Shelley allwildgirl

My male dog never lifts his leg to pee. Is that weird? Should I start a new thread asking if he needs to see a doctor about that?

Rascal doesn't lift his leg either. I think the leg lifting is a dominance/marking thing...that's why I do it. :eek:
On the other hand, my girl dog DOES lift her leg sometimes. She's a pushy beeyotch though. Can't imagine where she gets that from.... I think she probably offends other dogs all.the.time.
Maybe he's transgendered. Does he ever dress up like a girl dog when nobody's looking?

No, but he has been known to wear a opossum for a hat.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I'd like to take Mr. Opossum hat out for a long as he doesn't lift his leg on the bar stool. heh heh heh I said "stool"
I'm so highly offended by the content of this thread I don't even know where to begin.

And if you believe that, you don't know me! :p

This has brought a tremendous smile to my face, ladies....

You're welcome! Did everyone scamper off to the hidey hole? Just because Johnny Depp is in there?
I've had no time for PMs or the HH today!! :(

I must add however that both of my male weinies leg lift and squat unless there is another male dog around which in that case they would not be caught dead squatting!! :p You ladies know how it is..those bullying breeds are the worst! ;)

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