Taking it to the Max-- June 2013 thru...

hi renee and ladylep! writing from the frozen tundra! it is ridiculous here right now. I had all sorts of warnings on my phone this morning about the dangerous weather. I guess your skin will freeze in 5 minutes out there. I am worried about the dogs-- henri, especially:(. they both went out in it this morning, but henri is so old and to have to take this weather seems like it will be really hard on him. I put coats on both. don't have dog slippers, but am thinking of trying to make something today out of wool socks. it really is incredible here and it is supposed to stay in the minus 20 air temps and 50 below windchills through tuesday:eek:. thinking I may have to keep the kids home on Tuesday as well. hoping this breaks soon!

today I did the first day of the January rotation. that was pretty brutal! weights and plates abs after afterburn was intense (especially since sleep was crummy again last night). glad I got it done, though! I just really need to clean up my eating, though! I hear you, ladylep! I have had way too much sugar, desserts, etc. I need to drop that-- I think something once in a while or once a week is fine, but this everyday stuff is bad news.

renee-- I am so sorry about your dream! that sounds so painful:(. hugs to you. I am happy to hear about Bruno, though, and I think I would have chosen the same treatment plan. he is so lucky to have you! way to go on the workouts. not sure what I will do tomorrow as I don't have the gym style series, but will sub a different leg workout.

ladylep-- way to go on getting workouts in with the craziness. sorry your printer broke! sounds like you guys have been having crazy weather, too! my niece is in philly this weekend. she actually lived there for a couple of years and her fiancé is there, but she has a nursing job here in Minneapolis, so she heads back and forth quite a bit. great job on the no sugar and the weight loss!

alright. going to do some chores around the house and see what I can come up with for footcovers/footware for the dogs!


Katie I am doing the January rotation too.
Awe poor dogs!! That is so terrible about the weather! Has it always been that cold before? That sounds like Alaska! Makes you wonder What happened to Global warming huh?

Lady Lep I hope you are able to get some workouts in as well!

Today is chest and tris I think. I am sore all over !! Not to bad but it is everywhere and I love that! I did kick max leg condoning and flex train yesterday like it called for and was thinking oh gosh does Cathe know we did gym style legs yesterday? Eek
Then after flex train last night I didn't sleep at all!! I was up when DH got up for work! My head was killing me so bad and I think where I was tense from working the back and traps in flex train. I think my weight was to heavy for back flys or something I was really tight feeling there and neck.
Well my sister and I had another freaking text argument! It was just my opinion on things and I wasn't even directing it to her. I wasn't judging anyone I was simply wishing that is people around are age would glamorize smoking dope and drinking then someone should talk about the other side of that coin so young people can see both sides before they decide to destroy there life.
I mean there was a guy on Fb I am going to unfriend who has his profile pic of his big head with a joint sticking out of his face. Then I see kids my sons age showing pics of what there gonna party with. Okay I don't care if they do it but why advertise it as if it is all fun? Yes it's fun till you end upon jail or wake up all sudden life past you by you are forty with liver damage or u lose ur kids cause you are an alcoholic or god forbid your son wrecks and never wakes up. I mean really yes I have a beer once In a while but I was wondering how people get that bad? And my thoughts are because people start doing it without being educated on the damage they are doing to themselves. Well anyway I think I said it in a nice way but sherry my wonderful sister kept posting she don't judge blah blah and she will say I was joking to me and okay I said I know you are joking I know you that's fine. Well that's offensive obviously cause she text my phone that she smokes it but hasn't in a while and what do I mean I know her? Lol she has a putty pot attitude all the time. I told her I wasn't talking about her I'm talking about the young people here in this generation who seems to be getting killed young. And of all people she should know what it does to u. People say alcohol isn't ad but it is everything bad in life happen and alcohol and drugs was there somewhere. But that wasn't even her reason to fuss at me.... She was fussing cause she said I told are other sisters on Fb that I gave her food stamps when I had them lol.
Well I did. It was on a private page no one can see but is and the only reason I said it was cause she was telling us all she is the black sheep none of us liked her we never helped her. So I kindly reminded her that I walked 3 miles many days to her house with my baby on my hip and gave her food stamps that I had because I felt sorry for her and her daughter they hardly had food. I was on assistance for a while that was before I had the chance to go to college. When u are in group homes u r 18 u can go home well I got me a one room house. And I worked at MC Donald's till I can get started. I walked to work but once I had rocky I had no babysitter. My real mom was not around me yet. But the point is I helped her and I have many times. I was sick of hearing her say she is manic depressive and was mad then cause I said I don't want Christmas cards. She was mad about that in December or end of nov I think. Everything I post it seems she thinks it is about her!! News flash not everything is about you is what I wish I could post on her wall lol. But anyway trying to explain my position that I think if we do stupid stuff we can influence other moms kids to do those things not meaning to. If I drink a beer in my back yard I'm not gonna tell everyone and take pics of me acting like an idiot. I respect other moms to much to do that. Does that make sense? Or am I being to up tight? Sure it's freedom of speech but it's funny it's that till someone tells the ugly parts. I really care about our kids growing up and I am honestly afraid for them. Someone needs to say something or address issues that are hurting them and not worry about PC. Ok I'll hush now. I finally put heating pad on my back and ice on head and tie a tube sock around my head and slept till nine so I got 3 and 1/2 hours sleep.
hi girls! today I needed a sub for GS legs and decided to do GG extreme premix plus a little yoga. tomorrow looks ilke a killer with flextrain plus the KM leg drills. think I am going to be sore!

