, it is so lacking in veggies! According to the 21 day fix, I should have had 4 more cups of veggies, 1 more 3/4 cup protein, 2t olive l or pb and 2T almonds or seeds.

Workout: AOLIH, 22 min before dinner, rest after kids went to bed.

Workout plan for rest of week:
Tuesday: Burn sets: premix upper body, 78 min! I've never done this but I do love burn sets!
Wednesday: CLB or B&G
Thursday: Legs
Friday: party rockin step #1
Saturday: super cuts with core or LIS: super sets or Crossfire or X54 (step, low impact, fat burning)

I may switch up Thursday and Friday depending on how I feel, but I don't think I'll have time for all of Legs on the Fourth, plus I wanted something fun on the Fourth!
Hi girls! Postng from down at the U of M. Alec has to perform the sibelius concerto in a master class in 35 mins, so i am nervous! This morning i did the upper body premix from high reps and yoga. Not sure what tomorrow will bring, though! Today is nygels 13th bday, so will have cake tonight:eek:.

Ladylep-- sounds like a great week of workouts! Way to go on eating well!

Renee-- congrats on the job!!! Yay! Thanks for the compliment on the kids-- they are working so hard!

Better run!

Hi all!

I just did Burn Sets premix upper body and it was 78 min!! I did have to stop a few times, but I got through it!! I even printed out the workout cards and will plug them into the workout manager. I couldn't print out the premix, so I just printed out both bis and tris and c/b/s.

Katie- Happy 13th bday to Nygel! Enjoy that cake!

Off to make dinner! I'm cooking my own homegrown potatoes tonight!
Lady Lep I am not finished with sts I am finished with meso 1 . I am on recovery week now.
Suppose to do active recovery like walking and cardio but I haven't had a chance to do anything I been busy!

Katie thanks about my job! That's y I have been busy. I was doing a working interview Thursday and Friday. Then like I said sat I did sts legs and Sunday put a pool up and had to teal up the ground so that was exercise. But Monday I worked some just for training I asked to watch his assistant and him work together and it ended up an all day thing and Tuesday today and we didn't get out till 630. I was going to exercise tonight because I haven't got to yet, had to go to grocery store for food for grand kids, they are coming tomorrow. I was fine and had time to get house done but now he wants me to work tomorrow now when I wasn't even suppose to start till Monday! But I'm sure he is going to pay me even though I said I'd come on to observe and not get paid cause I ended up actually working all day not observing. He paid me for last week already! He seems really nice. I hope he stays nice!! By the time I got home it was 730 had to try to get stuff done for company. DH son and family comes tomorrow so hope I can get home in time. Have a good evening.
Renee so how do you like STS? Is this the first time you've done it? I'm really thinking about cathe on demand main for sts and all the new workouts. I just wonder abut the commitment to do an STS rotation and what new equipment I'd have to get....

I did butt and guts today, in it's entirety!! My arms are screaming at me from yesterday and my legs were still sore from LIS athletic training! I know I had planned Legs for tomorrow, but now I'm having second thoughts. I may be to tired and sore for another legs work out, maybe I'll have some fun with some step? Or do an X10? Or maybe I may feel the need to do yoga or something easy.

I ate well until dinner today! Since we were minus 3 kids, we got take out shrimp pesto Stromboli and Caesar salad topped with chicken salad. Yum! The pesto was strong in the Stromboli but good! And I skipped my WW meeting, I'm up 1 pound though. :(
Happy Fourth of July!!

I'm starting to wonder if the only way to be really fit (looking like Cathe) is by working out 3 hrs a day and eating clean 90% of the time or more. I wish I had more time to workout. But I've been doing longer workouts (I was averaging 15-30 min) this week (24 was my shortest, 78 my longest) so I hope to see some results. I've been eating about typical for me, maybe I'm clean 75% of the time? give or take? Last night we were w/o power so Hubby and I ate the rest of the chocolate ice cream and today being my favorite holiday...that said, I did get in PRS#1 in today, first time! So fun, I'm so sweaty!! Yesterday I did X10 low impact, it was a lot tougher than I expected and I got super sweaty then too.

Hope you all have a great day!
My 15th anniversary is this Thursday, I was hoping to be at my wedding weight (150) and be able to fit into my wedding dressing....not going to happen. I'm 166.7. :(

As for food stuff, how do you guys eat? I need to plan my meals a week in advance, or I panic at 4pm. :) and since I have 4 sons ages 3-13 and a husband to think about I really have to plan those meals. Breakfast is typically eggs/chicken sausage/cheese/toast or yogurt and granola, or waffles/pancakes (made from scratch) or home made muffins. I will have eggs/cheese/sausage or a slice of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and banana or apple sauce or sometimes just fruit. Lunch for all would be hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly, whole wheat pasta with veggies, crackers and cheese, chicken wrap with veggies or peanut butter or grilled cheese. I will typically have a chicken while wheat wrap with veggies or chicken over salad and a fruit smoothie (banana, strawberries and sometimes flax seeds). Dinner is typically beef, chicken, fish or shrimp with salad, another veggie and sometimes brown rice/quinoa/corn/sweet potatoes sometimes whole wheat pasta, but try not to eat pasta very much. Snacks are typically fruit, rice cakes with cheese or peanut butter, 8 almonds/cashews.

all that said, I didn't eat healthy or clean over the Fourth, my favorite holiday and gained 3 but lost it yesterday because I was driving around so much (kids party etc) that I was car sick most of they day so didn't eat much.

