Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

My husband said the same to me, Oh you looks good after 4 kids you are no young no more. But I care wath he tink but I care more at how I feeling, and I don't want to be skiny, I like muscle no fat. You should try to do only one round after weigths and you goin to feeling. Talk to you later.
I am not sure what to do today I did some yoga but that was to help my tightness. I am kind of sore from yesterday but I can't take another rest day I just had one on wed so I need to do something maybe crossfire or Super cuts. Probably Super cuts I don't want a HIIT or tabata today and no step or my feet will hurt. If I do step more then twice a week that's what happens. So that leaves a low impact moderate intensity or kickbox or jog. To cold to jog and so maybe Supercuts or rock out knockout.
I'll be back to let u guys know.
hi girls! sorry I have been off the boards a bit-- just crazy busy and running on little to no sleep:(. the insomnia bug has struck again in a major way the past few days. I was stressed over my little grand nephew who had to have his echo cardiogram to check his heart-- all is well there, thank goodness! my aunt also had a surgical procedure for her back which is dangerous as she is suffering with cancer. anyway, just lots going on-- hoping for less stress the next few days. the weather here won't let up, though! it is either subzero temps or snowing. today we got 8 inches! blech. now it's supposed to drop to -15. at least the dogs' parkas and boots came!

today I did all 5 levels of tabatacise and 25 mins of yoga. yesterday I had gotten barely any sleep and so opted for an hour yoga practice (like you, renee!). tomorrow is more upper body weights and that will be the last day of this rotation. woo hoo!

renee-- what did you end up doing today? I heard about the snow you guys got! glad you are safe! a couple inches here is no big deal, but today with the 8 inches there have been countless accidents. it is no fun at all and I am staying in for the night!

ladylep-- congrats to you on the weight loss!! camel is a tough pose for many people:). I don't think I could survive on a diet with no chocolate, lol.:p

hello maritza-- hope you are having a good day!

going to do laundry now. how exciting;)

okay I did tabatasize I hope that is spelled correctly?
Anyway no way would I be able to do 5 Katie you are really taking it to the max lol. I got up to 4 so that was better, only problem is during the third tabata the dvd got stuck and I kept waiting but I had to skip some of the first part. I took it out to see and it has a scratch all around it or something. I only used this one two times! I hardly used it because it was so hard on my foot. By the way I here people say that this dvd is easier the x10 but id say as far a cardio it is just as hard not harder than but with that being said, for some reason tabata one hurts my foot, so I had to stop and change shoes!!! I got pretty irritated because my foot was hurting and I thought now I know why I hardly do this dvd it is hard on the feet! then I got back into it and by the third tabata it froze. I was hoping to try to do it once a week or something.. I am getting confused yet again.. I was wanting to do a stead state aerobic workout not a hiit or tabata or a metabolic one just cardio, is there any that is just cardio not super hard that is not a step? I am thinking that is why I add a jog in during the week. I hear we are to do HIIT more then two to three times a week so what do you do that is not a HIIT or tabata? I also did some yoga this morning I think I mentioned that already.

Well I am not sure what to do tomorrow I am hoping that I will be able to do a jog if it is not to cold. Yes Katie it is so funny we got snow and I being from WV really am used to the driving in the snow, but the people here are so funny they go frantic and all at the stores buying there bread and milk you go in to get milk just cause not because of the snow coming but there is none. Every one panics and what ? they going to drink all the milk in one day because that is it, it stays one day and the roads are clear it was sunny today. lol I just get tickled.. and they are rude on the road anyway they don't need snow as an excuse lol. I read somewhere that SC is ranked one of the worst drivers in the US I believe this!! And they seem to be more rude also. I don't know why. Some are nice like where I used to work but then some will just want to run you down with there buggy or not even say hi or smile lol oh well

I hope you all stay warm I was so worried for my cat the other day! He will not come in the house at all!! He sees the two big dogs in here and he wont come in. I caught him one time and put him in Rocky my oldest sons room away from the dogs. But yesterday and during the storm he would not come when I called! I was so afraid I would see him stiff as a bored when I go out there !! :(
But I saw him today out in the building with my hubby, He says the cat has a little nest in the open garage but that is where moms stuff is stored and the yard sale stuff and it is cold in there still. I hope maybe he is burying himself in the cloths out there. Geez I love animals if I could I would have a farm full of dogs and cats and well id also have to have a house for all the older folks lol and each older folk can get an animal lol oh well I am ranting again. sorry. have a great night all
hi girls!

