Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

Frigid update from Downingtown (45-60 min west of Philly. We lost power around 5:30 this morning and PECO says we have over 650,000 power outages! So no body max 2 for me today but I may do some jumping jacks and burpees and my own step routines to keep warm!!

The walking lunges are super hard. I could only do 150. And it was hard to keep count. We may go to the library for warmth and free wifi!
hi girls! another long yoga session for me. today I did flow yoga with lots of core and upper body work/balances for 72 minutes. two more days of this and then it's time to mix it up with cathe:). my sleep has been some better this week, and I wonder if it's not from all the yoga (headstands and shoulderstands seem to do the trick for me). will have to remember this for all my insomnia jags.

ladylep-- I am so sorry you are without power! yikes! what a time to have that happen! we had our week without in the summer and that was bad enough, but winter with no heat here and I think we would have to go stay somewhere else! hope you got some warmth at the library.

renee-- how is the butt rotation going? that does look painful!:eek: I keep forgetting to tell you that I saw the video of your sweet doggies on facebook (am still lurking there, but lying low!). they are so adorable! and it was good to put a voice with your face!:)

hello Caitlin and Maritza!

we don't have the snow here, but the cold is back with a vengeance. 20 below windchills through tomorrow night and of course we have loads of things to do and places to go tomorrow.:rolleyes:


Hi all! I'm happy to be warm at my mom and step father's home, they have no power but they do have a whole house generator. Hubby will be going home to sleep by the fire (enough wood for one small fire), he's worried about getting water in the basement. He has turned off the water and drained the pipes. He will come back to shower and then head back west past our house to go to work. We will have our regular school day here, I really hope they work!!

So...I brought workout clothes but no DVDs, step or wts. So Hubby is going to bring stuff for me, I was wondering if you all could help me in telling me what wts I need. They have here: pairs of 5s and 8s, single 12, and a 35 pound barbell w/o any wts on it. And they I'm having Hubby pick up these DVDs from home BM2, 4d ( for subbing cardio kicks and boot camp with kickboxing and boot camp), PUB/PLB, IMAX 2 to cover the first week of the feb rotation. What wts should I have him bring? Or do you all have other ideas?

Hi Katie, Renee and Maritza and to the new girl, I'm sorry I forget your name on I can't go look w/o canceling my post!

Stay warm all!
We have power!! We have power!! Got it back late this morning but didn't get home until about 2. And after laundry, unpacking and dinner prep, it was time for my WW meeting and then put the kids to bed. I lost another 1.8 pounds!!! That's a total of 9.4# in 4 weeks!! So I'm just under 10 # from being free to meetings. I did allow myself some breaking on chicken that my mom had made last night with lots of butter and some chocolates last night and I allowed myself my 5 min double batch brownie. But I did only a single batch and used spelt flour instead of white and next time, I'll try to replace some of the sugar and/or butter with applesauce or something. I used to have them once a week, andIi would double it with 1/2 stick of butter!! I think I'm going to allow it to myself once a month now.

Ok, hopefully I can wake up tomorrow for body max 2 but it's so long, I'm afraid of it. I may try 4Day kickboxing 30 min in place of the cardio kicks and try the BM 2 on Saturday but I have Little K's family bday party and I have know idea what we are getting him or making for him......

