Shelley allwildgirl

I gave up drinking mostly and am now such a light weight that last weekend after two glasses of wine I was practically at the bar with my arms around the old men singing "When This Cruel War is Over."
Am I the only person in the world that has never had Boone's Farm?! :eek:
Should I get some tonight just to say I did?
I gave up drinking mostly and am now such a light weight that last weekend after two glasses of wine I was practically at the bar with my arms around the old men singing "When This Cruel War is Over."

OMG, are you a Gone with the Wind fan??

Sometimes, my sister and I will sing "just more day to tote the weary load" :eek:
Am I the only person in the world that has never had Boone's Farm?! :eek:
Should I get some tonight just to say I did?

I think you should! I was particularly fond of the strawberry in my youth. Not before the age of 21 of course, because that would be wrong!

Am I the only person in the world that has never had Boone's Farm?! :eek:
Should I get some tonight just to say I did?

Yes, you should definitely get some. However it's best drunk on dirt road somewhere with one or two other friends who don't drink much so when you finish the bottle off you can all puke on each other's shoes and keep each other from falling in the ditch on walk home...or at least that was my experience. :eek:

It's THAT good! :D
OMG Gayle! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That sounds like something from Texts from Last Night. Which, by the way, is a VERY offensive website.
Well, I can't drink and this thread is officially bumming me out now. ;) I'm having day dreams about all my buds piled on a bed sipping from plastic wine glasses and eating Huckleberries.

Oh look, here we are!

Ahhh, dem was da days!!!!
Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill tastes less like strawberries and more like the farm. I wonder if I can see TFLN here at work?
Bwahahaha! All you have to google is TE and TFLN is at the top of the list. Alas, it must be offensive, because it's screened here.

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