hi renee:). looks like we had the same workouts yesterday! doing all 5 tabatas is pretty brutal (especially on no sleep:(), but I am so competitive with myself that, since I have done them all before in the past, I make myself do them all again:p. do you know, my right foot felt especially "worked" or sore yesterday, too? I wonder what it is that tends to tweak our feet in that one? oh, and did you try wiping your dvd with a smooth cloth? sometimes those smudges and marks come off if you clean them-- I hope yours will. I was thinking there really aren't that many steady state that are not HiiT or step. you could do S&G-- I know that one is, or the kickbox segment from 4 day split or mma boxing or kickbox. rockout knockout probably, too, though there always are "blasts" in everything;). that is too funny about your state and snow:D. wonder what the people around you would do if they got some Minnesota weather? lately, though, it has been more like Canada around here. it was super cold again this morning. I am so glad you found your cat and that he is okay! I am the same way with animals. it is a huge part of why I am vegan. I think about their feelings all the time and wish they all could be happy and have good lives. I feel the same about the elderly, too, especially after going through alzheimers with mom. rik and the kids and I went back to her nursing home a couple of weeks ago and the kids played music for the people there. it was really hard to be in that space with mom gone, but I was really glad we did it.

so today I am doing bis and tris. I actually slept last night (yay!), so it shouldn't feel too bad;).

hello to ladylep and martiza!

happy Friday!
OK, so after reading about all the tabatcize, that's what I decided to do today! I did the premix with 2 tabatas and core! I thought I was going to die at the end of the first one, and was going to quit but then plugged on! I couldn't do all the abs. :(

So this week I've done:
T-STS Total Body-compound premix
W-yoga max - express
F-Tabatacise premix 1-2 + core

So I'm trying to figure out what to do tomorrow. A lot will depend on the time I have. Sat. morn. is typically food shopping, laundry and cleaning and the afternoon is basketball and fun-theoretically! But I need to make bread, broth and thank you notes (for Christmas!!! I'm so bad!!) And I'd like to hang stuff on Little K's room (and find an bday present for him, he will be 3 a week from tomorrow!!) and hang stuff on JTrain's walls (12). We we still haven't even begun to look for a new bed, even though we were given money for one for Christmas!!

OK, so tomorrow. I figure I shouldn't do a Hiit, since I've done AB and Tabatacize. So I could do legs (Legs, Turbo Barre, Gym Styles Legs, B&G), circuit (Low Impact Circuit, Drill Max or Hardcore Extreme, I have C&W and SJP but since I did Timesaver in the beginning of the month, I'm not in the mood for those) or basic cardio - meaning step (PRS #1 or 2, Step Blast or Rhythmic Step) I feel like I should try to get in a harder workout tomorrow and save the basic cardio for Sunday. Any recommendations??!! I think I'm leaning towards LIS.

I hope you are thawing Katie! We were sunny and up to 45º today!!

Hi Renee and Maritza!
hi girls! hi renee:). looks like we had the same workouts yesterday! doing all 5 tabatas is pretty brutal (especially on no sleep:(), but I am so competitive with myself that, since I have done them all before in the past, I make myself do them all again:p. do you know, my right foot felt especially "worked" or sore yesterday, too? I wonder what it is that tends to tweak our feet in that one? oh, and did you try wiping your dvd with a smooth cloth? sometimes those smudges and marks come off if you clean them-- I hope yours will. I was thinking there really aren't that many steady state that are not HiiT or step. you could do S&G-- I know that one is, or the kickbox segment from 4 day split or mma boxing or kickbox. rockout knockout probably, too, though there always are "blasts" in everything;). that is too funny about your state and snow:D. wonder what the people around you would do if they got some Minnesota weather? lately, though, it has been more like Canada around here. it was super cold again this morning. I am so glad you found your cat and that he is okay! I am the same way with animals. it is a huge part of why I am vegan. I think about their feelings all the time and wish they all could be happy and have good lives. I feel the same about the elderly, too, especially after going through alzheimers with mom. rik and the kids and I went back to her nursing home a couple of weeks ago and the kids played music for the people there. it was really hard to be in that space with mom gone, but I was really glad we did it. so today I am doing bis and tris. I actually slept last night (yay!), so it shouldn't feel too bad;). hello to ladylep and martiza! happy Friday! katie

