Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Hi Katie, It is very hard after 40, after this rotation I want to do the 4 months rotation of STS/LIS, if you want to do with me, let me know .
Welcome, mariposa! I'm 43 and would also like to slim down and tone up this year.

Today I just did CBS, but just the chest portions. I was in the mood for chest on the ball, and I didn't want to spend a lot of time. I miss XTrain. I think I got burned out from doing the 90 day undulating rotation last Jan. But my arms were in the best shape. Not anymore! Soooooo, I'm thinking about doing some more Xtrain. But maybe I'll do 1 week of the rotation and then do something else for another week. I'm just not sure. Plus my time is erratic. Some days I can give an hour some days I'm struggling to get in only 15 min. So if I could come up with a template, I think that may work best for me. Going to bed earlier would help!

Katie- tell me why you think yoga is so great? I've only done the Yoga Relax, but that's really all it was with a few balance moves in there. Does it really burn calories? Is it a good thing to add into harder workouts or just a supplement if you want to stretch, balance and relax?

So we just got 8" of snow today! Everything is cancelled for tomorrow, except for my 7th grader's youth group,not sure how that's going to work out, it's 30 min away towards Philly....high of 16º tomorrow.

OK, foodstuff: I've completed my 3 weeks of no sugar (refined, I had a little of honey and maple syrup) and no wheat. The first week I didn't limit my full fat dairy (I try not to do any other kind) and my wt stayed the same. BUT!! I've been doing the WW Simple Start plan and have lost 5.2# in 2 weeks!! So I've talked to my step father (he's the driving force in me going sugar and wheat free to break my addictions to them both) and he thinks I should go one more week and do the Hallelujah diet: raw fruit for breakfast, raw green salad for lunch, raw green salad, cooked veggies for dinner. But I'm not vegan so I add in meat/dairy. It's so cold (I know not as bad as 0º, Katie!!) that I want warm food at lunch.

Today I had:
Breakfast: apple
Snack: banana with 1T peanut butter
Lunch: scrambled eggs with cheese, chicken sausage and salsa and a strawberry/banana/water smoothie
Dinner: green salad with 1/3 avocado and olive oil/lemon juice dressing, roasted sweet and white potatoes with olive oil and salt and sirloin steak.

Feeling good and satisfied today, but I did have the indulgences of peanut butter, avocado and chicken sausage. :)

Hi Renee!

I'd better get to sleep.
Wow lady Lep congrats on the food! I have been not so good!
I love x train! Lu agree you can get burn out, I think that's what I did but I wonder if we could do the x train rotation again but for verity add the new ones she just did!
I do yoga for relaxing and getting the soreness out but that's because I like the relaxing yoga lol. I do like the ones Cathe did yoga relax and max and a lot of people didn't like she held the poses but I like to hold the poses longer. It helps me relax into the stretch and open the muscles more. Im not that versed in yoga like Katie so I'm sure she can help you.

Katie. Well I sure hope you don't get that cold! That is the pits! I am almost finished with the January rotation. I had to double up some days but I got them in!
Mariposia I hope I spelled that right!
Welcome and I am glad you decided to join in! How long have you known about Cathe? I am 44 I think I told you that. I was wondering what kind of diet did you do while on sts and the LIS? I have both and I really need to lose some weight I have about 20 to go. But it is really difficult to lose now. I lost 70 in my 20s. And have gained 30 when I turned 35 it seemed it just stuck on me! Then I lost 8 pounds here lately but it's by eating less food no matter what food it is to much I'll gain!

Okay today I did afrerburn!!! Oo that one is hard to me! But I did better this time then the last time i did it! I did muscle max yesterday and I did okay. I know we should push ourselves when we are under the weather but I try to listen to my body. I kniw my family will say I need to not exercise til the cold is completely gone! But honestly if my head don't hurt and I don't gave a fever the exercise does more then musenix to move that junk out! Lol I am constantly blowing my nose and really I feel better after I do it. I did take two days off when I felt like I had a fever and Elsa's achy. But I think laying down all that time can be just as bad if not worse. I think u must move the body around to get it to heal and sleep is important as well. But I did feel drained the day I got back to the exercise after two days off but yesterday and today it really cleared things up. The only thing now is breathing through my nose burns!! Eek.
I did I mention I have a temp job coming up? It is Tuesday and Thursday 830- 500. And only 6 weeks! And I don't mind that. I like temp lol it will give me the money to pay for my sons dog Bruno's shots he has to get.
They did the injection today he did well so far!
Good night ladies I'll bbt tomorrow!
hi girls! today was 4DS kickbox and legs for me. the kickbox felt easy, the legs and heavy weights, not so much:p. anyway, I am betting I will be sore tomorrow. is used a 40 lb barbell for squats and 20 for leg press and those other awful partial squats on the step she does:eek:. glad that is over with! tomorrow and Friday are upper body weights, then rest on Saturday before crossfire.

