Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi girls!

so I had to come on here quickly to say that I have been eating way too much, too!:eek: renee, you did not eat like a sow yesterday! that doesn't sound bad at all! I had a smoothie for breakfast, hummus, falafel and WW pita for lunch with greens, my kale and garbanzo bean soup for dinner and then about 12 ginger chews (or more!) plus three spoonfuls of vegan mocha ice cream! crazy! what the heck is the deal? ladylep, I have been craving chocolate, too!

ladylep-- stay safe in all of that snow! we had a little this morning-- just enough to make things extra slick when I drove alec and imala to school for their honor roll breakfast. hope you get the shopping done. oh, and I have many of the yoga dvds/cds, but the primary series I have commited to memory and just do it-- david Swenson does have a dvd of it, though, if you are interested!

renee-- too funny on the appetite thing and your meds. it's like, the one side effect we all would want, right? I probably wouldn't get that lucky, either! hope you are safe and people are driving sensibly!

better get busy with nygel,


just a quick update from me. got in the primary series this morning and took bugsy for a walk this afternoon. rik has been home all day complaining of an upset stomach/nausea. truly, men can be the biggest babies when they are sick:p. he has been driving me crazy a bit, as I end up sick and usually just have to go on with the day. anyway, I am hoping he is better soon and none of the rest of us catch whatever he has. he is still scheduled for his hernia surgery next Wednesday, so hoping he gets better fast (though I think he might want to milk this for all it's worth).

hope everyone had a good day!

Hi! Quick update here...no workout for me today, I just couldn't get up!! Then when I put Little K down for a nap I fell asleep hard for an hour and a half! Too much chocolate last night! But I'm at it again tonight. :( I will enjoy it tonight and stay away from it tomorrow (unless I do hot chocolate) and then have some on Valentine's Day and maybe maybe not on Saturday and then clean wheat free sugar free from Sunday on.

So we are hunkering down ready for another big storm, actually they are calling it a blizzard and this time I have my bananas!

Hopefully we won't lose power and I can get in BM2 Boot Camp premix tomorrow and PLB on Friday.

Hi Katie and Renee! Stay warm!
Katie I had to add I ate a ceased salad before bed to lol cause I didn't have any green foods in there! Yeah you know I noticed men are too funny when they get sick my hubby bless his soul he like to drink his beer and really her early gets a hang over but as he gets older he will over do it some nights when we are playing board games and the next day he will say something like oh I think I'm coming down with the flu and he will sleep all day and he don't want nothing I have to force him to eat but he wants a lot of water lol but when we seem to get sick he will say I think I'm getting what to had and he will get sick again so I'm not ever sure if he is really catching something or if he is hung over. That's awful ant it? He'd die if he knew I told y'all that. But if you ashamed of it maybe u should slow it down lol .. But I know your rik is sick sick so I hope he gets better and I sure hope you don't get it!

Lady Lep your are funny with more chocolate! Man don't u wish that can come up with some 0 cal 0 fat chocolate with tons of bit and minerals lol dream on right?
I hope u r safe there u did get a lot of snow

We got the snow and we got ice on top of that!! I hate it ! In all the years we been here since 97 we have only had three years not consecutive that it snowed and it was a dusting of it. Then once it was an inch and melted off another it was an inch the ice and then melted now it snowed about two inches not to bad but unusual here and then two inch today of solid ice! We have a fire place and wood to keep warm invade power goes out cause that's the problem around here with ice it causes power to go out. No one is on the roads everything is shut down! Is that the way it is at your place? Everything shut down? I hope so! No need to go out in this stuff! I hate winter and cold it hurts every bone! Lol see I sound like that grumpy cat!
You ladies I am so embarrassed I actually went to sleep at 1130 or 12 and I did not move or wake up not even to pee till 130 in the afternoon today!!! I could not believe it! I know I hadn't been sleeping but wow I get mad if I sleep till 9 ! I like to get up at 7 or 730 if I'm not going to work if I don't I feel lazy. I wake have coffee write some on my book cloths and clean exercise and write more I do a lot around here to keep busy. Not sure what but I do find thing to do. So I hate lazy. So needless to say I felt lazy lol but I was surprised I awoke with no head ache! That was great I can't sleep past 8 before I get a headache!! Okay now
But today I did better and I did the 4 DS kick box workout. It was fun tomorrow is the total body upper body premix it say 66 minute but when I look it up on the premix DVD on Cathe.com it says it should be upper body at 66 minute but when I go to the premix on the DVD it is only 23 minutes what is wrong? Am I reading it wrong?
hi girls. last night was super rough with rik moaning and groaning and my insomnia kicked in big time. I was up almost all night. I fell asleep sometime around 4 but was awake at 5:15 and out of bed by 5:35. :( anyway, I changed up my rotation as I just couldn't stomach doing CSS on so little sleep, so my plan was to do the cardio and abs from S&G. in the end I decided to do the whole thing, so I am proud of myself for that. I am super tired now, though, and headed out the door in a few minutes for the kids chamber groups and nygel's cello choir. won't be back home until around 9pm. it seems like rik is feeling better-- thank goodness! -- hate to sound mean but I don't know how much more of his moaning I could take!

