Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi girls! just got home from a day of running around. stopped at whole foods and got enough food to (hopefully) last us through Tuesday if it gets as bad as they are saying it will. schools are already talking about cancelling classes again, so we'll see. it was a rest day for me-- will be crossfire and stability ball abs tomorrow.

ladylep-- I also meant to tell you (you may already know!) that cathe had a great rotation for her CF/TTM workouts back from the summer when they came out. I did that once and it really did lean me out-- granted, it was in the summer when I am outside more and eating close to raw-- but it is a great metabolic rotation, too:). I could find it for you, if you like. great job getting in one x10 when you were tired! those are all intense, I think.

renee-- I hope you get some sleep tonight! I was up last night, too-- racing mind, I guess:(.

Maritza-- great job on the workouts! sounds like a tough and effective add-on!

alright, time to figure out dinner!

good night,

Lady Lep that is so cute he wants to start training!! I think you have some good ideas on what to start off with. I also like push pull

Katie are you thawing out yet?
So when u. Did the crossfire and TTM rotation get u to a smaller pant. Or did the scales see it as well? I am starting to like crossfire and afterburn now. I lived it before but they were so scary! But I had afterburn and crossfire two times in thus rotation and. I really felt great that I did it and felt accomplished!
Where did u get the add on? That is a hard wo!

Today I did Cathe MM !! Ian getting better at it. Got in all reps! Well except the lunges with bob man them low pulses suck! And I am closer to using her weight in this one!! I can tell I am getting stronger!
Then after mm I tacked. On get addicted heavy bag workout it is. 45 minutes but I was running late for my date with DH! So had to stop at 30 minutes! This was a good cardio! I was surprised. It was fun and hard but wasn't over the top hard. Punching has a good rhythm kicking and jacks and mountain climbers it was fun. So altogether is was DH says two hour but I don't think so. I really wanted to start my week off good! I really like the get addicted DVDs so far I will preview the rest and let you! Well I hope we all get some sleep!
hi girls! not much sleep here and I got very sad news today that my cousin passed away this morning-- she had been suffering from cancer that had metastasized, so no more suffering, but still such a loss:(. I didn't feel like it at first, but did my workout anyway-- crossfire plus stability ball abs, plus I added in some yoga-- and burned 687 calories. happy with that!

renee-- you know, I don't know if I dropped a pant size or not as in the summer I pretty much am in shorts and dresses, but I know I was definitely leaner. as far as the sizes dropping, that happened when I was doing ashtanga yoga 6 days a week, with nothing else. go figure! way to go on the workouts! I like CF and AB, too! especially when I am finished with them! :D:p who is the instructor on the new workouts you have? oh, and no thawing out here. it is supposed to drop to twenty below tonight with fifty below windchills. I am guessing all the schools will be closed tomorrow and probably Tuesday, too, as this junk is supposed to last until Wednesday.:eek:

ladylep-- I forgot to mention how cool it is that your son wants to work out with you! thanks for reminding me, renee! it is so easy to forget stuff on these posts.

hello Maritza!


Hi, yes is hard but when you finish you felt good, I get this rotation from Jennifer Rankin she is from bodibuilding company, and I have more to share with you ladies and case some one want to follow after cathe.
Katie I can't remember her name now it took awhile to find her name. It wasn't on the DVDs . Strange.. It was merel I will check tomorrow . Today I was so tired and I was really so sad .. It is a. Struggle sometimes to not think to much but I just couldn't help it I miss ryan so bad I just cried as if I just heard about it. It is strange but when I talk to other moms they said it does that. It's not like any grief you are known or would know. It's as if almost everyday that I'm alive I know he isn't. Well anyway that is so tiring the grief can drain you and I started having anxiety again so took a Xanax I hadn't had one of them over two weeks. Then I slept most of the day!
I felt so crappy I had to get a workout in and so hard strikes I felt was fast and fun and get over with lol so it was 10 before I did it. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
Holy cow Afterburn!!! I just did this for the first time!! I could do all the mountain climbers or burpees!!! I hate those!! That workout was so hard!! You guys weren't kidding!

Off to a place called Oasis for the kids an indoor playground and family fun center. Hubby is taking the day off so we decided to too! Then we might go see Frozen before dinner, basketball practice and the FPU (Dave Ramsey class). :)

Okay have to stop typing now I just got car sick. Hello to everyone have a great day!
hi girls! cancelled schools today so imala and alec have been home. nygel's cello recital is still on for tonight-- which I cannot believe, as it will be about -15 when we leave here:(, windchills are around 40 below. I guess the show must go on, but I hope we all stay safe. would much rather stay at home. tomorrow is more of the same and I have to work tomorrow night-- hoping the car starts!

renee-- thank you for the condolences. I am sorry you are hurting, but like you say, I am guessing that is something that never goes away and some days will just be very hard. I still have bad days and miss my mom so, I cannot imagine losing a child. hugs and hope today was better.

ladylep-- your day sounds fun! yes, AB is intense, right?:eek:

hello Maritza!

well, today I had wanted to do B&G but with all the kids here, I didn't have the time, so I did lean legs and abs-- I do love that workout. tomorrow is upper body weights, I believe.. with more tabatas coming on Thursday. I am wondering if school will be cancelled again tomorrow-- that will be 5 days this January!