renee-- it isn't usually this cold here. we are breaking records set back in the early 1900's:eek:. so far I have bundled the dogs three times, but neither one has gone #2 yet:eek:. it is just so cold out there that they want nothing to do with it. school is cancelled again tomorrow since it will be -50 windchills and -25 air temps again in the morning. this is so incredible! I am grateful, though, that if it is going to be this cold at least I don't have to venture out with the kids. I don't have clients today or tomorrow, but probable would have rescheduled as I don't want to go anywhere in this! that is so crummy about your sister! I still haven't spoken to mine since Christmas and intend to keep my distance. what is it about family relationships sometimes? I totally get what you are saying, too. especially with the alcohol these days. I have friends in their twenties and early thirties and it seems like all they ever do is drink! I wonder when that became so cool? it is all so bad for you. I am glad I don't do any of it and my kids are too focused on their musical goals to be interested in it-- I hope and pray it stays that way! on another note, this rotation is going to be an intense one, don't you think? I am hoping I can eat cleaner and hopefully see some results from it:)

hello ladylep!

hope everyone is having a good day!

Katie my uncle is in ILL he said today was -15 and tonight is gonna be -40! My goodness what is happening. It is gonna be 0 here! It hasn't been that in over 30 years here in SC
I worry about my dad now he is in WV he has a friend staying with him that's younger but not much younger and if they need help with heating or pipes freezing I don't know what he is gonna do.
I didn't do a workout as scheduled. Since I didn't sleep I couldn't see me lifting heavy today. So I did a relaxation yoga. It was nice and helped some. We brought our cat in tonight as well. It is not easy lol cat bit bull a lab and a mixed little dog. Finding places for the cat is challenging the bit bull keeps trying to get at him. So I am trying to put them in opposite ends of the house. And the cat is meowing like crazy. Poor thing either out to freeze or in the house nervous all night. Well I hope he clams down soon.
Tomorrow I will get to chest and tris I may do two workouts to get caught up again.
renee-- you are so sweet to care for so many animals! I worry about all the animals out there in this:(. I am hoping everyone is okay, but it has been brutal. another day of highs around 0 tomorrow and then things are supposed to get better here. I hope your family is okay! I have been worried about the pipes in our old house, too. the washer stopped draining last night (is spins, but all the water just sits there)-- not sure if that is from the cold, or what, but will have to get fixed asap with 5 of us in this house! hope you got some sleep tonight and I think it is good that you did yoga. pushing too hard with little sleep is something I am often guilty of, and I think I need to learn how to be more nurturing/caring of myself sometimes. glad you took a slower day.

today was FT for me plus the leg drills from KM. I would really like to get more yoga in during this rotation. hopefully that will happen when the kids are back in school. they have it tomorrow. it's supposed to drop to -15 tonight, so it will be very cold at the bus-stop.:(

stay warm and safe guys!