renee-- that totally cracks me up about your dh. I think there is a reason why women have the babies-- men could never take it! when I get sick I still end up working and doing all the stuff I normally do, when they get sick we never hear the end of it and they are bedridden;):p. that is a lot of snow for you guys! and ice! it is super quiet weather wise here-- it is cold, around 15 for a high-- but that is a huge improvement over what it's been most of this winter. how did you like that upper body premix? did you figure it out? I have done it a few times and like it, minus all the changes in equipment set up.

ladylep--hope you guys still have your power! can't believe all the snow you are getting! I still haven't had chocolate, but will eat some tomorrow, I am sure. today I had a little of angie's caramel kettle corn-- that stuff is dangerous!

better get going. hoping I sleep tonight and anyone else who is struggling (glad you got so much sleep, renee! you needed it!)


Quick update: rough day, shoveled 12-15" snow, kids drove me crazy, I yelled, I apologized, Hubby told me to go workout-did PLB premix pyramid up-40min, then took a bath, had to much junk today: cheese, granola, French toast, chocolate....hoping tomorrow will be better. We are due to get another 3-8" of snow. Date with Hubby tomorrow!

Hi Katie and Renee!
Katie hi there no I sure didn't figure it out! It says the premix is 66 minutes but the only upper body premix I saw was the 24 minute upper body and it was two sets first set had like 16 reps of chest press with barbless then flys then tricep dips then second set was12 reps of all of these then move to back shoulders and bis two sets and so on. It was a good burn but short considering there wasn't much upper body heavy lifting in this rotation anyway. So to feel like I was getting some cardio as well I did a timesaver premix of party rocking step 2 it was 33 minutes so not to bad. Then I went back looking at chapters on total body sts I see chapters called supersets for upper body why isn't that in a premix? That's probably what I was missing that makes no since not to have in in the upper body premix? I wasn't about to do it after I already put in now 57 minutes that was already an hour lol I will put in over an hour when I am home alone but I already hear I am obsessive because I exercise everyday they think lol I try to say I do it 6 days and some times only 5 depending one if life gets in the way. Honestly though I love how I feel when and after I exercise so if I could is do it twice a day if my body would let me and no one noticed. But it am not 20 any more and I do live around others. I think it just seems that way to other people who don't exercise cause they keep telling themselves they are gonna do it a lot but don't and see I've done it more times then they told themselves to do it!
My oldest son the one who is still living he needs to exercise but I can't get him motivated to try it. I know nagging won't do it so I just keep doing it and hope he will get on bored. My youngest one was the workout buff guy! That's y when he had stop wrestling and moved out I knew he was doing something cause he had always been healthy but man he got with the wrong people and it went down hill from there. It goes to show ya u never know. But anyway got to stop thinking about that. Okay my DS the oldest I do ask him to join me but he says no he did jog once with me but he tried to go to fast and ended up throwing up. Then I told him to jog slow so he tried the second time like many weeks later and he jogged slow and that was good so I told him Jog and walk some if u need to at first it's okay. Well I jogged out some in front but I'd come back if I got to far. He didn't go again when I asked y me and Lisa both was wanting him to go.. He said no cause mom takes off and runs ahead of us lol. So I guess I made him feel bad? Eek I didn't mean to ..