How are you today? I hope well!!i hope you fill me in in the exercises you are talking about! Love to hear new stuff!

Katie thanks for your understanding! I hope u don't have to go out in the snow at all! It is actually calling for 3-6 inches here! Here in SC !! What in the world ? I have seen it snow two times in 15 years here and at the most it was an inch then melted the next day. Once in 09 we had a nice storm! But they are saying a winter storm warning of ice and sleet with accumulation if 3 to 6 inches !! Eek I left Wv to get away from all that business! Lol I blamed it on my friend Lisa lol. She just got here so I said the snow has followed her here.

Lady Lep you said you did do all the mountain climbers? And burped! ? WTG!! I can't do ALL of them but I think I only did it three times and that is because. It is soo hard! But I was thinking of forcing myself to do this one once a week till I can do the whole thing like Cathe. I do the whole thing but I have to stop before her on the mountain climbers lol. It was a dread factor but I have been getting better so I think it is something to work towards!
Today I did intensity the 73 minute one it was hard as well maybe I should not have done the maximum intensity premix but I'm glad I did! I got through it all but I did pause the DVD a couple times. I was determined not to stop. So I may try intensity again once a week as well. I need to pick one or two weight workouts to do for three weeks and four or five cardios To do and stick with those for three weeks to be able to see an improvement but I have so many DVD I don't do one enough to "nail it" if u know what I mean. I really want to see progression.
I did hard strikes yesterday. Not sure what to do tomorrow maybe mm again to see if I am even better cause I did go heavier last time for a few exercises and some was same weight as I used before but I did all reps with better form so I sen some progress!

Well I hope you all stay safe! I will be laughing at the people here tomorrow because none of them are used to snow and they act nutty! I think it's so funny cause it won't be flurries or anything but go to the store and there's no bread or milk cause people are afraid it's going to snow some lol I always think geez I remember driving in lots of snow and the roads was curt and steep WV roads are no joke. I hope none of the South Carolinians ever go to wv in the snow! They will be in trouble! I also read a pole said sc drivers are amount the top five worst ever drivers! Well I have to agree! None moves over if they see you trying to merge into traffic they hardly used blinkers! They pass you in a hurry to get I front of you if they see the road is merging into one lane! I just laugh.
Have a great night everyone!
Renee- just to clarify, I wasn't able to do all the burpees or mountain climbers, but I did a few and some all for each set of reps. I paused but didn't pause the DVD.

Today was tons of fun! Oasis was a hit and we all (6 of us!) climbed in these tubes and things, like chuck e cheese but way bigger. Between the workout and the climbing, I'm already feeling sore in my butt and my legs!! Then we say Frozen in the theatre. Great movie!

I'm falling asleep, so indeed to say goodnight. On tap for tomorrow is STS total body, and intensity for Wednesday and then MM for Thursday.

Hi Katie and Marizta (sp?)!
Hi ladies today I did legs and glutes (second week from january rotation). I buy my food scale to weigth my food, I need to burn some body fat for the summer. I hope I get it. Good nigths ladies.:)
Hi all,
I did STS Total Body this morning. I skipped the warm up, cool down and didn't get many abs in, I couldn't do all those push ups either! But still got in a 50 min or so workout in. Tomorrow I plan to do intensity or at least a premix from it. I'm not feeling well tonight, achy back and belly not feeling good. Maybe tmi, but I'm hoping it's just gas!