renee-- I agree about moving and working out when there is no fever. sometimes, though, when I am just coming down with something and feeling achey, it seems I am worse afterwards-- maybe it just speeds the gunk to get through me faster! today is absolutely freezing here for rik's bday! with the winds, it is super cold. I think the air temp is around 0 but will drop to -17 tonight with 35 below windchills:eek:. so glad to hear Bruno is doing well! congrats on the job and on getting through this rotation!

ladylep-- happy snow day! that sounds cold for you guys, though! hope it warms up soon! congrats on the weight loss and good luck with your new diet plan! I think the form of yoga I like to practice, called ashtanga, really does tone the body and it burns calories. it is intense, with constant flow/vinyasa and lots of upper body work. when I was just practicing it and nothing else, I was my very thinnest! it had me shed weight like nothing else. I am nervous to try that again, but may at least do it for a week. I told my sister about it, and she is extremely fit-- runs, swims, weights-- the next day after ashtanga she said every muscle in her body felt like it had been beaten with a bat! it really does get to places that cardio and weights can't, and I miss that:). hope that makes sense! lmk if you want/need more info.

mariposa-- sadly, I do not have sts:(. I do have LIS and xtrain-- maybe back to that for a while? I wonder what cathe has up her sleeve for February?


Mariposia I hope I spelled that right!
Welcome and I am glad you decided to join in! How long have you known about Cathe? I am 44 I think I told you that. I was wondering what kind of diet did you do while on sts and the LIS? I have both and I really need to lose some weight I have about 20 to go. But it is really difficult to lose now. I lost 70 in my 20s. And have gained 30 when I turned 35 it seemed it just stuck on me! Then I lost 8 pounds here lately but it's by eating less food no matter what food it is to much I'll gain!

Okay today I did afrerburn!!! Oo that one is hard to me! But I did better this time then the last time i did it! I did muscle max yesterday and I did okay. I know we should push ourselves when we are under the weather but I try to listen to my body. I kniw my family will say I need to not exercise til the cold is completely gone! But honestly if my head don't hurt and I don't gave a fever the exercise does more then musenix to move that junk out! Lol I am constantly blowing my nose and really I feel better after I do it. I did take two days off when I felt like I had a fever and Elsa's achy. But I think laying down all that time can be just as bad if not worse. I think u must move the body around to get it to heal and sleep is important as well. But I did feel drained the day I got back to the exercise after two days off but yesterday and today it really cleared things up. The only thing now is breathing through my nose burns!! Eek.
I did I mention I have a temp job coming up? It is Tuesday and Thursday 830- 500. And only 6 weeks! And I don't mind that. I like temp lol it will give me the money to pay for my sons dog Bruno's shots he has to get.
They did the injection today he did well so far!
Good night ladies I'll bbt tomorrow!

Hi, I hope you feel 100% good. My diet is at:8am: 1/3cup of oat brand with 1 scoop of protein powder,(because I'm not hungry in the morning), 10am exercises after that 1 scoop of protein powder like my snack, 12:30pm:4oz chicken with 2 cups of vegetables(green,steam)1 cup of whole grain raice or 1or 2 corn tortilla. 3:00pm, yogurt or 1 scoop of protein powder, 5 or 6pm: 4oz of chicken or 3eggs withe 1 egg, + 2 cups of vegetables, before bed 1 scoop of casein, 2 or 3 cups of cofee a day with 1 splenda. I'm thinking this week start to add 20 min. on my step after weights. We can help each other.