Okay oh yeah about the sick thing? Another thing hubby does if I'm sick I'll be in bed he will give me a hug (awe) and I think how sweet.. He says if u need any thing u let me know just hollow okay baby doll? Okay thanks dear.. Well later on I'll say randy? No answer I might as well get up of course I look out side and how dumb of me like the umpteenth time I've been sick he is out in his man cave building drinking his beer listening to news or nascar. Well if I have to get up and go through the house to ask for something I may as well just get it myself!! So I do and I then go back to bed and thank The Lord I have not had a heart attack in here! He would even come in like three hours later and see my soup bowel "dear I told ya I would get u anything u need" really? 3 hours later? lol men funny funny maybe u should wear earplugs lol
I tell ya another person who will complain constantly is one of my sisters! She talks about her back all the time or no money. Or her depression or she says she is crazy! I get tired of hearing that lol well we all are. I felt sorry for her but only so much pity u can do. I think I already told ya about her but her groaning is her back hurts mine used to hurt to but I didn't tell her all the time. I have so many health issues with mine I never thought I'd get better but the jogging and lifting and Cathe DVDs has really helped and yoga !! I tell her this all the time. She says only running she do if someone chasing her. Plus she smokes. I told her having tight butt helps take a lot of strain off the back and a tight core is like a curdle for the back. She thinks I don't know what I'm talking about. I have scoliosis, degenerative disk I mean the list is endless. I'm sorry I have ranted so far off topic!!!

Gosh why do I have a tendency to rattle on so? Me and Lisa got out today and it was some craziness out there today. Roads was slushy. We just wanted to get out of the house some. Last night I didn't get my daily spinach salad so I ate a can of green beans and a can of spinach! Yum I haven't been eating veggies like I had been I can tell to. Ok
Goodnight all u awesome ladies!
Lady Lep!
Hope you girls that left come back soon I miss u and I know Katie and lady Lep does
hi girls! I actually slept pretty well last night, but I am still super tired! I could eat dinner and go to bed now and it's only 5pm! guess that means I am old:p. I do think I am fighting off a cold or some bug, though, as I did 30/30 hiit today and it was much more difficult for me than usual. oh well, I guess we always will have good days and bad. I pushed through the whole thing anyway, but I was sweating heavily and more breathless than usual. anyway, then I had to run all over-- stopped at target for valentines for the kids and rik, then took nygel to his cello lesson for 2 1/2 hours, then picked imala up out at her school, stopped at the violin shop to drop off a bow for rehair, stopped at our little market in bryn mawr for tomorrow's lunch, and then got home and took bugsy for a walk in the cold. :p

renee-- I am the same way about workouts. isn't there a total upper body premix on there that is the 66 mins? I know I have one somewhere on mine as I have done it a few times. hmmm. I can't even remember which of the 4 day split workout dvds that is on, but I have used it. I will check and see when the kids are off the xbox. your dh is too funny! men are an interesting species, that is for sure;). I wish your sister would listen to your good advice, but I know how that goes. stay safe on the roads there! we are supposed to get snow tomorrow and sunday night. I am so over this winter. so ready for spring! I know that is a ways off, though, probably.

ladylep-- holy cow you guys have gotten snow! take it easy with the shoveling! I know that can be really hard on the back. have fun on your date!

happy valentine's girls!

I second renee-- missing all the other girls!


What a valentines you had!! A lot of running around!
Well usually my DH says are we doing anything for valentines? Lol so we usually don't but the last couple years he actually surprised me with fruit with chocolate! And a bottle of apple cider the bottle is dipped in chocolate!! And a card the card meant more to me then anything because it can tell he actually read it before he bought it. It had a lot of things in it that he had said and he actually said a paragraph in there hisself that is unusual!
Well I feel bad cause I didn't get him a thing! Lol I didn't think we were doing anything.

I had a hard day today it started yesterday I saw a certificate my son had last may for firestone a test he past his pic was on it. Him smiling so nice I picked it up as we were headed out the door and I couldn't help it I saw him all excited and it tore my heart up , I thought wow how could God do that to him did he find that funny ? God knew when he took this test that next year he wasn't even gonna be here. How fair is that it's wrong and cruel, I know that's wrong way to look at it but I aid it and I starters crying ..Lisa said ok let's go and we left and we tried to change subject but then I went to bed and had a dream scout him he was gone still but not gone. It was confusing buti can't explain in a text so I hope it mares sense. But I should have woke up happy but I woke up sad , I think cause part of me is mad at him..mad that he got in a wreck? I know it wasn't his fault I don't know, I may be mad cause he was still partying and it makes me worry I'm mad cause I never got to see him come back and say I'm sorry for all the teen crap I did! I don't know why I feel that way. I love him I don't want to be mad. I guess maybe I'm mad at God and think I'm mad at ryan? I thought even I was mad at myself I don't know. I just know I have had a hard exhausting day.
I did lean legs today but I did a timesaver I'm not sure what was omitted I did standing chair and fire walker and floor. Only thing I know was disk we didn't do so it was a timesaver premix. Tomorrow is a rest day! I'm glad to my right knee hurts!!
hi girls-- today was an intense yoga workout-- advanced yoga 2 with bryan kest. it was 135 minutes long! my legs were like jello afterward, so wondering what I will feel like tomorrow. I also had to work today and had one of my really tough clients-- all muscle and super tall, so a major workout for me to work on-- then came home and took bugsy for a walk...none of the sidewalks were shoveled so we were huffing it out there:p.