Night all!
Hi everyone!! I can not believe I didn't post for two days!! I have been doing the workouts.
Yesterday I did punished upper body and my bis are so sore finally! Seemed like it took me forever to get sore in this area !!! Today was butts and guts! Man yesterday it called for 300 walking lunges! I can't keep up with that many! I can count to 300 of course lol but I lose track so fast lol I did 100 and it was enough hope soon I can do 300 maybe I'll add in 100 tomorrow and keep doing that so I'll get 300 in in a week!
Gosh I went to neurologist today for the headaches and I told him I get them still but as soon as I take the muscle relaxer it goes away but a few times it didn't so I then take the migraine pill and it helped so I have controlled but I want to know why in having them so well he said that he wants to get to y I'm having them also but he gave me something in powder form to take and try that and if I still get them to let him know I go back in a month and I am to write a journal as to when and what I was doing when I got it. I don't know so now I have more meds.. My liver is gonna be shot taking so much meds! Irritating for sure! Well I am not real clear yet on how to take it so I'll pick it up from pharmacy tomorrow then I will call if I still am not clear. So oh my gosh I have been exercising late at night cause u wouldn't believe what I did yesterday! I have never ever done this and I hate shopping. I went and dropped Lisa off at work 8 am I then drove to walmart in search of vitamins and picture frames ( I need a ton of them). Well I read labels on the vitamins. Got collagen pills, green tea coffee beans DH some vitamins :) good vitamins (wink) sorry TMI. I must have read a bunch then went to the frames then went to cloths cosmetics I thought man I know I been on here a while it was raining bad out so I stayed longer ! No since driving in the rain. I still felt like I was in there three hours I hate doing that so I finally got back to the car it was 230!! Already almost time to get Lisa! I have never been shopping that long ever and for sure not in the same store! I'm so embarrassed. I spent to much money and I didn't get a thing accomplished ! Can u believe this? I can not I promise I did know anyone could be there that long!

Lady Lep I'm sorry about the power! Eew I used to hate winters in WV , it seemed like that's when heater busted pipes burst or ceiling falls in lol one year we were in wv we had to shovel snow off the roof our garage had caved in due to the snow on top so we hurried and got it off the house. I just can't stand it there because of my back hurts in the cold but wv is so pretty and friendly people!! I miss it but not the cold! I hope everything is ok. I think u should try to do BM 2 like it is, cause I feel the workout goes by fast! I did that one last Saturday. So fun !

Katie are you still doing yoga only now?
As u all can see I'm still awake !! Once I fall asleep I'm good it's getting there that sucks.
Okay tomorrow I hope I can get my pictures organized I am trying to save what I want and give the rest to my sisters! I went around looking for all photos and now I have them all on dinning table and I'm lost! Don't know one thing of organizing! I'm good at cleaning but to organize I lose things! Lol,

Okay good night all who are reading this have a great night!
hi girls! quick post from me as I need to get busy with my yoga and then take nygel to cello lesson. was out late last night in the subzero temps for the kids' chamber music groups and cello choir. always running! I saw a weather report that said we may see 40 degrees here next Saturday! that would feel like summer at this point! also, I keep forgetting to mention, but rik has his hernia surgery coming up on 2/19-- what would have been my mom's 85th bday-- worried about that and hoping it goes well.

renee-- I can get lost in target and spend way too much time in there! sorry about your migraines:(. I wish you could find some relief. have you tried acupuncture? my brother used it for treatment after a stroke and for migraines, and it was the only thing that brought relief. just a thought:). wow that rotation sounds like a killer! I am still doing yoga this week, and have planned a rotation for myself combing yoga and cathe starting on sunday. I am super sore! ashtanga really is intense. I am always talking about it so you are probably getting sick of it, but here is a little snippet from a primary series led class: Ashtanga Yoga: Traditional Full Primary Series Yoga Video with Kino MacGregor at Miami Life Center. check out the instructors body from ashtanga! would love to lean out again and am hoping I can figure out a good combo. how are your doggies doing?

ladylep-- woo hoo! so glad you have your power back!! hopefully no more big storms for you guys!

hello Caitlin and Maritza!

better fly,

H all! Renee- so sorry about your headaches! I hope you get some relief! I didn't have time for BM2 so I did the kickbox portion from 4Day. I will attempt BM2 tomorrow. But time will again be a factor, B has a basketball game at 11:30 and we have Keegan's birthday party tomorrow at 3 and I haven't made anything yet for it, :(. But since he has a cold and nasty cough, I'm trying to postpone to next week.

Katie- I checked out on of those yoga links and may try one.