Mariposa. My name:Maritza.
hi girls. -15 air temp this morning with 40 below windchills. that about says it all!:eek: school was cancelled for imala and nygel, but alec still has to go to the u of m. I will be driving him there (as long as my car starts!) as I don't want him riding the buses in this cold. I just read on the news that a student at the u of m Duluth had to have another limb amputated from frostbite:eek:. I wish they would cancel classes for him today, but looks like everything is still running. the kids also have a chamber music concert tonight that I am wishing would just get cancelled or postponed. cannot believe this winter-- have never seen anything like it.

on a workout note, today is burn sets CBS for me as I don't have the GS series. will get to that soon before I have to take alec.

Maritza-- you are so careful with your diet! I wish I were that disciplined. I am vegan which means lots of fruits and veggies and I typically do one big green salad a day, but I eat lots of sweets, too-- like dark chocolate. last night was rik's bday and we had vegan carrot cake from whole foods. i only do whole grains and sprouted bread, but i think the sweets are what get me:eek:.

hi ladylep and renee! hope you both are doing well!


That is a nice way of eating!! I was doing better on my food intake but not so much the past week or two. I need to get back to eating better and less lol !

I hate u have to go out in all that snow! How awful that is! I wish you a safe trip! I can't imagine living there and having to fight that snow. I would be hybernating !

I did push pull last night that isn't second total body for this week and I still have a couple days to go! I am suppose to do cross fire yesterday but I am switching it up and I'll do crossfire today. My plan was to do the weights then a HIIT off of crossfire but I ran out of time yesterday. It was getting late.
I need to get my rear end in there and organize my pictures! I have so many and wanting to put some family pics in the frames and hang them up in a nice way. I have a grey dinning room and it is rather large and it is the room you see when u walk in so my thought is pictures of the family arranged although out that room with black frames. I can't believe how much frames are! Geez I will have to get only a couple at a time!

Have a great day every one!!
Hi lady Lep! Hope you are doing well today!
I'll be back later to post what I actually decide to do in the workout!
Hi ladies, sometimes I do like my 7 years old boy close my eyes when I see my plate full of vegetables and eat them, my husband make go out eat pizza or regular food, but he can't make eat ice cream, I'm from Guatemala and everymorning everyone has sweet bread for breakfast so here we doing the same but like for 3 months now I only eat one bite it is hard. Well ladies try to be warm because is too cold. Summer is caming very soon so we have to keep in mind our shorts, swimsuits. GOD be with every one .
Metabolic and other info found!

OK, so I did some research on metabolic workouts and weight loss and other workout related stuff. And this is what I found: Metabolic, Hiit, Interval Training: they might be all the same thing, good for weight loss, good for blasting through plateaus.

What is a metabolic workout:

"High-intensity interval training, a type of training that alternates period of maximal work with recovery periods, is a form of metabolic training... "
Cathe Friedrich - What Exactly Is a Metabolic Workout?

I really like this interview she did last year: I'm going to try to do the 6 things she recommends:
1) A stricter diet that limits processed foods and carbohydrate/fat intake
2) A minimum of 10 eight ounce glasses of water a day to flush out waste & toxins & improve digestion & circulation.
3) A solid night of 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. These three things play a very important role in your metabolism and how your body processes foods/cravings. (this may be the hardest for me!)

3 tips for amplifying results:
1) The first is to change your workout every day. Never do the same workout two days in a row EVER!
2) The second is to do at least one high intensity interval workout per week in addition to a range of moderate to high intensity the other days of the week. 3) Ideally try to do one high intensity interval workout every 5 days.
The third is to lift heavy weights for every body part every other week (but change your exercise order around each time you do it).

These are from the interview:

Cathe Friedrich on Diet, Workouts & the Most Overlooked Aspect of Health (Interview!)

I think I've also realized that all the cardio workouts in XTrain are Hiit/metabolic. I was just reading in the beginning of the user guide...so that means that all are hiit except for Burn Sets, Bis and Tris, CBS and Legs. But (and this was surprising to me) CLB and Hard Strikes are. So I feel like maybe all her latest workouts are Hiit, but maybe not Party Rockin' Step #1&2? I'm not sure. Thoughts? Please set me straight if this isn't correct.
Forgot to say that I did XTrain Bis and Tris this morning! I've missed that workout, goes so fast.

Weather-wise we are currently at 18º and we might get another storm this weekend! We already got 8-10" on Tuesday. Kids are loving it though!

Welcome Mariposa!

Hi Renee and Katie!
So I came up with a possible fat loss rotation, combined with clean eating of course!