I did get sleep but I woke with headache again. U night have seen my post on Fb. I was kinda letting my family know all in one wak ! I'm not a phone person so I like text and Fb. Anyway I am taking today off to. I wanted to do a workout but the rotation calls for lifting and after they gave me a shot I was afraid lifting would creat headache again. So I am taking two rest days eek! I hate that it seems every time I do a rotation of something I have to stop. I think I'm just gonna pick up where I left off.

I was wondering if Cathe noticed we did gym styles leg then flex train then next day with legs again. The next day I felt it good to! Loved it actually! I was thinking her reasoning was getting the small muscles of the legs after the heavy weights was not considered the same? Like I heat u should give muscles 24 to 48 hours rest before doing it again but I guess the conditioning is really different way and may use different muscles.? Well
Any how I hope I feel good tomorrow I may do all upper body but sets to get caught up in half the time as gym styles cause chest and tris is one DVD. And If I do all upper from burn sets it seems the same style of lifting. Then I can add a small cardio or a walk to get caught back up.
I can't find my cat! It is cold outside I need to get him in here.
Hi Renee and Katie!

Just a quick update from me. I'm working through the Timesaver DVD this week. I only got 17 min of #1 yesterday and all but the cool down today for #2. No weight change and my WW check in tonight. I was really hoping to lose but no dice. I stayed the same. I have been wheat and refined sugar free for 7 days now and I have had hot chocolate 2 times with warmed raw whole milk, unsweetened cocoa and maple syrup. It's actually quite good as long as you mix the cocoa and syrup really well before you add the milk. My stepfather suggested I go more Hallelujah Diet-style to lose more weight: all raw until dinner, fruit then big raw green salad for lunch and dinner is a big raw green salad with some cooked veggies but add in clean meats/dairy. I'm not sure I'm ready to be all raw until dinner. I do think I've been eating more nuts and peanut butter. I may try 2 the last 2 weeks WW Simple Start program. Eat only power foods (nonfat dairy=yuck, lean meats, fruits/veggies/light breads, brown rice, whole grains) and not track, but use 7 points of "indulgences". For me they would be nuts and full fat dairy. I'm not sure I can go on that, 1T peanut butter is 5 points and 1 oz of full fat cheese is 3 points, even the Laughing Cow light cheese isn't on the power foods list so it would cost me 1 point. We'll see, I'll have to look at the list. Plus I don't just eat chicken breast when I eat chicken, I had legs last night because they were the cheapest and very tasty-3 points per leg (no skin).

OK, gotta go to bed, kids' have their homeschool classes tomorrow and I'm just dropping them to go get my annual (first in over a decade) physical, then to my mom's hopefully to get some school stuff printed. We're on the Dave Ramsey plan, so I need to save up for a printer, but we need new tires on my car to pass inspection (and maybe other things) and Hubby's car needs to pass inspection and will probably need some work too.

Oh- when I got up this morning, it was 3 degrees and going DOWN to 1 by 6am! When we drove back from JTrain's first basketball game (went well, he won, but is intimidated by the new league, way more competitive than Upward) it was 9º! Windy too so wind chill was -10-15 maybe. I'm not sure how you are handling -50 wind chills, Katie! I remember skiing in NY at 17 years old in -75 wind chills on the slopes doesn't even sound realistic! We only made it down 1 run and went back to the lodge!
hi renee and ladylep! quick post from me as we might watch an office and I probably won't be able to stay awake much longer:confused:. last night, I went to bed around 10:30, but then had the cat come crawl on me at 11:30, and I could not, for the life of me, fall back asleep:-(. anyway, I am really feeling it about now. today I was grateful for a weights only day. I subbed burn sets chest, back and shoulders for the GS upper body work.

renee-- I am happy you slept but sorry you had another headache! maybe it is from the cold? I wonder the same thing about all the leg work in a row. I am definitely sore right now and will be in my upper body tomorrow as it has been a long time since I lifted heavy. I have lost some strength, but I was expecting that. I hope you got your cat inside!

ladylep-- I guess the cold has traveled everywhere! good luck at your physical tomorrow! you are working so hard, I know you will see the results you want soon! I have been eating very clean the past few days, so am hoping for the same-- and this rotation is a killer. -75 sounds like way too much for me, btw! I am such a whimp! can't stand any of this. one more night of -15 temps tonight and then it is supposedly going to get better.