Katie that is so sweet and awesome that your kids and whole family went to the nursing home! That is a blessing a win win for all! That's family bonding while making some elderly people smile and not only that I really think helping others or doing things like that is part of staying healthy! Spirit mind and body it really craves that! I read a lot lol!
Yes it was my left foot! Hurt had to stop and change shoes it helped some but man then my hip joint feels like I was tweaking !! Ha ha

Well I did party rocking step one today the the 100 hip thrust only got to 75! Ooo !! Then I did bonus rear delta to balance the yoga I did yesterday it was a lot of twist and turns and bends I did something to the front of my chest the feels punchy so I thought maybe delta would be good to pull my shoulders back more so it can help stretch the chest. I did yoga tonight and DH had to go to drill this weekend so I am attempting to listen to 10 hours white noise on YouTube! I hope it works I was up again last night at 3 typing could not sleep and DH was waking up to leave I went to sleep at 430 got up at 7 take Lisa to get a rental her car is in shop! Then came home did the workout and to tired to sleep! I then got a headache that kept me up till 2 now! So I thought I'd do my check in and listen to the WN. I like to read all the forums before falling asleep I don't know why. I guess it's like I am in the conversation with all or maybe I'm nosey? Lol.
OK, so after reading about all the tabatcize, that's what I decided to do today! I did the premix with 2 tabatas and core! I thought I was going to die at the end of the first one, and was going to quit but then plugged on! I couldn't do all the abs. :( So this week I've done: M-AB T-STS Total Body-compound premix W-yoga max - express TH-MM F-Tabatacise premix 1-2 + core So I'm trying to figure out what to do tomorrow. A lot will depend on the time I have. Sat. morn. is typically food shopping, laundry and cleaning and the afternoon is basketball and fun-theoretically! But I need to make bread, broth and thank you notes (for Christmas!!! I'm so bad!!) And I'd like to hang stuff on Little K's room (and find an bday present for him, he will be 3 a week from tomorrow!!) and hang stuff on JTrain's walls (12). We we still haven't even begun to look for a new bed, even though we were given money for one for Christmas!! OK, so tomorrow. I figure I shouldn't do a Hiit, since I've done AB and Tabatacize. So I could do legs (Legs, Turbo Barre, Gym Styles Legs, B&G), circuit (Low Impact Circuit, Drill Max or Hardcore Extreme, I have C&W and SJP but since I did Timesaver in the beginning of the month, I'm not in the mood for those) or basic cardio - meaning step (PRS #1 or 2, Step Blast or Rhythmic Step) I feel like I should try to get in a harder workout tomorrow and save the basic cardio for Sunday. Any recommendations??!! I think I'm leaning towards LIS. I hope you are thawing Katie! We were sunny and up to 45º today!! Hi Renee and Maritza!

Lady Lep
Sounds like you are having the same thoughts I did! I did tabaticise and AB and I didn't want to add more HIIT !? It gets confusing! So that is y I like to jog I go so slow it is not really high intensity it is moderate but it is to cold still. So I did party rocking step one!! Eek that was the second time doing it! I did better the first time lol this time I was not able to understand but I still sweated and it was not to intense so that worked out well. I think if u don't want to do that step then maybe Supercuts? I may do it tomorrow! I wanted to get in another heavy weight total body in before Sunday. Sunday starts the new week. Cathe posted a fen rotation !! What do u think about that one?
I guess we could do flex train tomorrow it has a cardio effect and it is a total body light weight so maybe that would be good? It maybe KPc ?? I don't know really ! Like I told Katie it seems everything is HIIT or intervals! That is good but I really want one that is longer yet less intense once a week !! I think that with HIIT and intervals and heavy weights should make the inches come off!! I hope anyway!

