Shelley allwildgirl

My 2 fox terriers, one male, one female both lift their legs, one does it, then the other does it on top of that one, then the first does it on top of it's the proverbial pissing contest! I hope I did not offend anyone. If I did please PM me....I may or may not PM you back.
I am offended that we have had over 6,000 views and "only" 284 replies. Are people spying? Should we all feel paranoid? I always feel like, somebody's watching me...

I'm pretty sure Manischewitz could give Boone's Farm a run for its money...(blurry flashback of an all-night dreidel game at Hebrew school that went too far...) :eek:

My worst experience was after a good deal of New Year's champagne. I blame the bubbles.;)
I'm pretty sure Manischewitz could give Boone's Farm a run for its money...(blurry flashback of an all-night dreidel game at Hebrew school that went too far...) :eek:

I remember this as well as the Boone's Farm. My favorite was Tickle Me Pink - wasn't that a name of one of theirs?

Oh my ladies, we are old enough to "remember when....."

I am going to refrain from telling you how I walked to school, 5 miles with barefeet, uphill both ways......
If you're bringing Boone's I'll tak a bottle of Strawberry Hill. Anybody interested in a little Mad Dog 20/20? :eek: :D
I'm really offended that I can't participate in this conversation because I don't drink! Someone PM me, for the love of dog!
Well, I can't drink and this thread is officially bumming me out now. ;) I'm having day dreams about all my buds piled on a bed sipping from plastic wine glasses and eating Huckleberries.

Oh look, here we are!
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