alright, better run!

good night girls!

hi girls! me again! I had another (slightly) rough night and have been up since 4am, but still got my workouts in. major, major DOMS today! I knew that would be the case from burn sets yesterday, but I am really sore! anyway, today was CCC and then 20 mins of yoga. CCC sure is a toughie! glad that is over with! (not sure if it felt worse because of lack of sleep and all my muscle soreness, but it was pretty brutal:eek:).

it's back to cello choir and chamber groups this afternoon/tonight, so I will be heading out soon. at least it is a little warmer here-- it actually has made it up to 10 degress, which is a huge improvement over the past few days. I am still waiting for some 30s, though!

hope you guys are having a good day,

I also did CCC, it was still tuff but not as bad as I remembered! I at least could do most of it but I did have to stop sooner then her in about two drills.
It is nice here today! It was about 60 degrees or maybe more! I know I didn't really need a coat but I did feel a small chill but it was warm to me mostly.
My DS has the flu. He went to the doctor and they tested him and sure enough it was the flu. I hope I don't get it! My throat is sore right now eek. I am eating up fruit and veggies !!
Legs and gluts today. That one can be ruff if you try to use heavier weights! Usually I use three times less then Cathe then I got to do just a few pounds less then her in this one today like if she said 15 I used 12 and man it was a tuff one. But then again it was fun I love the music. It had gotten easier for me till I upped the weight now I think I pushed enough if get really sore tomorrow !
Forgot to mention, my calves are so sore! It was from cardio core circuit! I got out of bed this morning and sure enough they were screaming. I did the l and g today and it loosened up some but the calf raises were tuff but I did it and now my calfskin are way worse! I went to the potty and ouch! I just remembered I was going to mention that I had it from L and G but now they are almost painful to walk!! Shapely calves whoop whoop!!

I did do a part of all the timesaver workouts! I say part because one day I could only get in 17 min but most of them I was able to get in at least 30 min. Tomorrow I have hardcore extreme. Not sure which one I will do yet. It won't be the one with the leg conditioning since I did the timesaver legs today and have but and guts ready for Sunday unless I want a rest day or yoga.

We will be in the 60s tomorrow to but it will be rainy. :(

Basketball is in full swing now. JTrain has a game tomorrow the same time as Hubby is coaching B's practice. Next week, one of us will be out every night for basketball or fun. But it doesn't seem that bad. I will actually stay home with Little K every night, so that's why it doesn't seem that bad! But we do have 3 doctors appts all in the morning. But I'm going skiing for the day with CDawg! I cant wait. But I hope the Poconos gets some snow! Tomorrow is going to be so stormy and rainy, there will be no snow left even if it wasn't going to be so warm!

Gotta get some sleep!
hi girls! happy Saturday!

today was supposed to be a rest day for me, but the kids' string lessons and chamber groups were cancelled as their coach has influenza really bad (he actually had to head to the mayo clinic as he hasn't improved since coming down with it a few days ago, and he has to be really careful as he is in remission from bile duct cancer:(). anyway, with the free morning I decided to get up and do jivamukti yoga-- especially since I still have such intense DOMS. I have sore biceps, now, in addition to my chest, shoulders and back, from burn sets bis and tris yesterday. renee, my calves seem okay after CCC, but I think that's from the impact of X10 and CF that I have been doing enough of. I feel like an old lady, though, with this soreness! it hurts to put on my coat and have to stretch my arms back:p.

here is a little clip from my jivamukti dvd: Jivamukti Yoga Sequence - YouTube
I like it because it flows like ashtanga and actually has its roots in the ashtanga system of yoga. david life and sharron gannon, the instructors, have been around and teaching since the 70s and 80s. anyway, thought renee might be interested. this one also looks at yoga as more of a spiritual practice and talks about the benefits in that way, and I like that, too. think it might be helpful with all the grief you are processing through, renee.

how is your son, renee? hoping he is feeling better and that the gunk passed you by. how is Bruno?

ladylep and renee-- I cannot even imagine 60 degrees right now! sorry for the rain, though:(

good luck with your busy week and the dr. appts, ladylep!

going to do some work around the house and then run a few errands. I am off today, but working tomorrow, so will get all my stuff done today.