I am gonna get off here and try to listen to white noise I hope I can sleep!! Grr the eye pads and ear plugs just ant cutting it any more! Oo
I can tell I'm not sleeping well cause I read things wrong and say things wrong more often! Lol like yesterday Lisa and I was at a restaurant checking out I picked up a paper and read the article about arthritis it said penetrane plus was what you need so when I read it I then read it to Lisa aloud and the waitresses heard me too!! I said oh this is what I need Lisa penetration plus! Then I waited a second looked up confused and read it again and she busted out laughing so did I and I think everyone thinks we are nuts! Well I am but so glad Lisa came here cause Wv people understand my absent mindedness .. Then this morning I was trying to say look at this grey I need to dye my hair again.. I said look at this hi dare.. I mean I need to hair dare this .. I looked at her confused again said what? Lol then we started laughing again! I tell ya no sleep makes you tongue tied to!!
Night everyone!
hi girls! happy weekend! I actually have today off work, so I am looking forward to a Saturday hanging out at home. it is my rest day, too, so will probably take the dogs for a long walk. it is in the 20s here today, which will probably feel like spring after what it's been like around here.:rolleyes:

renee-- you had me laughing so hard with your post! penetration plus! guess we better watch out when we are lacking sleep! hysterical!:D I hope you got some sleep last night. hope your chest is better, too-- it is easy to tweak things in twists. sounds like you got a good workout in yesterday anyway, though. those hip thrusts are killer. I just looked at the feb rotation and not sure what I think of it-- I don't have a few of the workouts, especially in the first week, I think. I am playing with the idea of a solid week of intense yoga, and then maybe three weeks of 2 HiiTs, 1 steady state and 3 intense yoga (i.e. ashtanga based) 3x a week. see if I can lean things out a bit, though I would hate to lose the muscle strength that I feel like I regained this month. I am so confused sometimes!:p

ladylep-- you had a great week of workouts! way to go! sounds like you have a busy Saturday planned. it is great you even do thank you notes! I can be so bad with those:eek:. do all the kids write them, too? hope you get your new bed soon-- that sounds like a treat. happy bday to little K!

hello Maritza!

hope you all have a good day,

Quick update: not enough time for LIC so I tried to do PRS #2 premix 2 32 min, but only got 12 min into it and Little K comes downstairs saying, "Poop pee potty". So I needed to go see if he made a mess in his pants (he didn't!) or just needed to go. So that ended my wo. Now it's off to basketball! Idid get food shopping completed and 3 loads of laundry, 3 beds remade and the kids sort of helped in picking up and vacuuming. hubby did the rest, :)

Renee- I don't see the Feb rotation yet. Where did you find it??

Gotta go!
hi girls! another quick update here as I have to head off to work. I have decided on a week of yoga, at this point, to really lengthen my muscles and limber up this week. today I did a 95 minute power yoga advanced class with bryan kest. I tell you, you definitely get cardio in with this practice and my body is feeling like jello this morning after pushing through all of that.:)

hope you all are having a nice sunday!


Rest day for me not planned and I hate that! I was just to tight feeling so I did stretching a lot. I was tired to! I did body max 2 all in its entirety and loved it yesterday!
So tomorrow is intensity.

I will be back tomorrow for more. Night lovely ladies
Renee suggested this checkin

Both of us used to be in one for people who had physical problems; for example, I have to brace my right knee because I used to run 55 miles a week, and I have a bad back. I have to wear a size 1 Enell sports bra to stop the bounce, and I have herniated and bulging discs.
I work out anyway, because I forget about my back and I have a very good McDavid knee brace that takes care of my right knee. Enough of complaining now.

Today I did Hard Knocks wearing two pound weighted gloves, and I did the leg portion of High Reps. It is true with High Reps that sometimes you feel as if it is never going to end. I hope to get to know all of you, and today I am doing nothing because we had about 6 inches of snow. I am lucky I have rubber boots, as I had to walk across the street to make a bank deposit. My HRM said I burned 551 calories, and I am going to try to read as much of this check in as I can.
Lady Lep at least you attempted. The workout!
Did u look at the butt rotation?