renee-- I think it's so nice that your dh got you a nice valentine! you deserve it! i am sorry you had a rough day:(. i really can't imagine. i think i would be angry, too. i still am angry sometimes that mom had to get Alzheimer's. i wonder what in the world did she do to deserve that. same with my aunt who is in hospice now with cancer. i think i need to reread the book "when bad things happen to good people" by Harold Kushner. have you read that? i think you might find that helpful, too. anyway, great job still getting a workout in! tomorrow is supposed to be CF for me, but i have been so low energy, i am wondering how i will make it through...

hello ladylep!

so, we have a winter storm warning for tonight:(:eek:. not sure how much snow we are supposed to get, but they say it's coming...

have a good night all,

Hi all, sorry I've been off the boards this weekend. I did BM2 boot camp premix yesterday, it was tough but I'm not sore today. Today was supposed to be step blast but we were out from9-4 with church, basketball games, quick library trip and quick grocery store. And when we got home, Hubby and I put together at Batman big wheel, while my rice was cooking for dinner. I have a splitting headache and am just very tired. I'm not even sure I will do any school planning since I planned Friday and we ended up taking off. I think I may read or something and go to bed early. Step blast tomorrow, starting week 2 of February rotation.

Hi Renee and Katie!
hi girls-- today was an intense yoga workout-- advanced yoga 2 with bryan kest. it was 135 minutes long! my legs were like jello afterward, so wondering what I will feel like tomorrow. I also had to work today and had one of my really tough clients-- all muscle and super tall, so a major workout for me to work on-- then came home and took bugsy for a walk...none of the sidewalks were shoveled so we were huffing it out there:p. renee-- I think it's so nice that your dh got you a nice valentine! you deserve it! i am sorry you had a rough day:(. i really can't imagine. i think i would be angry, too. i still am angry sometimes that mom had to get Alzheimer's. i wonder what in the world did she do to deserve that. same with my aunt who is in hospice now with cancer. i think i need to reread the book "when bad things happen to good people" by Harold Kushner. have you read that? i think you might find that helpful, too. anyway, great job still getting a workout in! tomorrow is supposed to be CF for me, but i have been so low energy, i am wondering how i will make it through... hello ladylep! so, we have a winter storm warning for tonight:(:eek:. not sure how much snow we are supposed to get, but they say it's coming... have a good night all, katie

Wow my mouth just flew open when I read 135 minutes long!! I can't even see how u can do yoga that long!! I can see maybe restorative yoga. But not that vinyasa or Ashanti yoga, Isn't that the power yoga? I can bet your legs will be sore! My problem is holding the balancing posses along time and the warrior posses. I mean I can hold a warrior a bit pretty good then go into another pose but a lot of time a sequence of warrior poses on top of each other and hold each a bit can be hard! Eek so not sure how to do what you did! I am in awe lady!!
I actually have that book somewhere but have not even read it yet! I will find it. I am so irritated today lol I have misplaced everything, my keys, my phone and it was turned off! I was spending so much time looking for stuff my eyes was getting me dizzy. Geez I am trying to also get all my pictures organized putting them on the walls and in albums it's a mess all over my table.
Okay rest day was yesterday and today was tabata I did the three plus core premix I really wanted to try the easiest to hardest premix it's suppose to be on there but I don't see it, it's number 16 premix I think. I really like to do that actually I like to do easy hard then back to easiest if that makes since.
Hi all, sorry I've been off the boards this weekend. I did BM2 boot camp premix yesterday, it was tough but I'm not sore today. Today was supposed to be step blast but we were out from9-4 with church, basketball games, quick library trip and quick grocery store. And when we got home, Hubby and I put together at Batman big wheel, while my rice was cooking for dinner. I have a splitting headache and am just very tired. I'm not even sure I will do any school planning since I planned Friday and we ended up taking off. I think I may read or something and go to bed early. Step blast tomorrow, starting week 2 of February rotation. Hi Renee and Katie!