Gotta run, time to make lunch and head out 30 mon east to drop JTrain off at volleyball practice and go do a little food shopping of their school work is finished. But B is. It sitting still and is driving me batty! He is 7.5 yo.
hi girls. so, yesterday ended up being pretty rough. had a good yoga practice, then we had lunch and nygel and I went to his cello lesson. on the way from there to pick up imala I checked my email and learned that my dear aunt, my mom's youngest sister, in now in hospice. she has been struggling with cancer "of unknown origin" for years now, and I had been wondering what was up with her as we usually talk all of the time and were supposed to visit with her a couple of weeks ago and she cancelled. so, is has been since before Christmas that we have seen her. she has the same disposition that my mom did, and doesn't like to complain or make people worry, so I never have been sure if we were getting the whole story. it turns out, she refused chemo last week and is now off all of her treatments. the poor woman weighs 88 lbs. I am so bummed. this is all too close to the time mom entered hospice last year (she passed away 3/13/13) and is brining up all sorts of tough memories. especially since barb (my aunt) and I have always been super close. she is imala's godmother and she is the youngest of all my mom's siblings. somehow I always figured she would beat this and be around to see the kids grow up. anyway, I am so sad, and of course, it seems whenever I have this kind of emotions, I woke up with my period. blech. so now cramps as well. anyway, today is my rest day and tomorrow I start my rotation. hoping I can pull it together and be positive, but couldn't sleep last night thinking of another loss in the family.:(

I hope you all are having a nice weekend. ladylep, happy birthday to little keegan. I hope he feels better for his big day!

how are you doing with those headaches, renee?

talk soon,

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So sorry to hear about your aunt, Katie! Hope you have a chance to be who her soon.

I did all of Body Max 2 this morning!! I didn't think I was going to make it!fifteen min into it I was already huffing and puffing, then the straight cardio was over and I was into the circuits, those blasts were tough! But once I was into the upper wts, I knew I could finish! The abs were hard too! The side ones up on my left arm were too hard. I had to go to bent leg. I need to go back to physical therapy for lithe same spot on my left elbow. I also could do all the push ups. JTrain did some of the uppers body wts with me! He used 3# and 5 and sometimes 8s! He couldn't do the pushups well, but I showed him how I took a lot of breaks with those too. And he was finished after the first group of tricep exercises!

We postponed the party until next Saturday. He sounds terrible.

Hi Renee!

Have a great weekend all!
Hi lady Lep!! That is wonderful body max2 all the way !! I felt the same when I did it! I thought of geez how am I gonna do 93 minutes ?but I said in gonna take it a section at a time and not think of it as one long one and before I knew it I was done with that section! I think that is y I like cross train and x10 ! It is broke up into different things so it seems to go by fast! I love it you son was working out with you! Isn't that fun!?

Katie hi
I am so sorry to hear about ur aunt! That is not good news. It is not easy being positive at a time like this. Remember we r here for you . Gosh I think losing our loved ones makes life harder to bare! It makes me think that by the time it is our time to go we won't be to afraid because so much sadness here or we have lost a lot of people already. Idk. It is a hard thing to think about.

Today I was not doing well again dang headache two days! I rested today I was suppose to do flex train but I'll do it and yoga tomorrow. I did kick max yesterday. Man I wish I had Cathes body in kick max! Lol she has a rockin body any way but in kick max and high step challenge I think her abs are great and arms! I'd love to look like that!
Oh neurologist put me on a pill called trokendi xr 50 mg at night to prevent migraines and a powder to take when I get one and keep taking imitrex when I get a migrane that nothing touches. He says trokendi will work but I have to take it a while first. I just want to know WHY I get them and fix the why not cover up the why do u all know what I mean? Side effects is weight loss ( not bad). But the ones I'm scared of is intolerance to getting hot , some will faint if they get hot! What about exercise? Also side effect that suppose to go away is foggy, loss of words, forget words, forget train of thought, tingly feet.