Katie I hope you have good results with the week if yoga! I think that sounds delish! I wish I was already little then iOS be doing that to but I just add some on!
Caitlin!! That is a great amount of calories you burned! You are really putting in the time arnt you? I'm so proud! I am glad you joined this thread! I think you left out the first part of the post lol

Okay you all I decide to try the butt rotation so today was intensity DVD! Ouch can u say ouch? I love those pants and tops in the DVD I went to feel fit wear to buy some and it says the one I like are is sold out or when I found some of the cloths I like they have not even shipped it out yet!

Does anyone remember a code words or whatever to get a discount with the fill for wear? Thanks!

Hi Eva, Mellisa and Marisa !!
No DVD workout today but I did shovel 7-8 inches of wet heavy snow for about an hour. So that was my wo today.

I did the november butt rotation and I'm thinking about the feb rotation. I don't have cardio kicks, mma boxing or Lowe body blast. I think there were a couple. Ore I don't have, but it looks good. So that means I start tomorrow with BM2. I will probably split it into 2 workouts.

Hi to all, I need to go to sleep!
Hello all

I was so tired I had to take a rest day and I even fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon. I think I worked out 6 days in a row. I hope I will be ready to do step tomorrow. I want to do Party Rocking Step 1
hi girls. late post from me as running around too much the past few days. anyway, I have been sticking with a week of intense yoga, and my body is feeling it. I am sore in my legs and sides especially, and also some in my shoulders and back. I think this will be good for me, though I am craving a cathe workout right now!;) I will start in on sunday with a rotation of 2 HiiTs or metabolic w/os, one steady state and three yoga. I think I will do that for four solid weeks and see what happens. trying to get back to my ashtanga without losing my cathe workouts. today I did 60 minutes of jivamukti, yesterday was 65 of advanced jivamukti. am thinking of 90 minutes of the primary series tomorrow.

renee-- I am not little, but I was my thinnest on a total yoga regimen. so bizarre. the butt rotation sounds intense! I wish I knew the code for you, but I don't:(. hoping someone else does.

ladylep-- holy cow! snow! I wonder if that is the system we got hit with last Thursday? we had 8 inches here then. now it is dropping to the teens below zero again. will this winter ever end?

Caitlin-- welcome! great job on the calorie burn! I think last year you were on our xtrain thread for a while? forgive me if I am remembering wrong, but I think you lost a dear cat last year and were on the thread then. sorry if I am mixing you up with someone else! happy to have you here!

hello Maritza!

hello to Melissa and eva, if they are ever looking!

good night,

Hi! No workout for me. I just couldn't get up!

I have seen the Feb rotation and it looks great! But I will need subs for: Cardio Kicks, Boot Camp (4D?), Legs and Glutes (B&G or XTrain:Legs or GSLegs), MMA Boxing (4D or Hard Strikes or Hardcore Extreme?), Pure Strength (XTrain?), and Kick Punch Crunch (4D or Hard Strikes or Hardcore Extreme?) I have all the XTrain, LIS and many others, of the new 8 I only have PRS1&2 and X10.


Hi to all agin falling asleep in the iPad! And it looks like we're getting another storm tonight: snow, ice, sleet to rain. The have already cancelled SALT for tomorrow. I hope I can get in body max2 and my WWmeeting.

Gotta sleep!
Lady Lep it does. Sound like u r subbing the right kinds of wo! So yeah that's good! I decided on trying the butt rotation. How will I keep up with how many lunges imdoing! I'll lose count lol it says 200 walking lunges?!!!?
?? Holy cow I will lose count lol. Tell me how hard it was to do. So far I'm on day two now to bad yesterday was intensity , today was CLB . Man I hope I can remember the extra. Workout to but I'll have to go look at it every day.

Hello Katie! I hope you enjoy the. New rotation ! Like I told lady Lep I'm gonna start on butt rotation. I am gonna try it looks scrry!

Hey catlin u good job on ur workouts . Hey did you get you thing back blender? I hope so!!!

Eva, Melissa. !Maskia hello have

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