Oh wow love step blast! Have you done that one before? BM2 is also a good one really good ! I did the tabata today three plus core , that is hard for me!
Funny we had a rice dinner yesterday but I made beef tips with it. I ate the rice and salad the hubby and son ate the rice and beef. I try not to eat the meat yuk. I never liked the meat taste.
I'm going to bed now hope I can sleep
hi girls. another winter storm warning here this morning, so I was so grateful none of the kids had school to drive them to! I got up and did CF and then 10 mins of jivamukti flow yoga. I was surprised that, once again, CF did not feel so bad to me-- especially after the HiiTs last week seemed so intense. anyway, I am glad I got my workouts out of the way before the kids are up!:)

renee-- thank you for the kind words! it was flow yoga and killer for the legs. he had us doing all sorts of warrior moves and lunges along with balancing airplanes on one leg. at some point-- I think it was downward dog with one arm behind the back in a shoulder stretch and then balancing on one leg, each one of my thighs felt like they were ready to get a Charlie horse! anyway, I am sore today. I am hoping this rotation leans me out:D. I have frustrating days like those way too often! great job on the tabatas! you know, I wondered the same thing about those premixes because I thought cathe said something once about that being an option.:confused:

ladylep-- sounds like you had a day of running around! hope your headache has gone away!! maybe you can have a more mellow day today?

going to have to shovel and probably move my car before the snow emergency kicks in (we are on a busy street that always gets plowed first, so no parking will be allowed). anyway, have a good day everyone!

Katie, I forget, are you in Minnesota? We are getting another 2" tonight and another possible 2-4 tomorrow night. I thought it was just tonight, but I had JTrain look on accuweather for me. We have a family skiing day planned on Wednesday, but the attitudes around here were terrible today. Monday's are always bad but this one, ugh. B saw that CDawg got a an F on his history vocab quiz online (quizlet.com) and teased him about it, so CDawg hit him, then B scratched the other's face and then they kept hitting each other! So I kept B home from his basketball practice tonight and typically the older brothers go too, but I kept the, all back. JTrain complained about 50 degrees for our skiing day.....and Little K has been having a lot of accidents. It's been a long day, but no more headache!!

Hi Renee!

No workout in today, I just couldn't get up. But my alarm is set for 5:15 to do Step Blast and I hope to turn the light out in just a few. But I have my "iPad bedtime routine": 3 games: clash of clans (rearm traps if needed, collect gold and elixir and maybe chat, this is JTrain's game), 3 Blitz games and 5 hands of zynga poker. :). And I have 2 books here to browse/read: the Clean Eat Diet for Family and Kids and Stop Acting Rich. But I tend to fall asleep before or during poker and never ate it to the books!

I had hoped to do a 15 min tabata at 9 but by 10 I hadn't and was too tired!

Ok enough rambling! I hope I have a workout to report for tomorrow!!
Lady Lep
Maybe I need to try to read a book again .. Oh I was gonna say to go to sleep and I remember y that isn't gonna work anymore!! I stopped that because I can't even think of picking up a book because of this headaches I was getting.,but hopefully since they are calming down maybe I can look into it.
Let me know how you like step blast when u do it.