Hi ladies today I did legs and glutes (second week from january rotation). I buy my food scale to weigth my food, I need to burn some body fat for the summer. I hope I get it. Good nigths ladies.:)
Good job on legs! I need to do that one soon again.
I'd love to hear how and if the food scale works. I need to lose fat as well! Ugh! So hard!! I feel as if I need to eat almost nothing!
Hi all, I did STS Total Body this morning. I skipped the warm up, cool down and didn't get many abs in, I couldn't do all those push ups either! But still got in a 50 min or so workout in. Tomorrow I plan to do intensity or at least a premix from it. I'm not feeling well tonight, achy back and belly not feeling good. Maybe tmi, but I'm hoping it's just gas! Night!
Lady lap you did great getting the TB in at all today. For some reason I felt drained today so I made this the rest day and did a sin or restorative yoga. Then I felt sleepy!
Marked hope u are doing okay! I aam hoping your dogs are able to go potty now! I heard it is bad all over! It finally snowed here about 930 about two inches! It happens but it is rare! It is 11 and still snowing!
I was sleepy and of course I go to lay down and what happens? I'm wide awake! So Netflix it's the really old star track is what I am watching! I used to love that but it is still an old fav yet not as exciting.hoping That it will me fall asleep!
Feeling better today, but not up for Intensity so I did yoga max, express #2 35 min. That camel pose, I could only do one of those touching my heels. My stomach still hurts some but I'm well enough to take my boys to SALT, their homeschool classes and then I have a little break in my women's Bible study. We are doing Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself: the fruit of the Spirit. My fave of her studies! This is the second time doing it, I did it 8 years ago. If I feel better I'd love to be able to get in a tabata or something short. But I won't be home until after 1 and I'm out again for my WW meeting and out with a friend after that. But my scales, new scale just replaced it yesterday! Said I was around 10 pounds under what I was 3 weeks ago! By tonight will be the true test. Once I hit my goal 150- according to the doc (WW goal is 152)- I will think about adding back in some wheat and chocolate.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to do Muscle Max.

Have a great day all!
Hi ladies today I start to drink amino acids 2 times a day one scoop in the morning and another after work out with protein (if is nigth time I used casein), and pre-workout. I did GS Chest-Tri + one round of this is like 15min.

5 Minute Circuits (1 minute each exercise)
Squat Jacks *This is a bodyweight squat where you squat down touch your hands to
outer ankles and pop up into a jumping jack continuously.
Speed Skaters *Jump or step side to side in a side lunge position with opposite hand
touching opposite toe in a twisting motion
Push-ups *on knees or toes. You can make these as difficult or easy as necessary.
Alternating Reverse Curtsey Lunge *Step backwards and to the side as in a
curtsey. Point front toe out slightly. This targets inner thighs and glutes.
Moving Plank *start in plank position walk hands to toes and back out to plank.
Jump Squats
Plank with Right Knee to Left Elbow *continuous crunch motion
Squats with Alternating Front Kicks
Plank with Left Knee to Right Elbow *continuous crunch motion
Mountain Climbers
Bicep Curl w Stationary Right Lunge (Left foot raised on flat bench or
chair behind u)
Hammer Curl w Stationary Left Lunge (R foot raised on flat bench or
chair behind u)
Tricep Dips on Bench or Chair
Plié Squat with Upright Row


My food scale is ok first time used but I did weigth my chicken:D, my oat brand in the morning, some vegetables.:D
I try very hard to get wath I want, I hope I get if not I will be so depresss and mad.:mad: Good nigth ladies.
Feeling better today, but not up for Intensity so I did yoga max, express #2 35 min. That camel pose, I could only do one of those touching my heels. My stomach still hurts some but I'm well enough to take my boys to SALT, their homeschool classes and then I have a little break in my women's Bible study. We are doing Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself: the fruit of the Spirit. My fave of her studies! This is the second time doing it, I did it 8 years ago. If I feel better I'd love to be able to get in a tabata or something short. But I won't be home until after 1 and I'm out again for my WW meeting and out with a friend after that. But my scales, new scale just replaced it yesterday! Said I was around 10 pounds under what I was 3 weeks ago! By tonight will be the true test. Once I hit my goal 150- according to the doc (WW goal is 152)- I will think about adding back in some wheat and chocolate. Tomorrow I'm going to try to do Muscle Max. Have a great day all!

I am going to have to listen to that Beth Moore I just heard a mom tell another mom that Beth lost a child to. Not sure what age but maybe she can give me some clarity or a better way to look at it. I have been adding in yoga to! Yesterday I did yoga only today I did yoga for my neck and hands but I did supersets today and I actually used Cathes weight she used! I have never been able to do that! I always went really lighter them her and I still couldn't do all reps. But It has been a long time coming and I know as is easy for some well it go easy for me till I kept getting heavier so I said I'm gonna try to do Cathes weights on this since she isn't going as heavy as she does now! So I did and I got an awesome burn!! I even sweated! I used 12 pounds for concentration curls and that burned! I used to use 8 then 10 and now I did what she did and I worked for it but I Caligula feel the muscle popping !! Then since I didn't do but yoga yesterday I did step party 2 premix timesaver blending step 1 and 2 together that was 34 minutes! Perfect for day u lift and u are sneaking in a cardio. I didn't want a really hard cardio and not to long just enough to elevate the heart rate and for 30 minutes! Fun so all together I did hour and 30 minutes today.
Maritsa what workout is that? It looks as hard as afrerburn! Lol love it!
I know you will reach ur goal!!
I wish I can lose but hubby says I have lost weight and he thinks I am looking great he says lol. Not sure if he is making me feel better or what ! Lol.

Katie's I hope u are are thawing out now !! It is gold her to.

Good night everyone it 354 finally ready to sleep

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