Geez really? I'm already a ding bat! Lol
I hate taking medication but I can't love with headaches everyday either!
Renee, sorry about the meds, they better work with those side affects!

Imax2 today! What fun that workout is! I was dying at the first "goodie" but by the 3rd one, I was loving it!

Well, I have 4 boys with colds, well, JTrain just has a cough now...and we have more snow tonight! I really do love it, I just don't love the ice. Only 1-3 inches this time.

Week plan:
T-Body Max boot camp premix. Not sure how I'm going to fit that long wo in on a weekday, but I will try!
W-yoga or PLB or off
If I make it, I will have finished first week of Feb rotation

F-Step Blast
S-4Day Kickbox

Hi Katie!
Lady Lep I love IMAX 2 as well!!
Darn colds! It seems kids are always getting sick when the weather is bad.i remember though my kids would be fine no sickness but had to get there shots and I didn't see or hear any other sick kids there but sure enough a couple days later they'd all be having colds !! Lol

Yes it better start working I hate taking medication in the first place. But he claims this will give him some indication of what is going on. I'm not seeing how that is possible if I'm using different ones. But the one I take at night will cause fatigue and I can tell that today! My HR was up during flex train high! I even had to go lower on weights squats wasn't as deep !! I didn't think I'd make it then I waited a few hours to catch up on my rotation and I did x10 the 52 minute premix and again used lighter weights then normal! Push-ups on knees all the way usually I do first and second sets as is then go to knees but this time my energy was drained and HR was crazy. I was heating up to fast! I am not sure how this is gonna work! So I googled it and some say if u stick to the meds the side effects go away. And the plus side effect is some weight lose, I can stand that. But I don't like going lighter on the weights and losing my muscle gain. Well I'm gonna keep pushing through but I will listen to my body maybe add a nap in even though I feel so lazy doing that!

Katie I hope u r ok! I am praying and thinking of u and you aunt!
Hi Melissa, Eva, Mazirta, and that other lady I forgot her name I am sorry!! Eek!
hi girls. sorry I was off the boards over the weekend. just thinking of my aunt and then got more sad news:(. a friend of mine from high school passed away on Friday morning. he was 45, married and had two young kids. apparently he had a heart condition that had gone undiagnosed and ending up affecting his blood's ability to clot. anyway, he had been in the hospital for several days and I had been in touch with his brother, who is my age. they were thinking he would pull through, but he passed away. so sad. it seems like this month is off to a pretty rough start. anyway, thanks for your thoughts and prayers for my aunt and sorry to deliver more sad news.

yesterday I did start my new rotation. will be doing lots of HiiT and metabolic training plus plenty of yoga. yesterday I did pyramid HiiT and then an hour of jivamukti yoga. everything felt pretty intense, but am thinking it is from all the emotional stuff going on.

renee-- that is scary on the heartrate stuff! please be careful! did your doctor say that you should modify workouts until your body adjusts on this new med? I want you to be headache free, too, but sometimes I wonder about all these new meds and their side effects. you do so great on your workouts, so I wouldn't worry about any temporary losses in muscle strength-- it will all come back quickly. be gentle with yourself.

ladylep-- great job on the long workouts! I haven't done body max 2 in a long time, but I do remember that is quite the workout! hope everyone feels better there soon!

hello Caitlin and Maritza!


Hi Katie, sorry about your friend! This def. isn't a good month start for you". You need some good news to come your way!

Renee, I agree with Katie, take it easy with the new meds and listening to your doc is the only advice I have.

I would love to hear the whole week plan for those of you who plan that far!

I did all of PUB this morning at 5:30!! What a great workout! Tomorrow is BM2 BootCamp premix 78 min on a week day is going to be tough, I have my alarm set for 5, in hopes that I will be finished and in the shower by 6:30, I'll wake the kids at 7 and then start breakfast. Hopefully they will be down with jobs completed (make bed, pjs away, get dressed, laundry and empty dishwasher) by 7:30 so we can start school by 8/8:15.

