Shelley allwildgirl

Speaking of... a moment of silence please for my geckos Mandy and Rico. They both came down ill together and have passed on. So no more singing that song when I give them their mealworms. :'(

Sorry Liann! :( RIP Mandy and Rico!
Speaking of... a moment of silence please for my geckos Mandy and Rico. They both came down ill together and have passed on. So no more singing that song when I give them their mealworms. :'(

:( Oh that's so sad.

But dammit, now I have Copa Cabana in my head.

His name was Rico... he wore a diamond... :eek:
I am offended because I think all that Weinie talk is really unfair and unbalanced. I think we should talk about Aussies.

And now that I am offended, I won't PM any of you!!
I am HIGHLY offended that I was off the boards for a couple of hours and you all continued this thread without me. OBVIOUSLY, I am NOT the center of your universe, thus, I am offended.

Of course, I was offended after I laughed hysterically at Sparrow's explanation of the difference between whore and slut.

And, definitely not offended one little bit by Lanie adorable baby!! Or the cute doggie on the roll.

But, that is all beside the point. As I stated, I am offended by all of this offensive stuff. I need to take a moment away from the boards again though, because I have an overwhelming desire to check my closets for wire hangers!
Well for a few minutes back there I thought I was gonna hafta take my Funyuns, and my Froot Loops, and my turkey kielbasas (weiners, as in hot dogs, *shivers*), and my wire hangers, and my cold cream, and the neighbors chickens (since I don't have any) and my DH and a tube of Frontline and head down to the HH.............

Glad to see the offending has resumed.

Please continue.......
Well for a few minutes back there I thought I was gonna hafta take my Funyuns, and my Froot Loops, and my turkey kielbasas (weiners, as in hot dogs, *shivers*), and my wire hangers, and my cold cream, and the neighbors chickens (since I don't have any) and my DH and a tube of Frontline and head down to the HH.............

Glad to see the offending has resumed.

Please continue.......

The fact that you have all of these items in your possession is quite offensive yet I feel the urge to join you in the HH! :eek:;)

ETA: I'll be bringing my own DH though..I don't want to be a third wheel!
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Oh, I haven't thought of the HH in so long! I think I'll go there now, but I'm taking Ewan McGregor with me.

The fact that you have all of these items in your possession is quite offensive yet I feel the urge to join you in the HH! :eek:;)

ETA: I'll be bringing my own DH that okay?

Sure, sure, bring your man! Let's get this party started!!! First I better ask if I can borrow the chickens........

And Lainie, if we need a baby, would you bring yours? I'm fresh out..
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Oh, I haven't thought of the HH in so long! I think I'll go there now, but I'm taking Ewan McGregor with me.


WHOA!! Wait just a minute..I wasn't aware that we were allowed to bring our fantasy men to the HH! I have to rethink this..BRB!! ;)
Sure, sure, bring your man! Let's get this party started!!! First I better ask if I can borrow the chickens........

And Lainie, if we need a baby, would you bring yours? I'm fresh out..

Hmm, don't know if it would be right to bring my baby AND Ewan McGregor....
With all the 'leg lifting' in this forum today does that mean we don't have to work out tonight??
I believe it means that we're going around peeing on things in order to mark them as OURS. Ya know, like dogs.

You chicas are cracking me right up. I'm so proud my name is on this thread:D i'm offended! That's it! Totally offended!

I'm going down to the HH and Johnny Depp better be there or I'm sending someone a PM!

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