Lady Lep I remember driving my kids all over the place for baseball and football then JROTC and Jr cops for the other one and whatever else they did! Man I remember how busy I was. I hardly got in my exercises then! By the time I was off work I'd pick them up from practice get home at maybe 7 or 8 if we was lucky. And then weekends was tournaments ! Man I miss those days! I started young so it is strange people my age has kids at home still. Lol. I feel old without all the stuff they did that was exciting. I loved watching them in the sports! They always did so good but worked hard. Good job on the timesavers! How was your eating? Mine sucked for the past three days!!

Bruno is ok but I think I'll have to do injections !! I went to pick him up and she said if I only do pills it only gets rid of the babies but not the adult warms. I really want to get rid of all them so he can be healthy! I just don't know how to keep him still for along time like that.
Have you heard of the yin yoga? It is the longer deep stretching! I did that today! I was suppose to do a workout but wasn't feeling it! I needed the yoga for sure. What is the difference between thus yoga you posted a. Link to and the Ashanti yoga and what is difference with vinyasa yoga? I am trying to figure what one I like best. I want the yoga to relax me, stretch me out, help me be more flex able. So far that yin yoga seems nice!! I feel as if I had a nice body rub! But I kniw I had thought Haitha yoga was similar to that but geez I found one and it wasn't into the poses long enough. I like to hold the poses for a bit to really keep stretching but I don't want to be in the twists to long lol. The twists makes my neck hurt.
I will check out the link! Thanks!

Rocky my son may be feeling better this evening. We had to go get more meds fir him cause he was sick to his stomach and couldn't keep anything down. He has the flu for sure but the throwing up was just today. I am hoping the antibiotics or what ever that us will help. It is called tamiflu.
I miss Eva and Melissa!!
Lady Lep sorry I meant to say have fun skiing.!! That will be so good for you! I am excited for you!!

I wish I can get to the road trip!! I want to go but I don't want to go alone I'd be afraid I'd get lost! And the money to get there and the money it cost to go is to much for us at this point. With Bruno's vet bills and the funeral that was unexpected and all. I wish I could find a cathelet from sc to go with me !! That would be fun!
renee-- I miss eva and Melissa, too!

glad to hear that Bruno is doing okay, but sorry to hear that he will need the shots. I bet that will be so expensive:(. hope the meds help rocky-- how awful:(. will be thinking of you guys and hoping you stay healthy! I wish I could do a road trip, too, but too expensive for me at this point and I don't know that I could leave the kids with their crazy schedules and with me homeschooling nygel. someday!

today I did x10-- the whole thing, premix 77, I think. gosh is that brutal! so glad it is over! now I am headed to work to give thai massage.

I will answer your questions about yoga either tonight or tomorrow, renee-- in a rush right now, but wanted to pop on and say hi!

hi ladylep, too!


Hi! Well, I got in ALL of hardcore extreme the circuit one! Between 20 and 30 min I was ready to quit and kept telling myself that I needed to go to 30 min. But after that 30 min I was able to push to the end! I felt like I wanted to just lie down at 20 min or so but felt great at the end. Today I had a yoga or butt and guts depending on how I felt or a rest day since I've worked out over 7 days in a row, but some days were super short, less than 20 min. But Hubby's grandmother passed away yesterday so we went straight from church to his parents, then to lunch, then to the nursing home and then finally got home around 8ish. She was going to be 99 in March a led a ver full life. She was a huge Phillies fan and went to all the World Series from 1964-2008 no matter where they were just because she loved baseball so much. Feel free to google her Jessie Foyle, aka "Mrs. October".

Renee- I've been doing pretty well with the food. Did I tell you guys that i was going wheat free/sugar free for 3 weeks? After the first week I didn't lose anything. But I started Weight Watchers Simple Start with it and I've lost 2.5#. I just hope it stays off. Life is hard w/o chocolate and butter!! I haven't had butt in a week except for the little Hubby used on the eggs this morning!

Hi Katie! I miss hearing from Eva and Melissa too!