My other option would be do yoga or PLB, but I really don't want to change things around again!

Unfortunately, I didn't stick with my wheat free sugar free from Thursday until yesterday and I put on 4 pounds!! Today I had only fresh fruit and veggies, 93% lean ground beef (left over taco meat from last night), chicken in my tortilla soup (tomatoes, broth, corn, everyone else had cheese and tortilla strips but I didn't,) and then I had a banana with peanut butter. I'm going to try to stay eating this way for the rest of the week so I can have some chocolate for Valentine's Day!

Hi Maritza!
Katie I'm so sorry to hear about ur HS friend! So many losses !!
My sister lost someone close her her and my daughter n law and my others sisters daughter was having seizures! It seems so unreal!

Yes I am trying to be careful I am doing the butt rotation to the max was today and it made me so thirsty and it was saying u can over heat easy cause your body can't sweat but I was sweating so that was good I drank a lot before during and after to. To the max usually is easier for me the crossfire but i had to stop a lot! I was disappointed but I tried to remember it's only temporary and do what I can and if I have to walk in place so what? I can always jump back in. Frustrating but that's what I did. Tomorrow I hope is weight workout not sure. But in hoping that hasn't changed! We will see!
Catlin where are you? Hope u r doing well
Lady Lep hope you are doing well!!
Oh calling for ice and snow here again!!
Oh forgot to add I was suppose to add on the BBW I could not do it I had to pick up Lisa so one I didn't have enough time and two I just didn't have the rnergy. And u are right Katie I hate taking the meds that's why I waited so long before I even went to the doctor about them and I would exercise them away or yoga or baths or ice sleep and sometimes nothing helped is have them for days and they were getting more frequent and longer more intense I just wish they would find out why they are happening ! Why do they have to give u pills I made it clear I wanted to find out y. He claims this will help him determine why. I don't see how. Idk I see it may cause more problems like liver damage kidney damage and make the doctors have more money at the expense of my health. Idk what to do. My sister says you have to try once in a while.
hi girls. thank you for the kind words on the loss of my friend. it feels like we are losing too many people lately:(. I need to plan out a time to go see my aunt again, as I guess they are starting her on morphine soon. that always seems like the end to me-- at least it definitely was so with my mom. anyway, rik heard that his cousin is pregnant with her second little one, so at least there is some new life around, too.

today I did flextrain plus just a short vinyasa yoga segment. so far so good on this rotation. I have still been getting some DOMS and I have been sleeping better than usual (which still isn't great), so I will take it. ladylep, you asked if anyone planned out their week. here is what my yoga/HiiT rotation looks like:

sun: pyramid HiiT + 1 hour jivamukti yoga
mon: ashtanga primary series
tues:flextrain + short yoga sequence
weds:ashtanga primary series
thurs: cardio supersets + short yoga sequence
fri: 30/30 HiiT
sat: rest

sun: 110 min kest advanced yoga cd
mon: crossfire
tues: ashtanga primary series
weds: party rockin step 2
thurs: jivamukti yoga
fri: X10 37 min premix
sat: rest

sun: supercuts + yoga of choice
tues: ashtanga primary series
weds: lean legs and abs + short yoga sequence
thurs: ashtanga primary series
fri: hardstrikes
sat: rest

sun:AOLIH plus 1 hour jivamukti yoga
mon: bryan kest yoga
tues: crossfire
weds:ashtanga primary series
thurs: jivamukti yoga
fri: pyramid HiiT

I am on the first week, so will see what kind of results this brings me. the ashtanga primary series is intense and takes about 85-90 minutes to do.

ladylep-- you are doing so well with your workouts!! getting up so early and getting them in! way to go! I wouldn't worry about the weight gain for the week and I think you deserve some chocolate on Friday!

renee-- I think you should give the meds a chance, unless you are having really bad reactions or side effects, as long as they are keeping the headaches away. I wish you could find the cause, too! did I ask if you ever tried acupuncture? great job on your workouts, too! I haven't done TTM in a while, and that one is super tough to me. sorry about your sister losing her friend, too.:(

hello Caitlin and maritza! where are you guys?