I also realized that Jan. rotation is metabolic, but I only own 11 of the workouts she lists, seems like too much swapping for me.

I think I've also realized that all the cardio workouts in XTrain are Hiit/metabolic. I was just reading in the beginning of the user guide...so that means that all are hiit except for Burn Sets, Bis and Tris, CBS and Legs. But (and this was surprising to me) CLB and Hard Strikes are. So I feel like maybe all her latest workouts are Hiit, but maybe not Party Rockin' Step #1&2? I'm not sure. Thoughts? Please set me straight if this isn't correct.

So my generic rotation could look like this, with possible choices, and repeat:
I realized I don't necessarily have much ab work here, I guess 2-3 times a week?

T-heavy wts upper or lower-Pyramid Lower Body
Th-heavy wts lower or upper-Pyramid Upper Body
F-Legs-Turbo Barre
S-circuit-Drill Max
S-off or yoga

M-light wts-To The Max
T-Hiit-Imax 2
W-light wts-Super Cuts (although I think this is considered Hiit/Metabolic as well)
Th-Hiit-Hiit 20/40
F-circuit-Low Impact Circuit
S-Cardio-Party Rockin' Step #2
S-off or yoga

T-heavy wts-all-Muscle Max
Th-heavy wts-all-STS Total Body
F-Legs-Butt and Guts
S-Circuit-Drill Max
S-yoga or off

Did I classify those correctly? I still think it might also be helpful to be able to click on Hiit/Metabolic/Interval Training (if they are indeed the same thing) and see a list of DVDs. Also, maybe break the wts/toning section into light wts and heavy wts. That is if I read her interview correctly that every other week should be heavy wts alternating with light wts.
Hi ladies, today I did Gym style chest and tri and I try to used hevy weigths like sts but was hard because is 3 sets of 12 with small rest so I change the weights + a lot of push ups in the begining make me more hard lift the weights. I did my 30min in the stair master was no bad after GS. I have to take like 10 pills a day so I increase my water intake more at 2 liters. I have pre-menopause problem, is another obstacule to lose weight more faster so I have to go slow. If any one has the same pre-meno problem maybe can help me. For more at 6 months I was with my period 3 weeks and 1 week no, so my doctor give me some medicine for 3 months and work good but now the problem start over again. Some advice please. Take care ladies, Good nigth.
I am getting close to this I am not sure if I am in peri or not. I have not been sleeping but that is because I have been overwhelmed lately with personal issues. But when I do I am hoping to find a doctor that is a natural one my regular doctor now is into healing the body by eating fruits and veggies he and I kind of believe in the same things as far as trying to do that before taking pills. Like now I am on Xanax for anxiety to help me sleep but I don't take it all the time I didn't take anything before just try to beat depression and such with exercise but after I lost my son in sept the day before my birthday he decided to try me on that to calm me down some and Prozac but we are both hoping that I can cut that out all together soon. But I do suffer from bad headaches and instead of Xanax I take a very mild muscle relaxer or a migraine tab if I can't get rid of it with yoga and hit bath. So I am hoping he is also into bio identically hormones! Our DNA on a molecular level is suppose to be more like plants believe it or not and that is supposed to be safer then say the pills or creams that a regular doctor puts you on. I hear that reg hormones are made from a horses urine and we are no where near like a horse. So I hope to just continue to eat well exercise and soon take no pills, but if I have to is rather do bio identical hormones.
I wish I can be more help in that area. I guess we will be feeling are way through together.

Lady Lep
The rotation looks to be correct from what you posted. I think I like that only thing is like to do is the whole body heavy weights not upper and lower split. Only because I want to see how my body will respond. I hear to lose weight it is better to do while body at first till you lose then go to split or parts. I'm not sure where I read that!! Eek I never can remember my resources grr. Anyway I read that and the metabolic workouts are key to lose so this week I have put in a jog of 3 miles and let's see I did a metabolic one afterburn that one I dread cause it really is hard for me! Then I did push pull whole body heavy and tonight I did party rocking step 2 and that actually had my heart up pretty high through out so it felt like I was going pretty hard but steady so I am not sure if that is still considered steady or HIIT I wonder because I understand the concept of HIIT I think but if you are doing steady state it should be moderate intensity and when I jog it is moderate. Strange! But the step workout tonight my hr was higher then as if I was jogging! Not sure why but it is strange!