Gotta go to sleep, alarm is set for 5am. 4Datpy Split is up for this week!
hi girls!

ladylep-- great job on the workout! I totally wanted to quit x10 yesterday, but somehow kept chugging along. way to go on the eating, too! I was eating super clean until this weekend, and then had popcorn with tamari and nutritional yeast on Friday night, and Saturday had coconut ice cream and two cookies:(. back to clean yesterday, though. I figure I have to do a cheat day once a week, but went a little overboard this weekend!

renee-- vinyasa is flowing yoga, so you will be moving quite a bit. ashtanga is a form of vinyasa yoga, so it is quite active, and jivamukti is also vinyasa and was developed by david life and sharron gannon. I know david studied ashtanga, so lots of what they do comes from the ashtanga system of yoga. I have heard of yin yoga, but have not practiced it. it sounds like you might like restorative yoga-- where the asanas/postures are held longer and the idea is for healing and gentle stretching. I wonder if there are any workouts on the market that are restorative yoga based...? off the top of my head, bryan kest used to cell a cd set for a class called "long, slow, deep" where you don't ever do any vinyasa/flow, and the postures are held super long. it is a 90 minute class, though, so a big time commitment. he may still sell that on his poweryoga website. i hope i answered your questions!:)

today i am going to do cardio leg blast-- i don't have the bodyblast series so am subbing it in. i hope i have the energy after yesterday! that x10 was killer and then i worked all afternoon and had a client that was 6'4" and super muscular/tight, which requires a lot of strength and effort on my part. it felt like spring yesterday so when i got home, i also took a long walk with rik and the dogs. i ended up burning 975 calories yesterday! i think that is a record for me!:D:eek:

hope you guys have a good day!

Lady Lep!!! Lol I had to laugh cause I know it is the phone auto correct! But you wrote I haven't had any butt! Ha
That is great you lost some weight! I lost a few but I know it was at a stale again and then I ate like a pig since Thursday! I don't know why! At night mostly ! I had fat free ice cream that didn't help so then I are a zone bar that didn't help so then I are an orange! Really ? That is crazy .
Can you tell me what you eat ? If you don't eat wheat? I get confused what is in what. At 44 years old seems like anything I eat makes me gain even if it is good food. And eat to much for the body it packs it on. Frustrating I feel I eat a tiny little bit as it is and if I eat like I had been to lose well it's hard to not eat to much that long. Does that make sense?

Yes yes u did help me. I will look for restorative yoga on you tube to get a sample of it. If you go the look up yogi Nora she is the one I stumbled on. She has one that is yen yoga. She holds the pose long but not to long and I feel great after! I think all this time my headaches are coming from the tension and I didn't realize it. I mean yes I have been tense but I didn't realize the headache was coming from my shoulders and neck cause it hurt all the way around my head like a band and my eyes so I thought it was my sinus or something. I guess it is tension cause as soon I I can feel a headache coming since last week that I was at the doctor she gave me migrane med and muscle relaxers. Well I haven't taken any migrane pills but I take the muscle relaxer and I don't get the headache ???? But my head still feels strange ?? It is hard to describe but so far, I'm afraid to say but the muscle relaxers it is helping with them. I hope it continues but if not I have the migrane pills in case. I am scheduled for a doctors apt at a neurologist soon for the headache. I wonder if he can figure out why. My muscles are being so tense? I mean I must be even in my sleep cause I woke with a headache all the time it seemed. Well I'm afraid to say for sure it's working cause taking the magnisium worked for a whole to. I think I went three weeks without a headache and I was shocked! But then they came back even if I was on mag. And yoga helps some with the deep breathing and the relaxing but not always. I am strange I guess.
You both are really doing great on the wo

Lady Lep I forgot!! Oh gosh congratulations on finishing the whole workout! That's what I do, I tell my self okay do 10 minutes at least and I start and keep going till I am tired once I am uncomfortable and tired want to stop for a bit I keep going and push Ali title and once I push some it's like I get a second wind and I can keep going! I live when that happens!!
I think today is back shoulders and bis I hope it doesn't make me tense again. I hate having to take pills!! Grr hoping he finds a way for me to stop getting headaches naturally. I try baths yoga jogging everything. And each one will help at different days never sure what's gonna work.

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