Nice rotation there!
Everyone came home early because we are having snow and they are preparing for an ice storm. It is really strange around here and funny. I know I should'nt think it is funny but i tell you I don't like driving out there because people around here do not know how to drive good anyway, so the weather just gives them more of a reason to drive like idiots lol
I tell you there is only an inch of snow!! I am used to the snow and i drove in snow all the time. School wasn't cancelled unless it was really bad, and adults was at work, we had chains if we had to go to work. I am not saying that is a good idea but people if they went out they were more careful and they drove slower and more courteous of others. If there was a wreck it was because they were sliding into an object that could not be helped. Not into each other because they are in a hurry. Anyhow it is so funny how they act really. I do hope however we do not lose power.. but if we do we have some wood to keep warm and some water in pots in case.

I did the STS shock cardio Boxing today and I added the heavy bag on that one. It was really fun. I still felt warn out but i am hanging in there. I was suppose to add on the 300 lunges but i hate to say it i only did 100 because i ran out of time and energy, Everyone was playing bowling on the Wi so I wanted to join in with the family for a bit. I hate that it seems it is hard to get the extras in there if it isnt on the dvds. Maybe it is in the mind. Well for the rest of the week and part of next the rotation will look like this
Tomorrow will be 4DS Kick box (full workout in its entirety)
Fri: STS Total Body (All Upper Body Premix Only)Finally Weight lifting :eek:
Sat: XTrain Legs
Sun: OFF or Yoga Relax :p

Mon: Tabatacise (warm up plus minimum of 3 segments)plus Coremax/Segment #1…plus 300 weighted walking lunges :(
Tues: Lower Body Blast
Wed: Rockout Knockout (including Heavy Bag Bonus):D
Thurs: Cross Fire: mad:
Fri: Great Glutes : rolleyes:
Sat: Supercuts…plus BBW :p
Sun: OFF or Yoga Relax :cool:

Good night
All hope everyone is safe in your homes!!
Hi Hi Hi! I had chocolate chocolate chocolate! Even though my WW meeting said I gained .6! 6 dark chocolate Bliss and multiple handfuls of Ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips and I'm bouncing of the walls, I should go to a wo now!

OK, gotta get to sleep, did yoga max express #2, couldn't get up.

I'm up late because I needed to plan the next 2 weeks worth of meals to shop tomorrow so I don't have to Friday if we get the blizzard we are supposed to. We are either in the 8-12" range or 12-18" range tomorrow night into Thursday. Tomorrow I have either BM2 boot camp (78 min yeah right at this hour!) or PLB (49 min) yes, I think that is way more doable!

Hi Katie and Renee, thanks for posting workouts for the week! Do you have all those yoga DVDs? Cool! Can't wait to hear about the results.

OK to bed to bed to bed!
Lady Lep!! I had to get back on here after I read your post lol I have been eating like crazy crazy crazy! Lol. We had went to a chocoholic party on Saturday I call it that because my lord it was three rooms of it every where! I didn't eat to bad but I got home and Lisa made brownies! With icing! I ate two for breakfast ! One of the side effects of the medication is suppose to be loss of appetite and weight loss well I'm thinking that's the ONLY side effect I haven't got! Lol such is my luck lol today I felt I was eating like a sow I had a zone bar I spread a teaspoon or peanut butter on it for breakfast . Then I had a pita bread with pizza sauce and cheese, for lunch, then dinner a Caesar salad, then another zone bar with peanut butter! Zone bar isn't to bad it's only 180 calories but add the peanut butter and I'm sure it isn't good but I tell my self oo it is only one teaspoon and a whole serving is two tablespoons. That's true right?:)

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