Shelley allwildgirl

Bwahahaha! All you have to google is TE and TFLN is at the top of the list. Alas, it must be offensive, because it's screened here.

Yes, it's highly offensive. It's not blocked at my work, but I won't get on it on my work computer because I know IT tracks our web history and that is one I don't want them to see me visiting. :confused: Thank goodness for the iPhone app!
Speaking of mugs. I think we should put that picture on coffee mugs and sell them. I sure everyone on this forum would want one :eek::eek::eek: We could drink wine out of them instead of coffee!!
Ok now I am offended that you can only see half my head
:) :)

Here you go Hon! :) Although, Robin will probably get offended now since she is taking the picture and isn't in it!

Speaking of mugs. I think we should put that picture on coffee mugs and sell them. I sure everyone on this forum would want one :eek::eek::eek: We could drink wine out of them instead of coffee!!

I would totally buy one. And then I'd take it to Indy and sip wine out of it while walking down the street. :cool:
There better be bathroom mirror pics. We haven't taken a decent bathroom mirror pic in AGES! Sorry, maybe I should be sending you a PM about this.:confused:
Now I'M offended!!! I won't be in any of those pictures and some people I very much want to meet will be (MICHELE!!!).

I don't mean to offend by mentioning Ms Lee by name, but I think I've met the rest of you crazy soaring swine.
Now I'M offended!!! I won't be in any of those pictures and some people I very much want to meet will be (MICHELE!!!).

I don't mean to offend by mentioning Ms Lee by name, but I think I've met the rest of you crazy soaring swine.

I really really REALLY wish you could come. And I'm not offended that mentioned Miss Lee specifically. I'm offended that you're not coming. :p
I'm completely and utterly offended that Robin isn't coming to the Flying Pig. Well, okay, in this case offended has the meaning of very sad....:(
Now I'M offended!!! I won't be in any of those pictures and some people I very much want to meet will be (MICHELE!!!).

I don't mean to offend by mentioning Ms Lee by name, but I think I've met the rest of you crazy soaring swine.
And I'm offended you're not coming! :(

I say, we should pick a race every year where we all meet up. Does anybody besides me like this idea, or are you offended by it? PM me, k?

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