Katie how are you doing tonight? You must be still doing the January? I was but ended up substantiating for according to what I feel lol like I was suppose to do crossfire yesterday but I knew I wanted a weight total body so I did push pull and then today I did prs 2 because I wanted to do step and thought it would be moderate intensity cardio. But it felt more intense this time around. Maybe cause I was sick last week. ??
I was suppose to do kickbox and legs but I think I'll do that tomorrow! That way I will have worked legs three times in a week and upper body two times and cardio four or five days! If I can keep that up I should lose more weight but what's irritating is I have eaten more!! So I need to stop that!! How many times have I said that? Lol
Well I will let you lovely ladies go!
So glad everyone is doing good job on taking it to the max!!
hi girls! another busy day here so I was grateful for a short workout-- burn sets bis and tris and then a walk in the snow with bugsy and imala this afternoon. I had to take nygel to his cello lesson and he had a big rehearsal with his pianist for a recital that is supposed to happen on Monday (he is playing the lalo concerto). we'll see if the recital actually happens, though, as sunday night we are supposed to break the record for lowest temp here with minus 25 degrees and a high of only minus 11 on Monday!:eek: this winter has been horrendous! I am ready to book a flight someplace warm already--e except the kids have too many commitments here for that to ever happen!:rolleyes: oh well. just hoping none of the pipes freeze in the house and the cars keep starting.:p

ladylep-- your rotation looks great and thanks for all the info! the only thing I would say is that TTM is a HiiT workout more than a weights workout. it does have the compound legs segment, but I don't know that my body could do the intense cardio and leg blasts of that and then follow it with a hard step workout the next day-- but you may be different than me!;) great info, though, and so glad that you have something planned out!

renee-- I am still in the January rotation with one week to go--I have CF coming on sunday. I actually think that is easier for me than afterburn! so glad that one isn't on the planner this week! I am with you on treating things naturally! I won't do animal products, so not sure what I will use for menopause! I may just be sweating it out, lol! great job on the workouts! hope you are getting some better sleep these days!

Maritza-- great job on your workouts, too! hope you get some relief from the peri-menopause stuff...no fun:(:confused:

I will try and check back tomorrow on my rest day, but will be gone most of the day. hope you all have a fun Friday night!

Hi ladies, Renee you make think I hope my medicine doesn't came from horses,man to bad, I hope with all my heart you depression go awy very soon. Exercises well cardio core is pain full. Good nigth ladies
This morning I did X10 low impact. My plan was to do low impact and fat burning circuit but I was so tired this morning! Tomorrow I was planning on XTrain CBS, but now I'm thinking about Renee said about fat loss and total body vs a split. We'll see. JTrain is interested in starting to lift wts with me and since there is so much instruction in XTrain, I thought that might be good place to start with very light wts as he's only 12. But it is Saturday tomorrow after all, and he wants to sleep in in may not be interested in working out with me at all. So I might try a longer wo with cardio and wts. I was thinking about BM2 but being 90 mins and I'm afraid of it!! Or maybe HC Interval Circuit, Low Impact Circuit or Drill Max.

Katie- I'm glad you mentioned Imax 2 right after TTM. I'll have to move one of those!
Rest day for me I didn't sleep good didn't fall asleep till 330! And now I am up again it is 329 . Anyway tomorrow I hope to do kickbox from 4ds
Hi ladies today GS back,shoulders bic, my bic was in pain but so happy in the end I felt so good and a extra small routine 20 times each some in 40 times another ones I'm supost to do one min.each but mon I will.

15 Minute Full Body Workout (1 minute each exercise)

Deep Squat with Overhead Shoulder Press
Med Ball Chop with Squat and Right Twist
Med Ball Chop with Squat and Left Twist
Squat Jacks
Speed Skaters
Incline Pushups on Flat Bench or Step
Right Leg Reverse (step back) Lunge with Knee Raise
Left Leg Reverse (step back) Lunge with Knee Raise
Alternating Step-Ups on flat bench or step
V-Up Abs on Bench or Floor
Bicycle Crunches
Side Plank w Left Hip Lift
Side Plank w Right Hip Lift
*REPEAT ENTIRE CIRCUIT for total of 30 minutes. May have to work
up to 2 rounds of this circuit.

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