Time for me to get up and try to do something. I was not able to move much yesterday after 4pm or so headache and stomach ache and felt weak. I was hoping to do super cuts yesterday and yoga max today. But since that didn't happen, I hoping for yoga today.
Happy 15th anniversary !!
Hope it was great!
Sorry I have been off for a bit!
I had family during the 4th. And that was recovery week from sts . I wanted to do cardio but we were pretty busy trying to get things ready then at the beach it was very fun playing with the step grand kids and my husbands adult kids lol they have always been wonderful to me!
Well on Sunday I started on meso 2 and disk 14 on Monday I did HIIT 30 30 tues had to work till 7 so no workout and I still haven't got house cleaned from the weekend like I wanted yet! But it is good for me for now. Today I am hoping to get home in time to do disk 15 legs. Then I have to work Thursday off Friday! This was a part time job but for 8 weeks I have to stick it out and be full time till the girl comes back from having a baby. So it is good yet bad lol I'm not used to full time yet.
Hope all is well !!
Lady Lep
I hope you are feeling better today! I am sorry you are not feeling well!

Hate that about the weight gain but don't feel bad I gained too! It is so hard anymore to keep it off!

I was going to say I did order the Ripped series and I hope it has some loud awesome music in it cause I need that to get me to go as hard as HIIT requires !! I find even though HIIT is short workouts they are hard for me to get started I can get into it once I am into it 10 minutes but if I know it's coming up I dread it at first ! I'm not sure why!
I like it once I did it lol!
Thanks, Renee! I'm looking forward to golfing tomorrow with Hubby,my stepfather and CDawg and then dinner, which I think will be Cheeburger Cheeburger. Do you have those where you are? Great burgers and milkshakes. Tons of calories! I was feeling icky a little bit yesterday but not bad, I was able to do everything I needed to. But I didn't get in a workout. But I just finish CF for the first time all the way through! I've always done a premix. It was super tough in some parts, but it seems like when I get to those points and it's often only 15-20 min into a workout. But if I push through, the rest is easier, odd. Have you seen results from STS? I'm so thinking about doing the Cathe OnDemand, but I need to buy the cord to connect my iPad to the TV first. I'm looking forward to Ripped too!

We lost power again last night for a few hours. I was already thinking about what non DVD workout I could do, if needed. Thankfully it came back on in the middle of the night.

Hi Katie!
hi girls! I am missing so much on here! barely ever at home and running on very little sleep. there are three more days left of this program for the kids, and they will probably be the most hectic. tomorrow is a full day and masterclass in the afternoon until 5:30 that all three of the kids are playing in, then another recital at 7:30. Friday is a full day schedule, a concert at 3:30 and then another evening recital at 7:30. Saturday is the big gala concert which has scheduled sound checks in the early morning hours. the kids are sad to see this come to an end, but I am truly in need of a break. I have been getting 45-55 minute workouts in in the early morning hours (around 5), and am excited to be able to have more time for sweating again! I have been eating pretty clean, though, and may have actually lost a little, though I don't own a scale.

ladylep-- happy anniversary! I hope it was a great one! I am awful with meal planning! :eek: during bravo I have had to pack lunches everyday but dinner is always thrown together last minute and I usually just have a garden of life raw meal smoothie. great job on getting through CF! for some reason, that one, as difficult as it is, is more manageable for me than TTM or the full x10. I think tabatacise is, too.

renee-- sounds like you have been working a lot!! hope you get to PT soon! glad you had some time with family over the holiday! we still had bravo down at the U! they don't even give a break for that! how are your doggies these days?

better run. have to pack lunches for tomorrow and then head to bed!


Lady Lep no never heard of that place ! But sounds like it was tasty!
I agree on CF i think it is because it is in increments, like it's hard then you go to the next section to where u forget about how hard it is? I think that's how it was for me. But my cardio right now is sucking I bet I'd die if I do it right now!
Sounds like you are back on track! I want to do the on demand or just the live classes but I can't afford the cable that goes from computer to tv or the whatever I have to have to do it yet. I am on meso 2 second disk last night was legs. Man it was getting hard! I can tell I am getting stronger and it us slow going but yet it isn't really. I need to add cardio and I'd see some weight loss for sure! I know I would but I haven't had to much time yet. So I'm really sore thus morning and so today I hope to go jogging or I may do some x10 segments for cardio. Or a step workout for steady state tonight like a long easy one? What do you guys think? I get confused I'm off tomorrow and I do back and bi tomorrow. So only thing I'm seeing so far is strength. Because I haven't had time to do much cardio.

Katie I figured you have been busy! We forgive you thus time ha ha !!
Yes I have been working a lot but it is nice so far ! Waiting for it to go bad! I guess I'm so used to nasty people, I am shocked! It has been a long time since I have worked with nice folks!
My dogs are doing great but I'm so frustrated we are having ant issues!
I have to feed them inside cause ants get in there food but now ants are coming in the house to! Found my little dogs dog food coved in ants this morning!! Discussing! I have Terminx!! It is fire ants too! We are in SC I have no clue what to do now ! We been here since 97 and been able to control it some outside but they are bad but they have finally found there way in! I am worried now.
Got to go to work now.
Have a great day ladies
I am on meso 2 now disk 16 yesterday I think. Next will be disk 17 legs. The legs are starting to get harder! Ouch but man it feels good! I live sts legs! It is my kind of workouts because reps are low! So my balance is good for few reps rather then to many reps.!! Today I was hoping to do a cardio in but we will see. I like STS so far because of the structure of the knowing what to do and adding other cardio around it when I can. I haven't gained weight so that's good. I hope to lose fat. But we will see. I need more cardio then what I been getting in I bet. !!

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