Katie Really though lol I was so serious I was awestruck lol i wasn't being like overly sweet or what would someone call it blowing smoke up ur leg? I really am totally impressed !! And on the yoga note I found a cute little place that is having yoga classes!! I normally would not like doing yoga in front of others but!!! I really would like to get some form pointers and make sure I'm holding poses correctly. I've never taken a yoga class so I may be all jacked up! Ya never know! So I stopped to look at the schedule on the door, it had the Yin yoga that some are calling Zin yoga and they have one called restorative yoga that is some type of Zin yin yoga all the kind I like and I'd like to try one class like the kind you like !! I think if I incorporate one Zin type and one power yoga in addition to Cathes rotations. I should have a well rounded program!
I saw a thread about reaching a goal by the time your 50 and I think that is awesome idea! A goal of being the healthiest you have ever been in your whole life by the age of 50 I am 44 so I actually have some time to slowly get there God willing. I say slowly because my right knee on the butt rotation is giving me a fit !! And that is without the extra lunges!! So instead of focus on losing weight I'm focusing on what they were saying. I'll get into more of that later.
I did supercuts today was suppose to do something else but I switched it because Supercuts was for Friday and today was something else I forgot what I think cardio leg blast and my knee needs a rest it feels awful!! I hate that. I didn't not slept lady night at all. Not sure why. I mean really no sleep at all! so if this is making no since sorry, then again I have read some of my post in past and it's from my tiny phone! I can't ever make much since of it!! Lol. Okay I'm gonna try to sleep now.
hi girls! quick post from me as it has been a crazy day! got stuck in the snow after dropping alec and imala off this morning:mad:. didn't have a shovel but kicked all the snow out from under my tires and eventually got out. came home and found out the water main in the street broke:eek:. city crews were here and we had the water shut off from 10-5. got a jivamukti yoga session in and then headed out the door to do grocery shopping, wash the filthy car and then pick the kids up from school. tomorrow morning is rik's hernia surgery (prayers are appreciated) and it is also my mom's bday-- she would be 85. hoping for a less eventful day tomorrow.

renee-- the yoga class sounds great! I hope you can go and you like them!

ladylep-- I am in Minneapolis. we have another winter storm warning for tomorrow night! so tired of this. today it made it up to 45, though. sorry for your crazy day!

alright, going to help rik pack up his things for tomorrow.


No workout again! Sometimes I'm really a failure! Three days in a row!!! :(

But we are all (6) going skiing tomorrow and so I will definitely get exercise tomorrow! I will be bending over a lot skiing backwards while teaching Little K how to ski!

Attitudes were better today so I let them have the playdate. I'm so glad I did! It was great having 2 other moms here to talk to! Six more boys too!! It was loud and crazy but fun!

Renee-I hope you can find a way to read again. I love to read, but didn't always, only after graduating college and could choose my own reading list! I prefer sic fi/fantasy (clean, so mostly young adult, mostly in the summer) or food (I have a few clean eating cook books out right now) or parenting/Christian/homeschooling or (recent add) finance books recommend or written by Dave Ramsey.

I have loved Step Blast in the past, that and Rhythmic Step and Imax 2 were my first Cathe workouts that I tried and loved them and ended up buying them first. :) I haven't done it in a long time though. Hopefully it will be as good as I remember!!

Katie- Sorry about your water being shut down! I can't believe you still got a workout in with all you did today! That's great! I hope Rik's surgery goes well, keep us posted!

At my WW meeting tonight I was up.4 and I was up .6 last week. :( I'm eating some cookie dough tonight and will eat so so tomorrow. But then I'm going to go sugar free and wheat free again for 2 weeks to see if I can knock off another 5 pounds or so.

Going to watch The Following with Hubby and eat my cookie dough!
Quick update. We got to the ski slopes and it was still pouring rain!!! So we went to the library (hour drive) and got videos.

BUT!! I did CrossFire Premix low impact, a really light workout, but that's exactly what I needed at 9:30pm!

Night all!
Good job on crossfire lady Lep!! That is great!! I knew u would. I love that premix on crossfire it does make me sweat and it is better on my feet yet it isn't over the top. I am sorry about the rain on the ski slop that sucks!
I to used to not like reading or studying!
But actually it was during collage I realized, if I actually READ the chapters I could pass my test! Lol imagine that? All those years in School I'd only skim the chapters and I'd get C or "cough" D once in a while. But actually having to pay for school I guess and the fact I was I interested in it, I got pretty much A I was shocked and then my love for reading started. I like sci-fi and fantasy and kind of psychological reads. Dean Koontz. But I'd also like some young adult as well like I really liked the movies twilight so if I had known the books were out I may have enjoyed them. I just need to get all the emotions and hormones balanced .

Katie yes I did enjoy the yoga class she has another class on wed noon I will try for restorative. I had not slept from sun - tues I had three hours and counting last night I did get in four so that was better. So after getting up to take Lisa to work I went to sleep with something on computer called bedtime stories ! Lol joy Whitney I think is her name on you tube. She sounds strange at first but I think it is purposefully that way. Well it helped me get a deeper sleep it seemed. It was called deep sleep bedtime stories. Then I saw one for grief as well. So I will try to do that again.
I have gotten in an exercise today, I was to tired I got in an upper body yesterday I am trying to give knees a brake still. Plus no sleep this many days there is no way I can keep functioning like that.
Goodnight ladies hope all is well tonight and you both are blessed.

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